In Butian Pavilion, the void was chaotic and the passageways were densely covered with cracks. A figure struggled to escape.

This is a young man who looks to be only sixteen or seventeen years old. He is tall and strong, with thick hair and a handsome appearance. He has a special aura, as if an ancient god was born, exuding an astonishing aura.

"Hahaha, Yi'er is out!" A spider was startled, sensed its breath, turned into a golden rainbow and was about to rush there, trying to take Shi Yi away.


In the depths of Butian Pavilion, a gourd vine swayed in chaotic light, and the glow surged, like the ups and downs of the tide. As it opened its mouth, it was like a big bell falling, suppressing the ancient magic spider!

"Senior, I didn't mean to offend, I just came to pick up Yi'er."

The big spider groaned, coughed up a mouthful of blood, staggered back, and was horrified to the extreme. After the rebirth of Nirvana, the terrifying gourd vine was really against the sky.

"Butian Pavilion is important, do not trespass!" Calabash Vine said lightly, with a kind of majesty, and then fell silent again, quietly guarding that side of pure land.


Not reconciled, the big spider turned into a ray of light again, retreated, and had to go back to the gate of Butian Pavilion again, waiting quietly, not daring to move rashly.

Shi Yi was stunned, a little surprised, his eyes flashed with divine light, and his heart was throbbing. He looked at the powerful gourd vine with a somewhat inexplicable expression. How could this gourd vine be so strong?

He remembered that the gourd vine was already in a state of exhaustion, but now it seems to have returned to its peak state, and it can actually drive away the venerable person with just one word!
Soon, an astonishing news came out of Butian Pavilion, setting off a turbulent sea. Shi Yi appeared from the ancient holy courtyard, and the news even spread to the imperial capital of Shi Kingdom.

Shi Hao was also alarmed. He came back from traveling in the outside world and shouted to Shi Yi for a fateful battle. He formally issued a challenge, and Shi Yi also made a clear reply!

The two young supreme beings are about to go to war, setting off a stormy sea!

The name of the double pupil shocked the world, and his extraordinary talent has long been known to the world, and he is known as the ancient god and saint!
Needless to say, Shi Hao, the False God Realm has broken records, the Battle of Beihai was earth-shattering, and he gained a great reputation in the Battle of the Imperial Capital, and his reputation was unparalleled for a while!
"Double pupil, are you strong? I'll fight with you!"

Surprisingly, Qin Hao, who lives in Shicun, also challenged Shi Yi. He has always been arrogant, so he naturally wanted to participate in the big showdown.

Many people are surprised, who is this Qin Hao?He dares to challenge someone with double eyes, he seems to have a lot of background!
It didn't take long for everyone to find out Qin Hao's origin. He was actually the younger brother of the Young Supreme Shi Hao. He came from the Immortal Mountain of Xuan Domain and was a famous young Supreme in that realm. At that time, there was a man in the imperial capital wearing silver. The boy in the white suit is him!The world is shocked, three supreme beings from one sect are actually brothers!

Many great sects and ancient countries were shocked that the Stone Clan actually had three young supreme beings!This is like a myth and is unbelievable.

"Little brother, you are not good enough, you are too young." This was Shi Yi's cold response. He also knew the origin of Qin Hao. During this period, he also found out clearly what happened in the Imperial Capital of the Kingdom of Shi.

"You are still young and have insufficient cultivation, so let me do it," Shi Hao persuaded, stopping Qin Hao from continuing to respond to Shi Yi.

Xu Yu was speechless. In the original work, this excuse seemed to have been used by Qin Hao from his childhood to the True Fairyland, so Shi Hao really lacked a lot of tempering from beginning to end.

But speaking of it, it is true. When the realm is low in the early stage, if the cultivation time is short, certain advantages will indeed be lost, but in the later stage of cultivation, this time can be almost ignored!

"Let me go, see how I can easily suppress him!" Chilong Gegu appeared, eager to try, and threatened to fight, but was also rejected by Shi Hao.

"This is a matter between me and him, you don't need to interfere, I will end it all myself!" Although Shi Hao is not very old, he said calmly.

The time they agreed on was in the Virtual God Realm next month, but there was no need to rush. He still had time to practice and needed to continue accumulating.But at this moment, Butian Pavilion was already in an uproar.

Shi Hao and Shi Yi are both outstanding disciples of Butian Pavilion, they did not expect that there is such a relationship between them, and a decisive battle is about to usher in!
In the following time, Shi Hao began to practice assiduously. No matter what, this Shi Yi is a formidable enemy and deserves to be taken seriously.

This will be unprecedented, and it is likely to surpass all the risks he has encountered before. This is not only a battle of grievances, but also a battle of fate that will affect his life.

However, before the finals, he stopped practicing and began to relax. He seemed to let go of everything, return to nature, and release his natural instincts.

