Chapter 379

In front of the Bronze Hall, Qin Wu stepped out with a bang, and the world paled instantly, and thunder shook the sky.

"Mount of Immortality, no one can desecrate it, even if you are a god, you can't do it!" Qin Wu shouted, his hair flying up, he is a very young god, he has a very short practice time, and he has a lot of Taoism , It can be described as amazing talent.


Xu Yu's eyes were dull, and he uttered a slight scolding, but it was like the roar of a Taoist bell. The divine bell in the heaven was struck, and the divine light shot into the sky. Qin Wu's body exploded directly and turned into ashes. A generation of strong men who ignited the divine fire... So fallen.

"How could this be!"

All the people in Bulaoshan were dumbfounded, and they didn't realize it for a long time. What a godlike power it was. With a light reprimand, a god was blown to pieces. It was like a myth, making them feel like they were living in a dream. At this moment, they, Eyes widened, mouth dry.

"Enemy attack! Senior, please take action!"

A young man flew out, wearing a black battle suit, with fluttering purple hair, and his eyes were extremely deep, but at this moment they were extremely dignified.

This is a god, somewhat stronger than Qin Wu, who has been sleeping for a long time, but now he was awakened.

He saluted directly to the Five Elements Mountain, with divine flames surging all over his body. This was also a god who had ignited the divine fire, while Xu Yu's expression was indifferent.

Then, the god recited the incantation, knelt there and worshiped devoutly, and the Everlasting Mountain glowed with blazing brilliance. He sacrificed himself to awaken the Everlasting Mountain.


Xu Yu's eyes flickered. He didn't expect that there were two gods in Burao Mountain. It was a pity that he met him.

The same is true when you think about it, if the catastrophe has not yet come, and the venerable and the god-fire powerhouse have not yet been reduced to nothing, with the background of the Blessing Mountain, there are a few gods, and it is also possible to say the past.


There was a loud earthquake, the Five Elements Mountain trembled, a mountain peak glowed, and wisps of fairy light appeared, soaring to the sky, and the mighty and boundless divine energy fluctuated.

Many people of the Qin clan exclaimed, with joy, shock, and even trembling. They all fell to their knees on the ground. This is a kind of divine power, which makes people fear and tremble.

"Hey, you're going to be in bad luck today." Xiaota flew out, chattering and breathing out chaos.

"Well, it's you who has crossed the line and dared to come here to show off your evil deeds. Now, in your current state of strength, do you also want to fight me? He shouted at Five Elements Mountain.

"Hehe, you're done for today, I'm just here to witness all this." Xiaota smiled mischievously, and then Xu Yu took a step forward and appeared in front of Burao Mountain.

"Who are you, you dare to come to Bulaoshan to commit murder, what do you want?"

The five peaks of the Five Elements Mountains lit up at the same time. The power of the years was flowing in the rumblings. The chaotic air flow turned and emitted an astonishing divine light. The sky was trembling at this moment!

As Xu Yu spoke, the sky cracked, and the majestic breath enveloped the world. It seemed that at this moment, the monks in the entire Burao Mountain were trembling inexplicably, as if an immortal emperor was speaking, judging the sins of the world.

At this moment, the sound of the Burao Mountain popping could be heard endlessly, and many people fell to the ground, unable to withstand such pressure.

Moreover, this was under the condition that Xu Yu deliberately restrained his aura, otherwise the entire Xuanyu would tremble at this moment.

Xu Yu stepped forward, his black hair was crystal clear and slender, floating with a faint sacred light. His body was as smooth as jade, and his eyes seemed to contain all the light in the world, and there seemed to be a piece of sand of time flying in them, which was amazing.

"It's too scary. Could this person really be a match for the Five Elements Mountain?" People trembled.

Everyone in the Qin clan was shocked. They did not expect that this mysterious strong man would dare to scold Wuxing Mountain directly!
The Five Elements Mountain has a great origin. It was born in chaos before the beginning of the world. The mountain has given birth to many innate gods and demons. It can be said that it is not only amazing in origin, but also unimaginably powerful.

