"now you"

Xu Yu looked back and looked at the controller of the Endless Bell. He was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the controller of this big clock was so courageous and didn't escape.


The clear bell rang from the sky, and the big bell was densely covered with symbols, shining brightly. The bell holder had deep eyes, and there was a sharp divine light between the opening and closing, which shot out like lightning.

On the bell body, runes appeared, and the sound of chanting rang out.

"Did you know that this bell involves a restricted area of ​​life?" The creature holding the bell snorted coldly, his tone extremely cold.

Although he was far from Xu Yu's rival, he was very confident and scolded like this.

Ordinary people may not know the forbidden area of ​​​​life, but strong men who have reached the supreme level have always been secretive about it and are extremely afraid of it.

Xu Yu's face was calm, not just calm but calm, so calm that nothing could shake his mind.

"Is this...your confidence?"

He pointed directly, and a crystal finger suddenly enlarged and pressed down towards the controller of the big clock!
It's hard to imagine the majesty of this finger. It looks ordinary, but the terrifying power flowing from the fingertip is like an eternal flame!
The sun, moon, stars, and the universe were all shattered under one finger. They were crushed like mirrors, flowers, water, and the moon, and everything turned into nothingness.

The owner of the big clock changed color, let out a long whistle, and his hair was flying, urging the big clock to move!

A thick finger pressed down, like a pillar of heaven, directly flicking the Endless Bell away, and then continued to press down without losing force!
A bit of blood spattered, and the owner of the big clock was struck by lightning as if he was struck by lightning. Then he exploded, blood and bones mixed together, and then burned, and everything ceased to exist!
"Could it be that he... is truly invincible in the human realm?" Xiaota clicked his tongue, feeling awe-struck.


In the distance, all the broken bones and blood stains flew upside down, time seemed to be chaotic, a light symbol flashed, and the controller of the Endless Bell was resurrected again.

"Interesting, is this what you call relying on?" Xu Yu sneered and stood with his hands behind his back.

A scapegoat saved him!

The owner of the big clock turned pale, and he was just a little bit away from death.

He originally thought that he was stronger than the other two people and had the strength to fight, but he didn't expect that the other two were so terrifying!
If it weren't for the death talisman to save his life, he would really have died!
Then, his whole body was filled with brilliance, and he began to burn his own essence and blood, making sacrifices, and was about to escape.


A long bell rang, the Taoist bell roared, piercing the sky, and it actually took him away!
Time fragments flew, and a brilliant silver passage appeared. The big clock wrapped him around him, and he was about to rush inside.

"What a fast speed!" Xu Yu was slightly surprised.

This big clock seemed to have been enhanced with immeasurable divine power, as if it had the speed of an immortal!

Xu Yu's mind moved, and he moved his hands gently, and a brilliant fairy bell appeared. It was the same as the one in the sky, and even possessed some of its laws.
The big bell-shaped body in the silver channel stagnated slightly, seeming to be affected.

Xu Yu expected well. The runes he had observed in Yijie Tomb had an impact on the Immortal Bell, and some of the secrets interfered with the bell.

Just at this very moment.


Xu Yu snorted coldly, his eyes made a sonorous sound, and a halberd flew out, and with a puff, it pierced the Lord of the Bell who had a look of shock on his face.

He never dreamed that the secret of the Immortal Bell would appear in the hands of this person, otherwise the result would never be like this. Even if he couldn't resist, he could still escape.

The big clock turned upside down, and with a clanging sound, it cut through the sky, quickly shrunk, and landed in the palm of Xu Yu's hand, shining brilliantly.

"The Endless Clock!"

Xu Yu's eyes were deep, dragging the Endless Bell, feeling extremely heavy, as if it was heavier than a hanging galaxy.

With the fall of the three powerful men, the sky became clear and restored to its original state, and the oppressive atmosphere of Destruction gradually ceased to exist.

The era of being as sacred as grass has not come after all!
Many venerables and Shenhuo cultivators finally breathed a sigh of relief. This is the end of the catastrophe, which is so rare.

"Sure enough, nothing in this world can stop him." Butian Pavilion Old Teng sighed softly, looking at the immortal-like man, full of emotion.

