Chapter 391 Six Paths of Reincarnation
Everyone watching the battle couldn't help but be petrified at this moment, and they were a little dumbfounded. This little stone is really... real-hearted, and it doesn't seem to be a fuel-efficient lamp. He said this so calmly.

It's true that Yue Chan came here for him, but she still had a strange feeling no matter how she heard it. Her words seemed to reveal that Yue Chan admired him.

Yue Chan was stunned, but her delicate and pretty face looked like Gu Jing Wubo, but she frowned slightly and glanced at Shi Hao.

But she was gritting her teeth secretly in her heart. This little stone was so abominable. He must have said this on purpose. She stood up for him, but he actually spoke like this.

She and Shi Hao had some minor troubles before, which were a bit unpleasant, but they were harmless and nothing serious.

"A role model for our generation..." someone muttered in a low voice.

Even Shi Hao's family was speechless at this moment, especially Qin Hao, whose face was a little hot. He felt that having such a brother seemed a bit... embarrassing!
In public, no one else could tease the Butian Sect fairy like this, and only this Xiaoshi could do it.

"This guy..." On the other side, Huo Ling'er's pretty eyes glared at Shi Hao, while Yun Xi had an expressionless face and said nothing.

"This bastard!" Mother-in-law Xihua of the Butian Sect also said angrily. Speaking like this would put their reputation as a sect.

After a moment of silence, Yuechan glanced at Shi Hao, who was smiling but not smiling, and suddenly reacted.

She had a clear heart and quickly realized that this little stone obviously didn't want to owe the Butian Sect this kindness. He deliberately said this because he didn't want her to take action and not embarrass the Butian Pavilion.

Because she noticed that Shi Hao also knew that Butian Sect went to Butian Pavilion and wanted them to return. If they owed her this favor, then Butian Pavilion would definitely have a much harder time facing Butian Sect.

"Boy, are you the same as me? Don't worry, take Yuechan, and I will find you!" The man in the divine flame whispered, his eyes were sharp, he glared at Shi Hao, and then gradually became stronger got up.

Xu Yu was a little speechless. This man in the divine flame was really special. He couldn't help but think of his friend in Zhetian World, the gangster Li Tian. The two had similar temperaments.

"Yuechan, since the Tao is different, don't blame me for being tough!"

No one expected that the man in the divine flame would be the first to attack Xuechan. The battlefield in the sky trembled and shook violently.

The man in the divine flame was like an unparalleled king. When he raised his hand, six kinds of treasures appeared at the same time. Like six reincarnations, they actually started to spin, shocking the world.

"Could it be... the Six Paths of Reincarnation!" Someone shouted, not expecting that such an unparalleled technique would appear.

"Incomplete Six Paths of Reincarnation..." Xu Yu hid in the void with an incomprehensible expression. He had practiced this method before and recognized it at a glance as an incomplete method.

Yue Chan scolded lightly, and directly sacrificed a divine sword. The rays of light illuminated the universe, and the auspicious clouds flourished and shone brightly in the sky.

The battle between the two was like a dance between immortals and demons, causing the heaven and earth to tremble.

Everyone was stunned. The two-stone war had just ended. As a result, the two men started fighting again, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

"It's not too weak to fight with two stones!" A distinguished person came to this conclusion. Looking at the two people who were showing off their power, he made this judgment.

Everyone was dazzled and stared at the battlefield. This mysterious man was so tough that he actually wanted to forcibly suppress the Butian Sect fairy.

Many people are stunned. Until now, they still don’t know the identity of the man.

The origin of this man seems to be extremely mysterious, and even people outside the region don't know much about it.

All we know is that this person likes to hunt for beauty, and he once robbed a world-famous religious saint. Although he was hunted down, he became more and more courageous as he fought, rose up in blood and fire, and finally dominated the world. Still at ease in the world.

Everyone sighed, this was a bit like a fantasy. A flawless saint from a great religion was taken over by this person, but she was still alive and well.

"Some people say that he is the Nirvana of a god, while others say that he is a reincarnation, possessing the supreme Tao Fruit, so he can look down upon the world."

This is an outrageous statement, but it is recognized by everyone.

"Probably he inherited the cause and effect of the Six Paths of Reincarnation..." Xu Yu thought. He remembered that in the original flight trajectory, this man seemed to have completely disappeared after the Three Thousand State Genius War.

