Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 401 Linxian Palace, defeating the disabled immortal

Kun Pengzi, with red eyes, thanked him.

He knew that this senior's kindness to Kunpeng's lineage was too great, and it already exceeded the kindness he received from Kunpeng's method!
"I want to go up to the realm to defeat the Remnant Immortal. Are you willing to go with me?" Xu Yu asked Kun Pengzi.

Everyone was stunned and shocked. Are they going to fight against an immortal-level figure?
Kun Pengzi's eyes were hot, burning like a torch, and he was furious. He nodded naturally, and his whole body trembled slightly, which was because his blood was boiling.

He couldn't help but want to scream. If it weren't for some reasons, he would have wanted to break into the upper world and turn the world upside down.

In the final analysis, except for the Canxian, those people are nothing more than ants. The culprits are still the several Canxian led by the Immortal Hall Canxian. Now that Xu Yu is going to liquidate, how can he not be excited?
"Brother, take me with you. I also want to go up to the world and experience it!" Shi Hao shouted. Although Shi Hao is young, he is very ambitious. When he heard that he was going to fight against Canxian, he couldn't help but scream. Great

"I want to go too. Well, I heard that Yuechan is from the upper world. This time, I will definitely capture him." Chi Yan, the divine flame man, said. He was still trying to catch Yuechan's attention, his eyes blazing.

"Yuechan, don't worry about it." Shi Hao smiled and glanced sideways at him.

"No, you already have Yun Xi and Huo Ling'er, and you still want to fight with me?" Chi Yan glared and looked at Shi Hao with an unkind expression.

"You're worthless, and you're not afraid of being drained by alcohol and sex." Chilong Gegu said scornfully. He was a madman who loved fighting. He wanted to drag Chi Yan into a duel whenever he had nothing to do. It was difficult to understand his thoughts.

"When you wake up and hold the power of the world, you are drunk and lying on the lap of a beautiful woman. What do you know, you little kid?" Chi Yan responded lightly.

A group of juniors chatted in all directions, all thinking

Enter the legendary upper realm.

However, Xu Yu rejected them and asked them to go again later. Now there are still many opportunities in the lower world.

Several people heard Xu Yu speak. Although they had regrets, they didn't say much. Anyway, they would go to the upper world sooner or later, so there was no rush.

"I'll let you go too." Unexpectedly, Xiaota offered to follow.

"Yes, I am the god of the Greedy Immortal Palace." Xiaota admitted openly and frankly, with a thick skin and calm words, which made all the juniors dumbfounded and secretly sighed.

Xu Yu was speechless. Nowadays, Xiaota seems to be more and more self-indulgent, and he is not so optimistic about the so-called cause and effect.


Flying from the sky, the blade of the halberd was bright and the killing light was blooming. He wanted to follow, but Xu Yu directly put it away and took him to the upper world.

In the end, the small tower and the immortal creature, Kunpengzi, will enter the upper world together!

In fact, Xu Yu also had many considerations when entering the upper realm at this moment.

It was intolerable that a mere residual immortal was plotting against him. He had a hunch that he might leave the lower realm soon. Before leaving, he had to eliminate some hidden dangers, so he had to go to the Immortal Palace for surgery first!

Xu Yu led a few people to Tianyu, crossed the desolate restricted area, and went up to the realm from here!
Crossing Yin and Yang, the road to heaven!

Even if it is a Jedi Heavenly Passage, this place is also a great avenue, running through the three thousand states and the eight lower realms!The staircase road was very desolate, with pebbles floating there one after another. Xu Yu followed this mysterious path towards the unknown place deep in the clouds.

"What a secret place. Even if there is a connection between heaven and earth, this place can still penetrate both worlds!" Xiaota admired.

"It's such terrible pressure, I..." Kun Pengzi took a very difficult step, with sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Hey, this road has a power that far exceeds the limit. You are not good enough." Xiaota gloated.

Although Xiaota also suffered a lot of pressure, he was still able to move forward.

This road is very dangerous, and requires facing huge pressure. Most people cannot walk from here at all, and they will be broken into pieces at every turn. Even as strong as Xu Yu, he still feels some pressure.

This is a road beyond the limit. Any living being who comes here will have to endure pressure that is even more terrifying than his own realm.

Xu Yu didn't say much, and rolled up his sleeves to put Kun Pengzi away, otherwise he would never be able to pass through this portal.

The invisible field is like a vast sea or an abyss, and it wants to crush the souls of the creatures walking in it!

