"There is a time when flowers bloom, but there is no time to meet again." Shi Hao whispered. At this moment, although Shi Hao didn't fully understand it, his heartstrings were plucked.

Huo Ling'er, Yun Xi, Nine-Headed Lion and others also had ups and downs in their hearts and were quite uneasy.

Early the next morning, Er Baldy and Yun Menglan took Yun Xi and set off to leave. Before leaving, Liu Shen gave Er Baldy a branch.
"Take care, sooner or later, I will go to the upper world." Shi Zhi was a little reluctant and waved vigorously to Yun Yi and the others. Yun Xi's face was a little complicated, and he opened his mouth, but was speechless. Then the two bald men said a few words. People disappear.

"You have to...take care. If one day you go to the upper world, remember to come find me." Huo Ling'er, who was sitting on the back of the big red bird, spoke with nostalgia in his eyes, yet he spoke so boldly.

Her pretty face was red. For a woman, such words were very bold. She had revealed before that she might follow the Fire Emperor, her father, to the upper world. She also showed her reluctance at this moment.

"I will!" Shi Hao nodded, with a look of determination on his face.

Huo Ling'er nodded, with bright eyes and a bright smile, and disappeared into the horizon on the big red bird.

Finally, the Nine-Headed Lion, Fire Crow and others also used the magic circle to leave Stone Village and go to their own ethnic group.

Just when Shi Hao felt empty in his heart and felt lost.


Suddenly, an inexplicable throbbing came through the small tower, making Shi Hao startled. He didn't know why, but his hair and bones went cold.

"What are you saying?" Shi Hao was shocked and asked suddenly. He had never felt like this before.

At the same time, Xu Yu, Liu Shen and others seemed to be feeling something.He also raised his head and looked into the depths of the sky, where a ray of light flashed across. It was even more dazzling than lightning, more dazzling and gorgeous than the sun.
To the extreme,

"The sky has changed!" Xu Yu's eyes were a little dark.

"What is that?" Shi Hao also saw it with the help of the small tower.

"The Great Power of the Upper Realm is testing, it's a crack in space..." Xiaota said leisurely, his tone was quite relaxed and freehand.

"You seem to be looking forward to it..." Shi Hao looked at Xiaota suspiciously.

"I want you to take care of..." Xiaota looked at him sideways, but he was very happy in his heart, and seemed to be really looking forward to it.

Because he knew that with Xu Yu in Shicun, the unlucky people should be the creatures from the upper world. If people from the upper world really took action rashly, they would probably not get any good results.

"Is it the upper world? What kind of place is that?
Shi Hao asked, leisurely and fascinated, always dreaming of traveling to the end of the world with a sword, hoping to cross the mountains and seas, but the wilderness is extremely vast, the world is vast, far beyond his imagination. In fact, he has heard a little bit about the upper world, but has never understood it in depth.

Seeing that Xiaota ignored him, he went to ask Xu Yu and Liu Shen again.

Liu Shen did not speak, feeling a little worried that it would hit him.
"The upper realm is vast, far greater than the eight realms..." Xu Yu said, briefly describing the situation in the upper realm, and also briefly mentioned the cage of the eight realms.

"Where we live..." Shi Hao's heart was up and down, and he couldn't calm down for a long time. He also didn't expect that the place where he lived was actually a prison to the upper world!
Xu Yu looked at him quietly and said, "Are you disappointed?"

"No, I'm just unwilling!" Shi Hao clenched his fists, his eyes blazing like fire, but he did not lose his fighting spirit.

Xu Yu smiled, feeling satisfied. If it were an ordinary person, his faith would probably collapse. It is really hard to accept that the world he has lived in for a long time is just a prison.

Shi Hao knew it, and he was not afraid of it. Instead, his Taoist heart became stronger and his fighting spirit became more high-spirited.

"How big the world is is not limited to your eyes. There is space in the heart that can accommodate the sun and the moon. The road is in the heart and under the feet, and will not be blocked by the outside world." Xu Yu's tone was calm and solemn.

