Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 392 The incomplete wheel chapter disk

"Leave it to you!" Xiaota laughed suddenly, knowing that the real owner was here, and got back into Shi Hao's hair, chaotic light flowed, and there was silence.


Everyone was surprised and felt a terrifying aura spreading.

"What is this!" Even the Venerable started to get hairy. What a powerful force this is. It definitely surpasses the limitations of this place, breaks through the confinement of the law, and a brand new force appears!
A ray of light tore through the world, making a roaring sound. The vast divine power was far-reaching, shining thousands of miles away. The chaotic energy faded away, and the figures of Shi Hao and the Divine Flame Man were revealed again, appearing in front of everyone.


Suddenly, the sky and the earth split open, and a real dragon rushed up. Its golden scales flashed, its body was thick, its giant claws shone with cold light, and it raised its head towards the sky.

The real dragon jumped up and turned into a huge bone realm, hanging on the bend of the sky. Its whole body was glittering and translucent, with flowing soft light.

There was the sound of ancient chanting, not just one. On the bone mirror, brilliant runes vaguely emerged. For a moment, the bone mirror was brilliant to the extreme, reflecting the heavens, and seemed to stabilize the universe.

This bone mirror seems to illuminate the eternal darkness and light up the holy fire of moving forward.

"What... is this!" Many people opened their eyes wide and noticed the boundless power of heaven. Their hearts were shaken and they even began to tremble.

This is the real dragon bone mirror, which was sacrificed by Xu Yu!
The divine flame man's face was serious, and the divine disk was trembling slightly, feeling a terrifying pressure.

"Is this...the Territory Lord?" The Shenyan man's face was gloomy and uncertain. The pressure this person brought to him far exceeded that of the Territory Envoy. He did not kill the Territory Envoy, so how could he provoke the Territory Lord?

"It's not the Territory Lord... this person is very scary!" Shenpan said in a message.

"You don't have to be nervous." A calm voice rang out. A young man came from a distance, his eyes blurred, as if he had come from the heaven, and he was magnificent.

This is a handsome-looking young man, wearing a white robe, with black hair tied up with a ribbon.

Xu Yu walked slowly, his black hair disheveled and dancing in the wind. He looked at the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and his deep eyes seemed to have cut off the long years.

The onlookers were astonished. Who was this person? He actually made the extremely conceited Shenyan Man feel like he was facing a formidable enemy. If he had known it earlier, he would be a master who didn't have any good feelings toward the Territory Lords.

"It's him...the mysterious strong man from the original place!
"Incredible, who is he? He wants to compete with the Chaos Magical Artifact!
Everyone exclaimed, and soon some people recognized Xu Yu, who was the one who was in the original place. Back then he showed great power and raised his hand to kill a large group of people, showing his power far beyond the limit!

Even people who didn't know what was going on came to understand after others' explanations. It turned out that this was the mysterious strong man who had indeed caused an uproar at first. Unexpectedly, he seemed to be more terrifying than the rumors said!
"Big brother!" Shi Hao was surprised. He didn't expect Xu Yu to take action.
, a little excited, couldn't help but cheered, and realized at this moment, no wonder Xiaota was uncharacteristically speaking like that just now.

Xu Yu smiled and nodded, her eyes flowing around him, and a brilliant rune flashed, moving Shi Hao to a safe place.

Everyone was surprised. This man seemed extremely terrifying, could compete with the Chaos Treasure, and had a close relationship with Shi Hao!
"Is this the person behind Xiao Shi? It's very possible!"

"Well, I have to say that the relationship between the little stone and the strong man is really not shallow!

Everyone was stunned. The strong man in front of them obviously had an irreconcilable relationship with Xiaoshi, and far surpassed the realm envoy. He was definitely a terrifying figure.

The corner of the divine disk glowed, with chaotic energy escaping, mysterious symbols flashing, and hazy mist flowing, as if it was accumulating divine energy.

"This person is invincible, retreat quickly!" The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk sent the message to the Shenyan man, very solemnly, he couldn't see through the man.