Shi Hao jumped down from the battlefield in the sky. The red clouds were misty and the blood was flowing. The old god was always looking at the two people dueling with a look of interest.

The True Phoenix Kung Fu is so unparalleled that it can almost be called the Immortal Technique. In such a short period of time, Shi Hao has fully recovered, and now he has the confidence to face everything.

"This is not a battlefield prepared for you. Get out quickly and fight another day!" The domain envoy looked gloomy as he looked at the two geniuses fighting on the battlefield in the sky, but he encountered the attacks of Fairy Yuechan and Man Shenyan. Ignore.

What's even more outrageous is that the man in the divine flame actually formed a great magical power, and a blazing divine light burst out!
He actually bombarded the domain envoy directly, frightening everyone. This was the courage of an immortal!
Unexpectedly, the domain envoy did not take action, but flicked his sleeves and took the sky battlefield away from him.

"The Domain Envoy is a ray of will from the Virtual God Realm. To be precise, he is the law enforcer who controls the Pure Land. He cannot exude divine power for no reason, and it is impossible to take revenge immediately." Someone said.

"Do you want to take action against me?" Shi Hao stepped down and looked towards the four fields. He originally wanted to take action against the Shenyan man, but at this moment he felt the killing intent of a group of venerables.

He realized clearly that he possessed the Ten Evil Arts and the Bronze Treasure Skill, which were enough for them to take risks at all costs.


Suddenly, a burst of fire fell, and a group of monks screamed and rolled in the void. They were stained with red fire, burned to cracks on the spot, and their flesh and blood withered.

Suddenly, the divine flame man shed firelight and attacked everyone indiscriminately.

Someone has changed his mind. This guy definitely did it on purpose. He seemed to have some other intention to mess up this place.

Many people retreated. Even the few pure-blooded creatures who followed the Shenyan man changed their colors at this moment. They knew that this master was about to make a big move!

Finally, a venerable man moved, hiding in the void, taking advantage of the chaos to attack Shi Hao, hoping to seize the divine art!


A bronze sword appeared, and the sword light continued to fall, which was very sharp and drowned Shi Hao.

With a bang, a yellow-orange gourd appeared, flashing with brilliant light, and the stopper of the gourd's mouth appeared, and wisps of mist appeared there, trying to take him in.


A Qiongqi appeared. He was made up of blood-colored runes. He looked like a tiger or a cow, with horns on his head, hedgehog hair all over his body, and giant wings. He came to kill him.

These were all Venerables, and they all launched an attack brazenly at this moment.

"What kind of monsters dare to show their power in front of me? I will kill them all!"

Shi Hao roared, spun up, the beam of light on his forehead shot into the sky, his body was surging with blood, the top of his head was swaying with divine light, his palms were rolling, his murderous aura was overwhelming, and he rushed into the group of venerables, killing everyone in all directions!

"Let's see who dares to take action!"

In the distance, the red dragon Gegu roared and flew towards him. The red dragon's body flashed with brilliance, its appearance was shocking, every scale shone brightly, and the aura of the true dragon emerged overwhelmingly, tearing the world apart.

"A dragon!" Someone was so surprised that their eyes nearly popped out.

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that this young man's true form was actually a dragon. When he dealt with the strong man from Demon Spirit Lake before, he didn't manifest his true form.


The silver light surged, and thousands of runes spread like ripples on the avenue. Qin Hao's heroic figure was shining, and his armor was full of divine light. He was holding a silver gun and took action to fight against the venerable!
As for the Great Demon God and Shi Hao's parents, needless to say, they all came to kill them, and they must advance and retreat together with Shi Hao.

Many of the venerables have livid faces. People like Red Dragon Qin Hao are invincible of their generation, and they can actually fight against the venerables. Even in the Void God Realm, they are extremely extraordinary. This group of people from the Stone Clan are too terrifying!

"Who dares to offend me, a disciple of Butian Pavilion?" A majestic voice came, and a large pair of men and horses came to kill him.

The master of Butian Pavilion came with Tao Ye, Mu Yan and many other elders to protect Shi Hao.

"Butian Pavilion!"

Many powerful leaders stopped and showed deep fear. Butian Pavilion has now become the top power in the wilderness. Their sacrificial spirits once showed great power and swept away all enemies. That station is still known by everyone. fear.

