Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 400: Killing the Immortal Palace Supreme

Medicine City, Divine Medicine Gate.

On a low mountain, there is an ancient well with endless vitality and steaming immortal energy.

This is the most difficult-to-find 'shengmen' in the world. A woman in gray clothes is sitting cross-legged in front of the well. Her green hair is like a waterfall. Her whole person has an inexplicable fairy charm, which is very peaceful and otherworldly.

Next to him was a young man with a handsome face, a slender figure, loose black hair, a pair of eyes shining with chaotic light, and a blazing aura that was extremely powerful.

It is Yun Yan and Shi Yi, girls with double pupils!

The golden avenue converged, and Xu Yu slowly landed here, stepping on the top of the mountain, her white robes fluttering, white clouds lingering under her feet, and the light intertwined.

"Brother!" Yun Yan called softly, her dreamlike beauty slightly surprised. Unexpectedly, Xu Yu also came. Xu Yu concentrated, closed his head slightly, and looked at the ancient well where he was sitting cross-legged. There must be endless water there. make

The emergence of transformation must be the place where Shi Yi was resurrected.

"Shi Yi has met senior." Shi Yi stood tall and saluted him.

His expression was a little complicated. He now knew that Xu Yu was the person behind Shi Hao.He still vividly remembers his unparalleled heroic appearance when he suppressed the three magical weapons. That kind of divine majesty made him fascinated.

He still remembers what Xu Yu said to him in the Virtual God Realm.

The path to invincibility is to have double pupils, so why take another person's bones!
Xu Yu glanced at Shi Yi in surprise.

Today's Shi Yi is less sharp and aggressive than before, more calm and peaceful, and has obviously grown a lot.

Now, he is like a hidden dragon, with an inexplicable power, dormant in the abyss. If he were to be born, the world would definitely collapse!
Obviously, he is more detached than before, very calm, and has a peerless charm. He can be called a rare young supreme.

However, when facing Xu Yu, Shi Yi seemed to have an inexplicable emotion, mixed with admiration.

Afterwards, Xu Yu and Shi Yi exchanged a few words, which made Xu Yu refresh his understanding and think more highly of him.

"Senior taught me in the past that without that bone, perhaps it would be another result. It was me, Shi Yi, who was defeated, not the double pupil." Shi Yi mentioned the supreme bone again and sighed softly.

"Brother, are you also here for the first spiritual root?" Yun Yan asked.

"Not bad." Xu Yu nodded.

"I'm here because of the Dao Flower on the spiritual root." Yun Yan said with a smile. She had been waiting here for a long time, just to wait for the Dao Flower on the spiritual root to mature.

"No problem, I'll get it for you." Xu Yu nodded and his expression moved slightly. Now the double-eyed girl has returned to the first level of escape. It can be said that she wants to defy the heavens.
And Yun Yan, a girl with double pupils, also said frankly that if he got that Dao flower, he could recover and reach the supreme realm faster!


At this moment, hundreds of miles away from the medicine capital, a dazzling light appeared there, brilliant and astonishing. The valley was vast, and many people were fighting. The magic circle also broke and was hit by the turbulent current.

"The Ninth Killing Formation!" Yun Yan whispered, this is a formation that can kill all the gods in the upper world, it is very terrifying.

The decisive battle is taking place there, filled with chaotic energy, and runes are densely covered, like stars in the sky. Every inch of space is full of divine runes, flowing with supreme power!
Hundreds of magic circles collapsed, and the valley quickly enlarged to a size of hundreds of thousands of miles in radius.

This was the method used back then, to imprison the vast land with magical formations and cultivate the first spiritual roots. Now these divine formations have been broken and the land has returned to its original state.

But there is a peerless killing formation in the center, emitting chaos energy. It is the legendary ninth killing formation, which is unparalleled in power.

Many figures are fighting, each blow can shatter a hundred thousand miles of land, enough to cut down the sun, moon and stars, but that kind of power is restrained by the killing array.

Xu Yu stood quietly on the top of the mountain, with his hands behind his back, his eyes deep and calm, and he did not take action immediately.

Today, he can be regarded as the 'master' of the first spiritual root in the wilderness, and he can also be said to be the big... black hand behind the scenes!

Finally, someone died, but he also exploded himself, transformed into his true body, and opened a hole in the Ninth Killing Formation.