After saying this, Xu Yu said no more. From then on, Shi Hao was stunned and silent for a while. This realization is still a memory worthy of being engraved and branded in his life.

A few days later, the sky and the earth changed, wisps of silver light intertwined, Xu Yu stepped forward, the sun and moon were reversed, and the stars were flying. He cast the Yuantian Magic Formation outside Shicun. He wanted to step into the formation for Shicun and did not want to be harmed here.

After all, this natural change has affected a wide range of people and has changed the trajectory. Qin Changsheng mentioned the matter of the residual immortal to him last time, which naturally made him wary.

The patterns on the sky are complicated and hazy, and the hazy light flows along the formation. The breathtaking aura is permeated, grand and majestic.

Xu Yu used the methods of the Emperor of Heaven to set up the Origin Heaven Array to seize the fortune of heaven and earth. Even the Liu Shen Liu Dao Reincarnation Pan Xiaota was surprised. This kind of array is probably only capable of being shaken by immortals.

A few days later, at the far end of the sky, there was a loud boom that shook the vast earth and made the mountains shake.

"Here we come!" Xiaota said,
At the end of the distant sky, there is boundless divine light across the sky, and a large crack in the void is spreading. Indistinctly, a portal is taking shape, wisps of divine clouds are intertwined, and runes are flickering, as if something is coming.

A strange wave spread out, and the door to the sky suddenly exploded.

Brilliant like fireworks, stunning like morning glow, it looks so beautiful, colorful, erupting, light rain like meteors, melting across the entire night sky, touching people's hearts,

Fortunately, the drama was far enough away, and it was in the sky, otherwise the entire mountain would have exploded.

A preliminary test? The price these people paid was not small. "Xiaota sneered.

"Did a big shot die? Shi Hao asked
"No, most likely a capable subordinate died! The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk also spoke.

This involves a dispute in the upper realm, which is very dangerous.There are various means of fighting openly and secretly. If you are not careful, you will be doomed.

In the days that followed, divine light filled the distance from time to time, and large cracks in the void completed a very strange celestial phenomenon, alarming many people in the wilderness.

The catastrophe is about to begin!

Everyone knows that the mountain rain is about to come, and the huge storm is about to sweep across the universe. Many of the most powerful people are uneasy.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for people in the upper realm to enter the next realm. They are bound by heaven and earth. Only in special circumstances can they be able to go down to the lower realm with strange and secret methods.

"I'm going!"

Xu Yu nodded to everyone. This catastrophe was very critical. He had to take action, otherwise the eight realms would be in ruins.

Moreover, many of the people in these eight regions are descendants of the kings of the Borderlands, and they should not suffer such unreasonable bloodshed.

Liu Shen nodded, very calmly. He knew that with Xu Yu around, it would be difficult for those people to cause trouble, so he was not worried.

Moreover, he predicted that there might be great fortune this time!

Xu Yu took a step forward, time fragments flew around, stars moved, and he appeared under a void, sitting cross-legged quietly, looking calmly at the portal above the sky.

"Hey, why do I feel that there is something calling in the Zombie Territory far away from Shicun?" Shi Hao said.

"Your induction is good, which shows that you have Taoist roots and have grasped the hidden path of Taoism!" Xiaota said.

Great calamities are ruthless, but they also contain great opportunities. The two are opposites, and this is the simplest truth in the world.

Shi Hao was a little confused as to whether he should go out or not. Soon, he made a decision. He wanted to witness the catastrophe with his own eyes. He was not a venerable person and should not attract attention.

Xiaota also followed, still hanging in his hair. According to him, he wanted to witness a great disaster and watch the excitement.

Later, Shi Hao stepped into the western border of the Stone Kingdom, wanting to visit some old friends and travel around the world to see the catastrophe clearly. "Boom!"

