Chapter 383 The Surprising Village of Gods
Because just when Qin Changsheng was talking to Xu Yu alone, Xiaota and Shi Hao went to the Burao Mountain treasure house and picked up a lot of good things.

Xu Yu flicked his sleeves and led everyone away from the Everlasting Mountain, disappearing at the end of the sky in an instant.

The people of the Qin tribe in the Immortal Mountain were dumbfounded and shocked by Xu Yu's power. At this moment, they began to secretly rejoice that they had finally sent away this large group of plague gods. They couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After all, this was a person that even the Immortal Lord could not do anything about!

The fragments of time were flying, and Xu Yu traveled through one large area after another.

Finally, their figures arrived in Shicun again...

In an instant, fragments of time flew. It didn't last long, and soon it came to an end. There was a blur in front of it, and ripples spread.

The next moment, they stepped out and stepped on solid ground.

The smell of vegetation, light fruity aroma, and earthy aroma are fragrant and fragrant, and the air is very fresh when you come face to face.

In the distance, there is a small lake, with Luan birds coming and going, a brilliant rainbow streaking across the sky, and spiritual fish swimming in groups. The water surface is sparkling, creating layers of ripples. On the shore, there are all kinds of things. Ancient beasts appear and appear, but they are not surprised when they meet people. They stroll there leisurely and contentedly.

There is even more inexplicable energy gurgling, falling along the sky, turning into silver waterfalls, like the Milky Way pouring down from the sky, accompanied by bursts of thin smoke and colorful mist, making it extremely misty.

A village sits here, like a paradise, more like a holy land for cultivating immortals.

"Is this... the Divine Village?" Qin Hao's face was solemn. The essence here was so strong that it even surpassed the Immortal Mountain. What a terrifying thing!

His brother actually grew up here, so how far his strength was, made him confused for a while, because although he initially recognized this brother, he always had the idea of ​​​​competing with him in his heart. .

Although they have never fought against each other, they dare not underestimate this brother at this moment.

If he knew that this place was also the location of the true dragon's nest, he wouldn't know what his expression would be.

In fact, since the real dragon's nest was moved to Shicun, Shicun has been gradually nourished by the dragon's energy and become stronger and stronger, because the dragon's energy has an amazing feedback effect.

Not only the exotic beasts practicing here have benefited greatly, but even the mortals in Stone Village who have not practiced cultivation have become increasingly healthy, and their energy and blood are comparable to those of dragons and elephants.

At the head of the village, a willow tree takes root, and hundreds of willow branches hang down, swaying with green clouds. The endless green clouds wrap around the mist, making it sacred and peaceful.

It is rooted there, as if it is opening up a big world, with life and death, the power of creation surges, and endless divine light emerges.

Falling in the eyes of the powerful men, their expressions changed almost immediately. This willow tree is indeed stunning in appearance, towering into the sky, like the incarnation of the great road.

The figure of the willow tree is hazy, filled with chaotic energy. Around it, there are three thousand realms floating and falling, and infinite gods are looming and appearing, worshiping it.

Xu Yu was a little surprised. He didn't expect Liu Shen to come back so soon from the restricted area of ​​Yin and Yang in the Tianyu. He saw that Liu Shen had more willow sticks and knew that Liu Shen's strength had improved again. It looked like
His power has been greatly increased.

Shi Ziling and his wife were shocked. Is this the willow tree that withered in the past?Now it has become like this, like a god.

Qin Hao was also in a daze, opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.


Kun Pengzi's pale golden eyes swept over the willow tree, and he was also shocked. It also showed an incredible look. He didn't expect that there would be such a terrifying "great god" dormant in this village.

"Ah, it's Xiao Hao, and the adults are back!" A child shouted, and the whole village was alarmed, and everyone was extremely surprised.

All the houses are made of bricks and have a primitive style, which is very simple and peaceful. Many people came out.

"It's been two years, and I'm finally back!" The clan leader, Shi Linhu, Shi Feijiao and others were all laughing. While making fun of Xiao Shi Hao, they were also greeting Xu Yu.

