Chapter 381 Chapter 349 Immortal Creatures
Everyone was shocked. There was a living being in the Five Elements Mountain, and it seemed that this was... the real owner!
The fairy mist is entwined, the auspicious colors are rolling, and the aura of immortality is permeated. There is no need to think too much. This is a terrifying master. Even though many people are not yet in the realm, they can feel the vast power of heaven.

"The true spirit of Five Elements Mountain is born. Apart from those ancient beings, who else in this world can resist it." Qin Changsheng said to himself.

Even though he is the quasi-supreme, he is still shocked at this moment. The origin of the Five Elements Mountain he brought from a terrible secret place is absolutely astonishing.

If the Five Elements Mountain before was a baby, then after the true spirit manifests, it will be an adult.

"The ancient immortal is buried, Kunpeng has passed away, why do you need to step forward, little friend? Aren't you afraid of big karma getting involved in this muddy water?" The creature in front of the Five Elements Mountain spoke slowly.

"It's ridiculous, so what if all the causes and effects happen to me!" Xu Yu said calmly.

"I think my little friend has had a glimpse of the immortal way. It is unwise to forcefully attack me without Kunpeng's lineage!" Five Elements True Spirit said indifferently, with a cold tone.

"Nine Heavens are corrupt. It's true. Even immortal figures have this kind of virtue. No wonder the immortals are defeated and rotten to the core." Xu Yu said softly.

"Wantless, you can evaluate things in the past. Aren't you afraid of being killed!?" The voice from the Five Elements Mountain became even colder.

"You can give it a try." Xu Yu said calmly.

He is extremely handsome, with long hair thrown over his shoulders, eyes like the sea, and a body as clear as jade. Even God is jealous. Facing an immortal, he is still calm and unbreakable. Xu Yu has a tall figure, flying black hair, deep eyes, and whole body. The flowing treasure is like an immortal king descending to earth.

"You are destined to have a big cause and effect with me."

The creatures on Five Elements Mountain have expressions that are extremely indifferent, and their eyes are as sharp as the light of swords, which is breathtaking.

Sitting there cross-legged, he actually communicated and blended with the great avenues of heaven and earth. Every strand of hair could crush ten thousand divine mountains!

He was unwilling to take action casually. As a former true immortal, he naturally noticed that although this person was a supreme human being, he had already glimpsed the realm of immortality. The immortal golden cauldron above the sky had already demonstrated his extraordinary cultivation.

"Immortal creatures, you don't think you have the fighting power of the past, do you, Canxian'er!"

Xu Yu smiled lightly. Every inch of flesh and blood on his body was glowing, even the strands of hair, making him look even more otherworldly.

His pupils opened and closed, rising and falling with the power of creation, as if the world was spinning. Although the Five Elements Mountain Spirit concealed it well, Xu Yu also vaguely noticed that his state was not at its peak.

He is not a true immortal, but a crippled immortal creature. It can be said to be a crippled immortal, just like the creatures in Sword Valley and Demonic Dragon Sect.

There was silence on the Burao Mountain. Who exactly was the Five Elements Mountain and this mysterious strong man? Although their conversation was foggy, they heard that there was a real immortal involved between the two. Who could believe this?

"A true immortal cannot be insulted. In the past, I rebelled against Yin and Yang and fought against all enemies. Your ancestors were protected by me. How dare you insult me ​​as a crippled immortal?!"

The True Spirit of Five Elements Mountain spoke slowly, his tone was cold, his eyes were like an ice cellar, emitting a boundless chill, and then he slowly stood up.

The Five Elements Mountain shrank and was held in the palm of his hand, as if holding a big seal, with the fairy clouds rolling and the salty power overwhelming!
At this moment, it was like the heaven and earth were opening for the first time, which shocked all spirits. Many people couldn't help but kneel on the ground, trembling.

Moreover, the sun, moon and stars in the sky are also shaking, and they will all fall to the ground.