However, the bloody light he exploded did not dissipate immediately. It was all submerged into the ground, and then the spiritual root in the center glowed, as if it was absorbing endless divine power and essence and turning it into nutrients.

Xu Yu's eyes flickered, flickering in and out, and a gorgeous sky map was intertwined, with dense patterns appearing deep in his pupils.

'Absorb the Tao fruits of thousands of living beings, and finally merge them into one..." Xu Yu whispered, this is the Tao of selling fake medicine, in an attempt to defeat the king and become the emperor.

Then, Xu Yu's eyes turned again, and time seemed to have changed all of a sudden. The past scenes there were reflected in his pupils, ups and downs, and constant disillusionment.

This area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles was originally the seat of divinity in the wilderness, and could create some true gods, but the divinity was absorbed away by the first spiritual root.

A moment later, with a bang, the ninth magic circle was breached.


At this time, a flower bloomed, the Dao sound roared, separated from the mother's body, and flew directly through the air. At this moment, Xu Yu also took action, grabbed the Dao flower and handed it to Yun Yan.

A group of people took action in the chaos, the magic circle was shattered, and they all wanted to take away the first spiritual root!


The big bell shook the whole world. The bell above Xu Yu's head caused ripples to spread. Now that he had absorbed almost all his spiritual roots, Xu Yu activated the big bell.

The big bell trembled, and a chain was wrapped around the spiritual root. After recognizing it, it flew directly towards Xu Yu.

Yun Yan and Shi Yi were in a daze. They knew that Xu Yu had obtained the big bell, but they did not expect that he was now the master of the big bell!

The others were naturally unwilling to give in, and all took action at this moment.

Xu Yu's divine eyes opened, piercing through all illusions, and two heavenly swords flew out, like two real dragons, the secret power resonated and intertwined.

The two heavenly swords flew out, the primitive aura overflowed, and the infinite divine light burst out, like dragon scissors, cutting off many strong men and turning them into blood mist.

This shocked everyone and kept retreating!

"How could there be such a person in the lower world!"

"He is... the master of the first spiritual root!"

Many people exclaimed, their faces were pale, those pupils were too terrifying, and the divine light they shot out caused the death of many sect leaders.

They staggered back and looked in that direction. They saw a man in white. His figure was blurry and dim, and they couldn't see clearly. Only a pair of eyes were as clear as water. They had the power to open the sky and the power of destruction!


Just when Xu Yu pulled the Dao root, a big hand reached down, wrapped around the nebula, the sacred light surged, overwhelming, and grabbed the first spiritual root.


Xu Yu snorted coldly, clenched his five fingers, and a Xiong Peng flew out from his fingers. The Dharma Appearance was shocking and hit the big hand.


Like a stream of light advancing, the big hand disintegrated, a rain of light flowed out, and suddenly exploded.

"Kunpeng Fa!"

At this moment, the big hand gathered together again, and a very cold laughter came, shaking the sky and spreading like a shocking wave.

Everyone was shocked, coming was a great master, a great person, who might be able to rival the strong man in front of them, who was the master of the big clock.

A figure emerged, wrapped in white mist, mysterious and powerful.

Xu Yu's eyes flashed, this was a supreme level existence, appearing in person.

Behind that figure, a huge ancient palace appeared, covered with patina, majestic and majestic, very real and very terrifying!
Many people were shocked and recognized what kind of magic weapon it was. It turned out to be... the Immortal Palace!
The power of the Supreme is overwhelming and reaches all directions!

Many people with the first spiritual roots in Yu Temple are regressing and dare not face its edge.

"Didn't he pass away? Why did he come back against the will of heaven?"

"The legendary old master of the Immortal Palace has actually appeared!"

"This is a more terrifying figure than Lao Tianren and Zhan Emperor. It is said that he once overturned an era!"

Someone recognized his origin, and some of the cult leaders were horrified, knowing exactly who was here.

There are many rumors that the Supreme of the Immortal Palace lineage has passed away. It seems that the rumors are untrue. He is still high up, overlooking the Three Thousand Continents.

People could clearly see that a silver-haired old man appeared, and behind him was a bronze fairy palace.

Although the Bronze Immortal Palace is a projection, not an entity, it exudes the coercion of Immortal Dao.

