Under Xu Yu's investigation, a war was taking place in the imperial capital of the Shi Kingdom.

The great demon Shi Zhongtian and Shi Hao's grandfather made a big fuss in King Wu's Mansion in the imperial capital of the Stone Kingdom, fighting King Wu and King Sheyu to settle past grievances.

"Your grandfather has appeared..." Xu Yu's eyes flashed and he transmitted the message to Shi Hao.

"What!" Shi Hao was startled, then his face was shocked, his body couldn't stop shaking, and he was extremely excited.

"My grandfather is still alive!" Shi Hao was in a daze, his eyes were red, and then he shouted. Sadness, joy, surprise and other emotions were mixed together. His heart was ups and downs, and then he was replaced by a full sense of happiness.
His eyes suddenly brightened up.

He was really shocked. Back then, his grandfather was hunted down by the adult Pixiu. He had completely lost contact with him and lost his whereabouts. He might have almost died in the battle.

Otherwise, why has he not appeared again for so many years? Now that he heard such good news, he was naturally overjoyed!

"Where is my grandfather?" Shi Hao slowly calmed down his mood, and then asked with hope.

"The Imperial Capital of the Stone Kingdom!" Xu Yu responded calmly.

"I want to go over and take grandpa over, so that our family will be completely reunited!" Shi Hao shouted. After so many years, he longed for family affection in his heart.

Now, I have just taken my younger brother’s parents back and are reunited with my grandfather. It’s an unexpected joy!He knew that his grandfather's disappearance was also because he entered the battlefield of hundreds of tribes to help him find pure blood and offended the Pixiu lineage, otherwise it would not have happened.

"What, my father, he has returned to the Stone Kingdom!" Shi Ziling strode over, and after learning the news, he showed an expression of extreme surprise.

"It's great, our family is finally reunited..." Qin Yining also smiled. After so many years, the family will finally be reunited.

"Grandfather..." Qin Hao whispered, his silver-white battle clothes shiny and shining with divine brilliance. He had never really seen his grandfather since he was born, and he felt quite uneasy at the moment.

"Let's go. Since my father is here, I should go to Shiguo to greet him!" Shi Ziling said, his eyes flashing with astonishing sparkle.

"Big Red, let's go and set off for Stone Country!" Shi Hao called to Big Red Bird, and then said hello to everyone in Stone Village.

"Ouch, life is hard, I have to act as a legion again." The big red bird
Wailing, a pair of eyes rolled around, wilted, and glanced enviously at the two Bazhen chickens lying leisurely under the willow tree in the distance.

"Xiao Hao, let's go with you!" Jun Ni, the Lihuo Bull Demon, and the Demon Ape are here. They know some of the grievances from the past, and they show up like this to defeat Shi Hao!
They know that the Imperial Capital of the Stone Kingdom is not a pure land. There are many unpredictable things and it is too dangerous!

"Okay!" Shi Hao nodded, knowing what they meant. With a few venerables, they would definitely be a shocking force in the Shi Kingdom, and they would have nothing to worry about.

As for the trip to Shi Country, Shi Hao was too embarrassed to bother Xu Yu, so it was enough to take Fa Mang and the others with him.

If he travels with the three venerables, it will definitely shock the Stone Kingdom. At the same time he takes his grandfather back, he can also settle a wave of past grievances.

"What, my grandfather made a big fuss in Prince Wu's Mansion of Shi Kingdom and shot the Rain King's body with an arrow!" Shi Hao was surprised and was in a daze for a while.

"Father, he is asking for an explanation for Hao'er." Shi Ziling had tears in his eyes. He knew his father's character, and being so crazy must have touched his inner side.

The next day, after a short rest, Shi Hao's family embarked on the right path and left Shi Village again. They went to the Imperial Capital of Shi Kingdom with his parents, Qin Hao, and the three great sages.

Xu Yu's face was indifferent, and she continued to sit cross-legged under the willow tree, her eyes shining brightly, and she began to think about her own path.

"Next, it's almost time to cultivate the inscription realm."

Xu Yu whispered, and after taking some time to settle down, it was time to practice next, to integrate the methods of today's era and really get a glimpse of the supreme true meaning.

There are three major steps in the realm of spiritual transformation, and he has performed them to the extreme, namely turning the body into a spirit, reshaping the true self, and cultivating the spirit in the cave. Now he has evolved these realms to the extreme.

The most important thing is to raise spirits in the cave. Those ten evil spirits are also lifelike, filled with chaotic energy, as if these true spirits really come to life.

Xu Yu switched to the immortal phoenix body, sat quietly under the willow tree, and then began to adjust her state and enter the practice mode.