A few more days passed, and finally, the day arrived. A dull voice sounded, and the world trembled, as if the world was opening up. All living beings were trembling and couldn't help but tremble.

There was a strange loud noise, which was the terrifying trajectory of the avenue. There was a brief pause at this moment. The world froze, and the universe froze at this moment.

All the monks raised their heads and looked at the high sky. They were all shocked. There was a crack there, and endless divine light rushed down. There was a vast divine breath, like the sea, and the divine power was shocking!

Those are endless fragments of laws that do not belong to this world. On this occasion of the great catastrophe, they actually brought different insights to many living beings, and seemed to make them fall into the realm of enlightenment.

It was not just a visible portal, but like an inverted volcanic crater, spewing out endless auspicious clouds, boundless, dazzling, and extremely magical.


A long bell sounded, resounding through the sky and spreading throughout the wilderness, seeming to be able to cleanse people's souls.

Xu Yu was sitting cross-legged in the void, her white robe slightly rippling, her black hair disheveled, not making any waves, but her eyes suddenly brightened, shining brighter than the sun, burning for nine days!


A big bell fell slowly and emerged from the inverted crater. It was simple and natural, and ripples of the avenue spread out, sweeping across the universe and reaching far and wide.

"The Immortal Bell is also an endless bell!" Xu Yu's eyes were deep, and he sat cross-legged in the void with a calm expression as he made a judgment.

At this moment, he was completely convinced that the fairy bells of later generations were formed by the endless degradation before him.

The way of heaven has neither beginning nor end!
In the Ancient Immortal Era, after a brutal battle, the Bell Without a Bell fell from an Immortal King's weapon to an Immortal Weapon.

Later, he hibernated in Kunlun, and after a long period of quiet cultivation, many people in Zhetian World thought that this kind of existence was born from the Kunlun ancestral lineage at the beginning of the world. This is the origin of the fairy bell!

Xu Yu was relatively familiar with it. When he first entered Mars and set foot in Yijie Tomb, he had observed the runes that evolved into the Immortal Bell and evolved the Immortal Bell technique. Naturally, he noticed it immediately.

I have to say that this clock is amazing. It has thousands of celestial lights and thousands of auspicious colors. It can cover the vast earth like that. Nothing can compare with it. It seems to condense time and freeze the eternal years.

On the wall of the bell, symbols lit up one after another, like a sacrificial inscription, which rang out along with the bell waves. It was grand and distant, resounding throughout the heavens and the world, echoing in the hearts of all living beings.

That obscure and mysterious voice was like the whisper of an eternal taboo figure, as if there was a pair of eyes that could see all over the world and see through everything.


In the stone village, Willow God raised his eyes and saw clusters of light clusters beating around him. There was a vague sound of endless chanting, and he worshiped his body.

The brilliance of her eyes was flowing, and one after another divine pictures appeared, which seemed to contain the past and the future, mysterious and unpredictable.

Obviously, nowadays, his strength is constantly growing and improving steadily, and he has already remembered many old things from the past.

"The magic weapon of the Immortal King Wu Zhi?" Kun Pengzi was shocked. He also appeared. He had been cultivating in Shicun for more than a year, and now he had recovered from the state of seclusion.

Although he was plotted against him and sealed in chaos for millions of years as a Queen of the Ten Evils, he has recovered a lot with the help of Xu Yu, and has naturally inherited the memories of Kunpeng in the past. fragments, so they were recognized.

"The Bellless Immortal King..." The real dragon stood quietly under the willow tree, with a majestic figure, and his eyes were as striking as the sky. He stared at the big clock, with all the vicissitudes of life in his eyes, as if he was recalling.

The former Immortal Kings of the Endless and Six Paths of Reincarnation are almost considered leaders in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and are respected by everyone. Even their powerful peers at the Immortal King level admire them endlessly.

"The Endless Bell!" The incomplete Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk whispered with a complicated expression. In the past, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King and the Endless Immortal King had good friends and knew each other well. Naturally, he was also familiar with this big bell.
But now, this big bell is actually controlled by others.