In the Imperial Palace of the Stone Kingdom, the Human Emperor of the Stone Kingdom stared at the imperial edict that had just been written to pass on Shi Hao's throne, but at this moment he was slightly absent-minded...

"This time the fortune has been great." Xiaota also sighed. Now he is already a sixth-level pagoda, and his strength has greatly increased!

The Endless Bell, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, and his two-story tower have all been brought back.

"But, the cause and effect that will follow this time is not small." Xiaota said softly, frowning, because he also understood that it involved a restricted area.

"It doesn't matter. If there are too many lice, don't be afraid of them." Xu Yu smiled lightly, relaxed and contented, he didn't care about cause and effect.

"Yes, thanks to you this time!" Xiaota said dumbly and laughed.

"Yes, you owe me a huge karma!" Xu Yu smiled.

Then, Xu Yu took a step forward and suddenly appeared in Stone Village again.

At the head of the village, the willow trees are bright and green, flowing with a soft halo.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist!" Liu Shen said peacefully, his branches glowing, and he thanked Xu Yu. The person who destroyed her kingdom was put to death, which put her mind at ease.

"It's just a little effort!" Xu Yu stopped and smiled lazily.

Xu Yu shook his hand, sacrificed the two-horned divine disk, erased the mark, and returned it to the incomplete reincarnation disk.

"Great, this time, half of the body can be restored!" The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was extremely surprised and began to fuse in a hurry.

This catastrophe came and went in a hurry. Although mortals could not feel it, the monks' hearts trembled.

Many people with quick minds have glimpsed the clues. The monks figured out the runes and observed the five elements of heaven and earth to see the changes in the rules.

Some people jumped out and looked at the world from a mortal perspective, and then through repeated deductions, they began to figure out some of the principles of great tribulations and began to gain enlightenment.

At the border of the Stone Kingdom, Shi Hao sat cross-legged, observing the avenue, and catching the remaining fragments of the law. He became increasingly crystal clear and filled with fragrance. This was a manifestation of entering the Tao.

This is not an improvement in realm, but the shaping and retraining of one's own cauldron, training oneself and shaping one's true body.

Although the catastrophe has passed, his whole body is still crystal clear. Occasionally, when he opens and closes it, many symbols flash, showing auspicious light.

"Introducing the Tao into the body, yes, this heavenly appearance is about to catch up with me!" The small tower appeared, filled with chaotic mist, and there, Se, deliberately swung his new six-story tower body!
'Xiaota, you have recovered! "Shi Hao was surprised. He didn't expect that the small tower would fuse the two layers of the tower so quickly.

Shi Hao was speechless. No matter how many tower bodies the small tower was fused with and how strong it became, its character had not changed at all. This would irritate him non-stop...

"Great, the catastrophe is over!"

"The mysterious strong man is so powerful that he suppressed the turmoil for a lifetime!"

"He is worthy of being a divine man. He single-handedly quelled the chaos! It seems to be related to Xiaoshi. I don't know its origin. Who is it?"

Many people lamented that many venerables and divine fire experts had witnessed the world-shattering battle through secret methods and spread the news. Many powerful people praised Xu Yu and were extremely grateful.

After the catastrophe, the world was peaceful and there was no chaos as imagined. For them, this was the best outcome.

A few days later, Shi Hao returned from Shi Guoxi and continued to practice.

"It's really different." Xu Yu's mind was heavy and slightly absent-minded.

In the original trajectory, several major sects would take advantage of the chaos to come to the Stone Kingdom, support their puppets, and work for the upper realm sects, and Shi Hao would also successfully ascend to the throne of the Human Emperor.

Now that the trajectory has changed, the Stone Emperor is still alive and has not entered the upper realm. Naturally, the Stone Kingdom is peaceful and there is no turmoil.

"I wonder when you will show up next time."

Xu Yu's eyes were bright, knowing that this catastrophe was far from over, and there should still be people who would go down to the lower world. Last time, Qin Changsheng said that he was paid attention to by the Canxian. I wonder what the next trajectory will be?
In the following time, he was not in a hurry to practice, but walked on this land and explored the wilderness. For now, his most important thing is to become an immortal!

And he had a premonition.Soon, he will leave the wilderness, so walking now is a farewell.

Not long after, he came to a place with extremely dark energy.