Many sect leaders were horrified. This Immortal Palace man was unfathomable. Among the three thousand states in the upper realm, perhaps no one could suppress him if he were to fight alone.

They looked at Xu Yu again. This person was able to withstand the Supreme Being of the Immortal Palace. This was extraordinary!

"Well, I originally thought that Kunpeng would revive, but I never thought that it would be a supreme being who took action. No wonder he could destroy the little guy from Sword Valley and the Western Sect."

The Immortal Palace Supreme's silver hair was scattered in white, and his eyes were extremely deep, staring at Xu Yu with murderous intent.

Everyone was horrified, with a biting chill outside their bodies. This man with double eyes was actually so strong, and at the same time, his heart was awe-inspiring. This was indeed the supreme leader of the Immortal Palace. He must be the one who can call the Master of Sword Valley and the Master of the West a little guy. It's ancient to the extreme.

"Holy as grass, the eight realms of the lower world were originally the place where descendants of sinful blood were exiled. If a heretic like you appears, you should be punished!"

The Supreme Immortal Palace said coldly and quietly, even though Xu Yu was the Supreme Humanity, he still uttered such heroic words.

His eyes were gloomy. He was originally ordered by the remnant immortal of the Immortal Palace. The person who came to investigate was unexpectedly not Kunpeng, which made him feel relieved in his heart.

But this person actually obtained the Kunpeng Method, and he cannot stay!
"Who do you think you are, worthy of shouting in front of me?"

Xu Yu's words were indifferent, and the divine light in his double pupils became even more blazing. The symbols were densely covered with light beams that made people tremble.

"Junior is crazy!"

The Supreme Immortal Palace's silver hair was disheveled and his eyes were extremely cold. After so many years, no one has dared to talk to him like this. Even the true immortals have never looked down upon him so much!

He could clearly feel that although the man in front of him was the Supreme, he was still very young and not that kind of old monster.

As the Immortal Palace Supreme moved his hands, a phantom appeared behind him. He used the Tao's peerless magic, the Human Immortal Seal!
Everyone was horrified, and this time they used peerless magic, obviously hoping to leave no one alive.

"There is some knowledge, but that's all." Xu Yu said calmly, his tone still calm and gentle.

The Immortal Seal fell down, and at this moment, the Bronze Immortal Palace also exuded coercion and hit Xu Yu.

Xu Yu pinched her sword finger, and a human edge began to appear.
This swordsmanship is extremely sharp.Even at this moment, the sky is slightly dark, and there are sword lights intertwining in the void!His body did not move, but there was a vague change in the sky, which was extremely shocking!

"Ten evil methods, unparalleled sword techniques!" someone exclaimed.

Xu Yu drew a mysterious trajectory, and the power of the sword rose. Above the sky, the divine voice of the avenue appeared, and the sword energy crisscrossed, causing many cracks to appear in the void.

The Ten Evil Sword Art is a truly invincible method. The grass-character sword art can be performed to a high and deep level. It can turn everything into a Tao sword. It is said to be able to destroy eternity and ask for immortality.

A silver carving with a length of ten feet was spit out, surrounded by light golden light, and the most powerful and yang aura flowed, and struck the Immortal Seal, causing him to disintegrate immediately. "Cao Zi Sword Technique!" The Supreme Immortal Palace's eyes stood up, and while he staggered back, his eyes were burning.


At this moment, the void cracked open, the air of death filled the air, and a golden light exploded and stabbed over.

It was an old corpse, skinny and bones, like a skeleton.Yin nest was deeply trapped, sneak attack from behind, and attacked Xu Yu.

"This is... the old master of Hades!" someone exclaimed.

"This is not the Lord of the Underworld, but a peerless master of the clan!" someone added.

"Jumping Clown!"

Xu Yu sneered, his eyes turned and glowed with treasure.

In the void, thunder suddenly emerged. This was not a magic technique, but a vision of the natural evolution of heaven and earth, falling for him.

His pupils glowed, shooting out amazing beams of light.

A streak of blood splashed in, and Netherland's supreme arm was penetrated and exploded in the void, as if it had been ridden by a sword and axe. It was extremely ferocious and bloody.

