Chapter 380
Kun Pengzi solemnly thanked Xu Yu and saluted Xu Yu.

This mysterious strong man saved him, which made him extremely grateful.

Although he was suppressed just now, he also sensed the aura of Kunpeng Technique, which was an inherited technique of his lineage, and he probably knew the reason why this strong man took action.

At this moment, Kun Pengzi's body was covered with a layer of golden armor, and his hair became shorter. He looked like he was in his 30s or [-]s, with clear edges and corners, and a light golden color.

"No need to be polite, there is some causal connection between me and yours, but let's just let it go."

Xu Yu nodded slightly, couldn't help but sigh softly, and took a careful look at Kun Pengzi, with a slightly complicated look on his face.

"From now on, if Senior gives orders, he will do whatever he can." Kun Pengzi said solemnly. He knew that releasing him would be a big cause and effect. After all, he had too many opponents. Even if the opponent obtained Kunpeng's method, he would be able to It was a great kindness to him to save him.

Xu Yu nodded and didn't say anything more, but sighed in his heart.

The Kunpengzi in front of him was really miserable. He was born with deficiencies and was sealed in chaos for millions of years. Later he was attacked and suppressed for a long time. His Dao foundation was severely damaged, but now he has recovered. , but it will be difficult to rise in the future.

After all, he is not as young as the other descendants of the Ten Evils. He has lived for too long, and his Daoji has been seriously damaged, and it will be difficult to make up for it the day after tomorrow.

Speaking of which, Kun Pengzi is almost among the top ten most miserable villains. His future achievements are far inferior to those of Alicorn Ant, Red Dragon and others. He has already eclipsed everyone. In the original trajectory, he even appeared in consecutive appearances. The opportunity is gone, which is really disappointing.

Then, Kun Pengzi opened his mouth, and the essence of the sun and moon in the sky, as well as the divine brilliance from outside the realm, all fell like a tide and concentrated into his mouth, replenishing all the divine energy he had exhausted countless years ago.

His body was like a bottomless pit, glowing at the moment, swallowing all directions, like a whale sucking cows to drink, the scene was extremely terrifying.

The world was turned upside down, the universe was shaken, and streaks of light flew over.

The entire domain was almost dimming, time and space were distorted, and the original power of heaven and earth, like a sea, poured into his mouth, turned into nutrients, and continued to nourish his body.

Previously, Xu Yu had used divine power to repair some of his original injuries and replenished him with a lot of energy. This time, he absorbed a lot of life energy from the Xuanyu. Soon, he reached the peak of his body, and his aura was breathtaking. The Five Elements Mountain not far away changed color!
Shocked the world!

All living beings are frightened. Some giants of the great religions know that things are about to change. An extraordinary figure has escaped. Soon, something huge will happen, causing chaos and chaos!

"You have unleashed this catastrophe. There will be no good in the future. There will be continuous wars. Those in the upper world will not let you go!"

Wu Xingshan said in a deep voice, feeling helpless at this moment, but no longer taking action, because he knew that the person in front of him was unfathomable, and in his current state, he was no match for him at all.

"Let's fight, just add me. The upper world is too worry-free. No matter who disturbs the upper world, I will definitely go and help, just because I'm afraid they won't be able to withstand it!" Xiaota said, sneering over and over again, lest the world would not be in chaos. generally.

Everyone was on edge, knowing that those he was talking about were giants from the upper world, but he seemed to have no fear at all. This was too fierce.

Then everyone's hearts trembled. This mysterious young man, an immortal creature, and this mysterious little tower may really bring trouble to the world. No one can stop it, not even the giants in the upper world. Give me a headache!
"The giants of the upper world are ridiculous, they are just a bunch of ants."

Xu Yu spoke lightly, his eyes were extremely deep and filled with chaotic energy, as if one world after another was constantly coming and going in his pupils, and the mysterious aura was flowing.

"How brave, you are so arrogant!" Wuxingshan was furious.

"Wuxingshan, stop talking nonsense and let's fight!"