This is a mausoleum, known as Xiling!
Those buried were neither mortals nor ordinary monks, but ferocious beasts and divine birds from ancient times.

Over the years, countless powerful ferocious beasts and divine birds have been buried here. This is a vast mausoleum park.

In the ancient past, there were too many tragic battles, both in prisons and in the upper world. Countless powerful creatures were killed and injured, and they were buried here. You must know that those ferocious beasts are the legendary god kings. , God, so powerful that it makes people tremble. Now in the eight realms of the lower world, almost no one can resist him.

In addition, some ferocious beasts and sacred birds from later generations also chose to be buried here when they died.

Over time, the yin energy here became extremely heavy, like the underworld.

As time goes by, the descendants of the creatures who guarded the cemetery have become a force that cannot be ignored.

Of course, with the rise of Butian Pavilion, the White Tiger Master who originally attacked Xiling was killed, and now Xiling Beast Mountain is in a state of decline.

Xu Yu took a step forward, and a golden light appeared. He stepped on it and entered the real Xiling world.


The wind was strong, and high in the sky, a golden-winged roc flew across the sky.

On the ground, a Pixiu leaped up from one mountain to another.

In another direction, a black roar roared, causing the moon to fall, stirring up dust and mist all over the sky.

Not long after, Xu Yu saw an ancient stele with silver hooks and iron paintings, which clearly read the three characters "Xiling Realm"... Then, the entire sky became dark and gloomy. When he stepped here, a generally cold breath hit his face. Come, it actually penetrates deep into people's pores.

In the four fields, there are towering ancient trees, old vines that look like horned dragons towering into the sky, and huge mountains. There is a desolate and primitive scene, as if we have come to the wilderness era when the world was first opened.

All kinds of ferocious beasts appeared, such as the True Kong and Pixiu, the Sky-Swallowing Bird, the Thousand-Armed Giant, the Lightning Lion, and everything else, lifelike, all appeared in this world.

Moreover, there are all kinds of divine birds flying in the sky, tearing apart the sky when they spread their wings, the divine light is boiling, the breath is shocking, and the divine power is terrifying to the extreme.

However, most of these ferocious beasts are in a state of confusion. They seem to have no consciousness in life and will not actively attack people. It is strange and difficult to understand.

Even if some creatures occasionally attack and kill them, without any surprise, they will be killed by Xu Yu's blood energy and instantly turn into blood mist.

For the Eight Realms of the Lower Realm, this place is undoubtedly terrifying. This is the ancient world of gods in the past, where humans and gods coexisted, and powerful creatures were almost everywhere.

Because the worst existence here has also ignited the divine fire. If word spread, it would definitely shock people.

You must know that in the lower world now, the strongest person on the bright side is the Butian Pavilion Old Vine, which is just the True One, that is, the true god exists. And here there are as many divine fires as dogs, true gods are everywhere, and gods are also very common, even Even the virtual realm will occasionally appear at this moment.

"Oh my God, what the hell is this place!" Suddenly, a loud shout came from Xu Yu's hair. It was the God's Stone, and he revived.

Xu Yu was stunned. The stone finally woke up. It had been five or six years. He had eaten the sand from the Fountain of Youth before, and then Xu Yu gave him some magical ingredients. After sleeping, he had slept for five or six years. .

It has to be said that the way to advance to the level of the Divine Stone is also strange. It requires constantly devouring various Immortal Gold Divine Stones and constantly sleeping and transforming.

Xu Yu remembered that in the original trajectory, the God-killing Stone and the Imperial Butterfly still played a lot of roles in the early stage, but later, when Shi Hao entered the upper realm, he rarely showed his face and was always sleeping. Two great bastards known as the perfect ones!
Which of the ten evil spirits is not famous for killing, and this sacred stone is indeed much weirder than others.

"Brother, is this hell? Why does it feel so gloomy? Is it going to eat people?" God-beating Stone trembled, because he saw

All around, chaos roared, Qiongqi roared, and raised his head to the sky. The scene was terrifying.

Although he has gained a lot of blessings in the past few years, he is still unable to compete with the existence here.

"What are you afraid of with a piece of broken stone?" Xu Yu was speechless.

This guy is indeed the best among the ten villains, and his personality is second to none. No wonder he and Shi Hao were so "similar".

