Chapter 382 Longevity Disaster

Not far away, Qin Changsheng's body shook slightly. He was about to leave when he heard this word and stopped directly.

"Immortality disaster?" Shi Hao's expression changed, and he knew it was nothing when he heard it. Otherwise, why would he call it a disaster?
"You don't have to worry, it's just a bone projecting, nourishing his flesh and blood. Senior, do you also understand... the disaster of immortality?" Qin Changsheng's eyes suddenly became extremely bright, and his tone could not remain calm.


Above the sky, Qin Changsheng spoke. To his surprise, he did not leave.

"You are so brave..." Xiaota smacked his lips and looked at Qin Changsheng, but he didn't expect that he hadn't left yet.

"That's not right. Normally, the projection should dissipate." Xiaota said softly.

"So that's it. He brought a strange magic diagram, which can make his projection last longer." Kun Pengzi whispered, looking at Qin Changsheng.

Above Qin Changsheng's head, there is a vague ancient picture, which constantly replenishes his lost energy.

"I know a little bit, let's talk about it." Xu Yu said, looking at Qin Changsheng with bright eyes.

Xu Yu waved his hand, and a blazing fairy light appeared, instantly moving Qin Changsheng's body.

Qin Changsheng's figure appeared. He was very young and landed from the void. At the same time, he was also shocked. This strong man's merits were truly incredible.

Although Qin Changsheng has an immortal aura, he is not old and is very handsome. He really looks like a young man.

But Xu Yu understood that this was an old antique that had lived for endless years.

It must be said that this Immortal Lord has an extraordinary aura and is worthy of being the top leader of the three thousand states in the upper realm.

"Hey, you really dare to come here." Xiaota said in a strange manner, spurting out chaos energy and mockingly.

"Immortal Lord, hum!" The immortal creature glanced lightly, his eyes showing hatred, but he did not take action immediately.

Qin Changsheng had no expression on his face and ignored them.

At this moment, Shi Hao's family also stepped forward and bowed to him.

"Senior, do you know what's wrong with my brother?" Before Qin Changsheng could ask further questions, Shi Hao asked, looking at Qin Changsheng with some urgency. He already knew that a bone would be moved to his brother's body in the future. superior.

Although he was hostile to Bulao Mountain, after all, his mother also came from this lineage, and Qin Changsheng was considered his relative, so it was hard to say anything.

"You...are that child, right? It's amazing that the Supreme Bone has regenerated."

Qin Changsheng showed a strange look and glanced at Shi Hao, feeling quite touched in his heart.

As a strong man of his level, he could easily see that a piece of supreme bone in Shi Hao's body had regenerated and grown.

Thinking of his immortal bones, he looked a little complicated. Although his bones were against the heavens, they were not his after all, and this boy was completely the supreme bone that grew innately in his body.

Moreover, the opponent's realm also surprised him. However, he was only twelve or thirteen years old, and he was already at the inscription realm. This kind of speed, even in the upper realm, was rare.

"Yes..." With this person here, the regeneration of the Supreme Bone seems to be possible. Qin Changsheng glanced at Xu Yu in awe, with a look of understanding.

"Okay, I'm going to tell you the origin of the bone that is about to be transplanted, and I would like to ask the seniors to clarify your doubts!" ​​Qin Changsheng said this as he cupped his hands towards Xu Yu.

Later, everyone learned that there was a mysterious bone in the Everlasting Mountain that had been sealed and never used. It was actually taken from Qin Changsheng's body.

The origin of this bone is astonishing. It came from the vast no man's land in the upper world. Shi Hao and the others were confused and had no idea where that place was.

Only Qin Yining, the saint of the Everlasting Mountain who once went to the upper world, Xiaota, and Kun Pengzi showed solemn expressions, knowing what kind of place it was.

In ancient times, Qin Changsheng was a heroic figure with lofty ambitions. He could be called a genius. He gained considerable fame very early and was famous throughout the Three Thousand States.

Later, when he broke into no man's land, he got lost and narrowly escaped death. Miraculously, he found himself in a border area and was close to the legendary Imperial Pass!

Later, he broke into an ancient area and accidentally passed out. When he woke up again, he found that he was back in Sanqian State, and his body had an extra bone inexplicably.

"The word immortality is engraved on the bones!" Qin Changsheng said. Later, he mysteriously returned his name to Qin Changsheng, which made everyone feel a little creepy.

Everyone's eyes widened. This was too outrageous, because a piece of bone was renamed. Even Kun Pengzi secretly smacked his lips. Only Xu Yu's expression was still calm.