If it weren't for the Five Elements Mountain's intention to control the aura and the Immortal Golden Cauldron suppressing all directions, the eight realms of the lower realm would have been turned upside down.

"Boom, boom...

Suddenly, the dense Qi of the Five Elements appeared in the sky, evolving into thousands of divine mountains, blazing and dazzling, turning into a series of shocking divine lights, suppressing them!

The immortal creatures took action. This was the power he brought. It was like the heaven and earth collapsed, and the order of the universe collapsed.

Most of the people in Bulao Mountain collapsed, and many people knelt down, but this pressure made their minds tremble, and their bodies instinctively made such a choice.

It’s really... the breath of immortality! "Xiaota was horrified, her lips were trembling, and she felt like her whole body was about to burst.

But Xu Yu stood there, unmoving, her hair flying, and her whole body as steady as an eternal rock.

"In the realm of humanity, it would be too foolish to challenge a true immortal!" the immortal creature from Wuxing Mountain said indifferently.

However, at this moment, a blazing Dao light appeared, Xu Yu moved, and fairy flowers appeared in his hand, shining brightly, and flew out from his fingers.

This is the magic that Xu Yu realized when he watched the divine flower bloom, turning his attacks into the immortal form of the Great Dao!

This is a tough, immortal and indestructible sacred mountain composed of thousands of true immortals' power of the five elements. Under the attack of this immortal, it was completely penetrated, turned into a black weapon, and collapsed in the air.

Even the Five Elements Mountain was shaken, Xu Yu stood in the sky and said: "Immortal, what can I do?!"

Xiaota was surprised and opened his mouth in a humane manner. He was extremely shocked. He didn't expect that Xu Yu could wipe out the fairy's attack. This was simply an epoch-making event.

You know, as long as you have a fairy character, it will make a difference between heaven and earth.
Logically speaking, one has to drink hatred to reach the true peak of the extreme realm, which is difficult to overcome.

It takes a long time for the Supreme to reach the true immortal. It is like a fish leaping into a true dragon. It is a fundamental change. It can be said to be a qualitative change!
Impossible, you haven't reached that level yet, how can your combat power be so strong! "The immortal creature from Five Elements Mountain spoke. His tone was moving.

The moonlight was like a thin smoke, covering the entire sacred land of Bulao Mountain. Xu Yu stood under the sky, just like the lower realm of the immortal emperor, with unparalleled grace.


The immortal creatures of the Five Elements Mountain took action again. The Five Elements Mountain in their right hand stepped down in one step and struck Xu Yu!

Xu Yuyi was not afraid, and actually went up against the sky, her palms glowing and clanging like a fairy sword, drawing a mysterious trajectory and striking the Five Elements Mountain.

Sparks are flying everywhere, the clang is deafening, and the storm here is like the sea!

Xu Yujing resisted the immortal creatures and started fighting with them. As his palms rolled, chaos energy entangled them, and then stars appeared on his fingertips one by one. Every time he struck, it was like a world was coming and going!

In the night sky, two figures were fighting hard. Xu Yu was fighting against the immortal beings, making a clanging sound. Every time they collided, brilliant sparks were produced. They were faster than lightning and exceeded the speed of time. Sometimes the fragments of time were floating and flying.

The two of them flew up into the vast sky, teleporting from one place to another, as if they were traveling through time and space, their whole bodies glowing with treasure, and their powerful aura was outstanding.

There was a blazing light flying from the two of them, making the stars and moons dim and pale, and the powerful fluctuations were like an ocean of ups and downs, boundless!
Everyone was shocked. Even though the two people were no longer many tens of thousands of feet above the ground, the divine energy could still be sensed. Many people could hardly move and fell limply to the ground.

The immortal beings in Five Elements Mountain were really shocked. This man's fighting power was too terrifying. His palms were enough to destroy ten thousand ways. His energy was so unparalleled that he could hardly breathe.