"Big brother is so powerful that he can definitely protect his little brother!" God-beating stone quickly slapped him in the face.

"Hey, there's something weird about this place. It seems to be a world of its own!" God-Smashing Stone then whispered, exploring this world with a moved expression on his face.

Xu Yu was a little surprised. This God-killing Stone was really extraordinary. It was worthy of being a member of the Ten Fierce Ones. His formation skills were astonishing. Although his level was still low, he could see a lot of skills and something.

He knew that the origin of the Xiling Realm was unintentionally constructed by three old monsters deep in the altar.

This world is semi-material, with some matter, rules and energy. It is a strange place.


Suddenly, Xu Yu's mind moved, and an incarnation appeared.

Both the incarnation and its original form looked surprised at the same time, sensing something a little abnormal.

"This..." Da Shen Shi clicked his tongue, a little dumbfounded. Xu Yu and his incarnation stood quietly without saying a word. The expressions on their faces were exactly the same, because they were originally the same person, and now they were so close to each other. All aspects will be synchronized.

Incarnation, the portal of the Six Paths of Reincarnation of Evil Ghosts in the body had an abnormality, and it made a trembling sound, like a portal slowly opening, a Taotie mark emerged, appeared on its abdomen, raised its head and roared, and then the Taotie transformed into a The hazy vortex, the hazy light and mist, and a beam of light swept out.

Not far away, a Pixiu exploded into pieces and turned into a hazy white shadow. Its appearance was no longer visible. Only the outline of the Pixiu could be vaguely recognized.

After being swept by the light, Pixiu's white shadow sank into the whirlpool. At this moment, the Hungry Ghost Dao Light Gate appeared in his abdomen and swallowed it up.

At this moment, the evil ghost path seemed to turn into a whirlpool and a light door, leading the white shadow away.

"This is..." Xu Yu was surprised.

The Hungry Ghost Path among his Six Paths has initially been opened up, and now it automatically exerts its power and devours the hungry spirit of Pixiu, as if it is... connecting him to reincarnation!

Xu Yu knew that this was a place with extremely strong yin energy, nourishing a strong will, but he never expected that it could be swallowed by his six realms of reincarnation.

"Could it be that this extremely yin place really contains the great blessings of his six realms of reincarnation?" Xu Yu pondered silently.

"Brother, your body seems a little weird!"

God-Smashing Stone was dumbfounded and shuddered, as if he had seen a ghost. He had never seen anything like this. A human race could actually devour heroic spirits.

You must know that these are heroic spirits, born with death energy that conflicts with the origin of human beings. Even though they are powerful, they are not easy to suppress, but he actually swallowed them up.

Xu Yu was a little speechless. This place really looked like hell, like the underworld, not the world of the earth. It seemed to be really suitable for his six paths of reincarnation...perfectly!
And he realized it quietly for a long time without any discomfort. What moved him even more was that his realm seemed to have a breakthrough.

"Does the true evolution of the Six Paths of Reincarnation really require us to swallow the dead from now on?" He whispered, seeming to have some realization.

The reversal of yin and yang, the creation of life and death, contains vitality in silence!

With a thought, Xu Yu began to control the hungry ghost path, causing the vortex to tremble again, and began to attack those heroic spirits indiscriminately.

The vortex trembled, and several beams of light swept out again. In the distance, a golden lion, hydra, and sky-swallowing sparrow exploded to pieces. Several white shadows reappeared and disappeared into Xu Yu's hungry ghost path.

As he stepped forward, countless heroic spirits exploded and turned into pieces of white mist, submerging into his body, leaving it white and hazy.

"The Six Paths of Reincarnation have begun to appear, and now they can initially absorb the dead souls. If it is in the future, will these dead souls really reincarnate again?" Xu Yu whispered.

Xu Yu's mind was swaying, and he was also extremely surprised. He couldn't find out where his six paths of reincarnation would develop in the future.
He himself began to use his divine eyes to observe carefully, wanting to see what happened.

Suddenly, his heart was shaken, and countless figures appeared outside the portal of the six realms of samsara evil ghosts in his body.

It could be vaguely seen that the light group portal in his body, which represented the hungry ghost realm, became increasingly ethereal and hazy.