Moreover, a group of children rushed up and almost drowned Shi Hao. They were all laughing and joking. Shi Ziling and his wife smiled. Their children grew up here and were protected by invincible strong men. With such tribesmen, what should they have to worry about.

"Child, when you come back this time, you will definitely stay for a while!" the clan leader said.

"Little brother, after so long, you finally show up. Don't leave me again." Qingfeng also appeared, with a flushed face, and then looked at Qin Hao and others.

"Okay!" Shi Hao agreed with a smile.

"Brother, you are back!" Yun Yan, a girl with double pupils, appeared, as gorgeous as ever, and she also smiled at this moment.

She has an unparalleled appearance, a pretty face like jade, curved eyebrows, and eyes like autumn water. There is chaos in the air between opening and closing. She is obviously a powerful person.

Although she is dressed in gray robe, her proud figure cannot be concealed, and she can be called a peerless beauty.

Everyone in Stone Village looked slightly condensed when they first arrived. This was obviously another great master.

"Xiao Hao, you have brought a new friend!" Later, everyone in Shicun also noticed that Kun Pengzi, Shi Ziling, Qin Hao and others looked surprised.

When Shi Hao introduced them to them, everyone in Shi Village was moved and greeted Shi Hao's parents cordially. A group of little children surrounded Qin Hao.

Everyone was happy for Shi Hao to find his biological parents, and rejoiced for him. Over the years, Shi Hao's long-cherished wish was fulfilled.

"Ouch... little guy, you are back, come and fight me!"

At the edge of the sky, red light flashed, hot breath rolled, and a red dragon was hovering. The scales of the dragon's body flashed, and its horns radiated light, bifurcated and strong, and the symbols of the flowing avenue.

It is very strong. It rises and falls in the void. The dragon drive is strong and powerful. It is like being made of red divine gold. The red glow is wrapped around the outside of the body. It has been tempered for thousands of times. It is like an indestructible steel Great Wall. It has a shocking sense of power.

In addition, there is a rich chaotic energy surrounding it, making him even more extraordinary.

The dragon's body was several feet long, and it was not very powerful, but its power moved people and made them widen their eyes.

"This is... a real dragon!"

Everyone was so surprised that they sucked in a breath of cold air and almost turned to stone. The real dragon was an invincible and powerful man in the past. Now, there is still one in the world. If word spread, it would be shocking!

The red dragon rolled, roaring loudly, transformed into a young man, landed in front of Shi Hao, and then saluted Xu Yu.

"Who do you think is the little guy?" Shi Hao was dissatisfied and looked at him sideways.

"Big Dream Bai Wanqiu, I have known myself throughout my life. I was born in chaos and am older than you." Red Dragon Gegu smiled, showing off.

"In the past two years, Da Zhuang, Pihou and others have all said how extraordinary you are, but I want to see what level you are at?"

Red Dragon Gegu shouted.

"In this path of cultivation, attainment is the first priority. If your realm is not enough, give it another two or three years." Shi Hao said with a wide-eyed glance.

Xu Yu was speechless. This son of a true dragon seemed to have been assimilated. In the past two years, he had been hanging out with the children in the village, and he seemed to have become a naughty kid again.

"This, do you dare to fight against the same realm?" The red dragon Gegu was not angry. When he was born from the egg, he was originally in the Void Dao realm, but now his Dao foundation has been reshaped and his cultivation has been sealed. Today's realm is indeed inferior to Shi Hao.

"I'll be with you anytime!" Shi Hao said, squinting at him, his eyes sparkling, with an invincible self-confidence. Even if he was the son of a real dragon, he could still look down upon him!
"You are..." Suddenly, Chilong's eyes turned slightly and looked at Kunpengzi...·...

He sensed every trace of cordial aura on Kun Pengzi.

"The descendant of Kunpeng..."

In the distance, a middle-aged man walked over, with a majestic and steady figure, like the incarnation of the great road. He showed a strange look and looked at Kun Pengzi.

"Senior." Kun Pengzi felt awe-struck and hurried forward to salute. He already knew that the true dragon, who was the first of the ten evils in the past, still has a mark left. Now in the stone village, he must be the middle-aged man in front of him. .

