The mysterious realm shook, divine light shot into the sky, inexplicable changes occurred, the breath of life was majestic, and astonishing beams of light rippled out.

In the mysterious realm, a slender figure walked there. Although it was extremely hazy, it had a transcendent temperament and an inexplicable charm, as if it was transcending the world.

It's Liu Shen!

At this moment, she seemed to have touched some kind of restriction, and her aura leaked out, alarming all the regions, and even the upper realms were aware of the aura.

"Liu Shen!" Xu Yu's eyes flickered. Liu Shen was not in Shicun just now. Unexpectedly, he went to Xuanyu.

"The Taikoo Treasure Realm has opened!" Xiaota said in surprise.

"There is a great opportunity, let's go too!" Xu Yu said, he knew that there was a primitive gate in the ancient treasure world.

"Go!" The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk appeared at this moment, several divine lights were rotating non-stop, the chaotic energy was misty, and the triangle was completely integrated. He felt more powerful than ever before.

Shi Hao, Chilong Gegu, and Chi Yan all showed shocked expressions. Although they didn't see it, they all had a vague feeling that something had appeared in the world. After hearing the conversations of several people, they all knew that this was a big deal. good fortune.

Several young people had incomprehensible expressions. Even Yuechan had a strange light in his eyes when he heard about the Ancient Treasure Realm. He came from the upper realm and knew more about it than the average person, and he knew what a heaven-defying creation it was.

The mysterious light of heaven and earth intertwined, creating a hazy scene. Another portal opened in the upper world, and a group of creatures emerged from it and entered the mysterious realm.

"What, another creature has come to the lower realm?"

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan was surprised that so many sect leaders had been lost here, yet there were still people who dared to enter the eight realms of the lower world.

"It's a group of young people, most of them are in the inscription and formation realm, and they don't even have venerables. They are probably old guys from the upper realm, sent here to practice. Hehe, they sensed the birth of the ancient treasure world, but they didn't dare to come down in person." Xiaota smiled.

These people were all very human, and they instantly understood the thoughts of the upper world. Most of them did not dare to send the leader down.

But they let the junior people come down to experience it. They believed that as the Supreme, if these people did not offend and had no grievances, Xu Yu would probably not take action against these juniors.

"Let's go, let's go together. There are some little guys from the upper realm who have come down. There is a destiny in the ancient treasure realm. You can fight for it on your own."

Shi Hao, Chi Yan, and Ge Gu looked at Xu Yu eagerly, and were suddenly surprised when they heard this.

Xu Yu glanced at the juniors, pondered for a moment, flicked his sleeves and robe, and took them and Yue Chan away.

It didn't take long for Xu Yu, Xiaota, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk and Liu Shen to reach the depths of the Ancient Treasure Realm.

Nowadays, even if the leader-level figures detect the birth of the treasure world in the sky, they can only be jealous and dare not fight for opportunities in the lower world. After all, with Xu Yu there, no one dares to offend his majesty!

The ancient treasure is extremely vast and seems to be a world of its own!
There is no secret about the origin of this treasure world, and the big people know it.

This kind of space could originally have become a world, but after the main world was opened, they were squeezed and it was difficult to expand.

Moreover, in the ancient times, it was affected by a great disaster, and its origin was damaged, so it was frozen forever. This rare treasure world stopped growing in the ancient times, and was also called the ancient treasure world. It is speculated that at that time, During the war, all such spaces were affected and stopped growing and opening up.

However, these treasure realms contain imprints from before the creation of the world, and even chaos treasures. Therefore, once opened, it must be an unparalleled good fortune and opportunity.

Xu Yu and others arrived and soon joined Liu Shenxiang.

"That door may have appeared again." Liu Shen said.

"What, that portal in the chaos before the creation of the world?" Xiaota was surprised, and obviously understood something.

"He is in the ancient treasure world?" The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was also shocked, and he was quite surprised.