The true spirit of Five Elements Mountain takes action, like the Milky Way solidly falling, vast and boundless, and its murderous aura sweeps across the nine heavens and ten earths, shocking the world.


The sound of metal clashing was deafening, and the Five Elements Mountain in the right hand of the Five Elements Mountain True Spirit actually made sounds of piercing gold and cracking stone, as if it was about to explode. “Heavy front opens the sky!
After this round of violent storm attacks, Xu Yu's eyes were as bright as two magic lamps, shooting out a beam of light like a torch, tearing the sky apart!
Five Elements Mountain True Spirit Body Theater Ticket, a line of blood burst out of the tiger's mouth, and the blood flowed, staining the hand holding the Five Elements Mountain red, and after the wave spread, his whole body was shaking.

"The going to be defeated?!" Everyone opened their eyes wide and couldn't believe what was happening in front of them!
Is the true immortal going to be defeated?

Qin Changsheng's face was moved, and he was extremely horrified. He never expected that this would be the result.

The majestic true immortal is actually going to fail and be injured by a supreme being. Saying this will scare people to death and will cause a storm!
In this era, on the bright side, immortals no longer exist, and the Supreme has reached its peak. One can imagine how terrifying creatures like immortals are, immortal, immortal, and transcendent from the world.

With one thought, the mountains and seas are shattered, and with one thought, the universe becomes silent!
And even such a being was suppressed by a humane supreme!
This is an unprecedented event!
"I said, you have only one choice now, I won't kill you, go to the wilderness to atone for your sins." Xu Yu spoke softly again, containing the majesty of Ichigo, and his voice was like a cauldron chiming together, shaking the world.


He was extremely angry and his hair was disheveled. This opponent was too strong. He could actually defeat the immortals and enter another realm with his foundation in the human realm.

It made him feel a little scared and his whole body was numb.

"In the chaos of the world, I am the only one who dominates!
He is extremely powerful, his hair is flying, and his arm has the power of billions of dollars in one move. The Five Elements Mountain in his right hand emits fairy light, as if it is made of the Five Elements Divine Gold, emitting waves that make people's souls tremble. The real The power of immortality emerged overwhelmingly.

The Five Elements Mountain Spirit launched an extremely fierce and terrifying counterattack. The Five Elements Mountain in its hand suppressed all directions, turned into a big seal, entwined with immortal energy, and fell with a crash, the runes intertwined, and endless ripples of the avenue spread.

Xu Yu's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he fought hard, pinching his sword fingers and making fist seals. The two kept colliding, causing blazing lightning to crack the sky.

Qi and blood surged in his body, flowing like waves traveling on the Yangtze River, making bursts of thunder. There was a blazing light on the surface of his body and within his pores, which made his aura rise to the extreme.

"Meeting Immortal Seal! Xu Yu scolded lightly, his hair was full of chaos, and his eyes were filled with cold lightning!

call out!
The next moment, there was a clear and clear phoenix sound, which seemed to have traveled across ancient time and space. It had a vicissitudes and majestic ancient charm, as if it had been polished by the long river of time and was immortal.

It tore apart the eternal sky and turned into a simple seal that suppressed it!

"Meteor Immortal Seal!"

The immortal beings in Five Elements Mountain were furious. They didn't expect that the other party had obtained such a world-famous treasure and could exert such heaven-defying combat power.

The whole world was dyed fiery red, and the terrifying divine fire burned everything, impacting the Five Elements Mountain and making it clang.


Five Elements Mountain flew upside down, making a roaring sound, shaking violently, rocks rolling down, cracks appearing one after another, almost exploding!
"How could this be so!" The Five Elements Mountain Spirit's hair was disheveled and his chest was full of anger. Even if he used his heaven-defying methods again, he could not defeat him.

The opponent's state is too weird, and his combat power is unparalleled. Although he is the Supreme, he is filled with wisps of immortal power, like a warrior immortal, invincible!

There were several cracks on the body of the Five Elements Mountain Spirit. His body was numb, and he had an unbelievable look on his face. A stream of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he flew out, almost to pieces.