Kun Pengzi took action, his golden pupils were extremely blazing, his astonishing aura soared into the sky, he pinched the treasure seal to face the Five Elements Mountain, his divine power surged like an ocean.


Wu Xing Shan was so angry that he had already stopped at this moment. He did not expect that this immortal creature would take the initiative to attack him. How could he bear it?

It inadvertently glanced at Xu Yu and saw that he was indifferent, and then felt a little relieved.

Bi, there is chaos air permeating the air, as if one world after another is constantly coming and going in its pupils, and the mysterious aura is flowing.

"How brave, you are so arrogant!" Wuxingshan was furious.

"Wuxingshan, stop talking nonsense and let's fight!"

Kun Pengzi took action, his golden pupils were extremely blazing, his astonishing aura soared into the sky, he pinched the treasure seal to face the Five Elements Mountain, his divine power surged like an ocean.


Wu Xing Shan was so angry that he had already stopped at this moment. He did not expect that this immortal creature would take the initiative to attack him. How could he bear it?

It inadvertently glanced at Xu Yu and saw that he was indifferent, and then felt a little relieved.

The Five Elements Mountain was extremely indifferent, the light all over its body exploded, and the surrounding void was annihilated. It seemed that the heaven and earth were reopened there, and a brand new universe evolved.


Behind Kun Pengzi, a pair of huge golden wings appeared. They were vast and boundless. Compared with their physical bodies, they were like clouds hanging from the sky. They were actually endless, reaching up to the blue sky, like a demon lord coming to the world.

The golden mist surged, emitting terrifying fluctuations. In the void, layers of fine ripples spread out against the Five Elements Mountain.

Xu Yu stood there calmly, his clothes fluttering and his eyes indifferent. He knew that Kun Pengzi, who had now recovered, already had the capital to fight against immortal creatures.


The immortal creatures are too terrifying. They spread their wings and hit the sky. The universe is vast, and the strong winds are everywhere, covering the world. It actually wipes out all the divine light of the Five Elements Mountain.
"How is it possible that you reached your peak state so quickly?"

Five Elements Mountain was shocked and angry. This was an extremely incredible thing, beyond his expectation.

Logically speaking, the immortal creature has just escaped from trouble. It shouldn't be so tyrannical. It can actually arm-wrestle with him in an instant. What's more, what makes his heart palpitate is that this opponent's Taoism seems to have not only recovered, but also improved!

"After suppressing me for so many years, it's time for me to get an explanation."

Kun Pengzi whispered, the golden wings behind his back were like clouds hanging from the sky, the mighty golden light and mist, the roaring thunder, the yin and yang qi intertwined, almost covering up the breath of heaven and earth,

"You have committed heinous crimes and brought trouble to the upper world. It's good enough not to kill you. What else do you want to say!"

The Five Elements Mountain spoke indifferently, suspended above the sky. The light of the beginning turned into wisps of divine shock and entangled it. He was angry. This enemy who had led the enemy could not be wiped out, so he could only be suppressed. After all,

is a terrible scourge.

"Haha, I am guilty. My mother has made great achievements in the borderlands. How did those people treat her? Those people deserve to die!"

Kun Pengzi spoke, his voice was cold, filled with anger and murderous intent, and it swept through the Nine Heavens, reaching far and wide, causing many people to tremble and kneel on the ground.

His wings shook, and the world exploded!


There was an explosion, and under Kun Pengzi's pair of golden wings, thunder intertwined, Chaos Qi rolled violently, and the power was extremely tyrannical.
The Five Elements Mountain glowed, suddenly shook, and the symbols were densely covered, turning into five hazy lights. That was the emergence of the original power.


The two collided violently, the sound shook the heaven and the earth, chaotic energy overflowed, and large cracks in the void appeared one after another, spreading for countless thousands of miles.

Five Elements Mountain retreated again, the five sacred peaks were trembling and cracking, trees exploded, and boulders rolled down.

"But that's it, it seems you're in trouble."