"I didn't expect that after the ancient immortal was buried, I could still see the heirs of fellow Taoist Kunpeng." Zhenlong's face was a little complicated. Back then, he and Kunpeng, the unparalleled female immortal, fought in foreign lands together and forged a deep relationship.


They are both in the Ten Evils and have ancient immortal names, which naturally makes him feel a little different.

The real dragon knows that at that time, the female Kunpeng was so magnificent that she was the top fighting force in the Nine Heavens.

She slayed immortals, fought against immortal kings, and killed foreign masters like pulling weeds, making the strong men in foreign lands tremble with fear and change their color after hearing this.

He originally didn't know the situation and didn't understand why Kunpeng fell, because he passed away in Immortal Ancient times, and Kunpeng had not fallen when he died in battle. Only now did he know how Kunpeng fell.

Only now did he unexpectedly learn that he had died at the hands of several immortals using the Immortal-breaking Curse, which made him naturally angry and felt unworthy of his former comrades.

Kun Pengzi also had a complex expression. The leader of the ten evil spirits was still alive. Although it was just a remnant soul, it was enough to defy the heavens.

"I think about how amazing Daoist Kunpeng was back then..."

The real dragon sighed softly and looked into the distance, with eternal years passing by in his eyes. Kunpengzi was also silent and felt sad. Her mother had completely passed away, and her soul was gone.

"I really want to wake up again one day, kill all the nine heavens, and wipe out everything!"

The real dragon's hair was all disheveled, and his eyes were extremely deep, as if he could see through the past, present, and future. When he spoke, he was so powerful that he commanded Jiutian, with a kind of great compassion and power that could overwhelm eternity.

In the Ancient Immortal Era, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were the masters. They attacked the Nine Heavens and subdued the Nine Nethers. They killed the Immortal King and suppressed all turmoil. As long as it endangered the common people, it was difficult to resist the attack of the true dragon.

Now, even though he is just a true spiritual will, his invincible spirit is still fully displayed, and people can vaguely see his unparalleled grace back then.

"Everyone, let's go into the village and talk." Xu Yu said calmly. The atmosphere here was dull and seemed a bit depressing.

Everyone had different thoughts and walked towards the village.

It has to be said that today's Stone Village is a sacred land, where elixirs are planted at will, and the spiritual energy is dense on both sides of the bluestone road.

In particular, there are silver shining peach trees in the village. Although they are only half waist high, their leaves and branches are full of divine light, and there are strands of avenue symbols flashing on them, which is extremely astonishing.

"A holy medicine..." Qin Hao's face was a little dazed, but he had no unnecessary expression. He had even seen legendary figures now, and the natural gathering of a holy medicine made him fuss.

Originally, it was impossible for this silver peach tree to advance in this way, but nourished by the true dragon's energy, it quickly evolved into a real holy medicine.

"Xiaohao is back!"

As soon as they entered the village, the Demon Ape, Lihuo Bull Demon and Ni ran over and surrounded Shi Hao. Shi Hao was also very excited, greeted them warmly, and hugged them.

Not far away, two gray native chickens were strolling, leaning against each other like glue, which made Qin Hao's eyes widen.

"What's going on? Why is there an extra eight-precious chicken!" Shi Hao was surprised and looked at the extra eight-precious chicken.

One of the Eight Treasure Chickens heard this and looked at Shi Hao. His little eyes rolled and he glanced sideways at him. Then he turned around and continued to stroll leisurely with the other Eight Treasure Chickens.

"Damn it, why do you feel so despised? Isn't this the Eight Treasure Chicken from Tianshen Mountain?" Shi Hao recognized it and said in surprise.

"Hahaha, of course I brought it from Tianshen Mountain, how about it!
In the distant sky, a clear and heroic voice came, extremely roaring, and a large shadow stretched across the sky, covering the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw a big red bird swooping down from the distance. There were two people standing on it. They were a man and a woman. The man was handsome, wearing five-color Taoist robes, with his hands behind his back. The woman was extremely slender and beautiful. flowery.

It was Er Xiuzi and his old friend Yun Menglan who came to Shicun again!
"Oh, everyone, you are back now, and you miss me so much!"

In the distant sky, a long cry came, like a wolf or a bird, the fire was surging, the red glow was dazzling, it came at great speed and landed on the ground.

