Xu Yu flicked his fingers, and a stream of light burst out. The true dragon bone mirror appeared, hanging in the air, shining brightly, with immortal brilliance, reflecting many scenes.

Xu Yu sacrificed himself to the True Dragon Bone Realm and replaced Cha Tan to monitor the world.

Then he summoned Shi Hao, Red Dragon Ge Gu, Divine Flame Man Chi Yan, Big Red Bird, Suan Ni, Demon Ape and Fire Bull Demon to watch.

With the help of the real dragon bone mirror, Xu Yu made several years of

Young people can also see that there is a lower world in the upper world. When the characters in the upper world go down to the lower world, there are usually laws and runes surging. This is also a great blessing for the monks who can observe it.

Liu Shen, Zhen Long, and Kun Pengzi also watched quietly, staring at the bone mirror.


At this moment, nine-colored thunder and lightning surged above the sky, the sky shattered, and a huge foot stepped down. There was a taboo in the lower realm!
Shi Hao and the others were very shocked. They looked at the soles of their feet in disbelief. The soles of their feet were too huge. Stepping on the nine-color thunder and lightning, accompanied by the endless chaotic mist, they were so powerful that they were ready to step directly into the imperial capital of the Fire Nation.

Countless people in the Fire Nation's imperial capital were horrified at this moment, and were in constant panic.

This is such a vast power of heaven. Even before that big foot has stepped down completely, the world has been turned upside down.

It was like a catastrophe that would destroy the world, and many people couldn't help but tremble.

The nine-colored thunder and lightning flashed uncertainly, and the sky cracked. The creature seemed to be extremely conceited, and just stepped on it.

This is a silver creature, so huge that it shatters the sky and truly descends. Its whole body is shimmering and shining, shining on the nine heavens and ten earth.

This creature came here for what was suspected to be the Supreme God hidden under the Fire Kingdom. As for the ants in the lower realm, he didn't take it to heart at all.

"Immortal Palace, that person is definitely a creature from the Immortal Palace! He is the Lord of the Immortal Palace," Kun Pengzi suddenly opened his eyes angrily, staring at the human-shaped creature, and recognized it directly.

The Lord of the Immortal Palace!

Shi Hao and Shenyan Man were surprised. They had also heard about the upper realm and knew that this was an immortal Taoism that overlooked the Three Thousand States. They did not expect that the leader of this great religion would actually come to the lower realm in person!
Behind Kun Pengzi, his wings spread out, like clouds hanging from the sky, the ripples of the avenue spread, and he was about to rush out. His murderous intention was soaring into the sky, and he could no longer control himself.

"Wait a minute!" Xu Yu waved his hand and stopped him.


Suddenly, the sky and the earth roared, Xu Yu's mind moved slightly, and he felt a weapon trembling and reviving in his body!

Xu Yu inspected Tianhuang. It seemed that this weapon also sensed the exclusive aura of the Immortal Palace. He was trembling and angry.

Xu Yu's eyes flashed, this Tianhuang sensed the enemy's aura, and automatically merged into one, with a monstrous murderous aura.

"Heavenly wasteland!" Kun Pengzi's face was complicated, as if reminiscing, but also sad. This was a weapon that followed his mother in a lifelong battle.

Xu Yu stretched out a finger, and his sword finger shot out a bright sword light, which hit the Tianhuang Euphorbia, causing him to revive, bursting out with endless divine power, and rushed out like a galaxy.

This halberd was so terrifying. It was entangled with chaos energy, suppressed everything, and shook the sky. After Xu Yu took action, it reached the sky above the Fire Country almost instantly and stood in the sky!

Tianhuang is one of the ten ancient weapons. There are too many legends about him!
In the wilderness, many people looked up and felt inexplicably shocked that this legendary magic weapon actually appeared.

In the Kun Peng Nest, Xu Yu opened the Kun Ting Nest in advance, so many people had never seen this weapon, but today, they unexpectedly saw it.