A moment later, Xu Yu succeeded and came to the Cross Yin and Yang Land!
It was a portal. The moment Xu Yu suddenly pushed it open, a strange image emerged. Two rivers intertwined, the energy of chaos was misty, and time seemed to have fallen into eternity, which was extremely shocking.

The lunar sun and the sun appeared at the same time, and the two secret powers resonated, and that portal was born!

Xu Yu rushed up, all the bones in his body were beating, his chest was rising and falling, and he was panting slightly. There were definitely not many creatures on this road.

With a cry, Xiaota also rushed up.

"Damn it, I was almost broken!" Xiaota cursed.

"The heaven and earth are connected, this place is enough to stop thousands of troops!" Xu Yu sighed softly.

He knew that not long after this time, those sect leaders would no longer be able to go down to the realm. Only the legendary Yin and Yang Land could enter and leave, but almost no one could do it, and then he released Kun Pengzi.

"This time, we will definitely overthrow the whole world!" Kun Pengzi clenched his fists, and the golden light in his eyes shot out like a sharp sword.

Xu Yu walked slowly, silently comprehending this world.

"The heaven and earth are really suppressed, and the laws are much more complicated than those in the lower realm." Xu Yu whispered.

This world is enough to give birth to countless strong men. Unlike the lower realm, venerables are not uncommon here. Even the strong men who ignite the divine fire have a large population base.

The laws of the lower realm are incomplete, and direct cultivation will leave some problems. The advancement speed will be slower, and the cultivation resources are also scarce. As a result, there are far less masters in the lower realm than in the upper realm. If ordinary monks come to the upper realm, in the end, It is best to go to this big world to achieve nirvana and reshape the Dao foundation. Otherwise, there will be a big gap between us and the creatures in the upper world.

Of course, for people like Xu Yu who stand at the pinnacle of the human realm, the laws of the upper world are just a different experience and do not require him to reshape them.

For today's realm, it is completely unnecessary!
Because, in this world, even the Nine Heavens do not have complete laws. After the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are crippled, the laws will no longer be complete.

If it is a place like a foreign land or fairyland.Maybe it will help Xu Yu a little now.

"The laws are incomplete, but for the Zhetian era, it is still considered a fairy land!"

Xu Yu stepped forward and set foot in this world, feeling a lot in his heart.

He compared the laws of the world that covers the sky with this upper world.

Compared with the poverty of future generations, it is no exaggeration to say that Three Thousand Daozhou, one of the ten places today, is a fairyland for future generations!
After all, there are many leader-level figures in Three Thousand Daozhou, many of whom can easily live for hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years.

In later generations, Emperor Chengdao, who was at the pinnacle of humanity, was only 2 or [-] years old, which was really too sad.

Although today's Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are far inferior to the Immortal Realm and the Foreign Realm, and are heading towards the Age of Ending Dharma, relatively speaking, there is still a thin amount of immortality material!
The upper realm has a vast territory. It is said to have three thousand states. The land of each state is wider than the eight realms of the lower realm.

Xu Yu stepped forward, following the divine information from the Supreme Immortal Palace, and headed straight for the continent where the Immortal Palace was located. The journey was fast and lightning-fast, and he soon arrived at the location of the Immortal Palace...


This is the continent where the Immortal Palace is located. It is also one of the top ten states among the three thousand states. It is also the dormant place of the Immortal Palace Taoism.

Originally, the location of the Immortal Palace was very secret, and little was known to the outside world. However, Xu Yu explored the Immortal Palace's Supreme Primordial Spirit Mark, and he quickly deduced it, and officially determined the coordinates of the upper realm of the Immortal Palace.

Otherwise, it would probably take a lot of effort to directly explore the location of the Immortal Palace like this.

The Immortal Palace has picturesque scenery and rich spiritual energy. This place is like a fairyland, with wisps of fairy mist, and there are copper buildings in pieces, filled with fairy mist.

There are not many disciples in the Immortal Palace, it can even be said to be very few, and the total number of direct relatives on the surface does not exceed the number of five fingers.

However, they have quite a few servants, all of whom are very strong. They are all great monsters that have been surrendered in the past. The giant monsters have become their servants, fierce and tyrannical.

"Finally, let's end the past karma!" Kun Pengzi whispered, his eyes blazing, burning like a torch. In terms of hatred for the Immortal Palace, no one can compare with him.


Xu Yu flipped his hands and launched Tianhuang, his murderous aura soaring into the sky, the halberd blade glowing, soaring down from the sky, like a galaxy falling down, fierce and ferocious!