"You don't need to worry, these chickens and dogs can't make a difference!" Shi Hao laughed, feeling warm in his heart. He was not fighting alone, and there were his relatives and disciples behind him.

Runes flashed in his eyes, intertwining two terrifying beams of light,

It seemed that he could see through the entire world, but he did not stop in his hands, crisscrossing the space, as if entering a deserted land, beating all the venerables until they vomited blood.

Many people who secretly wanted to take action couldn't help but stop their thoughts at this moment.

This Xiao Shi is not only powerful, but also the people behind him are not ordinary, so it is really difficult to take action easily.

Shi Hao's face was indifferent. Although he was seriously injured after the battle with Shi Yi, the true phoenix magic was against the heavens after all. His body had been repaired to the best of his ability. At this moment, he was actually beaten by a group of venerables. But now, not many venerables dare to take action?
"Almost." Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, and a change occurred in the sky.He was a little surprised. He had deliberately caused confusion.
It was chaotic, but it was about to calm down again, so he had to take action again!

The man in the divine flame was extremely indifferent and sent out a huge blow. It was the great magical power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Six kinds of treasures came out together. The earth-shattering roar came out and shook Fairy Yuechan away.At this moment, a mysterious magic weapon was placed in the void by him, swallowing the essence of all directions, and even absorbing the blood mist of all the sages.

"What kind of Noble Phantasm is this!" Everyone was shocked. This Noble Phantasm actually made the void unstable. The order was chaotic and seemed to explode.

The magic weapon continued to expand, hiding the vast sky. It was like a divine disk, emitting chaotic energy outwards.

"A sacred thing that defies heaven!" A distinguished man shouted in horror.

"What is this..." Even Shi Hao was shocked and seemed to feel something.

At this time, Yuechan changed color, quickly retreated, and escaped from the space covered by the divine disk. He left the battlefield, his face uncertain.

Many people were horrified, feeling that the end was coming, and rushed into the distance one after another. Even the powerful ones at the Venerable level were like this.

"Stop it!" At this moment, the domain envoy shouted, his face turned livid.

"Oh, it's too late." The Shenyan man looked at Yuechan and said, "You are my woman, but now I have big things to do!


A beam of light flew out from the plate and swept towards the domain envoy. This light was so amazing that it caused the void to collapse and all the rules to change.

This is really too strong and has already destroyed the laws of this place!

The domain envoy looked ugly and kept retreating. This blow was aimed at him. If it really hit him, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Is he crazy? He dares to attack and kill the domain envoy!" Many people were furious. This man was really too bold.

In all these years, no one has ever done anything like this. It is so outrageous that it is beyond comprehension.


After the light beam swept across, the area quickly turned dark. The domain envoy had an ugly expression on his face and dodged the blow. However, several people in the back were hit and turned into ashes on the spot.

With a roar, the sacred disk in the sky shook, and the chaotic mist spread, rushing towards the domain envoy. It was a vast area with great pressure.Many people felt cold from head to toe. What level of magic weapon was this? It made people's souls tremble. It was definitely a supreme treasure.

With a "buzz" sound, the chaotic mist surged down. The domain envoy screamed on the spot, and his body was shrouded in mist. His body shook violently and he coughed up blood.

"Who...are you?" The domain envoy's heart palpitated. He was a wisp of will in the Void God Realm, representing the power of some rules. He didn't expect that someone could hurt him.
"I am just a free monk. I like to collect the most beautiful things in the world, and I also like to collect all kinds of treasures. Today I want to seize the divine fortune!" The man in the divine flame laughed.

His voice was so loud that it made the sky tremble. If the blazing thunder came, many people's faces would turn pale.


A blazing light flew out, and the divine disk in the sky shook again, the runes intertwined and rumbled.

This light did not fly towards the domain envoy, but rushed towards Shi Hao, shaking out a powerful power of law.


The domain envoy was shocked. He did not expect that the next attack would not be aimed at him, but at Shi Hao.

"Don't worry, it will be your turn soon. Before that, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, I will collect my followers first!" Shenyan Man said with a smile.


The small tower in Shi Hao's hair shook, and a little chaotic energy filled the air.

"Do it!" Xu Yu said leisurely, transmitting a message to the small tower in Shi Hao's hair...