Normally, those who really start to get in touch with the original meaning of bone inscriptions and embark on this path no longer completely borrow the runes of ferocious beasts and raptors, but can already carve some special symbols into their own bodies. These are also added. The necessary means of combat power.

Of course, today's Xu Yu will not simply assemble the inscriptions like ordinary people do, but will carve them in a pioneering way and show unique methods.

Generally speaking, this realm is extremely difficult. If it is to be inscribed in the bones of the body or in the cave, every step is very difficult, and it is difficult to achieve results after many years. But for Xu Yu, who has penetrated the two major methods, naturally there is no such worry. .

Symbols appeared on his body surface one after another, like tattoos, densely packed. This was the appearance, and it was the same in his body, whether it was on flesh and blood or on his organs. Pattern branding.

"When future generations become emperors, they will create runes and engrave them on them." Xu Yu thought for a moment and decided to give it a try. He would engrave his own runes of the Great Emperor in the incarnation of the Immortal Phoenix to achieve evolution and turn the Heaven-Shrouding Law into chaos.
Fusion, integration.

There are two very different differences between the ancient method of chaos and the method of covering the sky. One is to use the power of heaven and earth to temper one's body and seize the fortune of heaven and earth.

The method of covering the sky opens up the secret realm of the human body, without relying on the power of heaven and earth. It is detached from the outside. Even if the mountains and seas in the outside world rise and fall, it itself remains unmoving!


Symbols flickered all over his body, even in his bone marrow, as if the symbols of the great road were engraved on him, carrying the secrets of the heavens.

His pupils flickered, and various runes were intertwined in his eyes, as if they condensed the most original rules and order in the world.

The various emperor runes flickered and were engraved in his bones, flesh and blood, and his viscera. Every word was blooming with brilliance and clanging.

Xu Yu's whole body glowed, and various potentials of his body were released. Wenlao enveloped him, and the nine-color fairy light flowed and wrapped around his body, making him look mysterious and hazy.


Later, the Great Emperor's runes flickered like stars, emerging on his body surface, flesh and blood, and in his viscera. His powerful aura surged, and his energy and blood rolled, as if a true dragon was dormant there.

"Crack, click!"

Xu Yu discovered that the bones in his body seemed to have undergone some kind of change after the Great Emperor's runes were engraved into the flesh and blood of the Immortal Phoenix...

For a moment, his heart palpitated, and the bones in his body continued to make noises.Like a sonorous sound, every bone in the body was filled with light and radiance, and the harmonious sound of the avenue sounded, like a fairy tune being played.

He opened his eyes and looked inside, inexplicable runes reflected in his pupils, which were profound and mysterious, staring at his changed bones.

Xu Yu was surprised to find that his body and bones seemed to have undergone some amazing changes, which were somewhat different from before.

The two hundred and six Dao bones in the body trembled and trembled. The emperor's runes flashed on them, and there was light flowing, which was extremely magical.

And at this moment, all the bones were dyed with a layer of golden light, becoming golden, as if they were cast in gold.

Xu Yu could easily feel the increase in strength and the transformation of the body. The breath of life became extremely full, exploding in an astonishing manner.

If I had known, this body was also in the quasi-emperor state, and could be called a supreme master in this world. It allowed him to transform, so you can imagine how amazing it was!


His eyes turned silvery white, and wisps of threads were intertwined, and many symbols emerged. He was using his pupil technique to observe the changes in the bones.

At the same time, he began to run through the Great Emperor's scriptures in his mind and deduce them simultaneously, trying to understand the reasons for all these changes.


At this moment, the light of the wheel and sea in his body was strong, the Yin and Yang Qi emerged, and wisps of chaotic Qi filled the air, submerging into the limbs and bones, rolling like a long dragon, which was extremely shocking.

"Why is this happening?" Xu Yu was surprised, but not too worried, because he did not notice the crisis, so he allowed him to continue to develop and observe slowly.

Wisps of chaotic energy rushed toward the two hundred and six Dao bones, and submerged into the engraved Great Emperor runes, nourishing the Dao bones, making them more crystal clear and emitting a pale golden brilliance.

At this moment, every bone in his body was rotating like a star, but it seemed to be bigger than the stars, and like a small world evolving.

At this moment, it seems that with a random burst of breath, the endless mountains and rivers can dry up and the stars become extinct.

"The chaotic energy in the wheel sea was led into the Dao Bone through the Great Emperor Rune!" Xu Yu was quite surprised, and then began to think quietly.

"No, why is my Dao bone still evolving!"

Xu Yu's eyes suddenly widened with a look of disbelief, and his heart suddenly surged.

