
Suddenly, there was a huge fluctuation on the altar, and the crystal skull was incredibly fast, rushing towards it like thunder.


Xu Yu formed a seal with both hands, clapped it hard, and a huge chaos seal appeared, pressing down on the skull, the sonorous sound was deafening, and sparks flew everywhere!

"It's not simple. I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful young man in this barren eight realms!" The crystal skull made a weak sound, and was shaken and flew away, saying with a slight surprise.

Then, behind him, the golden palm floated on the altar. Although the aura was restrained, there was still a terrifying sense of oppression.

The eyeball was even more terrifying, still dripping blood, hanging in mid-air, constantly rotating, and emitting a strange light.

He stared at Xu Yu, his eyes were extremely deep, and he seemed to be touched.

"Your eyes are very special." The eyeballs kept turning, emitting an extremely eerie light. Deep in the eyes, there were runes condensed, shining brightly.

The next moment, he took action, and in his eyeballs, the scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood emerged, and two strange lights burst out, accompanied by faint ghost cries, tearing the sky apart, and it was extremely tragic.

The sky exploded and the world was turned upside down!
The entire Xiling world was trembling with thunderous sounds. Countless creatures were trembling at this moment, kneeling down and kowtowing in the direction of the altar.

Xu Yu snorted coldly, his pupils glowed, shooting out an astonishing divine light that made the world tremble.

The runes were scattered, the silver light was rising, reaching its extreme, and accompanied by the sound of the scriptures, it was mysterious and boundless, and it was a duel with him.

Between the two, the runes were turbulent and the laws were like the sea. It took a long time before they calmed down.

The Xu Yuruo Mountain stands tall, like an abyss stretching across the sea, swallowing hundreds of thousands of miles, like an immortal king overlooking the vast earth, with a plain expression.

"Well, it's amazing. These pupils remind me of some old things..."

The eyeball was glowing, with blood flowing on it, and it was shining with a strange brilliance, and he actually said such words.

"You...remembered?" the golden palm said slightly surprised.

The fist-high altar was floating there quietly, and after hearing the words of the bloody eyeballs, the crystal skull and golden palm bones were glowing and trembling, obviously unable to remain calm.

"During that little reckoning, I remember that I seemed to have a pair of eyes like this..." The bloody eyeballs murmured, almost talking in sleep.

"What!" Crystal Skull and Golden Palm lost their voices at the same time. They perished during that small reckoning, and now they don't even know who the murderer was.

"What else?" A faint fire appeared in the eye sockets of Shuipin's skull, which was purple-gold in color, strange and mysterious, and made people's souls seem to pulsate with it.

"No more. It touches the depths of the soul and only a few memory fragments flash through. How can it be completely remembered?"

The bleeding eyeball sighed, feeling a little lonely at the moment, and his voice was low.

"Oh, yes, if it were so easy to remember, I wouldn't have to lie dormant for so long if I were waiting here.

"These eyes are related to the liquidation and have a big cause and effect." The bleeding eyeballs sighed again.

For a moment, the crystal skull, bloody eyeballs, and golden hand bones fell silent. In an instant, the air became more dull and chilling.

If you look carefully, those few incomplete bones of the Immortal King seem to be slightly afraid of Xu Yu at this moment.

Xu Yu frowned, his eyes were actually involved in Immortal Gu's previous small settlement!So in that liquidation, Chongtong played another role

What role does it play?

"Young man, please leave." After a moment of silence, the crystal skull spoke, and actually said such words.

The golden palms and bloody eyeballs were also suspended there quietly, as if several people had reached an agreement.

Xu Yu was a little stunned. He never expected that the bones of these immortal kings would actually say such words, which made him somewhat unexpected.

You must know that these bones are very strange and are related to the disaster of immortality. If ordinary supreme beings come here, they will definitely bewitch them and fuse these bones.

Moreover, Xu Yu knew that the origins of these fragments of the Immortal King's bones were extremely terrifying. They were even further back than the Ancient Immortal Era, and even surpassed the era of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone. They were genuine old monsters that ordinary people would never be able to withstand.

