Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 394: Flowers bloom sometimes, but reunion is inevitable

This great catastrophe that spanned the entire time and space is probably impossible to find in ancient history. It is too special.

If the next time is a real thunder disaster in this life, it may be even more terrifying and may destroy this place. He has to consider the place where he can break through the practice in the future, otherwise this world will not be able to withstand such great pressure.

In any case, he gained a lot this time. He initially evolved the six paths of reincarnation and cut off a small part of the long river of time. Although it was only a foot square of river water, it was enough to defy the heavens!

One after another, ancient stars appeared in his eyes, slowly rotating. Although they were just visions, they seemed to be real, with a terrifying aura that overpowered the heavens.

Xu Yu stretched his body and felt an unprecedented strength. Although he has only started to create his own path now, and there is still a lot to perfect, it is extremely unnatural. All of this is the foundation.
"Everything is just a prototype, and it still needs long years of polishing!"

Xu Yu whispered, now everything seems to be simple to open up the six paths of reincarnation, but it also contains its profound accumulation. There are yin and yang, life and death, and the way of creation is by no means achieved overnight.

Under his feet, a golden avenue appeared directly, running straight through Shicun and landing at the entrance of the village...

Stone Village.

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist, you have already embarked on your own path!"

"It's amazing to cut off the long river of time!"

Willow God, True Dragon, Xiaota, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk all came to congratulate him.

"Fellow Taoist is amazing. Not only did he cut off the long river of time, but he also blazed his own path!" The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk spoke.

"At this time, the long river there anything special about it?"

Xu Yu turned his palm over, and a square pool of water a foot wide emerged, shining brilliantly in his palm, flowing with crystal luster.

Everyone was speechless. They originally thought Xu Yu knew, but they didn't expect to ask them instead!

Later, what surprised Xu Yu was that several of the former powerful men did not understand the purpose of the river water at this time.

"It has never happened before. There may be immortal kings who have set foot on the river of time, but absolutely no one has cut off the river, and naturally they don't know its purpose." The real dragon's eyes flickered and he actually said such a sentence.

According to True Dragon, there may be immortal kings or immortal kings who have stepped into the long river of time, or even crossed time and space, and interfered with the trajectories of some people, but absolutely no one has taken the water from the long river of time and space, let alone used it. He did.

"Well, it's not like no one has tried this before!" After a moment of silence, Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan Youyou spoke.

Xu Yu looked at the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk. After all, it was the magic weapon of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King. Although it was extremely incomplete, there might still be some memory fragments that still existed, and maybe he really knew something.

According to the incomplete Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King once wanted to cut off part of the river of time for experiments, hoping to evolve him into the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Even the Immortal King of the Six Paths of Reincarnation invited his friend the Immortal King Wu Ending, who was proficient in the avenue of time and space, to set foot into time and space together in an attempt to intercept some of the water sources, but ultimately failed.

"The evolution, rules and order of Daozang cannot be intercepted!"

This is the result obtained by the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King and the Endless Immortal King.

To put it simply, this long river of time is a kind of rule and order. It does not exist in reality and is not tangible. Even the Immortal King cannot change it!
Xu Yu frowned. Throughout the ages, no one has intercepted the flow of time. Was he the first to do it?

Then, he handed the foot-square river water to several people and asked them to explore it. After a long time, several people returned the time river water, but they all shook their heads and sighed, finding nothing.

"It's weird, it's no different from ordinary water." Xiaota shook his head and commented.

Everyone was also very surprised. How could the water source of Changhe River be like this? It seemed to be exactly the same as ordinary water.Except that it is more crystal clear, it is no different from ordinary water.

"Let's experiment." Xu Yu suddenly thought and made a decision.

Afterwards, Xu Yu directly found an elixir and dropped it one drop at a time. There was no reaction. Then, he dropped a few more drops. The elixir remained the same without any change, just like ordinary raindrops. Down.

"Be careful, it is the river of time after all, it is hard to find in the world!

Xiaota screamed and felt very painful. Xu Yu stopped when he saw that the experiment was fruitless.

"Why don't you give me a drop?" Xu Yu's eyes flickered and she said with a smile.
"Ah... forget it, this is a huge cause and effect!" Xiao Qiang shrank his neck and said.

"Perhaps...the river water is not used this way at this time!"

Xiaota suddenly spoke again and made this judgment.

"I think it's better not to use it for now." After a moment, Xiaota turned very serious.

According to what he said, the long river of time involves too much cause and effect. It is better not to use it rashly before the strength is insufficient. Things that touch fate and time will be terrifying!
"I've even cut off the long river of time, do you still care about this?" Xu Yu shook his head, his eyes sparkling. He seemed to have many causes and effects now that add up to nothing, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

Xiaota has lived for a long time, and is older than Liu Shen. He is a strong man in the Emperor's Fall era, but he pays great attention to cause and effect. His behavior is not surprising.
"That's not the case. You are burdened by karma. If you can avoid it, try to avoid it!" Xiaota shook his head and said no more words.