"Later, I found an ancient cave and cultivated there. I wanted to explore the bone, but I never wanted to fall into a very deep state of enlightenment. After being reborn, 10 years have passed." Qin Changsheng wry smile.

Over the past 10 years, many people and things have been lost.

But Qin Changsheng found that he was still full of vitality, and his cultivation level skyrocketed, and he suddenly became the top powerhouse in the Three Thousand Daozhou.

When I returned to my hometown, almost everyone I knew was dead. Except for a few top geniuses who had become giants, things had changed.

"I was a confidante who waited for me for many years. Later, she was forced by my elders to marry someone else. After 10 years, her grave has not been found." Qin Changsheng was very sentimental, with a complicated expression on his face.
"The sea flows across the river for several autumns, and the eternity flows eastward!" Xu Yu sighed, this kind of mood is really difficult for ordinary people to understand, the whole world is silent, this is a great loneliness!

Next, some words made everyone's expressions change slightly.

It turns out that the Qin clan of Bulao Mountain is not his bloodline. He adopted the descendant of a confidante at that time and adopted a person as his adopted son, so he has the Bulao Mountain bloodline.

"Tianzun, is this true?" Qin Hao asked in surprise. He didn't expect that they were not the descendants of the Immortal Emperor. Even Qin Yining was very surprised. He didn't expect that the Immortal Mountain had such an origin.

Qin Changsheng nodded and continued to talk slowly. His cultivation level had skyrocketed. He almost didn't need to practice to improve his Taoism. Moreover, he was often in a trance.
Occasionally you will see some weird pictures.There are fairy wars, seas of blood, and dark universes, which are very strange.

"Later, someone found me. That person's name was Mu Changsheng, and he was in the Supreme Realm at that time! He told me that he had also been to that place back then.

Fang, he saw me unconscious. In addition, he himself was unconscious for no apparent reason. He once saw a snow-white baby. There were three creatures in total that time.

The baby was white and crystal clear, but there were horny skin and pitch-black nails nearby. The baby then disappeared.

There was not an extra bone in Mu Changsheng's body, but there was some kind of true blood that did not belong to him. Later, his strength increased greatly and he became the Supreme.

During this process, his experience was similar to mine, and he changed his name to Mu Changsheng.

By the way, that baby, he said, was Wang Changsheng from the Nine Heavens. "Qin Changsheng explained the matter slowly.

"I didn't reach the Supreme Realm because I removed that piece of bone." Qin Changsheng said, realizing that things were weird, he stopped in time.

"You are not kind, you want to put your bones into this young man's chest, are you going to let him encounter the same predicament as you!" Xiaota suddenly said with disdain.

"Well, since it's a disaster for immortality, why don't you leave it to me to devour it, as a favor to you!" Xiaota said faintly, and he said nothing but shocking words!
"Are you sure?"

Xu Yu spoke lightly, with a strange look on his handsome face. Looking at the four-story small tower filled with chaotic energy, he felt inexplicably surprised.

This is so unusual!

Although the origin of this small tower is too old to be imagined and involves many secrets of the Emperor's Fall era, he usually talks about the theory of cause and effect, and everything is extremely balanced.

I didn’t expect that I would open my mouth like this now. Aren’t you afraid of many causes and consequences?

"I am the supreme artifact from the beginning of the world. It's just a piece of immortal bone. It doesn't matter." Xiaota croaked, his whole body glowing and flowing with misty colors.

"It's not just a fairy, it may involve another level." Xu Yu said lightly.

"Ah this..." Xiaota was dumbfounded. He was not a perfect Ta, and naturally he didn't look as deeply as Xu Yu. He hesitated for a moment, his whole body glowed, and he said no more.

Qin Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid of the bone tower and wanted to take the immortal bones. Although the two of them were not fighting now, they definitely disliked each other and had deep grudges.

Everyone needs it. This tower is a bit weird. Just now, it vowed to devour it, but now it wilts and stops talking.

"Is there really a big problem?" Shi Hao couldn't help but said in a deep voice, with a serious face. Although the bone has not been implanted yet, but the projection has been nourishing for a long time, there will probably be some problems. Maybe there will be a big disaster in the future. Then, When he looked at Qin Changsheng, his eyes were a bit...
Xu is not good.

"I have no ill intentions, listen to me." Qin Changsheng continued, looking at Shi Hao who looked a little angry, he sighed in his heart, naturally knowing what the other party was worried about.

