Wasteland, the Imperial Capital of the Stone Kingdom

The majestic city wall is huge. He sits there, majestic and majestic. There are carvings and ax marks on it, full of traces of time, just like a giant city left from the era of gods and demons.

Under the city wall, a large group of people gathered together, including men and women, old and young. A large group of people, who had just experienced a battle, were full of blood and spirit and circled upward.

It was Shi Hao, Qin Hao, their parents, Fa Ni, Demon Ape, Lihuo Niu Demon and others.

However, among the crowd, there were two more people, one was a graceful girl with beautiful appearance and slender figure, and the other was a one-armed old man.

The old man was tall and burly, with some white hair and messy hair, as well as his beard, which looked like he hadn't been groomed for many years, but his eyes were bright and energetic.

This man must have been very handsome when he was young. Although his hair was as messy as grass, his temperament was very special, like a king standing tall.

The only pity is that he only has one arm and carries a big bow on his back. Although his body is incomplete, he is still very powerful and has an impressive heroic appearance that looks out in all directions.

Xu Yu knew that this person might be the Great Demon God Shi Zhongtian, and the broken arm was an obvious sign.

On the street, many people were pointing around them, showing shock, respect and fear. The one-armed old man was definitely a ruthless person.

In the past two days, the imperial capital was shaken. The Great Demon God returned and attacked forcefully, first attacking the King of Martial and then the King of Rain. It shook the sky and the earth. It is now a major killer in the Imperial Capital of the Stone Kingdom!
To everyone's surprise, the Great Demon God who had just made Prince Yu's Mansion disgraced did not stop after two days.

The Qishi Caizi Mausoleum, the former imperial capital, and his family returned to Shidu again, met with his father, the Great Demon God, and once again caused turmoil in the Rain Clan, almost annihilating it completely!
There was a huge earthquake in the imperial capital of the Stone Kingdom. The news spread all over the world, causing an uproar in the world. The Yu clan was attacked again and again. This was an unprecedented event. After all, this clan had given birth to gods in ancient times. , has a shocking foundation, but can’t do anything to the Great Demon God’s family!

The people from the former Prince Wu's Palace actually came back, and they once again suppressed the Prince Yu's faction, and a fierce battle broke out. Even the decrees of the gods were sacrificed, but they couldn't stop this family.


"No wonder the Great Demon God went mad, and even went to fight fiercely with King Wu and King Rain, so there is such a hidden secret!" Someone said, full of sympathy for Shi Hao's family.

"He was originally born supreme, but he was killed by his own clansman, it's sad and deplorable!" Some people sighed like this.

Due to chance, there is a reason. The Wu Palace and the Yu Clan planted evil fruits in the past, and now it is time to repay.

One sect originally had two supreme beings, but Shi Hao's juvenile supreme bone was taken away and implanted into the body of Shi Yi, a natural god, which made people sigh. If it weren't for this, the Shi clan would definitely have flourished to the extreme!
Having just raided Prince Wu's Mansion, everyone was about to return to Shicun without lingering, but they were stopped by a man.

"Ziling, fifteenth uncle, why are you leaving in such a hurry? I haven't fulfilled my duty as a landlord yet!" A man came from a distance, extremely solemn.

He has an extremely slender figure, a very handsome face, disheveled hair, and divine light in his eyes. He is none other than Shi Yi's father, Shi Ziteng, who practices in Demon Spirit Lake!

"Shi Ziteng, you dare to come!" Shi Ziling was furious. Shi Hao's Supreme Bone was dug out by his wife back then. Although the poisonous woman had been executed, it still made him feel uncomfortable and made him unable to help but think. If you want to take action, kill him with your own hands!
The Great Demon God and Shi Hao had extremely cold expressions on their faces. It was obvious that the other party was not a good person!
"Ziling, you are still so irritable. I am not going to fight you this time. Besides, you are no match for me." Shi Ziteng said calmly, very calmly.

"Uncle Fifteen, you have gone too far and massacred your clan members. Today I will ask the seniors from Demon Spirit Lake to uphold justice." Shi Ziteng turned his head and looked at the Great Demon God, but he looked a little cold.

"Haha, it's quite lively. Zi Teng, I'm here and I will bring justice to your Prince Wu Mansion. You don't have to worry!"

Above the sky, a demon spider stood standing, as huge as a mountain. Its whole body was green, with many spider hairs shining like war spears, and the crystals shone with a cold luster.

"Thank you, Master!" Shi Ziteng cupped his hands and stepped aside.

"Devil Lake, do you dare to interfere in our affairs?"

Shi Hao's eyes were extremely cold, his black hair was turbulent, and it was clanging like a heavenly sword. His tone was harsh, and he looked directly at the spider.

He has even seen immortals. How could he be afraid of a sage, let alone three venerables on his side!
"You, junior, are not polite, but you know my identity. I am here to help your Prince Wu Mansion deal with the problem!"