"Who do you think you are? I was born at the beginning of chaos, the beginning of creation. I am immortal for all eons. I sit and watch the ups and downs of the ages, but I am immortal and transcend the heavens. Who can condemn me? Who dares to condemn me? ?" Wuxingshan opened his mouth and made a rumbling sound, extremely conceited.

Even though the man in front of him is extraordinary, he also has invincible self-confidence and is not afraid of anyone.

"It's ridiculous that you're just a fairy mountain, but you dare to challenge the world!" Xu Yu scolded coldly, her black hair was dancing wildly, and her eyes were like cold knife peaks, shooting out a terrifying divine light.

"How brave, where do you think your Immortal Mountain is? Senior Five Elements Mountain is resurrected, and you are the master of the ups and downs of the world. How can you arrange it!"

The god who had previously unlocked the seal of Five Elements Mountain spoke coldly, his eyes were deep, and he now regained his composure. Although his whole body was still trembling slightly at this moment, he believed that the recovery of Five Elements Mountain could overwhelm all enemies in the world, at least in this lower realm. Can't find an opponent.

"A god dares to talk nonsense here. It's like sitting in a well and looking at the sky. You don't know what to fear. It's the worst. You will not escape death today!"

Xiaota said coldly, a human face appeared on the fourth floor of the tower, with disdain, and then the whole body was surrounded by chaotic light, terrifying.

"I want to protect him, who can kill him!" Five Elements Mountain shook, the surface of the mountain cracked, and the body inside was gradually revealed, simple and calm, looking at Xu Yu and Xiaota.

"Hey, I don't know where you got the confidence from!" Xiaota was white as snow, shining with luster, and extremely powerful. With Xu Yu here, he punched directly without any fear. He was well aware of Xu Yu's terror.

"Oh, you are really obsessed with it too much, and you can't do it now. After the battle back then, you still refuse to give in." Such words came from the Five Elements Mountain, and then it began to shake, and the various ancient trees planted on the mountain exploded, and all the souls The medicine withered, the essence drained quickly, the rocks rolled down, and the body was exposed, overflowing with chaos, and it was terrifying.

"You're right, but I'm just here to watch the fun today. It's not the time for me to take action yet. Sooner or later I will go to the upper world and end all cause and effect!" The small tower enlarged, its body was crystal clear, chaos was like the sea, and there was a loud explosion. , resounding throughout the Everlasting Mountain.

Xu Yu's expression was indifferent, and the runes in his eyes were self-contained, flickering and flickering, and then the two qi of yin and yang emerged, turning into a mysterious light, intertwined together, and slashed out with great fierceness.

"Not good!" The Five Elements Mountain changed color, and the chaotic energy surged, overflowing with wisps of divine brilliance. It wanted to wrap up the young god of the Everlasting Mountain, but unfortunately it was too late. He could not block the attack of the Emperor of Heaven.


The young god exploded without even letting out a scream. He was torn apart on the spot, with blood splattering everywhere.

"No one in this world can protect the person I want to kill." Xu Yudan spoke, with his hands behind his back, his black hair fluttering, his clothes fluttering, his divine eyes opening and closing, overflowing with blazing chaotic light, like an immortal
The emperor came to the dust, with a majestic figure, standing proudly above the nine heavens.

Everyone was shocked!

No one thought that this person would be so tyrannical. Even the Five Elements Mountain could not protect the gods of the clan. He was killed on the spot by that mysterious strong man. It was so decisive!
Many people from the Qin tribe looked at this handsome and ridiculous young man in front of them, and they could not help but feel chilled in their hearts. Is this still a human being? This kind of power does not seem to belong to the category of the current human world.


"I want to protect him, but you still take action, are you going to fight me to the death?" Wuxingshan's voice was so loud that the ground was shaking, and there was a wave of anger brewing.

The Five Elements Mountain was furious and shook violently. Several peaks lit up at the same time and quickly exerted their power. Waves like floods emerged to suppress Xu Yu.

"Come and give it a try!"