He continued to tell that later, he moved the bones into the body of a servant to observe and study the bones thoroughly. In the end, he found that the man's strength suddenly became stronger, but he did not have his usual weird insights.

Later, he tried many times and finally determined that this bone only affected him and did not trick others into changing his name, which shocked him.

He speculated that this bone might only have a bad effect on the first person to be implanted, and would have no disadvantages on others.

Moreover, because of this, he helped several of his descendants, making great progress in their strength and becoming among the top masters, which further strengthened his belief.

However, he didn't dare to implant it again. After all, the rigid bone had an impact on him. If he had really implanted it, he might have become the Supreme.

"Such a lot of courage." Even Kun Pengzi was surprised. He didn't expect Qin Changsheng to be able to withstand such temptation, to be so determined, and to be in the supreme realm without being tempted. He couldn't help but take a high look at this former enemy.

If one reaches this realm, not only the three thousand states, but also the nine heavens and ten earths will be the top existences, invincible, and truly peerless.

An ordinary person would probably be unable to bear the temptation long ago and become one with the bones. Then Qin Changsheng talked about Mu Changsheng and Wang Changsheng again.

As for the other two immortals, Mu Changsheng and Wang Changsheng, although everyone was surprised, they did not react much. After all, except for Qin Changsheng, they did not understand them and did not understand their souls.

Xu Yu looked thoughtful. The three immortals involve too much. Qin Changsheng nourishes the bones, Mu Changsheng nourishes the blood, and Wang Changsheng nourishes the soul. The things involved here are too scary!

"Ancestor, you are about to transplant the immortal bone into Hao'er's body. Are you really sure that there will be no problem?"

Qin Yining asked, there are no parents in the world who are not worried about their children. He used to be the saint of the Everlasting Mountain and had a wide range of contacts, so he was naturally aware of the risks involved.

"Mother, don't worry, I believe Tianzun will not do anything bad to me?" Qin Hao whispered, his silver-white battle clothes glowing, and he said calmly.

Shi Hao on the side shook his head secretly. This younger brother was indeed a flower in the greenhouse, spoiled by the Immortal Mountain. Even the Immortal Lord Qin Changsheng himself did not dare to use this bone, but this younger brother was in such a silly and sweet state, which made He was truly speechless.

"I just want to fulfill him. If there is an accident or something really ominous, it will definitely happen to me and not others." Qin Changsheng sighed slightly and looked at Qin Hao. "Furthermore, although you are not related by blood to me, I created the Bulao Mountain lineage and I have always regarded it as my own." Qin Changsheng stressed.

There was a hint of complexity on his handsome young face. If possible, he would have preferred not to have this bone in the first place, so that he wouldn't have to lose too much. The Everlasting Mountain was indeed the place where he put his heart and soul.

That time of sleeping for 10 years, to him, it just seemed like a passing moment, and he didn't feel anything at all. When he opened his eyes again, it was already a long time ago.

"Is it possible that you can't detect anything at all, but you have experienced it firsthand?" Shi Hao asked, his tone calmed down, and he also felt the sincerity of Qin Changsheng's words.

"I can't find out. Over the years, there has never been any results." Qin Changsheng sighed: "Senior, since you also know about the disaster of immortality, you should also know a lot. Please help us clear up my doubts."

Everyone turned their attention to Xu Yu, wanting to hear his answer, and the eyes of Shi Hao's family were even brighter, because this involved Qin Hao and was closely related to their family.

Xu Yu's eyes flickered, of course he knew what the real disaster was.

That involves the Immortal King, the Ancient Palace of Connection and the other side of the Boundary Sea. These things are too complicated for the people in front of them. Even if they were told directly, they wouldn't understand.

"At present, there is no problem if this bone is warm and maintained in the body, but in the future, especially in high-level fields, it may not be certain."

Xu Yu looked at the waiting crowd, thought for a moment, and answered like this.


Everyone frowned. Although Qin Hao is still young and still young, he may eventually rise slowly. Will this bone bring harm to him? What level of cultivation must he reach?

Will there be any problems?
"Don't worry, you are fine for the time being. You can use this as a means. If it involves the Supreme, or the level of the immortal realm, real disaster may happen." Xu Yu said.

Supreme, true immortal!
These two words are still too long for everyone today, especially Xiao Shi Hao, who is not in the inscription realm and cannot touch that realm at all now.

Even Kun Pengzi has only reached the first level of escape and is still far away from the supreme state. Hearing Xu Yu's words, he was also a little speechless.