Fierce, fierce, and terrifying to the extreme!
"Kunbi, are you still alive?" someone exclaimed.

The once wild world was broken into three parts, but now they are combined together without any signs of decay, as if they brought a piece of heaven and earth with them and suppressed them!


Silver Life, who was originally so confident, suddenly felt his hair stand on end, and there were layers of chills all over his body. At this moment, he felt as if he was being locked by the God of Death, and he had goosebumps.

"Poof!" There was a sound of blood, and the silver blood was very dazzling, splashing in and out, rushing high.


The silver humanoid creature's eyes widened and it gnashed its teeth!The body is shaking slightly.

Why did this weapon appear?
At the same time, there was a chill in my heart. Could it be that Kunpeng was not completely dead back then?
The blade of the Great Halberd was stained with silver blood, which was shocking and made people's faces change at the sight of it. There seemed to be countless innocent souls crying inside.


Xu Yu controlled the vibrations of the heaven and earth. There were hundreds of millions of rays of immortal light and millions of auspicious colors. Divine chains of order appeared one after another, as black as ink, rushing out from the euphorbia, entangling the creatures in the immortal palace and locking them tightly. , tied up.

Of course, Xu Yu could easily kill the Lord of the Immortal Palace. After all, the Lord of the Immortal Palace was of the first level. However, he did not do so. Instead, he captured him and handed him over to Kun Pengzi for disposal, thus forgetting about him and Tian. Huang’s long-cherished wish!


At this moment, lightning danced, the sky shattered, and a golden figure appeared, towering into the clouds, standing in the vast sky and earth, as if it existed forever.

He was wearing a golden hair robe and a crown on his head. When his eyes opened and closed, there were actually two big suns flashing out. He was like the king of gods from the beginning of the world, traveling in all directions.

"Old man from Fire Cloud Cave!" Kun Pengzi's eyes immediately entangled the creatures in the Immortal Palace, locked them tightly, and tied them up.

They rose up with overwhelming killing intent. This was also the enemy of their lineage.

The death of his mother Kunpeng was behind the Huoyundong, and he was suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain, and their shadows were also there. How could he not hate her to the extreme?

"Heavenly wasteland..."

When the Lord of the Fire Cloud Cave appeared, his expression suddenly changed. The Lord of the Immortal Palace was actually suppressed by the big halberd, which was so frightening that his Tianling Gai was freezing.

"Is Kunpeng really not dead?" Then a chill ran down his spine. He had occasionally heard that a clone of the Master of the Sword Valley fell to the lower world. I wonder if it was the forbidden existence in that place. Now it seems that it is the wild world in front of him, or maybe it is What did Kunpeng do?
He was really scared. Their lineage also had a deep grudge with Kunpeng's lineage, which was already irresolvable. Would the master of Tianhuang Capture Master Immortal Hall still let him go?

You must know that the Lord of the Immortal Palace is taboo even in the upper world, and his strength is almost the same as him. He was captured, and he is definitely not an opponent. Now he can no longer worry about the Supreme God, and he directly wants to retreat. meaning.

"You can't leave..." came an indifferent voice.

Later, the Lord of Fire Cloud Cave discovered that Tianhuang had locked onto him tightly at some point, which made him extremely horrified. The aura was so intense that he thought he could never resist it.

At this moment, Tianhuang moved, bringing with it the power of the misty void, and slashed it in the direction of the Lord of Fire Cloud Cave.


The owner of the Fire Cloud Cave couldn't avoid it, his face was as pale as gold paper, his abdomen was pierced, a blood hole appeared, and blood flowed gurglingly.Chi!
Several Divine Chains of Order reappeared, making a sonorous sound, and with a pop, passed through the pipa bone of the Lord of Fire Cloud Cave, locked it, and imprisoned his Tao and Dharma.

The world is shocked!

The two giants of the upper world were captured like this, locked in their pipa bones, and tied up like rice dumplings!
The world turned upside down, flew back to Shicun, fell to the ground with a bang, and was broken into three parts again, and the master of the Immortal Palace and the Fire Cloud Cave appeared at the feet of Yuan Pengzi.