Xu Yu laughed, stretched out his palm, and an unspeakable terrifying aura rose from his body, as if a real dragon hidden under the abyss opened its eyes, and a world-dominating aura instantly enveloped the entire place. Everlasting mountain.

"Cough cough..."

Many people from the Qin tribe fell back. The aura was so terrifying that they almost all knelt down. They couldn't help coughing up blood and retreated, their hearts trembling.

They looked horrified, and the aura alone was already too much for them to bear.

In fact, this was Xu Yu's deliberate restraint, otherwise the entire Bulao Mountain would explode, and it would be impossible to bear the terrifying aura.

It was a palm, falling from the void cover above the head, the sound was overwhelming, shaking the universe, tearing the sky apart, the two qi of yin and yang intertwined, soaring up to [-] miles.

This was Xu Yu's first time using the Heavenly Emperor's method to activate the Kunpeng Technique, and he felt an unprecedented sense of compatibility.

As Xu Yu's palm fell, it seemed as if the whole world turned upside down and fell down. A Kunpeng, which was brilliant and condensed like light, roared out from the palm of his hand. Ripples swept across it, and the power of yin and yang emerged, drowning the Five Elements Mountain in an instant.

The palm of his hand was brilliant, and it directly bombarded the Five Elements Mountain. Infinite divine light erupted, and various avenue symbols appeared, shocking the past and the present. This kind of divine pattern is unimaginable.

"What a pervert. He has probably touched the path of immortality. I don't know where he came from." Even Xiaota's heart skipped a beat.

This collision was solid, the immeasurable yin and yang qi intertwined, the vast divine power broke through the boundless clouds, the Five Elements Mountain was violently shaken, and was actually lifted away from the place.

"I see, you really came here for him!" The Five Elements Mountain rolled in the sky and quickly stopped. When he spoke like this, it became clear at once that this person had a cause and effect with Kunpeng, so he came to rescue the immortal. Creatures.


At this moment, the Five Elements Mountain suddenly let out a muffled groan, and the mountain rumbled. The Five Elements Mountain, which is known as the treasure of chaos and was born from heaven and earth, actually collapsed and a mountain peak fell...

All directions are silent!This is such a terrifying power. With one palm strike, using the body to fight against the Five Elements Mountain, it even knocked down a main peak, just like a myth and legend.

"How could this happen?" Many people in the Qin tribe were worried. Even the Five Elements Mountain could not stop Xu Yu. If this mysterious and powerful man showed his power, the Everlasting Mountain would be in danger.

Moreover, at this time, many people in the Qin tribe regretted why they did not make good friends with the young man with the blood of the Immortal Mountain. If so, the Qin tribe would probably form a good relationship that would go against heaven.

Even the deceased Venerable Qin Fa was secretly blamed by them. If it hadn't been for him, it is very likely that nothing would have happened.

"Very good, you made me angry!" At the edge of the sky, the Five Elements Mountain glowed, and the entire mountain rumbled. It flew back again, and all the gravel flew back from the ground again, rebuilding the main building.


Xu Yu was not surprised. After all, Five Elements Mountain is the treasure of chaos. It is too difficult to destroy it. But even though Five Elements Mountain seems to have been completely restored, Xu Yu knows that the mountain has been damaged.
Damage, the rules have been obliterated a lot.

Moreover, once the existence of this series is injured, it needs a large amount of natural materials and earthly treasures to make up for the wound and nourish it, which is particularly troublesome.

Afterwards, everyone turned their attention from the Five Elements Mountain to the ground. There was a disheveled creature, as thin as a stick, with hair like weeds covering his body. When the Five Elements Mountain was blown away, he manifested.

Many people in the Qin tribe are afraid. How could this creature appear? It must not appear like this!A mysterious strong man is already so terrifying, but if you add an immortal creature to the mix, that's not bad. It will definitely turn the world upside down and set off turbulent waves!
This creature is thin and dry, not powerful at all, as if it is about to turn to stone. Its body is covered with dirt and rocks, and its hair is as messy as grass, covering its entire body. It is motionless and has no breath, as if it is dead.