Xu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly. He had already sacrificed the real dragon bone mirror. On the one hand, it was to show the aura of the Nine Heavenly Beings and show his closeness, but it seemed that the reincarnation disk did not appreciate it.

As someone who belongs to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths camp, there is another magic weapon, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, but it seems extremely cautious not to follow this trick.

Logically speaking, the true dragon bone mirror has the breath of a true dragon, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk should not be unknown to it.

"Is it because there are too many missing items and I have forgotten them?"

Xu Yusi said, her eyes became a little dark, staring at the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk with only one corner left.

"In this case, we can only suppress him forcefully!" Xu Yu said softly. From his confrontation with Xiaota just now, he had already figured out where the current limit of Six Paths Roulette was.


Suddenly, without any warning, a part of the sky burst apart, and a big hand covered the world. Each finger was as thick as a mountain, glowing with light golden light, and a pure and refined aura filled the space between heaven and earth.

This big hand suddenly reached out and grabbed the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk. No one could react to the sudden change.

The five fingers are like the sky, and what is shrouded down is the man of divine flames and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk.


The brilliance bloomed and collided with the runes of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk. The Divine Disk shook violently and barely resisted the blow.

"So strong!"

The mysterious flame man was anxious, his whole body was shaking and he could no longer keep calm. This man who suddenly appeared was extremely strong!

He stabbed his chest and sacrificed directly, spilling a lot of blood, hoping that the magic weapon would carry him away.

A beam of light flew out from the Chaos Disk, penetrated the void, and opened up a passage. He turned around and dived in, about to escape.

However, the bone mirror in the sky trembled slightly, shining a bright divine light, which illuminated the passage. Then the road was cut off, and the reincarnation disk could only turn back again.

"You can't leave." Xu Yulang smiled, his hair flying, staring at the reincarnation disk.

The True Dragon Bone Mirror, on the one hand, is to show the aura of the Nine Heavenly Dragons. Another important function is to stabilize the universe and cut off the escape route of the samsara disk.

"how so!"

The Shenyan man's face turned pale, and he was extremely shocked as he looked at the terrifying figure. He never imagined that there were such terrifying people in the world today.


Xu Yu ascended to the sky, with jet-black hair flying around his temples. He formed seals with his hands, and a shadow behind him reached the sky and moved with his palm prints.

This seal seems to penetrate the heavens, and seems to reflect the stars of eternity. Only one figure stands among them, eternal and immortal.

Chaos Seal!
As this seal was struck, Xu Yu's energy rose to the extreme, as if he had touched some forbidden territory. Above his head, the sky cracked, revealing the vastness of the starry sky and the rising and falling of thousands of stars.

Originally, the divine disk was dazzling, like the eternal scorching sun, hanging there, emitting eternal light, but now it had to take action again.

At this moment, the divine disk was clanging with the Chaos Seal, sparks were flying, and the entire void was shaking and distorting.

At this moment, the body of the man in the divine flames also shook violently, his red eyes dimmed, he coughed up a mouthful of blood, and his face turned as pale as gold paper.

"It's a little weird!"

Xu Yu's eyes were condensed. This man with the divine flame seemed to have made the divine disk a part of his body, and the auras of the two seemed to be connected.

"I don't believe it!"

The Divine Flame Man shouted and continued to sacrifice his own essence and blood, causing the reincarnation disk to revive again, bursting out with shocking divine energy, wisps of sunlight trembling, and the power of the divine disk became more and more terrifying. "Have you turned yourself into nourishment?" Xu Yu's eyes flashed, and his mind moved slightly. Now the Shenyan man seems to be using his blood and essence to activate the reincarnation disk, but it may not be another kind of 'sacrifice'.

Xu Yu suddenly realized at this moment that this divine disk was strange. It was connected to the aura of this divine flame man, but it also required his far and constant supply of essence and blood. It did seem a bit strange.