Faintly, each one stepped into the hungry ghost path numbly, and their figures slowly disappeared!
"The power of reincarnation, the path of hungry ghosts, is this another evolution of the power of order?"

Xu Yu whispered, the six paths of reincarnation have been initially opened, and the secrets are endless. This is just his initial manifestation, leading the dead souls into that world.

Unfortunately, it was hazy there, and after those heroic spirits entered the hungry ghost realm, all the scenes were invisible again.

Xu Yu continued to act and began to harvest the spirits of this world. White shadows one after another disappeared into the hungry ghost path, allowing him to lead him away!

At this moment, he seems to have turned into a messenger of darkness wandering in the underworld, coming here to arrest people's souls and judge life and death!
The mountains shook slightly, and all over the mountains and plains, many powerful heroes were blown to pieces, gathering towards Xu Yu's body and entering the vortex of the light gate of the evil ghost path. Invisibly, his momentum increased steadily.

During this process, Xu Yu's body continued to shine with brilliance, and she seemed to be greatly nourished.

"Although it is a dead spirit, there is also the power of creation in the destruction, which has brought many benefits to my body." Xu Yu whispered, his eyes burning, and some understanding rose in his heart.

Just like this, a few days later, the white shadows of the divine birds in the sky and the beasts on the ground almost turned into rivers and submerged into his body, swallowing them up at a shocking speed.

Not long after, Xu Yu's hungry ghost path stopped devouring, and the vortex disappeared. "

"Is it full?" Xu Yu whispered, a little stunned. It seems that the current Six Paths of Reincarnation Hungry Ghosts are unable to absorb any more creatures due to their initial opening.

Moreover, Xu Yu also understood that continuing to absorb these low-level spirits would indeed have no effect.

Because most of them are in the realm of True One and God, they are no longer able to provide the necessary help in building the Six Paths.

After pondering for a moment, Xu Yu put away the avatar and continued to explore the world.

"What a pervert. Why do I feel that everything in this world is not so gloomy, but much brighter," the god-beating stone muttered.

Xu Yu's eyes flickered as he explored the world and was a little speechless. It seemed that because he had attracted too many spirits, the world was no longer so cold. It was because of his actions.

"It's time to explore the deepest part." Xu Yu's eyes flickered, no longer stopping, he took one step and reached the deepest point.

Not long after, an altar appeared in front of them.

Xu Yu's pupils shrank slightly. The altar was very high and made of black boulders. There were a lot of white bones scattered underneath. If you look closely, it was terrifying. It exuded a monstrous evil spirit, which was astonishing.

"Could they be the real bones of ancient ferocious beasts and divine birds?" The stone shook and he stared at the bones.On the altar, the few bones offered are very special.

There is a piece of bone in it, which is very warm and has a faint brilliance.

"The materials that are similar to the original true solution should undoubtedly be the incomplete parts of the Ten Thousand Souls Diagram." Xu Yu secretly thought, and then turned his attention to several other bones.

There is a piece of gold, a hand bone, emitting powerful runes, and another piece, a skull, shaped like a piece of crystal, crystal clear, with deep eye sockets, strange and difficult to see, and it seems that it can make the soul sink deep into it.

In addition, the altar was actually stained with blood. After a long time, it still has not dried up, and it was extremely strange.

"Brother, what the hell is this? Why do I feel chills all over my spine?" said the God-beating Stone in a trembling voice, shrinking into Xu Yu's hair and becoming motionless.

This place is very strange. There are no ferocious beasts or divine birds to wreak havoc here. Compared to other places, this place is like a pure land.

Xu Yu didn't speak. When his divine eyes opened and closed, the runes flickered as he stared at the bones on the altar. His pupils were deep and filled with chaotic light.

"The remaining bones of the Immortal King!" Xu Yu said secretly in his heart, looking at several bones.

Even though he stood at the top of the extreme realm and faced a few bones, he still felt that they were unfathomable and had a bit of a mysterious aura flowing around them.

The altar glowed with deathly energy, and made a weak sound the moment Xu Yu approached.

"Who disturbed my deep sleep..."

They spoke and said such words, but their voices were extremely weak, like candles in the wind that could be extinguished at any time.

Xu Yu said nothing and watched quietly. (End of chapter)

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