Kun Pengzi!
Xu Yu's eyes flickered and he sighed in his heart. This is Kunpengzi, also known as an immortal creature. He is also Kunpeng's only surviving posthumous son, and now he looks like this.

For so many years, Kunpengzi has been suppressed and has never seen the light of day. His messy hair is withered and dull, which is different from the image of a peerless figure in ordinary people's minds.

If there were no legends, it would be hard to imagine that such a creature would be suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain.

Many Qin people couldn't help opening their eyes wide at this moment. Although they knew that there was a living being suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain, they had never been confirmed or seen it.

In a valley, Shi Hao's family of three met each other and expressed endless emotions to each other. After all, the family was reunited, each shed tears, and Shi Hao also learned about the Qin clan's supreme nirvana plan.

Similarly, he also knew that this younger brother was born to save himself.

That child also carried their hopes. In order to commemorate Shi Hao, he was also named Hao.

Qin Hao, on the other hand, had some conflicts in his heart. Looking at this brother whom he had never met, he felt a little complicated. He already knew that he was born to save another child.

Not far away, Qin Hao looked at his elder brother and parents, just standing there quietly, wearing Cheng Liang's battle uniform, holding a silver spear, silently, obviously this young man has a lot of troubles in his heart.

"Brother, don't worry, I will take good care of you from now on." Shi Hao realized something, and promised like this.

"No need, sooner or later, I will be invincible in the world." Qin Hao said, a little stubbornly. Shi Ziling and Qin Yining on the side sighed, knowing that their second son had a grudge.

At this moment, several people through the magic circle also saw Xu Yu's great power, and several people showed extremely shocked expressions.

"Hao'er, is that person the strong man who brought you here?" Shi Ziling was shocked. He didn't expect that this strong man could even overturn the Five Elements Mountain. What an incredible power this was!

Even Qin Hao opened his eyes wide at this moment, staring intently at that extremely terrifying young man, feeling complicated and incomprehensible. He never thought that this elder brother would have such an amazing fortune, and there would be such a strong man behind him.

"Not bad." Shi Hao nodded and looked at Xu Yu, who was like an emperor in the dust. Apart from the light, he also flashed an astonishing look. His heart was surging, and then he told the family something about Xu Yu.

"Okay, okay, this is Hao'er's fate. There is no way for our family to repay such a teacher for treating you like this." Qin Yining was relieved. She was extremely happy to have such a strong man taking care of Shi Hao.

Your children will definitely have a worry-free future. This is a great blessing.

Shi Hao looked at the distant sky through the magic circle, and his heart was up and down. He also longed for such a powerful power. If he was strong enough, he could overwhelm all enemies!

"The immortal soul is born!"

"It's a sin, this is a catastrophe, the world is going to be in chaos!"

However, at this moment, Kunpengzi is not in a very good condition, his body is entangled by the Five Elements Divine Chain, locking his body and vitality.

The five-shaped god chain, known as the eternal immortality, is the most solid treasure and is indestructible. It is inscribed by the heavenly gods with supreme mysteries and laws, and it firmly locks the creatures trapped here, making it difficult for him to break free.

Everyone of the Qin clan was cold from head to toe, and their hearts were full of fear and trembling, especially some venerables, they deeply knew how terrible this lord was.

Back then, in order to suppress them, I don't know how many people died, and if they really wanted to kill him, it would be too difficult. Now that Wuxing Mountain has been opened, it will definitely be a catastrophe.

"Do you know what you are doing? You actually let him go! You are committing a crime!" The Five Elements Mountain was angry, and its whole body soared into the sky. Its five peaks stood side by side, towering into the sky. The rocks rolled down and the chaotic energy hung down.
It falls like a vast divine waterfall.

This is his true body, majestic and majestic. It was born in chaos and began before the creation of the sky. It contains traces of the innate path. It is extremely strong and its power is unmistakable at this moment.

"You, too, deserve to be condemned. After being a member of the Ten Evils, you are treated like this!" Xu Yu said coldly.