He became a naughty kid again, playing wildly with Shi Qingfeng and Chi Long all day long, leading them to eat barbecue at night, and even vaguely led Qin Hao to join in.

Even Qin Hao, who always puts on a bad face, has a tendency to become a stone village, which surprises many people.

Finally, the day of the battle has arrived!

Before leaving, "Child, you have to be careful!" Shi Hao's parents

They opened their mouths, feeling a little worried. Although Shi Hao was stunning enough, the opponent had double pupils and was said to be undefeated, which inevitably made them worried!
"Go, Hao'er, I believe in you. Even if you don't have the Supreme Bone, you can defeat him, not to mention that your Supreme Bone has already been reborn from nirvana!"

The Great Demon God Shi Zhongtian yelled, he was particularly confident in Shi Hao.

"Go ahead, I look forward to your triumphant return!" Xu Yu patted Shi Hao's shoulder and smiled.

He is very satisfied, Shi Hao is amazing, although his starting point is much higher now, but every field has reached the extreme level, it can be called amazing!

Even if he doesn't use the Supreme Bone, Shi Hao's combat power is probably boundless, and there shouldn't be much mystery in this battle.

Although Xu Yu and Liu Shen passed down many magical powers and techniques, Shi Hao could always integrate them and figure out the true meaning, and was not limited to the magical powers themselves. This was a path of creation that would definitely allow him to go further!

"Well, it's time to set off, there are quite a few people today, let's open up a new road!" Liu Shen also spoke, very peacefully.


God of Willow made a move, all the branches shot up against the sky, green clouds filled the air, gently rippling, and a burst of vitality emerged.

Then, all the branches stretched straight again in an instant, rushing towards the sky, like a divine chain of order, piercing through the sky and manifesting a portal.

This is a method against the heavens. How can ordinary people build a passage like this? Only Liu Shen, the founder of the False God Realm and one of the 'administrators' of the False God Realm, has such a method.

Shi Hao looked at everyone, nodded, and then stepped in.

Not long after, Xu Yu called for the True Dragon Mark.

"What's the matter, fellow Taoist?" Zhenlong asked.

"Fellow Taoist, please go see an old friend." Xu Yu said with a smile...

On this day, the Virtual God Realm was overcrowded like never before. All the passages were full, and the heroes appeared one by one in the pure land.

Looking at it at a glance, it was dark, full of people, and there were all kinds of creatures. This was a great event for the Eight Regions.

And just when Xu Yu entered, Red Dragon Gegu, Shi Hao's family, and the double-eyed girl all came to the Virtual God Realm to watch the battle.

"Here comes the double pupil!" People exclaimed, and involuntarily parted ways to make way for the god-like boy Shi Yi.

Shi Yi has a slender body, but is extremely strong. He moves like a dragon or a tiger, his black hair dances wildly, and his pupils are misty, as if chaos is spreading.He walked step by step, as if he were stepping on the divine drum of heaven. Although he was young, he had an amazing momentum and seemed extremely confident.

"Sure enough, it's a dragon wind among people!"

"Double pupils, the undefeated myth, Xiaoshi is probably in danger!"

Beside Shi Yi, there was also a big golden spider accompanying him all the way. When he came here, he exuded a terrifying aura. Obviously, it was defending him!

Hearing everyone's comments, he also showed a look of satisfaction, double pupil unparalleled, this is an amazing power!

The god-level arena will open, and the impact will be extremely far-reaching. This is an epoch-making event!

In the distance, the roar shook the sky, the golden light was incomparably bright, and more than a dozen nine-headed lions appeared, majestic and majestic, paying attention to the field.

The five-color divine light streaked across the sky, and several huge peacocks spread their wings and hit the sky.

On the other side, the white jade dragon elephant roared, carrying some monks, sitting there, exuding a hazy treasure.

Then, another ancient chariot rumbled and roared, crushing towards the sky, and the venerable sage from the ancient sacred mountain appeared.

Then, the strong men from the human race also came, including the Stone King from the Stone Kingdom, the Fire King from the Fire Tribe, and the Wood Emperor from the Wood Tribe. In addition, the venerable ones from the sea area also came.

Even, Jietian Sect, Butian Sect and other big forces have descended, and they are going to watch this shocking battle!
At this point, people were looking forward to the start of this battle. Unfortunately, after a long time, Shi Wu did not show up, which made many people lose their composure.

Where is Shi Hao? As another protagonist in this battle, he has not shown up for a long time, which makes people suspicious.

The sky descended the steps, the light was bright, and the domain envoy appeared, hazy and blurry, and his words were extremely cold: "Where is the other person? Why hasn't he come? Don't you want to fight decisively?"

He had a dark face, obviously very unhappy, and his words were full of displeasure. He didn't expect that the boy hadn't arrived yet. This was a provocation to his majesty.

People are very speechless, now even the domain envoys have appeared, that little guy is still there, this is too much, don't you want to run away without a fight?