"Ah... Junior!" The Lord of the Underworld had a ferocious look on his face, covering his arms and falling back. He followed the Immortal Supreme from the lower realm, but he didn't expect to suffer a big loss from a young Supreme as soon as they met!
Everyone was horrified. As the Supreme, this young man must be too scary. Just by looking at him, he injured the True Earth Supreme.

At the same time, Xu Yu turned around and offered the Endless Bell.


The Endless Bell shakes the wilderness, as if it can go up the long river of time, leisurely?

The Supreme Lord of the Immortal Palace and the Supreme Lord of the Underworld were furious, and each used their great magical powers to kill them.

Blood spattered on the shoulders of the Immortal Palace Supreme, but Zhong Bo broke through and entered, and half of his body exploded!

"How could this be?"

The Supreme Immortal Palace's hair was disheveled and he almost fell down.

"You should be lucky. If the two places were not separated by a great road, you would already be a corpse!" Xu Yu stepped into the void, with thick black hair, still transcended by the divine light and otherworldly.

He is still surrounded by a layer of divine light. It is difficult for outsiders to see his true appearance, but they can feel his peerless elegance!

Only one person can easily defeat the two supreme powers, just like a myth!
In the Medicine City, Shi Yi had divine light flowing in his eyes, and his blood was surging. At such a distance, he saw Xu Yu's power again, his mind was swaying, and his belief in his heart was firm!

The Supreme Lord of the Underworld and the Supreme Lord of the Immortal Palace were pale in appearance. When Xu Yu said this, his face became even more ugly.

In fact, what Xu Yu said did make sense. Although the eight realms of the lower realm and the upper realm were briefly connected, there were still laws suppressing him when he took action, otherwise the power might be even more terrifying.

Moreover, he once observed the runes of the Immortal Bell in Zhetian, and he probably understood its secrets. When he activated it, he was like a finger-arm wielder, which can be said to be extremely tyrannical!
"Write the law!"

With a roar, the void exploded, and above the sky, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, and a golden dharma emerged, descending to the world with supreme pressure.

The eight realms were trembling. Even the leaders who were watching in the distance couldn't bear it. They were all trembling with fear and their souls were throbbing. They were all in Yan Li!
"This breath is... immortal!" Someone trembled, terrified.
"Oh, that's right. The real immortal has inspired the eternity of time and issued a special edict to suppress the evil spirits in the lower world!"

The Supreme Lord of the Immortal Palace smiled coldly. This was also the biggest reason for him to come here. He had brought all the decrees of the True Immortal, and all evil spirits and monsters would be suppressed!

Even the Supreme Lord of the Underworld's face changed at this moment. The ceiling of the Immortal Palace was astonishing, and he actually surprised an immortal!
"What kind of immortal, even a remnant immortal, can only turn into dung in front of me!" Xu Yu laughed, and the light in his pupils was blazing, shooting out like a sword.

"Bold!" The Immortal Palace Supreme was angry, this man dared to challenge the majesty of a true immortal!

Light rained down, and in the void, the decree was extremely brilliant, like a golden sun, spreading out in all directions with great force.

Then, the decree glowed, the chaotic aura spread, and finally formed an ancient word: Kill!


The decree was conveyed with a loud voice.Like thunder, the sky and the earth resonate with a roaring sound, resounding throughout the world.

"It is the true immortal who has condensed the murderous intention into the decree. Even if he is the Supreme, he will never be able to resist it!" There were waves of exclamations.

Not far away, some sect leaders were prostrating themselves. He was a true immortal, a peerless figure who was rare to see in an era. Naturally, they felt respected in their hearts.

As soon as Xu Yu pointed out, the sword energy surged vertically and horizontally, filling the avenue with ripples, and struck on the decree. With a hiss, the decree actually exploded.

Then, under Xu Yu's feet, there was a gorgeous light rain intertwined with golden light, turning into a clear light path, extending out. Xu Yu walked on this light path, as if it transcended the time and space here, and the breath was breathtaking!
The starry sky trembled, enveloped by this aura, too quickly. Xu Yu's eyes were as bright as lightning, extremely cold and extremely calm, and he turned his palm into a sword and swung it out.

"How dare you!" The Immortal Palace Supreme and the Netherland Supreme turned pale with fright.

"Why don't you dare? He's just a crippled immortal. If he kills you, I'll take off his head again!" Xu Yu said with a sneer, his eyes cold.