"You don't want to break in, do you? Since ancient times, everyone who entered has died, and only blood stains flowed out. It's very strange." The small tower screamed, seeming to be afraid.

"Is this... the great creation you mentioned before?"

Xiaota turned around and asked Xu Yu, full of confusion.

"Not only that, the creation of this place is not only the primitive gate!" Xu Yu remembered that in the ancient treasure world, there is not only the primitive gate, but also the World Mountain and the Sun God Tree, which are incredible!

"Besides, traveling between life and death is both a trial and a path to transcendence." Xu Yu smiled faintly, and several people's expressions instantly changed. From this, it seemed that Xu Yu also had the intention to enter that door.

"Fellow Taoist is right. Let's go and take a look first to see how to decide, and then we'll talk about it after seeing it." Liu Shen glanced at Xu Yu with an incomprehensible expression. Xu Yu's thoughts coincided with his.

Hearing the conversation of several people, Shi Hao felt a little empty. It seemed that these few very close people in front of him were obviously very close, but they seemed to be on the horizon, as if they were about to leave, which gave him a feeling of being lost.

The faces of Chilong Gegu and Chiyan also showed complicated expressions, and they were also slightly disappointed.

"The original gate that was born with chaos only appeared a few times, and it triggered a battle in the ancient times. I didn't expect it to appear again now." Xiaota sighed.

"You guys, we can't enter the Realm of Chaos. Let's look for some opportunities outside." Xu Yu looked at Shi Hao and others and teleported them away.

Chaos is surging in the deepest part of the Ancient Treasure Realm.The laws are intertwined, and there are dense symbols of the avenue there, which are mysterious and unpredictable.

Xu Yu, Liu Shen, Xiaota, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation were galloping all the way, the mountains and rivers turned over, the sun and the moon eclipsed, to explore the depths of creation.

Not long after, in the depths of the chaos, hazy mist flowed, and an astonishing aura filled the air.

Xu Yu opened his divine eyes and vaguely saw a portal emerging from the depths of the chaos, wrapped in the chaotic energy, hazy.

The original door!

The original door is now open!The expressions of Xu Yu and others moved slightly, with strands of fairy light overflowing from their eyes, looking towards the mysterious original door in the mist.

There are too many legends about this door, and its level is unknown. It is a portal that was born with chaos before the creation of this world. Anyone who enters it will turn into blood and mud. It only appears a few times, triggering an ancient battle and an ancient divine war.

That portal is hidden in the chaos, misty and hazy. Although it seems to be close in front of you, it is still far away in the clouds and cannot be touched, giving people a very strange feeling.

Moreover, in that door, there seemed to be the sound of chanting sutras, like the sound of Taoism, which made people lose their minds and couldn't help but fall in deeply.

Even the few of them looked a little solemn inexplicably. This door was so weird that it seemed to harm people's minds.

"There used to be countless strong men in this sect who came one after another and turned into blood and mud. Is it because of the bewitchment of this sect?" Xiaota whispered.

"That's not necessarily true. Although this door is indeed extremely weird, it probably also contains good fortune. Otherwise, why would so many strong men be so determined to break in?" Six Paths of Samsara asked.

"The journey across life and death, the trial, is also the path to Nirvana and rebirth!"

Liu Shen whispered, around her, there were blazing light groups one after another, forming a dazzling divine disk, surrounding it in the center.

Each light group has a god, chanting sutras constantly, and then worshiping him. This picture is too shocking.

Behind him, there is a willow tree rooted in the void, with thousands of strands of silk, green, and vitality exuding, and accompanied by strands of chaotic energy, it is extremely mysterious.

At this moment, her aura reached its peak, her eyes were like autumn water, and she inadvertently saw past, present and future.

"Is the original gate, the burial ground of the strong, the supreme destination, related to the other side of the boundary sea?" Xu Yu whispered, with bright eyes, staring at the hazy and ethereal portal, and his mood fluctuated slightly.