Shi Hao, Shenyan Man Chi Yan, and others had expressions of emotion on their faces. A person who was said to be a taboo being was captured like this?
Fortunately for Shi Hao, after all, he had seen Xu Yu fight against Canxian, but Chi Yan was truly shocked beyond measure!
"You guys have this day too!" Kun Pengzi's eyes widened in anger, all red, the blood in his body was about to boil, his hair stood on end, he wished he could kill them right away.

Later, the two people came back to their senses and saw Xu Yu, Liu Shen and others. They felt how unpredictable they were and they were dumbfounded. Is there such a thing in this lower world?

Soon, they realized that Kunpeng didn't seem to be resurrected, and Kunpengzi didn't have that much ability. Everything that happened now was the work of those mysterious strong men.

But subconsciously, they still took their anger away from Kun Pengzi. The Lord of the Immortal Palace and the Supreme Fire Cloud Cave glared at Kun Pengzi.

"Qin Changsheng deserves to die, I let you escape!" The Lord of the Immortal Palace roared, his heart filled with hatred, and he looked at Kun Pengzi.

"In the beginning, their lineage should have been completely exterminated!" the owner of Fire Cloud Cave also said ferociously.

"Let's settle your account today!" Kun Pengzi said coldly.

Xu Yu glanced at the Lord of the Immortal Palace and the Lord of the Fire Cloud Cave, and ignored them. Although these two people were important figures in the upper world, they were actually just runaways. They could only be regarded as small shrimps. The big ones should be Still to come.

At this time, the True Dragon Bone Mirror was slightly on the forehead, light waves were flowing, and another place was also displayed at this moment, that was... Medicine City!
Hundreds of miles away from the medicine capital, there is a valley where the sound of Taoism rumbles, the heaven and earth roar, the chaotic energy surges, and a fairy root shines, which is accompanied by the sound of chanting sutras.

"Sure enough, this thing is about to be born. I don't know what kind of being will be attracted to take action. This is the first spiritual root of the upper world."

"The number one spiritual root is selling fake medicine." Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed, extremely bright, reflecting a gorgeous scene, staring at the valley not far away from the medicine.

Immortal energy gurgled there, and various symbols shone brightly, covering the valley. There were hundreds of magic circles shrouded together, making it so misty that it was difficult for ordinary people to see through it.

In the center of the magic circle, you can vaguely see a fairy bead, filled with divine brilliance, like a galaxy shrouding it, hazy and astonishing.

It was a small tree, only over a foot tall, but it had an astonishing sight, shrouded in white fairy mist, hazy, and the leaves on the branches twinkled in the mist, shining like stars. The smoke shines brightly.

In the hazy white fairy mist, a flower produced by the small tree turned into light rain, gathered together, and turned into a little man as big as a fist, jumping around there.

There were three flowers on the small tree, and one flower also turned into a rain of light. Finally, it condensed into a magic weapon, wrapped in a ball of light.

The third flower, however, remained motionless, knotted on a foot-tall tree, surrounded by mist, and the most mysterious.

The little man, about the size of a fist, is sitting cross-legged on a small tree about a foot tall, with a majestic appearance, as if he is enlightening, and extremely solemn.

The second flower, transformed into a magic weapon, hangs over the head of the villain, as if endless magma is falling down, as if it is tempering oneself and exercising the body.


Soon, the sound of a furnace cauldron was heard, and all the fist-sized villains and magic weapons collapsed, and they fell on the small tree again.

"Is this the way to sell fake medicine..." Xu Yu's thoughts fluctuated, staring at this famous spiritual root in the wilderness.

The number one spiritual root in the wilderness, the person inside him who sells counterfeit medicine is a giant of a generation of Immortal Kings!
This man is a peerless giant who is not inferior to butchers, burial masters, and chicken farmers.