The sky shook and the earth shook, divine power surged into the sky, and Tianhuang suddenly chopped down on the magic circle!

This was so violent that it shook the heaven and the earth!

"Tianhuang, what a violent spirit!" Xiaota was surprised and dumbfounded.

Xu Yu understood. He knew that with this supernatural power, he once followed Kunpeng and conquered the world. Now that he sensed the enemy's aura, how could he not be angry? Moreover, it was also the aura of the Immortal Palace!
The inheritance of the Immortal Palace is naturally protected by a peerless magic circle. The formation was activated as soon as it was attacked and protected. The light soared into the sky, the divine power boiled, and the aura of immortality filled the air.

However, Xu Yu's attack was too terrifying. Armed with a once-unparalleled ferocious weapon, coupled with a hateful blow from the sky, the remaining formation of the Xian family was shattered, disintegrated, and burned!
Xu Yu's blow was too terrifying. If it weren't for the protection of the magic circle, the place would have been instantly razed to the ground, and nothing would be left!

"Who invaded my immortal palace?"

At the moment when the formation collapsed, the people in the Immortal Palace were in a daze and terrified. Who dared to attack them.

Violent explosions sounded, burning in the divine light, and the ancient land of the Immortal Palace was constantly cracking and collapsing.

After breaking through the formation, the three of them broke in directly, and now everything became clear.


Kun Pengzi spread his wings behind him, golden light swept across the world, boiling with divine power, and started killing everyone.

The wings behind him were like clouds hanging from the sky, and like the sword of the great road. Every time it passed across the sky, many strong men shed blood.

"Damn it, it's an immortal creature!" Someone yelled and recognized him. This was an old man, and he was also the enemy who had attacked Kun Pengzi in the past, a person with a shield level!
"Old guy!" Kun Pengzi's eyes stood up, and he went straight to kill him. Xu Yu put his hands behind his back and did not help him. Now Kun Pengzi had depression in his heart and could let him vent it.

And he and Xiaota were looking at this world. Even though the magic circle was destroyed, there was still a lot of fairy land that was preserved.

The terrain of the Immortal Palace is extraordinary, and the beauty of heaven and earth contains the essence of immortality. The entire ancient land is filled with light and mist.This is an open land with palaces all made of metal.

Around it, there are spiritual mountains, tall and tall ancient pines and green bamboos, entwined with chaotic energy, silver divine waterfalls hanging down, and floating islands in the sky.

However, these scenery are arranged around to protect the bronze temple in the center.

The mountains and rivers are magnificent and the scenery is endless!
The bronze palace in the middle is stained with green and rusty. It is the most simple and unpretentious, but it is also the most powerful ancient artifact. He is the origin of this lineage. It is a bronze immortal palace!
Because of the existence of the Bronze Immortal Palace, the surrounding scenery can still be preserved!
Legend has it that beneath the Bronze Immortal Palace, there is a spring that nourishes all things and breeds all spirits!It can even reduce all physical damage
Light and restored to the original state, it can even strengthen the soul. Baptized with these immortal essences, the soul will be pure and solid and immortal.

The Immortal Spring Eye is said to be a priceless treasure that can give birth to dead people, flesh and white bones. The reason why the immortal can survive is inseparable from him.

"Ouch... exciting, there seems to be a fairy spring eye there!" Xiaota shouted excitedly.

"At the beginning, even if it was nine heavens and ten places, the total amount was only seven or eight."

Xiaota said excitedly. At this moment, his eyes were straight. If nothing else, this fairy spring alone was a fairy treasure. It was a worthwhile trip. Then he stared at the Bronze Immortal Palace with burning eyes.

"Holy soil, I really want to devour this immortal temple." Xiaota drooled and stared at the immortal temple in the center.

Xu Yushen's eyes opened and closed, shooting out wisps of faint light, his eyes flickering on and off, staring at the Bronze Immortal Palace.

"Sure enough, it is the Bronze Immortal Palace of the ruthless emperor of later generations." Xu Yu whispered, his eyes seeming to span the past and present, reaching the future, and seeing a distant corner.

He had entered the Bronze Immortal Palace, had a discussion with a ruthless person, and could naturally sense its aura. This was a real immortal weapon.

Moreover, there is also a powerful immortal magic circle guarding here. It is the power of immortality. It is constantly rotating. There is a humanoid creature sitting cross-legged inside.

"Old man of the Immortal Palace, come and die!" Xiaota shouted. The six-story tower was full of brilliance and filled with chaotic light. Then it quickly became smaller with a whooshing sound and shrank in Xu Yu's hair.