Kun Pengzi said coldly, slightly surprised, and his expression moved slightly. It seemed that Wuxingshan had been severely injured before, otherwise he would never be able to defeat him so easily!
Wuxingshan was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. If his original power had not been injured before, how could he have been defeated so cleanly? He was extremely angry, but he could only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

At this moment, a vast aura appeared, terrifying and spreading to the entire Bulao Mountain, and even affected the entire Xuanyu land, leaving many people surprised and inexplicable.

"Eternal Lord, you are about to force yourself down to the lower realm. Are you anxious to break through the defense?" Xiaota said, very surprised.

Stars and rivers arise and disappear, morning dew rolls and clouds rise, heaven and earth are uncertain in brightness and destruction, all kinds of divine lights surge, endless order appears and suddenly annihilates. This is the birth and death of Tao.

Terrifying fluctuations emerged, and the void was like a tattered picture scroll, shaking and rattling in the light mist.

The world is undergoing great changes, and the supreme power appears and is about to come to the world!


Not far away, an ancient bronze palace trembled. It was the one on the Five Elements Mountain. It was not damaged. It was now located in the mountain, making a clanging sound.

"So that's it. The Ancient Bronze Palace is the coordinate of immortality." Xiaota opened his mouth, and the energy of chaos filled the air. Things might change when that person comes down, which made him a little worried.

"It doesn't matter." Xu Yu looked calm. Qin Changsheng, the Immortal Heavenly Lord, although he is considered a figure in the upper world, is only in the first realm, and has not even reached the supreme level.


Runes soared into the sky, rays of light overflowed, the sound of chanting rang out, and a huge figure appeared in the void.

He sat there cross-legged, with a bright silver divine ring wrapped around his whole body, like a divine king coming to the world. The sky was full of symbols, making him look like the supreme god.

"The Immortal Lord!" Xiaota shouted.The Lord of the Everlasting Mountain appeared, sitting cross-legged in the void, constantly chanting sutras, and using his supreme power of thought to
Cover, the entire Xuanyu resonates and trembles slightly.

"Heavenly Venerable!"

The people of the Qin tribe were pleasantly surprised and couldn't help but get excited. This was the most powerful person in Burao Mountain. Even in the upper world, he was a legendary existence.

With Tianzun here, they can definitely plow the court and clear the holes and end all turmoil. This situation makes them want to scream.

"It's just a projection." Xu Yu's eyes flickered, and he immediately realized the reality of this immortal god. Even if Qin Changsheng's true form came, it would be useless, let alone a projection.

Qin Changsheng, the Immortal Lord, has a somewhat blurry and dim body, but is extremely fascinating, seeming to illuminate the past, present and future.

He kept chanting sutras in his mouth, and symbols jumped out one after another. It seemed that he was performing some kind of taboo technique at this moment, and the power of a seal emerged, sealing off the world.

This is a creature with infinite power. It sits on the ninth level of the sky, and its silver light turns into a divine disk. If a silver sun shrouds it, it seems to be invincible in heaven and earth, and its divine power is unpredictable.

The runes flickered and the divine light disappeared. He recited the Immortal Sutra to save the immortal beings again.

The Five-shaped Mountain also cooperated very well and turned into a true magical weapon form. The five beams of light merged into one and turned into a treasure seal, which has the mark of the beginning of creation.

It hung over Qin Changsheng's head, resonated with it, blessed those scriptures, and transformed one symbol after another into a sacred mountain, which was extremely terrifying.

During this period, he also cast his eyes on Xu Yu, his expression a little solemn, but he did not take action against him. He was not sure to capture him immediately.

"Eternal Lord, you are here too. Today we will settle an old score!"

The immortal creature roared, his fighting spirit was extremely high, the power in his body exploded, his body suddenly enlarged, and he stood upright. After returning to his peak state, he now had no fear of Qin Changsheng and Five Elements Mountain.You must know that at that time, he was also a man who could defeat all the leaders of the religion, and he was extremely brave. Although the years passed, his fighting blood was still boiling. He did not know to be afraid, because he had the proud blood of the Ten Evils flowing in his body.