Thinking about it again, although Xiaota also cheated Shi Hao, the relationship between the two was more of an exchange of cause and effect, a kind of equality.

The Shenyan man, who seems to be acting unscrupulously, may not be a kind of "consumption" in advance, and he will pay for himself sooner or later.

At this time, Xu Yu had a vague guess. It was very likely that in the original trajectory, the divine flame man disappeared after the Sanqianzhou War because he had completely 'sacrificed' to this divine disk!

Above the sky, the true dragon bone mirror moved, and the light was brilliant, shaking out one after another amazing ripples, spreading like water waves, against the reincarnation disk that once again showed its power!
After several violent collisions, the Shenpan staggered back. It had suffered too much damage before, but now it finally showed signs of decline.

Xu Yu's eyes flashed, and his big hand moved like this again. He suddenly raised his fist into a palm, covering the universe and covering the world. He reached forward, and his speed reached the extreme. He actually grabbed a corner of the Samsara Disk... in his hand!

Grab the Chaos Artifact with your bare hands!

The whole field was shocked, and the jaws of many powerful men were about to drop. What a heaven-defying power this was!
This is a Chaos Magical Artifact!
Even though he was a domain envoy, his eyes widened at this moment, showing an expression of extreme disbelief at the sight of such a terrifying magic weapon.

It is no exaggeration to say that if he showed his power, it would even be a fatal threat to him, but now he was captured with one hand and suppressed in such a simple way.


The incomplete Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was unwilling to give in and was shaking. Chaos mist surged and continued to sweep out chaotic sword energy one after another.

The sword light split the sky and clanked!

Xu Yu's expression remained unchanged, as calm as before, and his big hands were like millstones, suppressing them firmly. The chaotic sword energy could not get close at all, and was completely wiped out.

He wanted to break free from Xu Yu's big hand, but it was to no avail. He tried all his methods, but Xu Yu couldn't do anything!
"Nice job!" The little tower hidden in Shi Hao's hair shouted, and the face that appeared on the tower's body grinned almost to the back of the ear.

"If you fall into my hands, do you really want to change the world?"

Xu Yu chuckled, and blazing light burst out from his palm. Chains of Order emerged one after another, tightly binding the divine disk. Chaos energy was misty, and blazing light burst out. It was not until a long time later that it became quiet.

When the blazing light dissipated, the sky was silent, both the true dragon bone mirror and the chaotic light disappeared, and the sky became clear again.

Xu Yu stepped into the void, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation shrank until it fell into the palm of his hand and disappeared like a mote of dust.

He has a tall and straight figure, a majestic air, a restrained heroic spirit, and extremely deep pupils. He has a kind of unparalleled heroic appearance that makes many girls' eyes flash with strange colors. Such an unparalleled and unrivaled strong man can be called heaven-defying!

Even the emperors of the major ancient countries, the venerables of the ancient sacred mountains, the venerables overseas, and the immortal forces such as Butian Sect and Jietian Sect cannot remain calm.

They all know what this method means. Although the Shenyan man was extremely extraordinary before, he mostly received the power of the magic weapon.

And this strong man showed a power beyond the limit with every move he made, which was even more terrifying, indicating that his cultivation level would be even more unfathomable.

"Could he be a born god who survived from ancient times!" Some people made such a terrible conjecture. Apart from that, they couldn't explain why he was so powerful.

But the previously arrogant Shenyan man was now wilted, his eyes were lifeless, and he no longer lived up to his original confident look, as if he had lost all his energy.

The Chaos Treasure that he relied on for survival changed hands like this, which was indeed a big blow to him who was so arrogant.

Especially when he saw Yuechan's slightly surprised look, he felt even more bitter in his heart, with boundless bitterness rising up. He opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word, and he no longer had the heroic spirit before.

After glancing at Shi Hao and others, Xu Yu nodded, grabbed Shenyan Man, and then took a step forward. His figure turned from solid to virtual, and he reappeared out of the Virtual God Realm and appeared outside a mountain peak.