"Big Hong." Shi Hao was surprised and rushed over and hugged his neck.

"Take it easy, take it easy, I can't breathe anymore, my life is miserable..." The big red bird complained to Shi Hao. For the past two years, the vengeful Er Baldy has been letting him act as a foothold, leading Er Er Bald Zi and Yun Menglan traveled around.

"Think about what you did to him in the past." Shi Hao was happy. Seeing this unscrupulous big red bird being punished by the two bald men, he had no sympathy at all and scolded him there.

The dignified Peacock Master was bullied by a big red bird in the past and lost his temper. Now that his cultivation has recovered, he naturally wants to regain his place.
The big red bird had been shaved off by Er Baldy before. Unexpectedly, in the past two years, Er Baldy also let him act as a foot support to carry him flying.
"Oh, you heartless one. It's true that the joys and sorrows in the world are not the same. You just think I'm noisy!" the big red bird said angrily,
"Wandering in the North Sea in the morning and staying in Cangwu in the evening, this is how life should be." Er Baldy smiled. In fact, at his level, his speed was far faster than Er Baldy. He took Er Baldy as his mount just to be more impressive.

Shi Hao was also speechless. He didn't expect Er Baldy to live so freely in the past two years, traveling around and enjoying the mountains and rivers. He was quite carefree.

"I kept my promise. How about I bring you a pair of eight-precious chickens?" Erbaldy said proudly. When he entered Tianshen Mountain before, he threatened to pack a pair of eight-precious chickens.

"Is there another one?" Shi Hao asked. He remembered that there were two in Tianshen Mountain.

"You are greedy, but it's a pity. I originally wanted to pack both of them, but the old guy wouldn't let me." The bald man shook his head again, with a look of regret on his face.

Yun Menglan on the side was speechless. The former Great Peacock was acting unscrupulously as usual.

After repairing the magic circle and taking her away from Tianshen Mountain, he actually forcibly took away an Eight Treasure Chicken.

However, because of this, his biological eldest brother, the Lord of Tianshen Mountain, Yun Canghai, was so angry that if he hadn't been afraid of his strength and the people behind him, he might have taken action against Kong Qiu on the spot.

"Meng Lan, I once proposed marriage for this kid. It wasn't bad," the bald man suddenly changed the subject.Pointing at Shi Hao, he said with a smile.

"Young Supreme, he is indeed worthy of Yun Xi." Yun Menglan whispered and looked at Shi Hao carefully.

His face was moved and his eyes lit up. Such a young inscription expert could not be found even if he searched the ancient sacred mountain.

"It's just a pity that your brother is so useless and only knows how to look at others, just like your father did back then." Er Baldy said angrily.

"What are you talking about?" Yun Menglan pinched the bald man. After all, they were his biological father and brother, even if they were wrong.

"Do you like Yun Xi?" Yun Menglan said with a smile.

"Of course, our love is as strong as gold." Shi Hao licked his face and said, as thick-skinned as a city wall.

"You are somewhat similar to Qiu Yi's style back then." Yun Menglan was startled, then smiled and glanced away at the bald man. Shi Hao was speechless and choked, not knowing what to say.
"In the future, I will tell my brother that this young man can come and propose marriage!" Yunmeng said in agreement.

"Ah..." Shi Hao scratched his head. This was too fast. He wanted to say that he was just talking casually, but he shut up at the right time.

"Isn't the ancient magic circle about to be repaired? Aren't you going to go to the upper world then?" Shi Hao said suddenly.

"It's still early. If you have the ability, you can capture Yun Xi as soon as possible!" The two bald man said with a smile, which was a bit wretched. The demeanor of the Great Peacock disappeared in an instant, and Yun Menglan was also angry. glared at him.

"It's necessary. One day, of course, I will also go to the upper realm!" Shi Hao patted his chest with a lot of pride.

"Hahaha, you have the same style as I did back then! The bald man laughed.

Xu Yu sat cross-legged under the willow tree, and in one thought, her mind wandered all over the world, reaching all corners of the wilderness.

Almost instantly, something strange appeared because he sensed some information...

(End of this chapter)

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