"I remembered. Logically speaking, the river of time should not be left in the world. It is said that it will be useful to something and can make it evolve!"

The Willow God whispers, the green clouds are falling, and the soft twigs are like silk. There is a sacred atmosphere that makes people feel peaceful.

"What?" Several people opened their eyes wide.

"Three raw medicines!"

Everyone was surprised, they didn't expect that there was such a legend.

Xu Yu remembered that the three-life medicine could allow the Burial Soldiers to evolve towards the Burial Kings. For this ethnic group, it was a supreme treasure that could surpass almost everything else!
The three-life medicine is the most sacred thing in the Burial Warriors lineage. It is a legendary thing. It can be said that it is rare to find. To outsiders, the three-life medicine is generally useless, and it is only useful for the top experts!
Several legendary elixirs in ancient times all required the use of Sansheng medicine, which was used as an introduction to the medicine!
And according to Liu Shen, the time river is actually useful for these three herbal medicines, and can make them all evolve. How amazing is this!

"It's a pity that the third life medicine cannot be found, and no one has ever obtained the river of time!" Liu Shen looked confused.

Everyone looked at Xu Yu with strange expressions. This was such a fate that defied the heavens. This was a fortune that was even more defiant than the three herbal medicines.

The three-life medicine can create the Burial King, which is equivalent to the Immortal King of Nine Heavens, and the immortal king of a foreign land. If the three-life medicine evolves again, will it be necessary for someone to defeat the king and become the emperor?
At this moment, Shicun suddenly became noisy.

"Hey, our King of Desolation is back!" someone shouted.

Everyone was surprised that Shi Hao was a restless master. After the battle between the two stones, he was named the King of Desolate Heaven by the Stone Emperor, but he kept traveling and did not come back until a year later.

Xu Yu raised his eyes and saw Shi Hao and a group of his friends who were following him.

In the village, cocks crow and dogs bark, and there is no lack of earthly atmosphere. There are children running around, which is indeed extremely joyful.

"Uncle is really back!"

"Uncle Xiao Hao has brought someone back. This is the first time!"

Shi Hao came with a group of people, including Huo Ling'er, the princess of the Fire Kingdom, nine lions, five-color luan birds, and fire crows...

"Hey, is that beautiful fat sister going to be Uncle Hao's wife?" A kid booed, causing a group of people to laugh, and some adults also winked at Shi Hao.

Huo Ling'er was startled and her face turned red. As a princess of a country, he had never seen such a scene before.

"Haha, we're back!"

At this time, the handsome old bald Kong Qiuji and her old best friend Yun Menglan landed in Shicun on a big red bird, and unexpectedly brought Yun Xi, a purple-clad girl from the Celestial Tribe with them.

"It seems we came at the wrong time..."

Yun Xi naturally heard those words just now. Looking at Huo Ling'er, who was smiling like a flower, her pretty face was red, and she was quite intimate with Shi Hao, she spoke like this,
"No... you came at the right time!" Shi Hao smiled and actually picked up Huo Ling'er, who was still in a daze. Then he used the Kunpeng Technique and shrank the ground to an inch. It was almost to the extreme, and Yun, who had not reacted, was
Xi was also carried on his back and ran towards the village...

"Ah, put me down!
"what are you doing!
Yun Xi and Huo Ling'er were startled. Their curvy bodies were hanging in the air, being resisted by Shi Hao, and they quickly approached the village. They were ashamed and angry, struggling.

"Haha, that's great. Xiao Hao just kept quiet and became a blockbuster!" Shi Linhu, the leader of the clan's hunting team, laughed.

"These two girls are very good. The little one finally got the idea."

"Well, that's right, the little one has finally grown up!"

A group of adults looked over, looking at Shi Hao with interest, and then at the two pretty women who were resisted by Shi Hao.

Many people in Shicun nodded with satisfaction, and soon the whole Shicun was shocked. They came together to watch, men, women, old and young making a fuss.

The people in Shicun were very generous and not secretive. When they saw Shi Hao carrying two such beautiful girls home, they all smiled kindly.

Both women were charming, graceful, and eye-catchingly beautiful. There would never be such a beautiful girl in the wild, which made everyone very happy.

"Ah this..." Er Baldy was dumbfounded and speechless. He didn't expect that Shi Hao would be so brutal and resisted Yun Xi and another girl. Yun Menglan beside him also had his eyes wide open and was dumbfounded. , I don’t know what to say.