There is a Taoist bone in it, and there is a vitality emerging, which has the power of creation!It seems that a new world is opening up, and there is an inexplicable vitality!
This is not the vitality of his original body, but a vitality that has increased independently and is beyond his original body!

"Could it be that one day, all the bones in my body will really turn into a world?" Xu Yufa was startled. After the chaotic energy of the wheel and sea penetrated into the Dao bones, there was such a change, and it seemed to contain the creation of the world.

The secret of!
He opened his eyes wide again and looked at those golden bones. At this moment, his face became extremely serious. It was a matter of great importance. However, after that, changes appeared again!

At this moment, the qi and blood in his body were surging, almost boiling, and it was like a long river, surging. The blood was also engraved with the runes of the Great Emperor. At this moment, it also received the chaotic energy that led to the wheel sea, and it was astonishing. The life spirit can emerge and appear in the blood.

"Is this... a mustard seed, a piece of bone or a drop of blood, evolving a world?"

Xu Yu's eyes flashed, and he could no longer remain calm. There was an astonishing burst of divine energy, tearing the world apart. Now, it seemed that he was really going to step out of the way!

He suddenly remembered some ancient records.

In the human body, there are countless dusts and countless 'doors'

As long as you keep opening these doors, you can discover your true self, keep opening up the treasures of your physical body, and make steady progress!
"So that's it. It turns out that I have always been under the influence of the Heaven-Shielding Technique, but I just focused on those secret realms!" Xu Yu was thoughtful, and suddenly an idea came to him at this moment.

The human body contains infinite possibilities, not just the secret realms of the Wheel, Dao Palace, and Sendai. There are too many treasures in the human body that need to be discovered!
A mustard seed can contain Sumeru. A small mustard seed can contain Sumeru or the entire world. This is a Buddhist saying, and it is also applicable in the world of cultivation.Every drop of blood and every bone may be a world, containing infinite possibilities. Life and death are also one great world after another!
"If this is the case, will a human body universe really evolve in the future?" Xu Yu's mind was swaying, and he was quite uneasy at the moment, as if he had sensed some kind of eternal secret.

If that is really possible, it would be truly unbelievable and otherworldly.

In this world, he evolves all things by himself and becomes the supreme protector!
"Go on, make the formation!"

Xu Yu's aura is rising steadily. At his level, he can understand all things with one thought. If he has polished a state, he doesn't have to wait too long, everything will come naturally.

After the inscription, there is the formation realm!He got it done early and worked hard in one go.Just take it down and continue to explore, maybe there will be new discoveries!

For many monks, these four realms, blood moving, cave heaven, spirit transformation, and array formation, are just the basics. They need to spend a lifetime pursuing them. After all, the ruler of the eight realms on the bright side is only in the venerable realm. .

If we say that the inscription realm is imitating other runes, and the formation is about evolving to a better level and truly using it, the formation is very crucial and should not be underestimated, and it is worth paying attention to.

"If you simply carve out a killing formation, it will definitely not work. In the end, your achievements will be limited." Xu Yu said softly,
Although this is just an incarnation, it doesn't matter if the experiment fails, but he doesn't want to be careless, and must evolve every step to the extreme to pave the way for his own path, and he will inevitably embark on a new practice system in the future.

His pupils opened and closed, divine light emerged, and chaos filled the air, arranging the Great Emperor's runes to form the parts carved out by the Lingbao Killing Formation.

Lingbao Tianzun is an extremely talented person. He is the creator of the Secret Formation. He is unparalleled in the formation technique. Although Xu Yu does not specialize in formation techniques, he is quite familiar with it.

He combined the Heaven Covering Technique and the Chaos Ancient Technique to carve part of the Immortal Killing Formation into his body. Of course, there was still some flesh and blood that was not completely carved. This was in preparation for the future evolution of a new internal killing formation!

There is no deliberate and fixed formation of a specific killing array, it is just in line with the trend of the great road. It is indeed created by many things and will give it infinite possibilities in the future.

If it can truly sublimate, it will not be limited to this Spiritual Treasure Killing Formation in the future!

By that time, the combat effectiveness may have undergone earth-shaking changes!
What is array?That is a kind of creation, a kind of feat, and it is definitely not a simple carving of formations in the body!
The formation process lasted for a day and a night, and finally stabilized completely.

Of course, he is only a preliminary arrangement, and there will be many subsequent evolutions and sublimations to reach perfection step by step.

At this moment, his eyes opened and closed, and he arrived at the Eight Wastelands of the Universe. His expression moved slightly, and he saw the scene in the Imperial Capital of the Stone Kingdom... (End of this chapter)

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