"It's actually like this!" Qin Changsheng sighed softly. He didn't expect that it turned out to be like this. He was not the only one who would cause trouble for immortality. It was just that the realms of those he had transplanted before were too low. From the side, this
In other words, it further illustrates the terrifying nature of immortal bones.

"Is there a way to transplant immortal bones and avoid the disaster of immortality?" Shi Hao then opened his eyes wide and asked suddenly.

"Boy, how is it possible? In this world, every drink and every peck is determined by fate. If you want to inherit the power of the immortal bone, then you have to accept his future backlash!"

"The more you gain, the more you may lose one day." Xiaota looked at Shi Hao sideways and said enigmatically.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, it seemed that this was indeed the truth, and Qin Hao's face was also a little uncertain.

"Not necessarily. If you can be at the forefront of cultivation, be shocked enough, and be able to deal with the backlash in the future, and instead sharpen it with this bone, and then cut it off after you understand it, you may have a chance of transcendence."

Xu Yu said calmly and said such words.

Qin Changsheng smiled bitterly. If he wanted to penetrate his cultivation path to the top, then fight against the power of that bone, understand it thoroughly and cut off the bone, it would take a lot of courage. At least he couldn't do this.

"That's it for now. You can make your own choice. I won't force you. Whether or not to implant it is entirely up to you." Qin Changsheng said.

Qin Hao was silent. His silver clothes were shiny and the aura of the gods filled the air. He held a war gun and listened to Qin Changsheng's words and remained silent for a long time.

Everyone sighed. After all, this was a child of about ten years old. It was really difficult for him to make a decision rashly. With a piece of fairy bone, he could gain power far beyond ordinary people. Who could refuse it?

After a long time, he spoke slowly, his eyes blazing, and he made a decision.

"I want to fuse the immortal bones and use them as my training to reach the top! Completely understand this bone and destroy everything. Even if there is a real danger of immortality, it cannot stop me!"

Qin Hao's eyes were bright and his words were firm. At this moment, he was full of energy, extremely confident, his eyes were shining, and his fighting spirit was high.

Qin Changsheng, the Immortal Lord, smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. This was the successor he was satisfied with. At the same time, he felt sad. He was still timid in his heart. He did not have the ambition of a young man. Otherwise, maybe he could go further!

Shi Hao, Qin Yining, and Shi Ziling sighed softly. Since it was Qin Hao's own decision, they couldn't say much.

Although they did not want Qin Hao to take risks by fusing his immortal bones, they could only respect his decision.The atmosphere suddenly became a little dull.


Xu Yu's eyes showed a strange color, and he glanced at Qin Hao. Runes were intertwined on his chest, and the prototype of a bone was flickering, as if it had really been transplanted.

"Although that bone has not been transplanted, it is nourished by projection and may have a certain influence on Qin Hao." Xu Yu thought for a moment.

When Qin Hao gave the answer just now, his inner voice should have been in the majority, but it is very likely that the pattern on the bone also affected him to some extent.

"Father and mother, it doesn't matter. Even if there is a disaster in the future, as the elder brother, I will naturally protect him and eliminate all causes and effects for him!" Shi Hao saw that the atmosphere was a bit dull, and he uttered such heroic words with bright eyes, like the sun in the sky. Burning, driving the atmosphere, fully reflecting the brother's responsibility.


Shi Ziling and Qin Yining smiled. This child was ambitious and valued his emotions. There was no barrier between him and his younger brother. This made them happy and dispelled a lot of their gloom.

At the same time, an endless feeling of guilt also arose in my heart. After all, they had owed Shi Hao too much over the years, and they could not make up for it.

Even Qin Hao, a child who was only over ten years old, showed a complicated expression when he heard his brother's words, and was no longer as hostile to him as he was at first.

Kun Pengzi looked at Qin Hao and said thoughtfully: "With one more bone, in the future, the infinite magic power will be great. Immortality is still too far away. Transplanting him into the body will be the biggest support in the short term." !”

Xu Yu was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that this simple young man would dare to transplant immortal bones now that he knew about the disaster of immortality. Although it might be partially affected by the immortal bone branding, it still impressed him.

The young man’s spirit is as high as the sky!
In fact, what no one knew was that when Qin Hao saw Xu Yu fighting against the immortals and destroying the leader with a snap of his fingers, his heart was extremely shocked. It was like a storm. It turns out that there is such extreme power in the world!

He longs to rise up, witness the more splendid scenery of the heavens, truly reach the top, and overlook the ups and downs of the era!
"Senior, please follow me."