Kun Pengzi's mother fought with foreign races in the Nine Heavens in the ancient immortal era to protect the peace of the ancient world, but she died at the hands of her own people. Later, her descendants were plotted against each other and had to be sealed in chaos for millions of years. She was finally born, but encountered many obstacles. The powerful national attack was suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain. What is the reason for this!

At this time, Xu Yu suddenly came up with an idea to escort all the powerful guilty figures from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths to the wilderness and let them fight bloody battles in foreign lands to atone for their sins!

The Five Elements Mountain flew over again, and the five kinds of Tao Qi circulated, competing to form the most simple rules of the avenue, turning into runes, as brilliant as the interweaving of stars.

This blow caused tremors in all directions, and the whole world was filled with an aura of terror. All beings were afraid, and all living beings were trembling in their foreheads, and their hearts were filled with fear.


Even the people of the Qin tribe were cancer-stricken on the ground at this moment, unable to move. They felt a deep sense of awe in their hearts, just like the ancient ancestors worshiping the totem.

But the next moment, Wuxingshan was speechless, because the figure flashed in front of him, and a palm was enlarged in front of his eyes, sending Wuxingshan away again.

Everyone was stunned.The Five Elements Mountain in this state was once again blown away, breaking into the high sky, shaking, and it was difficult to stabilize its body. This time, the three main peaks collapsed in a row, and they were destroyed in an instant. It was not easy to do it again. Difficulties condensed.

"You fought well, are you still embarrassed? I told you to take care of you today!" Xiaota laughed, sneering there, incomparably carefree, this is an old opponent of his in the past, and seeing him deflated now, he felt extremely relieved.

Xu Yu's eyes were indifferent. The Five Elements Mountain was now sealed, and its strength was only at the first level. How could it compete with him.However, after all, the Five Elements Mountain is a legendary creature of chaos, with an immortal body that is difficult to damage unless he uses special means.

"Why are you still not out of trouble? Could it be that you were suppressed! Are you dead?" Xiaota was surprised. After sarcastically walking past the Five Elements Mountain, he looked at the motionless immortal creature and shouted. He still wanted this creature to revive and come back again. Stirring up the situation.


Xu Yu raised his hand, and a sword light passed by like a rainbow, shining brightly, and cut off the Five Elements Divine Chain that the Immortal Lord claimed to be unbreakable, and fell to the ground with a crash.
"Are you crazy, you really let him out of trouble, just because of a dead Kunpeng? He must be a great disaster!" Wuxing Mountain's voice was extremely dull, and flew back again.

"Hey, it's none of your business, we won't be the ones who suffer from headaches." Xiaota teased and taunted nonchalantly.

"Well, you are really thick-skinned, and you flew back again. Where did you get the face?" Xiaota said sarcastically again, chattering non-stop, almost making Wuxingshan's lungs explode.

"It seems that you need to atone for your sins, and I will deal with you later." Xu Yu said calmly, no longer paying attention to Five Elements Mountain.

Xu Yu's eyes were blazing, and she pointed at Kun Pengzi, and a strong life force emerged and submerged into Kun Pengzi's almost dry body.

This is the essence produced by Xu Yu's user secret. It has an extremely heaven-defying repair effect, almost comparable to the elixir of immortality. At this moment, it is trying its best to nourish Kun Pengzi's body.

The soft light emitted made Kunpengzi's body gradually come to life.


At this moment, a terrifying aura erupted between the heaven and the earth, and the immortal beings finally recovered from their dormant state.

Endless years have passed, and he has long been as skinny as a stick, and extremely thin. However, after being nourished by Xu Yu's divine power and having a special secret method of his own, everything became different after he truly woke up.

Under Kun Pengzi's messy weedy hair, a pair of golden pupils lit up so intensely that many Feng clan members couldn't help shouting on the spot.

He was furious to fight the bull, his golden pupils were like a golden sun, ready to tear the sky apart, full of fighting spirit.

Then, he gradually calmed down, took one step forward, and appeared in front of Xu Yu.

"Thank you, senior! Kun Pengzi spoke solemnly and saluted Xu Yu...

(End of this chapter)

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