The Supreme Lord of the Immortal Palace and the Supreme Lord of the Netherworld staggered back and their expressions suddenly changed. With all these sudden changes, they were not expecting big beads of sweat to roll down, and chills were rising on their backs.

How can this be so?

That was a true immortal decree, and it was ruined by this young man at the snap of his fingers?And this person also threatened to kill the real immortal?

In an instant, they were all deceived. The true immortal's decree, but the power of Lianzang's immortal way, could kill even the supreme, and was it destroyed with just one finger?

And they think they can't do this.We are both supreme human beings, why is there such a big gap between us?
The Supreme Immortal Palace's expression was cold. He knew that the Immortal in his Immortal Palace was not in a very good condition right now, but even if it was like this, it shouldn't be something that human nature can resist!

The group of cult leaders watching from a distance had stunned expressions on their faces. What kind of power was this? One person suppressed two supreme beings, destroyed the true immortal's magic weapon, and even threatened to kill the true immortal?

Moreover, this mysterious strong man was not tired of dealing with it, but took the initiative to attack and gain the upper hand.It was almost as if it was shattering and decaying, shocking all the onlookers.


Xu Yu's palm sword finally fell, like a falling galaxy. It was so bright that it was so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes. With a pop, one arm of the old skeleton of Netherland exploded, and dots of golden light overflowed and flew out.

"Immortals cannot be humiliated, and evildoers must be punished!" The Supreme Immortal Palace said in a cold tone, and stabilized his mind again. At this time, the void shattered, and the phantom of the Bronze Immortal Palace behind him flew towards him and was held in his hand.

This young man was so terrifying, and he felt awe-inspiring, but even so, he was still a supreme being. He had his own pride in his heart and would not bow down casually.

"Crane Immortal, you are just hanging on for a breath now, how dare you show off the power of a true immortal?" Xu Yu sneered.

"Kill!" The Immortal Palace Supreme shouted angrily, with a feeling of depression emerging in his chest.

The heaven and earth shook, and the bronze palace was detected by the Immortal Palace Supreme, and emitted a dazzling light. This was the shadow of the Immortal Magical Artifact, emitting a powerful wave.

In the Bronze Immortal Palace, there is a vague figure sitting cross-legged. The figure is blurry and dim, but it seems to illuminate the past, present and future, with wisps of immortal power surging around it!
"Is this... the will of Lord True Immortal?"

The Supreme Immortal Palace's face was moved, and then he showed a look of ecstasy. He didn't know that there was a shadow in the Bronze Immortal Palace, and it contained such a terrifying will.

Judging from the fluctuations, this is much more terrifying than that decree!
"Hahaha, even Kunpeng was killed by the True Immortal of my teaching and others back then. Now that the True Immortal has used his methods again, what can you do about it?"

The Supreme of the Immortal Palace, with his white hair disheveled, was dancing wildly in the void. Faced with Xu Yu's shouting, he became confident again.

In the distance, a group of powerful men were astonished. Behind the fallen Kunpeng of the ten ancient evils, there was actually the shadow of the Immortal and the True Immortal. This is incredible!
Although there were rumors before, they have never been confirmed, but now they are completely confirmed.

"The Immortal Palace's foundation is indeed astonishing!" All the powerful men were shocked. Those who had participated in the attack on Wei Peng must be extremely terrifying!
"How come a group of clowns didn't see Kunpeng jumping around when he was at his peak, but they went to sneak attack when Crocodile Peng was seriously injured and dying?"

Xu Yu sneered, her hair disheveled, and her pupils moved in and out for an astonishing amount of time, seemingly changing the order of heaven and earth and disrupting the eternal time and space.

In the stone village, Kun Pengzi, who was observing the True Dragon Bone Mirror, had an angry expression on his face. A pair of golden wings spread out from his back, and his pale golden eyes shot out a terrifying beam of light!

He was resentful and resentful. Her mother was so amazing back then. As one of the ten evil spirits, she could compete with the Immortal King, but she was limited to a few real immortals. It was sad.


Xu Yu raised his fist to kill, the power of the lunar sun evolved, the waves surged, a Kun Tuan surged up, leaped from the sea, and then turned into a roc and killed him!

At this moment, stars appeared in the sky and the earth. As he started to move, the sun, moon and stars were rolling along with him.