The divine disk glowed, rumbling and moving, and several divine chains of order hung down, like divine strings made of beads. It was very astonishing and wrapped around Shi Hao, trying to suppress him.

Everyone took a breath of cold air. They were fighting against the Territory Envoy just now. Now they are looking for trouble with Xiao Shitou again and want to suppress Xiao Shi!

In Shi Hao's hair, after receiving Xu Yu's instructions, Xiaota took action without any scruples. Chaos energy rolled and began to fight against the chaotic magic weapon-the divine disk.

The Shenyan man was shocked. He had never thought that someone could resist his magical weapon. The young man had clear eyes and a brilliant light, without any fear.

That corner of the Samsara Disk is very astonishing, entwined with beams of light one after another, like a divine chain of order, with powerful binding power.

However, the small tower was filled with chaos energy, flowing with crystal light, exuding chaos energy, and shattered all the divine chains of order.

"What the hell is that!" The crimson clouds in the eyes of the divine flame man were overwhelming, like a blazing fire on the avenue, and boundless fighting spirit surged through his whole person.

As for Shi Hao's family, Yue Chan, Witch and others were also surprised. They did not expect that Shi Hao was so defiant and seemed to have the means to resist the Chaos Treasure.

"call out!"

A ray of light flew out, and the divine disk in the sky exploded again. The runes were intertwined and sprinkled down again. However, many people turned into blood mist and were completely evaporated.

The traces of blood mist actually evaporated, submerged into the divine plate, and directly turned into nutrients, making him even more powerful.

"It's not easy, it's beyond my expectation." The mysterious man whispered, becoming very interested in the precious phantom in Shi Hao's hand. At the same time, he secretly activated the divine disk to continuously increase its power.

"court death!"

The domain envoy shouted, and came over again, mobilizing powerful power to suppress the divine flame man.

"You...are forcing me to seize the divine creation!" the divine flame man spoke, his eyes dark.

"How to seize the divine creation? What does he want to do?" Some people were puzzled.

"The Virtual God Realm is built by the spiritual power of the gods. It naturally contains the laws of the gods, and the realm envoys are the will of this place, which contains the ancient laws of heaven and earth. Killing the realm envoys and cutting off the origin may be able to seize the secrets of the gods! "

People were shocked. This man was so terrifying. He dared to do this. There have been few people in history who were so crazy.

"Yuechan, wait until I finish everything, then I will look for you. Then we will stay together and fly together. How carefree and free we will be! The man in the divine flame laughed loudly.

"Yuechan's heart doesn't belong to you, don't you understand?" Shi Hao shouted. At this moment, his heart was burning. The fact that Xiaota could fight against the divine disk gave him some hope.

"Good boy, you made me angry!" Shenyan Man spoke softly, his eyes sharpened, and he looked at Shi Hao. Then he cast his eyes on the envoy and said, "You are lucky, I have more today. Important matter!"


The Divine Flame Man controlled the reincarnation disk, and various symbols rushed up, shining like stars, making the entire universe tremble and tremble violently.


The domain envoy coughed up blood and staggered back. Although he was transformed by the rules, he was very lifelike and kept retreating like a real person.


At this time, Xiaota unexpectedly came to kill him again. The chaotic light was surging, like a hazy world rising and falling, and it blasted away.

The blazing chaos energy filled the air and enveloped the heaven and earth. It was so vast that many people could no longer see the battlefield clearly. Even the Venerable could not see clearly at this moment.

At this moment, the domain envoy actually did not take action again. He stood in the void with his brows furrowed and his face gloomy.

The divine disk exerted its power, shaking the universe, and various secrets of order emerged, turning into rays of light one after another, fighting against the small tower. However, the small tower's divine power was so powerful that the divine disk's attacks failed many times.

"What... is this?" Shenyan Man secretly asked the Six Paths Reincarnation Disk, and was surprised in his heart. His divine disc was invincible, and he even dared to attack and kill the domain envoy, but he failed at this moment.

"Well, no wonder this young man has mastered so many magical arts. Sure enough, there is such an amazing origin behind it. That small tower is so old that it is unimaginable." Shenpan opened his mouth, and there was a trace of fear in his words. .

"No matter what, this is a great blessing and worth fighting for!

The face of the Shenyan man was solemn. He was really unwilling to give in. Although Shenpan was afraid, he had made up his mind to capture Shi Hao and the opponent's weird magic weapon even if he did not seize the divine creation. .