"Wait, don't you want me to blend into your skulls, eyeballs, and golden palms?" Xu Yu smiled slightly, her mind moved slightly, and she actually said this,
The bones of the three great immortal kings were stunned, and then they were in a daze. They didn't come back to their senses for a long time. What was he talking about?
How could this young man have such an idea and actually want to integrate them?It coincides with their previous thoughts!

The remaining bones of the three immortal kings all looked like they had seen a ghost and couldn't believe it.

To be honest, at the beginning, they thought so too, trying to merge into this young man's body. But now, he revealed their intentions in one word. This is so amazing. Could it be that he has the ability to predict the future? .

"Hand bones, skulls, eyeballs, every fusion has the power of a true immortal. With this, I can live forever. Maybe I can change my name to Chen Changsheng." Xu Yu said to himself, but let a few old people The monster became more and more frightened, and was extremely shocked. Why did this young man say everything they wanted to say?

They began to doubt life. What kind of monster did they encounter?It seemed that there was really something related to the liquidation, which made them even more fearful.

"Fellow Taoist, you are joking. I don't want to get too involved with you, so please leave!" The skull spoke again, without flesh and blood, and opened its lower jaw to speak. The meaning was obvious.

At the same time, the purple-gold flames in the eye sockets of the crystal skull became more and more intense, as if there was some strange secret power that made people calm.

Xu Yu's expression was indifferent, and he immediately realized that the other party had used methods, as if to hypnotize him and make him leave this place inadvertently.

If it were an ordinary supreme figure, it would definitely be attacked. That kind of power would make people feel peaceful, without joy or worry, and gradually fall asleep.

Obviously, this is an eviction order!

The runes in Xu Yu's eyes were blazing, and an astonishing beam of light erupted, tearing apart the world, hitting the altar directly, and seemed to knock down all the stars in the sky.

However, this altar was unusual. Although it was crumbling, it was not sunk and emitted a sonorous divine sound.

"It's just a little trick, you guys are looking down on me." Xu Yu said calmly, very calmly.


At this moment, the blood-dripping eyeballs soared into the sky, traced a strange trajectory, shot out two dark green beams, and struck Xu Yu again.

The violent collision began, and the void was annihilated invisible. Thousands of large cracks appeared. The darkness was deep, like a ditch connecting to the underworld, which was extremely terrifying.

Not long after, the eyeballs receded, and the bloodstains on them became more and more ferocious, and the depths of the boy's hole were flickering. He stared at Xu Yu with a horrified look in his eyes. He had almost exerted his immortal power with the attack just now, but he still couldn't do anything to Xu Yu. !

Then, the golden palm bones and five fingers reached out, which seemed a little hasty.

It is very rare for them to wake up once. The price is not small, let alone a real war.

"How can fellow Taoist leave, and what are your intentions when you come here this time?" Crystal Skull asked in a deep voice, seemingly a little resigned.

"It's just a matter of time. I'm willing to discuss the Dharma with you!" Xu Yu smiled. Several old monsters were speechless and wandered around the Xiling Realm. Among the eight realms of the lower realm, he is probably the only one who dares to say this.

"Of course, if you are willing, I can take you out. There may not be any chance of recovery in the future." Xu Yu looked at the three old monsters and said. If these three old monsters recover well, they will attack with all their strength. It's almost at the Immortal King level, which is a big help.

"It's not because I don't want to, but I really don't want to get too involved!" Crystal Skull sighed.

"It doesn't matter, you can make your own decision," Xu Yu shook his head and refused to force it.

The crystal skull, golden palms, and bleeding eyeballs heard the words, their tone was slightly slower, and they gradually calmed down.

Afterwards, the atmosphere calmed down and several people started talking.

"We were crippled. We are considered real losers. We only have some very shallow memories. Now no one knows our true selves. Now we only have one obsession, to regain our peak and regain the glory of immortality." Crystal Skull said. "Moreover, our brand has not been wiped out, we are just losers in the last small liquidation," Golden Palm added, feeling a little disappointed.