In the wilderness, on a mountain peak, a man sat cross-legged, his face pale and his body trembling. It was the man of Shenyan who had returned from the Virtual God Realm.

The few pure-blooded creatures next to him, all followers of the Divine Flame Man, were also horrified at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, on the top of the mountain, another white robe appeared from the void to reality. It was Xu Yu who also found this place.

Xu Yu brought the Shenyan man out of the Virtual God Realm, and Shun quickly found the location of their true form.

Several pure-blooded creatures who followed the Divine Flame Man kowtowed in fear. They had seen the terror of this mysterious and powerful man in the Void God Realm, and they were naturally in awe.

Xu Yu gave up and signaled for them to leave. The pure-blooded creatures immediately felt as if they were being pardoned. They looked at Yan Nan and left in a hurry with a lot of gratitude.

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions and will not hurt you. There may be a cause and effect between you and me!" Xu Yu looked at the golden-paper-like Shenyan man and smiled slightly, his eyes flowing with a mysterious aura.

His pupils opened and closed, and the runes flickered. At this time, he took a good look at this man. Although he was called a man, he was actually a young man, not much older than Shi Hao.

Xu Yu nodded secretly. This man from the Divine Flame was quite good in appearance. Although he could not reach the level of Shi Hao and Shi Yi, he could be on par with Qin Hao. He was a good prospect.

Later, Xu Yu initially learned that this divine flame man was named Chi Yan. It was by chance that he got this divine disk and was able to rise all the way.

A moment later, Xu Yu brought Shen Yannan back to Shicun.

The Shenyan man was dumbfounded. He originally thought he was coming to some mysterious place, but he found it was a small village, which made him stunned.

But when he saw the willow tree at the end of the village, he was extremely shocked. The sacrifice of a village's spirit seemed to be more mysterious and extraordinary than the sacrifice of a country. And when he saw Shi Hao, he was even more surprised. It turned out that this young man came from Here!
At this time, Shi Hao, his parents, the real dragon, the red dragon Gegu and Qin Hao all returned from the virtual god world.

The people in Shicun were all cheering, full of joy. They were indeed happy for Shi Hao from the bottom of their hearts. They defeated their old enemy cousin, which was considered a major event.

Now Shi Hao's family is reunited and is considered complete.

Seeing Xu Yu bringing back the withered Shenyan man, everyone's eyes showed a strange look.

They all saw how the Shenyan man was holding the divine plate and looking high-spirited, but now, he looked down and out, which made people sigh.

The eyes of Shi Hao, Qin Hao, and Red Dragon Gegu burst out with fighting intent, and there were flames burning, and they seemed to be a little happy to see the hunter.

They knew that although this man was suppressed by Xu Yu at will, he was definitely not weak. On the contrary, this man was very powerful and was a veritable youth supreme!

Chiyan, the male god of flames, had a bitter look on his face and was in an extremely bad mood. He was flying wildly and now he was going to be a prisoner. This was contrary to his imagination and unacceptable!
"Don't be upset. Since I got the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk from you, I will give you a fortune." Xu Yu smiled and naturally noticed the little mood of the divine flame man Chi Yan.

Xu Yu chuckled, pointed out, and a complete scripture of the Six Paths of Reincarnation appeared in Shenyan Man's mind, dazzling and making a roaring sound.

"Complete... Six Paths of Reincarnation!" Chi Yan's eyes were originally dim and his expression was very poor, but at this moment, his eyes suddenly brightened.

Unexpectedly, this mysterious and powerful man was so majestic that he could teach this kind of supreme heavenly skill all of a sudden!

"Practice well. This is the complete method of the six paths of reincarnation. If you have any questions, you can ask me." Xu Yu nodded.

Chi Yan's face was complicated. He controlled the incomplete method of six paths of reincarnation. He thought it would take him who knows how many years to obtain the complete method. After all, the divine disk was incomplete. But now that he lost the divine disk, he unexpectedly gained the complete six realms of reincarnation. This time also made his face look complicated and inexplicable.

(End of this chapter)

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