"Hey, that brat is probably afraid of the prestige of double pupils, so he deliberately avoids fighting!" The strong man from the Demon Spirit Lake said sinisterly.

At this moment, there was an explosion behind the envoy, and a bright passage was opened, spewing out a sacred and peaceful glow.

The domain ambassador's body froze slightly, and a branch, like a tentacle, actually hit his buttocks, seeming to ask him... to get out of the way!

Afterwards, the light was restrained, and a boy with big eyes and clear eyes stepped out from the splendid passageway, with a confident smile on his face.

Light feathers danced in mid-air, falling like crystal petals. This passage turned out to be extremely bright. Shi Wu stepped out directly, making many people open their eyes.

The domain ambassador's face was a little unnatural. He was suddenly hit on the butt just now. This was simply... unimaginable to him. Being so offended made his hair stand on end.

The exit of that passage is too close to him, so close at hand, if he hit him hard just now, the consequences would be disastrous.

He was also thinking that maybe the gods who really built this spiritual world back then might still be alive.

Nearby, many creatures had dumbfounded faces. They were really naughty children, and they actually appeared in this way, but I have to say that they were indeed very majestic.

The mist was flowing, the divine light was transpiring, Shi Hao's eyes were clear, he glanced around, with an extremely narcissistic look, and shouted: "There was a loud noise in the sky, Lord Shi Hao appeared on stage, it was that guy who was arranging the show just now

My seat?stand out! "

Everyone's lips twitched, this little stone can still play!

"Bah, what, today, he won't be jumping for long!" Just now he said that Shi Hao was afraid of the powerhouse of Demon Spirit Lake who didn't fight, his face changed suddenly, as if he had eaten a dead child.

The anger of Demon Spirit Lake was extremely dissatisfied with this guy, because not long ago, their venerable Demon Spirit Lake was beheaded by several venerables brought by Shi Hao. Naturally, they felt great hatred!
"How did he come here, and why was he able to build a passage in the False God Realm!" Someone also exclaimed at this moment, with doubts.

The envoy's face was expressionless. He wanted to ask exactly who sent him here, but in front of so many people, it was difficult for him to ask.

Everyone thought silently, and felt horrified in their hearts. This young man probably had some taboo behind him, otherwise why would he have opened up such a passage.

"As expected of the Young Supreme, who is accompanied by three venerables!" Someone in the Stone Kingdom sighed.

In fact, this is also the case. Many of them clearly remember that Shi Wu took three ancient beasts of the venerable level and easily beat a strong man from Demon Spirit Lake to death!

You know, even if he is a descendant of the gods of the ancient sacred mountain, he probably won't have the treatment of three venerables accompanying him. This is unrealistic, but it really happened to that person.

"How did you get in? Why didn't you take the right path!" The domain envoy asked with a dark face. He was very unhappy because his butt was touched inexplicably just now. Although it was just a ray of will, there was someone's thoughts.

"Since I have been flying high in the world, wherever I have been, it has naturally been a great road." Shi Hao answered in an understatement, so domineering that it made the corners of the envoy's mouth twitch. This guy...don't be shy!
Many venerables stared at the gradually disappearing passage, feeling quite uneasy in their hearts. Obviously, the person behind this young man had an amazing background.

"Good brother, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time!" Shi Yi said, standing there with his black hair flying and a strange light in his eyes.

"Come on, let's fight this one, let you know what is the insurmountable peak." Shi Hao said calmly, even if he faced Shi Yi, he had nothing to worry about, and firmly believed that he was invincible.

Everyone was stunned, this little stone has too much self-confidence, even Shi Yi, who has double pupils, is not in their eyes.

"Good brother, you are too confident!" Shi Yi's face was a little cold, no one had dared to despise him like this before!

"Come on, let's start betting, two stones fight, who will win, wait and see!"

In the distance, there were two old fellows yelling non-stop, sneaking around, it was Master Niao and Master Jingbi, fighting in the False God Realm, yet they were here again, engaged in this kind of betting business, which made many People are dumbfounded.

"These two old bastards are still good at abduction!" Some people were annoyed and pointed at Master Niao and Master Jingbi.

"It's none of your business!" On Master Bird's shoulder, a bird stood, shouting angrily at the person who just spoke.

A group of people were speechless. This was really a... mean-mouthed bird. Master Bird hurriedly taught him a lesson to stop him from talking nonsense.


Xu Yu's figure appeared, and a disillusioned man stood in front of Master Bird and Master Jingbi.

"Hey, an acquaintance is here, what's the matter, do you want to weigh more?" Master Bird said with a smile, and Master Jingbi also rubbed his hands expectantly.

Xu Yu laughed, shook his head, and pointed to the middle-aged man aside.
"Fellow Taoist..." Zhenlong sighed softly, and saw Master Bird with a complicated expression on his face... (End of this chapter)

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