"The final battle, the final reckoning is coming, and we won't give in." Crystal Skull roared.

"Of course, we don't want to involve too much cause and effect." Golden Palm said. They expressed their attitude. Xu Yu seems to be related to the liquidation. For them now, they don't know whether this is a blessing or a curse, so they don't want to have anything to do with Xu Yu. Too involved.

"We have all fallen, and we just want to reach the top again, and our obsession will never go away!" The blood-dripping eyeballs were green and deep, extremely deep.

Obviously, they were unwilling to give in and had big obsessions in their hearts, so they survived forever.

"If you reach the top again, can you resist the unknown reckoning?" Xu Yu's words made several old monsters fall silent again.

When they were at their peak, they could no longer resist the small liquidation, so how could they withstand the future great liquidation with just a few remaining bodies.

"Since our obsession persists, we must not give up. In the final battle, we will jump with all our strength, even if we die with regrets, we will have no regrets!" Crystal Skull roared.

Xu Yujian said with emotion that people in this world are indeed struggling to survive in the sea of ​​suffering, as stunning as Dao Yin, the master of the restricted area, and as persistent as these three old monsters with a long history.

After a long silence,

"Well, there seems to be something weird in your body. There is a power that attracts me very much. It seems to be...the power of reincarnation!" Crystal Skull said suddenly.

Xu Yu's mind moved and he sacrificed the immortal phoenix incarnate.

"This... is your incarnation." The crystal skull was slightly surprised, while the golden palms and blood-dripping eyeballs also looked at Xu Yu's immortal phoenix incarnation in surprise.

With a thought in his mind, he activated the hungry ghost path in his body, and a whirlpool of reincarnation emerged, emitting a hazy light, and there seemed to be a big world floating inside!
"Reincarnation... You actually opened up the crystal skull in your body and screamed. You seemed extremely shocked and completely lost your composure. The golden palms and blood-dripping eyeballs were as shocked as wood carvings and clay sculptures at this moment.

"It's just a preliminary evolution." Xu Yu's eyes flickered.

"Has anyone else tried to evolve the six paths of reincarnation in the body?" Xu Yu asked. From this old monster, he vaguely captured some key information.

"Naturally, in the cycle of life and death, I don't know how many people have died. Naturally, some people will try to open up and try to reincarnate again." Crystal Skull said with emotion.

"But... in my impression, no one has succeeded, otherwise we would have been reincarnated long ago, why would we have left a trace of obsession in the world!" Crystal Skull added, becoming more and more surprised.

According to several old monsters Ruo, the Six Paths of Reincarnation have been passed down for a long time. They were proposed countless epochs ago. It is so long ago that it is unimaginable.

In their memories, some people tried to use magical instruments to transform reincarnation, open up space for reincarnation, and some tried to transform reincarnation into the body, but without exception, they were unsuccessful, and many people even died as a result!

Then several people began to talk about reincarnation. Although the three old monsters were only in remnants, their magical powers were still amazing. This was inherited from their memories and indeed gave Xu Yu a lot of inspiration.

A month passed in a hurry, Xu Yu stood up and said goodbye to them, but at this time, Crystal Skull suddenly proposed to leave with Xu Yu.

"We look forward to your rise and the true opening of the six paths in the body. Maybe in the future, we will really have the opportunity to be reincarnated." Crystal Skull was quite candid, saying this,

They also knew that they had been wary of the bloody eyeball saying that Xu Yu was related to the liquidation. But now, when it came to their reincarnation, they no longer had any scruples and decided to take a chance on Xu Yu. Invest in yourself!

When they learned that Xu Yu's incarnation in reincarnation had absorbed many heroic spirits, several old monsters were even shocked. This meant that his reincarnation had already taken hold.

"This Xiling Realm was accidentally opened up by us. There are millions of skeletons. If you need heroic spirits, we can help you." Crystal Skull said.

According to him, there are more incredible existences underground in the Xiling Realm, far beyond what is on the surface today, which can provide necessary nutrients for their reincarnation and complete the six paths of reincarnation.