"No matter what, quickly suppress this gate and then make a decision." Xu Yu said. He knew that in another place, the Sun God Tree might appear soon. If he didn't suppress the original gate quickly, he would probably miss the Sun God. It's time for the tree to appear.

Several people looked at each other and turned into rays of fairy light. The mountains turned upside down and the vast sea moved away. Their speed reached the extreme.

The whole world is trembling, making people feel depressed and almost suffocating. The terrible energy storm is raging, and it is so powerful that it shocks people's hearts.

What surprised them was that although they sensed the aura of the Primordial Gate and indeed saw the portal, it was still far away. They chased it for two days before approaching the Primordial Gate.


I have to say that this primitive gate is indeed evil. Although it cannot actively attack, it is very fast and can even take the initiative to escape.

Several people used various divine lights to sweep away many laws, chasing after him, and flew away. It took more than a day to finally catch up.

"Give me town!"

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk glowed and clanged in the void, and the terrifying aura filled the air, filling every inch of the void.

The triangular samsara disks are all rotating, and each corner of the disk is like a big world, with the power of life and death emerging. It is extremely mysterious, the breath is shocking, and the beams split the world.

Three mysterious beams of light swept out, overflowing with the power of the sky, causing the Primordial Gate to pause slightly, but he was still able to break free.

And Liu Shen also took action, and the aura of the Holy God burst out, extremely majestic.

The sky is covered with wicker sticks, crystal clear and extremely soft, exploding crazily in the void and turning into divine chains of order.To bind the original gate.

Sparks flew everywhere and clanged. The primitive door was hit by the soft wicker, making an astonishing trembling sound. It staggered, but was not immediately caught by Willow God. He was still freed, but the speed was much slower. .

"Don't run!"

The small tower screamed strangely, the six-story tower glowed, and a Taotie flew out. It was powerful and ferocious, swallowing everything, and went straight to meet it.

Everyone was speechless, did they want to devour the Primordial Gate directly? It was Xiaota who was initially afraid of the Primordial Gate, but once he really made a move, he turned out to be so fierce.

However, although his attack was extremely powerful, the Taotie flew out, but it did not swallow up the Primordial Gate. Instead, it ran away, and the Taotie also turned into a little shimmer and disappeared.

"Let's do it together!"

Xu Yu whispered, and took action, turning into a brilliant ray of light and slapping it towards him. It was a big golden hand that covered the sky and the earth, and the waves it sent out were as terrifying as the ocean.


The Primordial Gate trembled, and the resistance gradually decreased. At this moment, several people's attacks also arrived. After many attacks, the Primordial Gate finally could no longer hold up.


Xu Yu was very calm, and when his fingertips connected, a dense light bloomed, and a mysterious realm emerged.

One after another, the flowers of the avenue appeared, growing in the void. Although they did not bloom, they were flowing with terrifying power.

If the Supreme One who covers the sky sees it, he will definitely be surprised, because this kind of magic seems to be born out of the mystery of the god flower.

Each flower is similar to a god flower, flowing with immortal immortal power. It seems to be pierced into the void and condensed with the heaven and earth. It is stimulating the power of the great avenue.


Every flower of the Dao is blooming at this moment, with endless vitality. Every flower is a picture of the Dao, condensed in the void.

He tore apart the space, absorbed the endless power of the void, rushed out like a real dragon, and wound towards the original gate.

This world seemed to be stabilized all of a sudden, completely frozen, unshakable, and filled with the aura of the avenue.

The sky is unfathomable and the earth is unexplorable. In this small world covered by the flowers of the avenue, Xu Yu seems to have become an immortal king, possessing amazing Tao power.


With a wave of his hand, light rained all over the sky, penetrating the void, and the flowers of the avenue flickered. The map of the avenue was like an abyss, unfathomable, pressing forward.