Xu Yu was stunned. Xiaota's character was something he really couldn't compliment.


Chaos energy spread, the copper palace shook, and green patina fell off piece by piece, giving off a hazy light, shining with the power of rules.


Xu Yu waved Tianhuang, and all the strands of hair fell away, obliterating all the copper embroidery.

At the same time, Tongling was in tatters, with all the green and patina disappearing. Only the immortal order was intertwined, becoming a supreme field that wanted to crush everything.

The entrance to the Bronze Palace is no longer hazy, and the chaotic energy is dispersed by the fairy light.
It can be seen that a cloud of light mist rises in the palace. Although it is not dazzling, it cannot be ignored. It has a suffocating and terrifying wave.

Around him, the rules and order of immortality pervaded, and the mysterious atmosphere lingered, making him extremely terrifying.

"How brave. The remnants of Kunpeng's lineage are not dead yet. Is the Immortal Palace a place where you can break into?"

A majestic voice came, with vicissitudes of life, coldness, and murderous intent!Vaguely, in the copper palace, a pair of eyes lit up, staring at Xu Yu, Kun Pengzi and others.

"Who do you think you are? You're just a crippled immortal!"

Xu Yu's eyes are densely covered with runes, holding a great halberd in his hand, and stepping into the void. His whole person has an invincible aura.
"Oh, although I am no longer at the peak of my powers, my immortal body will remain forever. I am the same size as the heaven and the earth. I will be immortal for eternity and can suppress all enemies!" the residual immortal said coldly and quietly in the copper palace.

"You are just a humble ant. Killing someone like you is really dirtying my hands!"

In Canxian's view, killing creatures in the realm of human nature is a kind of degradation and even more rotten to him.

"I'm here today to put an end to you. Do you think using Heaven to kill you is a perfect ending?" Xu Yu said lightly.

"Well, you ant, you made me angry. Just kill the people in my Immortal Palace. How dare you speak so shamelessly in front of me?" Canxian's voice was cold.

His level of orthodoxy was actually blocked, which made him look ugly.

In his eyes, even if the person in front of him is at the supreme level of human nature, he is just a bigger ant. Without the ultimate leap, he is always different from the immortal?

"It's a big mistake for you to regard me as an ant, but you don't know that you yourself are just a cup of dung!
Xu Yu said calmly, he was as handsome as a god, and he stood tall under the starry sky. At this time, his crystal black hair was dancing, his eyes were indifferent and deep, as if he saw the true body of Canxian through the immortal palace.

It has to be said that Xu Yu's aura is so powerful. Standing there, it seems to make the avenues tremble. He has a supreme power, even worse than that of the Remnant Immortal!

"Haha, Kunpeng is already dead. With just a few of you, you still want to overthrow the world?" Canxian sneered, and the moment he finished speaking, he took action decisively, coldly and full of murderous intent.


The Bronze Immortal Palace shook, rose up from the ground, made a rumbling sound, and was filled with blazing fairy light. It was like beasts galloping in the mountains, or like an ancient chariot rolling towards the sky.


Xu Yu flew up into the sky, and the halberd struck the Bronze Immortal Palace with great force, blocking his progress. Sparks flew everywhere, and the sound of metal clanging could be heard endlessly.

The heaven and earth collapsed, chaos emerged, the earth cracked, palaces and islands turned into fragments, rocks collapsed and clouds swept across the sky, a battle broke out like this!

This is the collision of the strongest!
Originally, there were countless mountains on this land, with steaming dragon energy and dense purple air. They looked extremely sacred, and were protected by incomplete immortal formations.

But now everything has become a fleeting smoke. Under the battle between the two powerful men, countless miles around have sunk, and the endless void has been annihilated. It is too terrifying.


The most frightening thing is that the Bronze Immortal Palace was actually suppressed and kept retreating. They suffered a small loss just after the collision.

"Junior!" Canxian said coldly, obviously angry.

"But even so, if you weren't in the Immortal Realm, you wouldn't be able to become an Immortal at all." Xu Yu mocked, with an indifferent tone.

"You... how do you know?" Canxian was surprised, his words were extremely cold, and his heart was horrified. He was originally a true immortal in the immortal realm, a descendant of an ancient immortal.

In the last years of the Immortal Ancient Period, he came to the lower world but could not return, so he went to Daotong in the Three Thousand Dao State and hibernated in the Immortal Palace.