Xu Yu nodded. After more than a month, the previous heroic spirits have been almost digested and absorbed into the hungry ghost realm. Now it seems that they can continue to be accepted.

Following the instructions of the crystal skull, Xu Yu opened his eyes, and the beam split the sky, hitting the designated position in Xiling Realm, causing the earth and rocks to overturn.

After the earth and rocks rolled and the ground cracked, Xu Yu saw many skeletons, some as big as mountains, and some as small as the belly of a thumb. Only one thing was connected. They were all extremely powerful in life.

It's a pity that most of these bones have no spirit. The hungry ghost reincarnation can only absorb heroic spirits now, but cannot absorb these bones.

"Keep moving forward, there should be Escape One or Supreme level spirits here that haven't disappeared yet." Crystal Skull said.


Not long after, a green light flew out, and it turned out to be a centipede, two meters long, as crystal clear as jasper, with green clouds spitting out of its mouth, which can corrode people's souls.

A giant centipede that has escaped to another realm!

Xu Yu's abdomen turned, and the vortex began to twist, sweeping out a ray of light of reincarnation, sucking in the powerful centipede spirit and filling it into the reincarnation.

"There has been a change."

A whirlpool emerged outside Xu Yu's body. As the centipede white shadow entered, there was a tiny thread intertwining out of the whirlpool. It was the transformation of the law.
This change not only surprised Xu Yu, but also excited several old monsters. The rules of heaven and earth are intertwined. This is the prototype of the world. It will also be the same if the small world is opened normally.

"The thin line of rules is a sign that the rules have begun to form. This path is indeed feasible!" The eyes of the crystal skull were hot, and the bloody eyeballs and golden bone palms were also excited.

"Birth and death, according to ancient legend, the true place of reincarnation will give birth to laws, which is undoubtedly the same as the real big world." The crystal skull said, his eyes getting hotter.


Suddenly, a sound like a bird's call or a wolf's howl came, and the Xiling world trembled.

A strange bird with blue light shining all over its body, its body is like a green roc, but it has a wolf head, it is more than [-] feet long, and the sound is made by it.

This is also a powerful spirit, but unfortunately, it is not the supreme spirit, but it has also achieved a great perfection. It also added a thin line of law to Xu Yu's reincarnation.

In this way, a few people searched all the way and found ten escaped spirits, which added ten thin lines of magic to the six paths of reincarnation of hungry ghosts. It actually made him saturated again. If he wanted to absorb it urgently, he needed to
It takes a lot of time.

"After all, we haven't reached the Immortal Realm yet. If we can rank in the Immortal Realm and absorb heroic spirits, it should speed up a lot, and we may even be able to initially evolve the divine power of life," Crystal Skull speculated.

"In the future, let's go find some extremely yin places."

Xu Yu put away the immortal phoenix incarnation, and then her palms glowed, covering the small altar, preparing to take them away from the Xiling Realm.

"Wait a minute, let's stay here for the time being to find some truly supreme, even immortal-level spirits for you. If you really need me, I'll follow you out," the crystal skull said.

"That's fine." Xu Yu nodded. Anyway, we don't need these people for the time being. It's okay to let them search for spirits here.

However, he was quite speechless. It seemed that these old monsters were more eager than him, eager for him to complete the six paths of reincarnation.

But Xu Yu can also understand that they are now obsessed, but also a kind of spirit. They really hope that there will be reincarnation and they can come back again in peak form!

Soon, Xu Yu returned to Stone Village again.


Not two days later, there was an explosion in the sky and earth, and a huge thunder ripped through the sky.

"This aura... there's a big presence coming down!" The small tower in Shi Hao's hair vibrated, and Youyou said.

Xu Yu raised his hand and found that it was the nine-color divine thunder, with a terrifying aura, accompanied by chaotic energy. The scene was vast and shocking, as if the entire sky was about to shatter.

"Come on, Mr. Ta, my hands have been itchy for a long time!"

Xiaota chuckled strangely again, he has now restored the six-story tower body, and now his fighting spirit is extremely high, thinking that he can overwhelm the enemies in the world.

The second catastrophe is coming!
(End of this chapter)

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