"Beast..." The big red bird smacked his tongue and widened his eyes. As soon as Yun Xi got off his back, he was carried away by Shi Hao.

"You don't understand, this is celebrity romance..."

The bald man spoke, and then he showed an appreciative smile.

"What did you say..." Yun Menglan said faintly and glared at him. A chill ran down Er Baldy's spine and he quickly shut up. He looked at the big red bird that had been deflated by Er Baldy many times and covered his mouth with joy. "Let go!" Huo Ling'er and Yun Xi were struggling fiercely. With so many people watching, their pretty faces turned red. They were very uncomfortable. They wanted to break free, but they couldn't.

Today, Shi Hao has gone very far in the formation realm. His body is slender and strong, and his strength is so great that it is like an iron pincer, making it impossible for the two women to move at all.

They couldn't bear it, and now they were being watched by the whole village. Although they didn't mean any harm, they still couldn't help but get goosebumps.

It wasn't until the two women grabbed his ears that Shi Hao put them down with a smile, causing the whole village to burst into laughter.

"Brother Shi Hao, it's amazing. You captured two beauties in one fell swoop. They are role models for us!"

A young man wearing flaming red treasure clothes walked over. He was very handsome.

When the divine flame man Chi Yan arrived, he glanced at the two women and revealed a strange color. There was a divine flame in his eyes, which was very captivating. This year has passed and he has made great progress in practicing in Shicun.

Today's Divine Flame Man Chi Yan has been practicing in Shicun for more than a year. He has become familiar with Shi Hao and everyone in Shicun, and he doesn't care when he talks.

"Go, you old pervert, do you think I'm the same as you?" Shi Hao squinted at him, with a look of contempt on his face.

"No, the great road refines the heart, struggles in the world of mortals, passes among thousands of flowers, not a single leaf touches the body," Chi Yan said with a smile.

"Uncle the thief laughs so pervertedly!" Several children in Stone Village murmured, unanimously affirming, and looking at him with contempt.

Chi Yan's face turned dark. He had been traveling in the wilderness for so many years, and this was still the first time he had experienced it.
Being beaten down like this by several milk babies at once made him burst into tears.

Sure enough, when Shi Hao heard these words, his eyes became sharper. He stood in front of Yun Xi and Huo Ling'er and looked at Chi Yan with an unkind expression.

"I like all beautiful things, especially beautiful women. I think it is the most beautiful scenery in the world. I always look at it with appreciation, but I am always not understood by others."

Chi Yan said quietly.

He spoke so loftily, isn't he just a lewd thief? Everyone couldn't help but sneer at him.

"Well, you're out of seclusion, come and fight me quickly!" In the distance, dragon energy filled the air, and a red dragon descended, landed on the ground, and turned into a young man.

"A dragon!"

Huo Ling'er, Yun Xi and others were in a daze. They couldn't believe that there was actually a dragon in this stone village. Although the Void God Realm saw it at first, they were even more shocked now.

The red dragon Ge Gu appeared and directly pulled Chi Yan away to compete with him.

In fact, over the past year, Red Dragon Gegu has often challenged Chi Yan to duel. After all, the strength of both of them is extraordinary.

"My goal is to collect beauties from all over the world and seize the world's treasures, instead of dueling with this stupid dragon all day long..." Chi Yan burst into tears in his heart. He once determined to become a king-like person, but now it seems that

It seems to be getting farther and farther away.

Soon, the Great Demon Gods Shi Ziling and Qin Yining also appeared. They were quite surprised. Shi Hao was not found, but he immediately found two beautiful women. Qin Hao was not in Shicun, and had already gone to Burao Mountain to transplant immortal bones again.

The two girls both had charming smiles and a rare appearance of ice-cold flesh and jade bones, which made everyone very satisfied.

When they learned the identity of Shi Hao's family, Huo Ling'er and Yun Xi were very polite and hurried forward to salute.

The couple and the Great Demon God admired the beauty of the two women, and then asked Shi Hao what their identities were.

"What, the daughter of the Fire Emperor, and the goddess of the Ancient Sacred Mountain!
Shi Hao's family was shocked. They didn't expect that Shi Hao had such a great ability and brought back a princess from a country and a woman from the ancient sacred mountain.

"The Fire Emperor has great wisdom and is a great man of his generation. No wonder his daughter is so outstanding," the Great Demon God Shi Zhongtian said with a smile. Naturally, he had met the Fire Emperor before and admired him.

"Of course, the Celestial Race of the Ancient Sacred Mountain is also the most beautiful in the world. No wonder they can raise such a beautiful woman." Shi Zhongtian added, laughing heartily and very happy,
He had always wanted the Stone Clan's lineage to be able to spread its branches, and now Shi Hao had reached the age where he should get married.