Even the official controller of the Immortal Palace didn't know about these things about him coming from the Immortal Realm, but they were told by a young junior. How could he not be shocked? It suddenly made him think a lot.

"Going against the chaos of the ages, witnessing reincarnation, what do I not know, what do I not know?"

Xu Yu looked cold and continued to wave the Tianhuang in his hand. He had nothing to say. Today he can only kill the immortal with his hand!

The heaven and earth tremble slightly, the sound of Tao shakes the heaven and earth, the big one falls, the killing light circulates, shocking everything!
Tianhuang was extremely terrifying. It fell down and hit the Bronze Immortal Palace, bursting out one after another divine light. The murderous aura was full of thousands of layers, just like the Milky Way falling down, containing great power.

Like the sky overturned, runes bloomed, mysterious symbols one after another were imprinted in the void, and the laws were like the sea, almost boiling.

"You little turtle, get out of here!" Xu Yu shouted. Now, Canxian is still taking action in the Immortal Palace.
Today's remnant immortal is still huddled in the Bronze Immortal Palace and has not really been born.

"Ant, offend my majesty, die!" This is the roar of the immortal, coming from the depths of the Bronze Immortal Palace. He was furious and finally took action. He didn't want to wake up from the dormant state, because it would consume a lot. , but now it has to be truly born!
A figure in gray robes, carrying immortal energy, took one step forward, tearing the world apart, and rushed out.

The surging aura penetrated Xiaohan, cutting off the universe, the universe was shattered, and the stars exploded in pieces. This scene was extremely shocking.

"It's interesting." Xu Yu's eyes flickered slightly. Immortal creatures are indeed extraordinary. Even the remnant immortals are far better than many supreme beings. This kind of aura is very terrifying.


The world reversed, mountains and rivers collapsed, and a world-destroying power surged!
A huge bronze Immortal Palace appeared, its appearance shocked the world, and it spread its Immortal Power that shocked the world. It stood proudly in the world and was transcendent!
At this moment, the whole world was shocked!

In the nine heavens and ten earths, many living beings are looking up at the sky, their souls trembling.

The Bronze Immortal Palace appeared in the world, and the aura of the Immortal Way was surging. Then, stars emerged one after another, surrounding the Immortal Palace.

Many living beings are trembling. Are they going to die?

Even in the Nine Heavens, many immortal families and dynasties are astonished. This seems to be... the power of immortality!

In the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, there are true immortals!
The leader who returned from the lower world had a horrified look on his face. Is this leader really coming to fight against the true immortal?

Soon the news spread, and three thousand states were shaking, setting off a shocking storm!


The Remnant Immortal was born, controlled the Bronze Immortal Palace, and crushed it down. It was more majestic than the stars, and its divine power was unparalleled. He wanted to kill Xu Yu cleanly.

Xu Yu stepped forward and moved his fist seal forward. The scorching light surged around the fist edge, and the power to open the sky emerged!
This kind of fist power is terrifying, the law is surging, and a divine chain emerges. A bright passage is opened, and layers of void faults appear, reflecting the scenery of the heavens.

Xu Yu's fist landed on the Bronze Immortal Palace. Without using Heaven and Earth, he was actually shaking the Bronze Immortal Palace with his bare hands. He made a sound of gold and iron, slapping continuously, and the light from his palms intertwined, almost burning. The bronze palace shook and trembled.

Even Kun Pengzi and Xiaota had expressions of emotion on their faces. This was too outrageous. This was an attack on the true immortal. You must know that he is still in the realm of humanity today.

If he becomes an immortal, how incredible will it be?He is probably at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, comparable to the Ten Evils of the past, right?

Canxian's pupils contracted. Was he encountering some kind of monster? In the realm of humanity, he could shake an immortal weapon with his bare hands. It was simply unbelievable. Could it be that these hands were made of immortal gold?

"call out"

Not long after, the Bronze Immortal Palace was suppressed again, and was beaten back repeatedly by Xu Yu. Finally, it slowly shrank, turned into the size of a fist, and fell directly into Canxian's hands.

"But that's it, is this the pride and arrogance of you...the true immortal?" Xu Yu laughed, not hiding his sarcasm?

"Death to me, ants!" Canxian shouted, he raised his fist to kill, all the stars appeared together, the starlight surged like a tidal wave, like a tsunami, rolling up thousands of layers of chaos, and there were laws like the endless sea, magnificent and blazing.

"The road to annihilation of the common people is at its end. If you overthrow the remaining immortals today, you will ascend to the immortal gate one day!" Xu Yu roared. (End of chapter)

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