Finally, he bit the tip of his tongue and spurted blood onto the reincarnation disk, causing him to emit an even brighter light.

The sacred disk is engraved with ancient patterns, complex and unpredictable, as if rushing out of the dusty years.

The divine flame man's red eyes intertwined with brilliant beams of light, as if he had seen the best prey, staring at Shi Hao, wanting to hunt him down.

"Your magic weapon is good, I like it very much!"

The divine flame man spoke again, his eyes were extremely hot and a little crazy. The magic weapon that can make even the gods solemn must have a heaven-defying origin.

"It seems that you are also a person of great fortune. You have incredible luck. You can get all these things. If I get your tower, will I be able to shock the past and the present? Sooner or later, there will be a day in the sky and on the earth.

Invincible. "The mysterious man continued.

"Your plate is not bad, why not give it to me." Shi Hao also whispered. This divine plate actually made Xiaota fight against it, which was obviously extraordinary.

"Then let's see who can win!" The divine flames beat, and the fire swept across the nine heavens. Blood continued to flow from the man's palm, and the plate became more and more crystal clear.

This plate is ancient and mottled, with densely packed runes, becoming more and more mysterious and unpredictable. Its majestic aura is surging, seeming to pull everything into reincarnation. The amazing aura is released, making the order of the universe intimate.


A layer of soft light emerged, covering the stone body, and the small tower swayed in the hair, like one big star after another, dotted on it.

"What a pity. Xiaoshi was so amazing that he could suppress or even kill people with double pupils. It would be a pity if he was lost here." Someone sighed.

After all, that mysterious man was not only powerful, but also controlled a heaven-defying magical weapon. What could Xiaoshi use to resist him? People did not discover the existence of Xiaota.

In fact, the chaos was rolling, and the two people were fighting fiercely inside. The real situation had no choice but to be known to outsiders. The man in the divine flame activated the divine disk, and the corner of the magic weapon emitted a bright light, as if it was destroying the world. Wisp after wisp of chaotic sword energy shines out.

The small tower above Shi Hao's head rose and fell, and thousands of strands of silk fell down, blocking all the sword energy.

"How could this be so!" The flame man's pupils suddenly shrank. The matter seemed to be more serious than he imagined. With the treasure in his hand, he might not be able to win.


The six-color precious light flew and fell, turning Shi Hao's place into six small worlds, and then began to rotate and crush. If a venerable person encountered such an attack, he would not be able to withstand it and would turn into a ball of blood mist in an instant. .

However, the small tower was still dissolved, and the clouds were blowing out, like a big millstone, obliterating the six small worlds, turning them into emptiness and blurring.


The mysterious flame man whispered, and the pupil beam tore through the world, as sharp as a blade, staring at the small tower.


The small tower trembled again, and the four-story tower enlarged in an instant, towering into the clouds. Chaos energy spewed out of its body and suppressed it.

"Xiaota, when did you become so stubborn!" Shi Hao was surprised.

"Hehe, this thing is amazing. I know that if he swallows a corner, the other five fragments will be born. Then he will fight to the death with me, but it doesn't matter. Today I am just temporarily taking care of him.

Hands, this cause and effect is not my fault. "Xiaota smiled mischievously.

"Who will bear the consequences for you?" Shi Hao was stunned and then asked.

"You'll know soon." Xiaota said with a smile, obviously in a good mood.


The monstrous fluctuations swept across, as if the world was reopening, with catastrophic consequences. The two collided again, chaos overflowed, making the battlefield even more confusing.

"Is this tower crazy? Are you going to fight me to the death?" The divine disk also transmitted the message to the divine flame man. I didn't expect that this mysterious little tower would attack so brazenly, even though the origin of the other party was extremely shocking.
This shouldn't be the case, as he seems to have no fear of himself.

"Boy, surrender to me." The little pagoda monster shouted. He was talking to the god's disk. He was so angry that he kept harping on it like an old gangster.
"You are dreaming!"

The plate was furious and glowed again. The light flowed and absorbed many sacrifices. The aura in his body rose to the extreme. He did not expect that the other party would have such an attitude for the same heaven-defying magic weapon.


An astonishing gaze directly tore through the chaos, as if the world had just opened, all the mist of chaos receded, and the scene inside was revealed...

(End of this chapter)

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