Qin Changsheng stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, leading Xu Yu into a small world. This was a secret realm in the lower realm of the Immortal Mountain.

In the secret realm, there are lush trees and strange stones, filled with innate essence and steaming light, just like the pure land of an immortal family.

"Senior, I want to ask a question." Qin Changsheng said, asking Xu Yu to take a seat.Xu Yu looked at him quietly, waiting for him to speak.

"The original... changes in the lower realm, the fluctuations that shocked the sky, were they caused by seniors?" Qin Changsheng asked, his eyes burning, which was somewhat inconsistent with his usual calm temperament.


Xu Yu nodded. He already knew the reason. When he defied heaven and killed Demon King Pu who was hiding deep in Baiduan Mountain, it caused a series of reactions.

"As expected." Qin Changsheng sighed and whispered to himself.

Later, Qin Changsheng told him that he made a lot of noise at that time, which attracted the attention of several powerful immortals in Sanqian Daozhou. They were a little uneasy. Those few immortals who wanted to explore all this seemed a little anxious, worried about the past. Kunpeng is not completely dead, otherwise who can
The lower realm, stir up the boundless storm!
And since they had cast the Immortal-Breaking Curse on Kunpeng, they were naturally worried about Kunpeng's revenge!

Qin Changsheng reminded that maybe they would have some means that would be detrimental to him.

This was what he learned accidentally, otherwise ordinary people would not have the opportunity to come into contact with beings at the level of true immortals.

Moreover, Qin Changsheng speculated that a certain remnant immortal might have left seclusion and was waiting for an opportunity in secret!

If this kind of secret is revealed, it will definitely be shocking and cause an uproar. There are no true immortals in the contemporary era, even in the nine heavens, it is difficult to see them.

And as one of the three thousand Daozhous ranked lowest among the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, there are still living true immortals. Even if they don’t have the Taoism of the past, it is extremely terrifying, and now they have quietly left the seclusion!

"It doesn't matter, it's just a broken immortal. Sooner or later I will settle things with them."

Xu Yu smiled faintly, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he looked towards the sky. The heavens were reflected in his pupils, and the mountains and rivers were gorgeous, and all the world of mortals were all in his eyes.

Qin Changsheng was stunned and looked at the supreme being in front of him who could conquer the immortals.

His black hair was spread freely, his figure was tall and straight, and his eyes were open and closed, and there was a majestic aura, as bright as the morning star in the sky, shining on the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles.

He knew that there was a great cause and effect between Xu Yu and Kunpeng, and when Kunpengzi was released, there would definitely be a big collision, and by then there might be great turmoil in the nine heavens and ten places!

Although he was sure of Xu Yu's combat power, Sanqianzhou was not just a remnant immortal, it was a terrifying power!

But when he said it, the strong man in front of him always seemed to be calm and unconcerned, which also surprised him and secretly admired him.

Now that he has Shi Hao and has a relationship with Wuxing Mountain, he naturally doesn't want anything to happen to Xu Yu. The two are indirectly in the same camp, so he takes the initiative to remind him.

"Remnant Immortal..."

The corners of Xu Yu's lips curled up slightly. His current combat power could defeat the Five Elements Mountain Spirit, and those remnant immortals were only at the same level as the Five Elements Mountain Spirit. Naturally, he was very mediocre.

When the time comes, if he confronts Canxian, he won't mind capturing a few more people and serving in the army in the wilderness of Diguan. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words, and Qin Changsheng said goodbye to everyone. His figure became blurry and dim, and the projection returned to Sanqian Daozhou.

"You can leave temporarily, but you will return to the Immortal Mountain after a while. I will transplant the real immortal bones to you." This is what Qin Changsheng, the Immortal Lord, said to Qin Hao before leaving.

"Will you leave with me? There are also Ten Fierce Queens there," Xu Yu said to Kun Pengzi before leaving.

"Ten Fierce Queens!" Kun Pengzi's face changed slightly, and he was suddenly shocked and a little unbelievable. There were other Ten Fierce Queens in this lower world, which surprised and interested him.

"Okay!" Kun Pengzi agreed. Although he wanted to go to the upper world, he was not in a hurry.

"Let's go, let's leave here first." Xu Yu smiled slightly and looked at everyone.

"Leave, this place isn't of much value anymore." Xiaota said with a smile, spewing out chaotic energy, obviously in a good mood, and chattering there.

Shi Hao on the side also opened his mouth at this moment and was overjoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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