"No, it's not complete, the key bell soul is missing!" Liu Shen suddenly spoke, his eyes fell on the big bell, and he saw the clues.

"It's like this. It seems like all the gods of the past have passed away."

The Six Paths of Reincarnation's eyes narrowed slightly. Now that he was left with a broken corner, the other party also lost his bell soul, which made him feel a little bit sympathetic.

Xu Yu sat cross-legged quietly, and did not act immediately. He was still waiting, looking towards the sky, with a calm expression.

Because, he knew that the portal was trembling violently again, and there was a hazy light emitting. It was obvious that something was coming, and the endless bell was not yet completely over.

Sure enough, there was another extremely dull sound, and the path of the avenue deviated again. Another object fell down and appeared from the inverted crater. Dazzling rays of light spewed out, and it was extremely bright. Another object appeared!

Western Frontier of Stone Kingdom
"Why is it him!" Shi Hao was in a daze, and his eyes suddenly widened.

That thing was white and translucent, as if it were composed of mutton fat and beautiful jade. It was wrapped with layers of precious light. It had an aura of prehistoric times and a mysterious brilliance flowing around it. This shocked Shi Hao. The corners of his mouth opened into an O shape at this moment.
"Xiaota, is this your brother?" Shi Hao called, asking Xiaota in his hair.

Because that object is similar to the small tower, absolutely of the same origin, sparkling crystal, and white and brilliant, even an unfamiliar person can judge it as a sacred object at a glance.

The runes are flowing, and the chaos energy is filling the air, which is extremely amazing!

"Don't call!"

Xiaota immediately let out a strange scream, and immediately hid his aura, like a stone, without any fluctuations, as if he was afraid of being detected by him.Of course, his shouting was just a secret transmission.

At this moment, Xiaota's body was shaking, as if in convulsions, with both fear and excitement.

Seeing how serious he was, Shi Hao stopped smiling and became serious, knowing that this was a big deal.

"That...is the part of the tower I once threw away!" Xiaota said sadly, feeling a little lonely and dim. At this moment, it seemed to have turned into a piece of ordinary stone, simple and unpretentious.

The two-story tower above the sky is extremely bright, snow-white, with amazing divine glow blooming, like a section of the holy divine sun, hanging in the sky, overlooking the sky and the earth, forming a sharp contrast with him .

"It doesn't matter, big brother is here, you don't have to worry." Shi Hao said, comforting him and said that in his opinion, even the real immortals could not stop Xu Yu's footsteps. From the bottom of his heart, he almost blindly worshiped Xu Yu. .

"Yes, he promised back then that he would help me take back the tower!" Xiaota said, his tone much more relaxed. The sight of the other two floors of the tower just now made him nervous subconsciously, and he even forgot the existence of Xu Yu on his side.

However, due to inertia, he still didn't really move, still waiting for everything to settle.


Above the sky, the two-story tower began to move. With a slight shake, endless runes were shaken off and spread in all directions. It seemed that even the order of heaven and earth was disrupted at this moment.

However, he didn't seem to harm any innocent people, he was just probing there, as if he was looking for something.

There was another loud noise, and the world shook, as if it was about to topple over. Something rushed out of the inverted crater again, and the chaos filled the air, making people feel terrified.

It was a magic weapon. It looked extremely damaged, with two-thirds missing. It was covered in misty chaos and seemed extremely mysterious.

"It's the Samsara Disk!" Shi Hao was surprised and exclaimed. Naturally, he would never forget the scene when the Chiyanxu God Realm controlled the Samsara Disk and killed everyone. Even the domain envoy was no match. Finally, Xu Yu appeared, Only then did he suppress him.

"He...appeared!" A six-corner reincarnation disk shook in the stone village, and it could not remain calm. Unexpectedly, two more corners of the reincarnation disk appeared so suddenly... (End of this chapter)

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