Tian Kua was cut open, the earth sank, the void was annihilated, and chaos surged.

Behind Xu Yu, a pair of wings emerged. The two energies of yin and yang were intertwined, and the golden light was like a cloud in the sky. It was also like a heavenly sword, flying across the sky, and there was an explosion in the sky.
As he moved gently, wind howled, a storm emerged in the sky, and the stars in the sky dimmed one after another, turning into boundless essence and sinking into the Kunpeng wings, blessing its divine power.

"It is indeed the Kunpeng method, and it has been performed to this extent!"

Kun Pengzi's pale golden eyes exuded an astonishing divine light. This was a treasure passed down from his family. Now it had the aura of immortality, which was far better than what he was currently performing, making his mind sway.

"My dear, you are defying the heavens. This is a fairy." Xiaota was surprised. He did not expect that Xu Yu was defying the heavens to this extent.


The Five Elements Mountain Spirit coughed up blood, and his body shook violently. His shoulder was scratched by a roc's wings, and the immortal was dripping with blood, and almost the entire body was cut off.

"I lost..." The Five Elements Mountain Spirit sighed, staggered back, coughed up blood, and left bloody footprints on the ground.

Above the nine heavens... the stars are bright, pouring down like a vast silver waterfall. Xu Yu stands under the starry sky, surrounded by stars, like a supreme immortal emperor, with unrivaled power.
He looked down at the Five Elements Mountain Spirit, his indifferent eyes full of majesty.

"Cultivation is not easy. If I don't kill you, you can go to Bianhuang to atone for your sins." Xu Yu said calmly.

"Okay, I promise you!" Five Elements Mountain Spirit said helplessly. Although he was unwilling to give in, he had no choice but to give in because the other party was too unnatural.

And as an innate spirit, he had a feeling in his heart that this young man probably really had the strength to kill him, which made him feel a little scared.

"Fellow Taoist, there is some karma between me and Bulao Mountain. Can you let them go this time?" Five Elements Mountain Spirit was silent for a moment, then said, and then looked at Qin Changsheng to plead for them.

This Qin Changsheng had brought him out from the depths of no man's land. He had accepted Qin Changsheng's love, and now he wanted to pay him back.

Qin Changsheng's expression changed, and his handsome face looked somewhat unnatural. His biggest back-up had appeared, but to no avail. Now he had to rely on the Five Elements Mountain Spirit for protection.

Everyone in the Qin clan also took a deep breath at this moment, feeling that the rest of their lives were finally over.

"Okay..." Xu Yu looked at Qin Changsheng with a faint look, thought for a while, and finally agreed.

He had his own thoughts in his mind. After all, Shi Hao was the only one connected with the Elderless Mountain, and the Elderless Heavenly Lord Qin Changsheng was indeed not a treacherous person, so letting him go would not be a big deal.

"Okay, if you want to set off, you can come to me at any time." The Five Elements Mountain Spirit said, nodded, and turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the mountain. Then with a roar, it broke through a barrier and entered the upper world.

In the distance, a magic circle was opened, chaos filled the air, and Shi Hao, Qin Hao, Shi Ziling and Qin Yining came out.

Shi Hao introduced to Xu Yu, and Qin Yining and Shi Ziling hurried forward to salute. They were extremely grateful that this strong man had shown great kindness to their family.

Even Qin Hao hesitated for a moment, stepped forward and bowed, calling "Senior" with a slightly complicated expression.

Xu Yu smiled and said nothing more at the moment.

"Brother, there is something abnormal about my brother's chest. Can you take a look at it for me?" Shi Hao looked at Xu Yu worriedly and asked him.

Shi Ziling and Qin Yining also showed concern at this moment. When the immortal blood landed on Five Elements Mountain before, Qin Hao's chest had runes intertwined with it.

It was glowing, making them feel vaguely worried.

Immortal disaster..." Xu Yu whispered, making several people open their eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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