Compared with the other three giants of the Immortal King who only dared to explore the road of becoming a quasi-immortal emperor, he seemed too bold. It could also be said that he found a new way. Knowing that the front was already stuck in a bottleneck, he wanted to change. The method is to defeat the king and become the emperor.

The six points of the soul are each hidden in a immortal elixir. The purpose is to use the six immortal elixirs to achieve immortality in a different way, to engrave the world's avenues, and to combine the world's avenues to find the most suitable avenue for oneself.

"The six points of Yuan Shen combine into six paths!" Xu Yu whispered, thoughtfully.

Xu Yu saw that the Immortal King who sold counterfeit medicine also involved reincarnation and the Six Paths, which greatly touched him.


Xu Yu stretched out his palm, and a small endless bell appeared, spinning in his palm, with ancient flashes of divine splendor, simple and mysterious, flowing with the profound meaning of the great road.

It's a pity that he experienced a tragic battle in the past, and now he only has a bell body and no bell soul. But even so, he is still a heaven-defying magic weapon.

Moreover, for him now, the most important thing about this big bell is that it is vaguely entangled with a divine chain, locking the first spiritual root, and he understands the first spiritual root in the wilderness of Medicine City.

True Dragon, Willow God, and Xiaota quickly gathered around with moved expressions. This big bell is wrapped around the first spiritual root. If you want to get the spiritual root, you can easily get it with this big bell.

This was the previous method of the Lord of the Big Bell. The first spiritual root in the wilderness was controlled by him. He deliberately planted this spiritual root in the wilderness to trigger a fight among the leaders. He planned it calmly, and then killed them to water and cultivate the first spiritual root. root!

Now, Xu Yu has obtained the Endless Bell, which can be regarded as indirectly controlling the first spiritual root!

However, several giants in Shicun all looked solemn, and they obviously knew a lot. For those who control this first spiritual root, there are unpredictable blessings and disasters!

"There are rumors in the world that there is a supremely powerful person with six points in his body, who is sealed in six different immortal medicines. This should be one of them!" The real dragon's face was slightly moved.

"Fellow Taoist, you have to be careful. It's best not to get involved with him." The real dragon sighed, feeling faintly afraid.

"This thing is contaminated with great cause and effect. How about cutting off the divine chain and letting them fight for it!" Xiaota also said in a deep voice,
Liu Shen did not speak, said nothing, and looked at the first spiritual root quietly with an indifferent expression.

Xu Yu was speechless. As expected, people who understood this spiritual root tried their best to avoid it, unwilling to contaminate it, for fear of causing great karma. However, those who did not understand it fought for it with all their lives.

Because there are rumors in the world that this creature is too strong and cannot be killed. As long as one of the six parts of the body is intact, it can shape its true body again and it will be even more powerful.

In fact, there are many methods of this kind of cultivation in the world. For example, Kun Pengzi's method of primary and secondary body cultivation, as long as one body does not perish, it can be created again, so many people call it an immortal being.

But those who sell counterfeit medicines have six parts of their bodies and high aspirations. They hope that if one day they return against the will of heaven, they can break through the realm of kings and ascend to the throne!
Even the real dragon, the leader of the Ten Evils, is so afraid of people buying fake medicines. You can imagine how powerful it is.

What are the ten evils? They are not afraid of heaven and earth. They are all famous for killing, and there are not many good-tempered ones. Even so, the real dragon is still very afraid of those who sell fake medicines.

"It doesn't matter, I have a vague feeling that the six paths in my body have a great cause and effect with him. Maybe he can help me." Xu Yusi said.

When Zhenlong, Xiaota and Liu Shen heard this, they didn't say much and chose to respect his decision.

"Counting the time, it's time for that group of people to come over." Xu Yu whispered, his eyes suddenly brightening.

Xu Yu smiled slightly and took one step forward. The mountains and rivers changed, and the stars changed. He walked on the golden road at a very fast speed. Soon his eyes narrowed slightly and he saw two acquaintances... (End of this chapter)

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