Then, he spread his wings, and golden clouds rose up into the sky, sweeping in all directions. A band of light that looked like a galaxy was wrapped around it, with dots of light surrounding it, as if fragments of time were flying and rotating!
This was a shocking showdown, with mighty divine power that swept across all directions. It could be called the ultimate terrifying showdown.

"It's broken, how come you have returned to your peak!" The figure of the Immortal Lord shook, feeling the other party's power, he couldn't help but stand up, unable to continue sitting cross-legged.

The misty silver light faded out, revealing Qin Changsheng's handsome but dignified face.

This Immortal Lord is too young. He looks no more than eighteen or nineteen years old. He is full of vitality and looks like a god. He is very different from the image of an old monster in people's minds.

"Eternal Lord, you don't seem to have made any progress in these years." Kun Pengzi said, extremely coldly, the murderous intent in his eyes almost condensed into substance, turned into a beam of light, rushed out, and hit the Five Elements Mountain that was pressing down. on, making an astonishing trill.

Everyone was extremely shocked. How powerful was this immortal creature? He could actually fight against the Immortal Lord and the Five Elements Mountain at the same time. It was amazing!

"Well, the immortal creature has escaped. Fellow Daoist Qin, your condition is not very good." A calm voice came over.

In the distant sky, purple air came from the east, and an old cow appeared, slowly
Then, carrying a shadow, the creature came directly into the battlefield with the fairy sword on its back.

"Damn, why is there another one? This is the old man from Sword Valley!" Xiaota cursed.


At this moment, a green bamboo suddenly appeared and pointed towards Kun Pengzi, as if the pillar of heaven had collapsed, its breath was breathtaking.

It was a six-foot-long golden body, holding a green bamboo and attacking Kun Pengzi.

"The thief is here too!" Xiaota was surprised. He knew many people. This six-foot-long golden figure was the leader of the Western Sect.

Xu Yu took action, and at the same time two rays of light shot out of his eyes.The explosion of light eclipsed the sun, moon, and stars, sweeping across all directions.

An astonishing beam of light tore through the world and rushed forward. The fairy light was bright, like two heavenly swords passing through the sky, destroying everything!
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The old bull who was riding the bull suddenly let out a wail, and then the fairy sword exploded and turned into streaks of light. The old bull rider in the Sword Valley also died.

The six-foot-long golden body, the green bamboo was shattered in an instant, and the leader of the Western Sect also exploded completely.

Qin Changsheng, the Immortal Lord, groaned, blood dripping from his body, and his body exploded into pieces, turning into a ball of blood mist.

This scene is deeply shocking.

"Hahaha, it's so enjoyable, it's so enjoyable, this battle is so enjoyable!" Xiaota laughed heartily there.

Of course he knew that none of these people had come in their true form, but this kind of fighting power was enough to look down on the world and shocked the whole world!
Shi Hao's family was also paying attention, and they were all dumbfounded at this moment. Those few people looked like great big shots, but they were killed by Xu Yu so easily!
Qin Hao's eyes widened and his expression became a little complicated. The invincible Immortal God in his heart was defeated like this. Even though it was just a projection, it was very difficult for him to accept. His face was ugly, as if he had eaten a dead child.

"So strong! He is probably a true supreme powerhouse!"

The pupils of the immortal creature shrank slightly. Unexpectedly, Xu Yu was so strong. As soon as his divine eyes opened and closed, everything was destroyed.

"No, this kid is going to run away!" Xiaota suddenly yelled.

Several powerful men exploded, and Five Elements Mountain was finally frightened. Even if his body was immortal, big problems might occur if it went on for a long time. That man was too scary.

He directly shook the void, feeling terrified in his heart. If he wanted to submerge himself into the chaos, he had to run away and go to the upper world.

"I didn't say you can leave." Xu Yu spoke slowly and looked up at the sky...