Xu Yu's fist had already fallen, hitting the Immortal Palace, emitting a dazzling light of runes. The Immortal Palace shook violently, and then cracks appeared, and finally exploded with a bang, and the so-called will of the statue was also destroyed. Obliterated.


At this time, the hair all over the body of the Immortal Palace's Supreme Lord stood up. In an instant, his body tensed up, as if he felt the call of doom. Even the will of the Immortal Palace's true immortal was wiped out.

He wanted to run, but it was too late. Xu Yu stepped into the void and was almost at the extreme.

With a pop, Xu Yu's palm fingers suddenly enlarged and struck down like a fairy sword. The head of the Supreme Lord of the Immortal Palace flew up, and blood splashed high.

His soul escaped, but Xu Yu had already locked onto him. His eyes turned, and the double-pupil beam rushed out, bursting out a light curtain, covering the Supreme Immortal Palace, and searching for his consciousness!

"Ah... the True Immortal of the Immortal Palace will not let you go!" the Supreme Yuan Shen of the Immortal Palace shouted,
"Naochao, I'm going to kill him now, but it's a pity that you can't see it." Xu Yu said calmly, crushing the mark of his soul and turning it into little light rain and scattering. Although it was only for a moment, he had already obtained a lot of information. Little news.

The entire skeleton of Supreme Motu beside him was stunned. Even with the methods of a real immortal, he could not escape the fate of defeat. This made him regretful and regretful.


At the same time, a sword light emerged between Xu Yu's eyebrows, and the Yuan Shen Dao sword condensed,
The reflection between his brows is so transparent!The sword energy surges up into the sky!

Peace of mind!

The Taoist sword between Xu Yu's eyebrows is intertwined with endless patterns, emitting immortal edge, penetrating the void and cutting through eternity!
He slashed down suddenly, piercing through the Netherworld Supreme, turning his body into powder, and then with a pop, his soul penetrated through him, killing him completely.

Subsequently, various strange scenes emerged in the universe, such as rain of blood, scenes of crying from the sky, and darkness and mist. These were all phenomena in the world caused by the death of the Supreme Being!Many sect leaders were dumbfounded. Looking at the sight of the sky crying, many people were horrified, and many people in the eight lower realms also looked incomprehensible and uneasy.

How powerful this Lord of the Bell, the One with Double Eyes, is, has shocked many people beyond measure.

The Supreme of the Immortal Palace and the Lord of the Underworld had been glorious for countless years and shocked most of the era, but in the end, it ended like this.

Xu Yu stepped forward calmly and calmly, with fluttering clothes and chaotic light, like a banished immortal born in the world, still peaceful.

In fact, it was said that it was too late, but it was so fast that the killing of the Supreme Lord of the Underworld and the Lord of the Immortal Palace was almost completed very quickly. It was so visually impactful that many people have not yet recovered.

Xu Yu's eyes were calm, and he glanced at the leader in the lower realm in the distance, with a hint of warning, which immediately made everyone feel as silent as a chill, trembling with fear, wishing they could return to the upper realm immediately.
But soon, they calmed down. The mysterious strong man did not attack them, which made them relieved.

They never want to set foot in these eight realms of the lower world in this life!
Then, Xu Yu took a step and landed on the top of the Divine Medicine Gate Mountain again.

Yun Yan's face was calm and her eyes were deep. She seemed to have known this result for a long time and was very calm. In his opinion, this is the way his brother should behave.

Shi Yi's eyes flickered. The performance of this senior today was beyond his expectation. Even the methods of a true immortal could not help him. He couldn't help but feel swaying, and he had unlimited expectations for Chongtong's future. .

He briefly said hello to the girl with double eyes, Yun Yan, and left for the time being, back to Stone Village.

Liu Shen, Xiaota, Zhenlong and others were relatively calm, knowing Xu Yu's defiance. After all, none of the Five Elements Mountain Zhenlings were his opponents at the beginning.

As for the juniors such as Shi Hao, Red Dragon Ge Gu, and Divine Flame Man Chi Yan, their eyes became brighter and brighter, staring at him with admiration and admiration.

"Haha, my eldest brother is invincible!" The God-Smashing Stone squeaked there, as if he was the one who made the move, making many people roll their eyes at him... (End of Chapter)

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