"It's better to choose a day than to hit it. I think it's better to get married as soon as possible!" Qin Yining agreed, and the old patriarch Shi Yunfeng nodded repeatedly.

"That's right, the little one is too annoying to worry about. Give birth to a few babies before leaving!" A group of adults in Shicun shouted.

The two girls were so frightened that they turned pale. They were just visiting Stone Village. Why did they have to give birth here?

Then, what left them speechless was that they were carried back, which was in line with Ishimura's habit of getting married.

Their faces were red and they were at a loss, but Shi Hao was as silent as Meng Gourd.

After a long time, Shi Hao spoke and dismissed everyone's thoughts, while the two women secretly gritted their teeth. This naughty kid had obviously deliberately kept silent just now and deliberately embarrassed them.

The accompanying nine-headed lions and fire crows also couldn't help laughing.

Xu Yu sat cross-legged under the willow tree and smiled slightly. He naturally saw it.

When they came out, both women had a good impression of Shi Hao.

Then Shi Hao took them to visit the village. Soon everyone was shocked. It was just a village. The spiritual energy was richer than the ancient sacred mountain or an ancient country. Jian
It's going to go against heaven.

Then, with awe, they came to the head of the village and met Xu Yu and the willow trees that were all green and glowing.

They could never forget that man who was like a god and suppressed the reincarnation disk with force. He was definitely an extraordinary and holy figure.

"You don't have to be restrained. Since you are Shi Hao's friend, treat this place as your home." Xu Yu said with a slight smile. He was dressed in white.

The painting is as rich as jade, and the smile is very charming.


In the distance, two chickens swayed and walked very well. They actually lay down under the big willow tree at the same time, cuddled up together, and even glanced sideways at Shi Hao and everyone at the same time.

"Why do I feel so despised?" The nine-headed lion was surprised.

Yun Xi was in a daze. One of the eight rare chickens looked familiar. It seemed to be the one in Tianshen Mountain. It was actually in Shicun, and she didn't know what to say.

Shicun prepared a sumptuous dinner. When the sun set, the bonfire danced, and various exquisite delicacies exuded the tempting aroma.

The aroma of golden barbecue and the enticing aroma of wine filled the air. Everyone exchanged glasses and the atmosphere was festive.

What Yun Xi and Huo Ling'er didn't expect was that Xu Yu also came and joined the crowd to taste the delicious food.

They were a little speechless. Such a great master who defied the heavens seemed to be a little different from what they imagined, a little down-to-earth.

He is different from Liu Shen, Zhenlong, Xiaota and the Six Paths of Reincarnation. They have experienced too much and are basically indifferent to the things in the world and are detached, while Xu Yu has blended into the world of mortals.

In fact, this is also related to age. Liu Shen and others have lived for unknown ages, and Xu Yu's actual age is only one or two thousand years old. For many people, it is too young...

"Shi Hao, I came here this time to get back my clan's arm guards. We are about to set off to the upper world."

After drinking for three rounds, Yun Xi opened her mouth, her beautiful eyes flowing with gleaming light, she looked at Shi Hao and expressed her intention.

"Yes, that arm guard is a key. Without it, the formation cannot be opened." Er Baldy said, and also spoke.

"The catastrophe is about to begin..." Shi Hao returned the arm guard, very happy, after all, it was what was promised.

"That's right." Er Baldy said solemnly. In fact, he came to Shicun again and said goodbye to everyone. He and Yun Menglan were going to the upper realm.

"Bald fellow, are you going to leave like this? It's so uninteresting!"

After a few glasses of wine, the big red bird looked a little dazed and said with a big tongue.

It was rare that Er Baldy didn't deal with him. He just looked at everyone and sighed softly: "I hope we can see each other again."

Shi Hao, Yun Xi, Huo Ling'er, and Nine-Headed Lion were all disappointed, and couldn't help but feel a little empty in their hearts.

The world has changed so much that a separation may last a lifetime.

"There is a time when flowers bloom, but there is no time to meet again. Seize everything you have and don't regret it when you miss it. It will only leave you with regrets." Xu Yudao looked at everyone...

"Bald fellow, are you going to leave like this? It's so uninteresting!"

After a few glasses of wine, the big red bird looked a little dazed and said with a big tongue.

It was rare that Er Baldy didn't deal with him. He just looked at everyone and sighed softly: "I hope we can see each other again."

Shi Hao, Yun Xi, Huo Ling'er, and Nine-Headed Lion were all disappointed, and couldn't help but feel a little empty in their hearts.

The world has changed so much that a separation may last a lifetime.

"Flowers bloom sometimes, but we can never meet again. Seize everything you have, and don't regret it when you miss it. It will only leave you with regrets." Xu Yudao looked at everyone... (End of this chapter)

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