Xu Yu spoke calmly, like thunder on the ground. Even though he was far away, he still penetrated the layers of space and submerged into the chaos, causing Wuxingshan's whole body to shake violently.
"Damn it, I don't believe you can really catch up. As long as I go to the upper realm, I can jump into the sea and no one can stop me." Wu Xingshan was shocked and angry.

He also didn't expect that this mysterious strong man was so domineering that he actually wanted to catch up with him and take him down. In all these years, had he ever been so humiliated?
The turbulent flow in the void was like a fairy light. Even though he spread out his Kunpeng wings, he did not catch up for a while.

"Damn it!" Kun Pengzi was furious. His pale golden eyes shone coldly, but he was helpless. It seemed that he could only let him escape to the upper world.

The Qin clan's anxiety, the projection of the Immortal Lord exploding, and the Five Elements Mountain escaping caused great fear in their hearts, and their spiritual pillars were about to collapse.

However, at this moment, something shocking happened.


Xu Yu raised his hand and grabbed it into the void, faster than lightning. The runes were intertwined and filled with divine light, as if the world was opening up.

The five fingers are like mountains, comparable to the pillars holding up the sky. They are majestic and majestic. This contains his laws and Taoism. This big hand covers the sky and the sun, making the sky dim. At this moment, compared with his palm, it seems that it has lasted for days. The moon and stars have become insignificant!
"Oh no!"

In the Five Elements Mountain in the distance, I have never encountered such a terrifying opponent. The opponent was like a supreme god, covering the sky with one hand. He actually penetrated the chaotic passage directly and entered the other side.

Then he grabbed him and held him firmly in his hand.

This is shocking, what an amazing method this is, standing in front of the Everlasting Mountain, countless miles away, smashing the Chaos Passage with one move, exploring that place, and directly capturing the Unparalleled Immortal Mountain.

There is a Five Elements Mountain on the big hand, with five colors of light shining, and chaotic energy filling the air. It struggled hard, but could not escape from Xu Yu's palm.

It is the treasure of chaos. It is unknown how many years ago it was born, but it is extremely powerful and can look down upon the heavens. It is still under unyielding impact, but it is still helpless.

Everyone's hearts trembled, not only the people of Bulaoshan and the Qin tribe, but even Kunpengzi and Xiaota were shocked and dumbfounded. They thought that Xu Yu was extraordinary, but they really didn't expect that he was so extraordinary.
within this level.

"You man, you should be like this!" Shi Hao's heart was surging when he saw it, and his blood was about to boil. Today, Xu Yu has simply become the driving force for his practice. That kind of shocking power makes his mind sway and he can't control himself.

Even Qin Hao, who had a cold face and a glowing battle suit, showed a look of shock. He held the weapon and his chest rose and fell slightly, obviously not calm.

He even glanced at Shi Hao out of the corner of his eye. He really couldn't figure out why his brother had such unlucky luck.

"You...are you really going to fight me to the death?" Wu Xingshan shouted, full of resentment. Now he was completely at his wits end.

"After suppressing the ten evil heroes, let's settle this account carefully. I have to take you away!"

Xu Yu's expression was dull.Holding the Five Elements Mountain firmly, his eyes were sharp and majestic as a prison, really like a divine master judging guilty ministers.

Kun Pengzi on the side, his light golden eyes were filled with divine energy, and he stood attentively. After so many years, this was the first living being of his lineage, which made him feel a little excited.

"Senior, I'm afraid you can't take away the Five Elements Mountain! This is the sacred object of my Immortal Mountain." Above the sky, the figure of the Immortal Lord Qin Changsheng appeared again, looking at Xu Yu, his expression flashing solemnly.

"What an immortal god. I thought it was me who came, but I didn't expect it was a projection again, and he was bossing me around. I really belong to you." Xiaota mocked with a sinister smile.

After so many years, he has never been as happy as he is today. Five Elements Mountain and the Immortal Lord have been swallowing one after another, which makes him happier than swallowing countless divine ingredients!
Qin Changsheng frowned slightly, and his face became a little ugly. This guy was too mean-spirited, but the small tower was right. His true self did not dare to come here, and was extremely afraid of the mysterious strong man.