The Demon Spider said, his voice was not loud, but it had a great majesty that made the heaven and earth roar.

"It's just a demon spider, and it's only worthy of being eaten as a side dish with wine!" Shi Hao sneered.

At the same time, his sharp eyes glanced at Shi Ziteng.

In the family affairs of Prince Wu's Mansion, this nominal uncle actually asked an outsider to take action, which made him feel extremely shocked!
"Where did the silly spider come from? It deserves to show off its superiority here and crawl for me!" The big red bird also started to scream, and said arrogantly, looking sideways at the ancient spider.

Shi Hao and his group looked calm. They had amazing trump cards on their side. There were three great sages dormant among the team. Naturally, they were not worried. These sages had never taken action against the Rain Clan before, and even No one knows their strength!

"Now, it's hard for you people to even think about dying!" The demon spider's nose was almost twisted with anger, its voice was like thunder, and the sky was shaking. Now even a stupid bird dared to shout at them, Let him have
It is time to leave anger.Sometimes, perhaps life is more terrifying than death, so he plans to use the most cruel means to suppress this group of people.


The demon spider moved, and its legs vibrated together, like war spears, and shot out, bringing up a dazzling rune. The brilliance was so brilliant that even the void rippled.

"But so!"

The Lihuo Bull Demon moved, opened his mouth, and the blazing Lihuo exploded, rushed out, turned into a fire storm, rolled up the body of the Ancient Demonic Spider, and the war spears burned, making the Ancient Demonic Spider look shocked. .

"Venerable!" The Great Ancient Demon Spider's face was full of anger. He didn't expect that the cow was actually a powerful and respected person. He was so inconspicuous. No wonder the other party was so confident.


The demon ape's eyes widened with anger, and he stretched out a hand as big as a mountain. As if the sky had collapsed, he pressed down on the top of the ancient demon spider's head, causing him to fly away, coughing up blood!

"An existence like an ant dares to challenge me!" Suanni's body was filled with smoke, and his pale golden eyes burst out with a blazing golden light, which actually directly tore the demon spider's body apart.

"Three Venerables!" The Ancient Demon Spider suddenly shouted, extremely frightened.

One-on-one, he was no match for one of them, let alone three of them. Almost instantly, he was torn into pieces by the three ferocious beasts!

"Be careful, don't damage the fresh food!" Shi Hao yelled with a slight twitch in the corner of his mouth and pain in his flesh.

The dying Ancient Demon Spider's face turned green at this moment. He didn't expect that he would mention such a irony, and he regretted it. Moreover, the other party wanted to eat him as food, which made his spine tremble.

Got cold.

"Stone Emperor, save me!" The Ancient Demon Spider shouted, hoping that the Human Emperor would take action.

"It's your own fault!" A majestic voice said from inside the palace.


The three ferocious beasts moved together with ferocious ferocity. They took action directly and quickly killed the ancient demon spider completely. The blood rushed to the sky, causing the onlookers to fight. These three venerables were really too ferocious.

Although they seem friendly in Stone Village, that is only to the people of Stone Village. To the outside world, they are still terrifying beasts that will release the most primitive killing power!
"Another big meal!" Shi Hao nodded with satisfaction.

Unfortunately, Shi Ziteng ran away. When he sensed something was wrong, he instantly crushed a magic talisman and took him away at a very fast speed, but he could no longer catch up.

Many people were dumbfounded. The Lord of Demon Spirit Lake died like this, and there were actually three Lords in the team of the Great Demon God. How terrible was this!

"Fellow Taoists, please come into the palace and talk!" Above the sky, I don't know when a figure appeared.

There, the golden light was dazzling, blazing to the extreme, like a golden ocean undulating. The Human Emperor is here, please invite a few people into the palace!

The onlookers were surprised and kowtowed one after another to greet the Human Emperor. They did not expect that the Human Emperor would personally come to greet the Great Demon God and the others!

Emperor Shi invited Shi Hao's family into the palace and held a banquet in honor of them.

Not long after, the Human Emperor of the Stone Kingdom personally issued an order to confer the Great Demon God as the Demon God King and create another palace.

Not long after, Shi Hao and his party left the palace and returned to Shicun again.

When the Great Demon God came to Shicun, he was naturally warmly welcomed by everyone, congratulating Shi Hao and his family, and Xu Yu even took action.Using the blood of the Immortal Phoenix, he washed his hair and cut his marrow, reborn the broken arm of the great demon stone Zhongtian, and allowed him to successfully advance to the realm of the Venerable.

Time flies, and a few months pass by in a flash.

During this period, Shi Hao often went out to travel, riding a big red bird, traveling to the North Sea in the morning, staying in Cangwu in the evening, and visiting secret places in various ancient countries.

"Brother, Shi Yi is out of seclusion!"

The girl with double pupils sitting cross-legged next to Xu Yu suddenly spoke and looked at Xu Yu. (End of chapter)

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