"Senior, stop it. You can't take away Five Elements Mountain." Qin Changsheng sighed softly again. He really didn't want to do that if it wasn't necessary.

He had great opportunities in the past, and this was his trump card. He really didn't want to use it like this if unnecessary.

"The Five Elements Mountain has no principles. I have suppressed the descendants of the Ten Evils for many years. Let's go to the borderlands to guard and atone for our sins." Xu Yu glanced at Qin Changsheng, but there was still no wave in the ancient well.

"Then, I'm offended!" Qin Changsheng knew that he couldn't do anything good, so he directly patted his chest, and there was a glow there, and a red cloud rose up, and his eyes were extremely red.

"Immortal blood, is this what you rely on?" Xu Yu's eyes were bright, with a look of surprise.

He could see that Qin Changsheng was just a projection, but the red glow on his chest was flashing with runes, as if it was drawn from another place, and the blood from the original figure was absorbed into the projection, thus traveling through the space.
Suddenly, he arrived in the lower realm.

The blood was as bright red as bricks and stones, and it was brilliant and brilliant. There was not much blood, but it dyed the sky red, like red clouds burning the sky!
Fairy blood!

Kunpengzi and Xiaota's eyes widened. This was not mortal blood, but immortal blood!

"Senior, this is immortal blood. It will unblock the immortal creatures. You can't stop it!" Qin Changsheng said.

The rich blood energy and powerful vitality are surging there, like a vast ocean undulating.

And inside Fu Lao Mountain, in a valley, Qin Wu's chest glowed, and wisps of runes were intertwined on his chest. The sacred aura filled the air, as if he was sensing something.

Shi Hao was surprised, turned around, stared at his brother's chest, and frowned slightly...

"What an immortal immortal, he actually has such a method!" Kun Pengzi's pale golden eyes shot out a terrifying light, and he actually wanted to release a real immortal figure. Is this going against heaven?
You must know that for a person of this level, even if you search nine heavens and ten places, it is difficult to find a few people. Even his mother was only the peak of a true immortal in the past. It can be imagined how terrifying a true immortal is.

"Immortal blood."

Xu Yu's eyes flickered. Qin Changsheng had obtained the immortal bones back then, warmed them in his body, and condensed with him to form one body, creating the true blood of the immortal path. However, he deliberately sealed it and kept it in his body.

At this moment, he used it and spilled the blood of the immortal, which actually penetrated the boundary wall and landed on the Five Elements Mountain.

"Not good!" Xiaota changed color, and he felt a breath that shook the world.

The immortal blood was intertwined with the original aura of Five Elements Mountain, and rushed down in a snap of the fingers regardless of each other.


When the immortal blood falls on the Five Elements Mountain, chaotic energy surges, gods and demons cry and howl, and shadows appear, the scene is extremely shocking.

On the Five Elements Mountain, many innate gods and demons appeared at this moment, all crying, as if they were wailing, as if they were offering sacrifices to the departure of a great world.

An astonishing celestial energy advanced, wrapped around the Five Elements Mountain, escaped from Xu Yu's palm, and vacated the sky.

In an instant, the sky was torn apart by ghosts, and the universe was in great turmoil!


A colorful cauldron flew out, swirling the chaotic energy and slowly enlarging. It was the immortal golden cauldron that enveloped the sky and stabilized the universe.


Suddenly, all the gods and demons in the fairy mountain where the colorful light flowed disappeared, and the mist cleared away, leaving only a pile of withered bones lying across it, like a sea of ​​bones, casting an endless feeling of desolation, making people's scalp numb and their bodies cold when they looked at it.

"Those are...the bones of the innate gods!" Xiaota yelled, recognizing the endless bones, as if hundreds of millions of creatures were buried there.

On the mountain, there was an echo of a sigh, and then there was an additional creature, fuzzy and dim, sitting there cross-legged.

"Little friend, you have passed."

On the Five Elements Mountain, the figure sitting cross-legged spoke lightly...

(End of this chapter)

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