The Primordial Gate was finally frozen, suppressed by the Flower of the Avenue, and unable to break free. Endless light rain filled the sky, and the flowing misty colors were detained by Xu Yu, quickly shrunk, and fell into his hands.

"Let's do some research, this thing is so tight," Xiaota flew over and took a look at the Primordial Gate in Xu Yu's hand.And Willow God and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk also looked at the suppressed Primordial Gate with moved expressions?

"Don't rush now, there is still great fortune in this world, just in front of Shi Hao and the others. If you calculate it, it is almost born." Xu Yudao, his eyes were deep.

He held the original door, his heart palpitating slightly. Being so close, the demonic power of this door was even more terrifying. It seemed that there was a voice in the dark that was bewitching him, wanting him to step in.

"That's right. In an ancient treasure world, there are definitely more blessings than this." Liu Shen nodded in affirmation.


After the few people heard the words, they stopped talking and turned into several blazing fairy lights, heading towards the direction of Shi Hao again.

As soon as they arrived at the other end of the treasure world, they saw a lot of golden crows, including some venerable ones.

They are the creatures of the Taikoo Treasure Realm, that is, the local indigenous people. The Taikoo Treasure Realm has been sealed before. Now the seal has been opened, and now they are born.

Speaking of which, creatures like the Golden Crow are considered one of the most powerful species in the world. In the process of the origin of mythology, they have a status that other creatures cannot match.

According to ancient legend, even the sun in the sky is a sleeping ancient golden crow.

"This is... the ancestral land of the Golden Crow Clan!" Xiaota was surprised.

"Well, speaking of it, this ethnic group is indeed remarkable. Even in the Immortal Realm, several unparalleled Immortal Kings have appeared in succession." Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan said.

Not far ahead, there is a city with many human beings and bird-headed creatures appearing and disappearing. They are a group of golden crows, creatures dormant in the treasure world.

Nearby, there are many volcanic craters lined up, with lava gurgling and burning.


Not far away, there was a vast expanse of golden fire all over the sky, extremely hot, like a massive amount of magma erupting, drying up the world.

It was a dense crowd of creatures, overwhelming the sky and the earth. There were actually a hundred thousand fire crows, and the momentum was extremely huge.

A group of young people were exhausted and were being chased by them. They fled frantically and were in a state of embarrassment.

It was Shi Hao, Chilong Gegu, Chi Yan, Yuechan and others, as well as a group of young people, several of whom did not know each other, who seemed to be the children of the upper world, who had gathered together at this moment.

"Big brother, Liu Shen..."

When he saw Xu Yu and the others, Shi Hao was immediately pleasantly surprised. Although his body was smoking and his face looked like charcoal, there was a strong sense of surprise on his face, revealing his snow-white teeth.


As soon as Xu Yu raised his hand, a mysterious light appeared, overwhelming the sky and the earth, turning into thousands of sword energy and hundreds of thousands of fire crows. In an instant, the fire crows who were chasing Shi Hao and his group were killed cleanly...

A group of people were surprised, relieved, and then overjoyed and shocked in their hearts. The one hundred thousand fire crows that were chasing them were killed and wiped out in a snap.

"What's going on with you?" Xiaota asked, with a strange expression on his face.

"It's all because of this kid Chi Yan, who insists on seizing the heaven and earth's creation, and wants to obtain the Golden Crow clan's magic. He led us into a pit of fire."

The red dragon Gegu was indignant, pointed at the divine flame man Chi Yan, and kept scolding him.

"I was careless. I didn't expect that they not only have so many venerables, but also so many fire crows guarding there."

Chi Yan muttered, this young man who was like a king, at this moment, showed a rare look of shame.

Xu Yu and the others were speechless. In fact, each of the treasures they passed down were unparalleled magical powers. This group of naughty kids still took risks to seize the treasures of the Golden Crow clan.

And the group of geniuses from the upper realm actually walked together with Shi Hao and the others, and they seemed to have no grudges.

Later, he understood that because of Yuechan's communication, the people in the upper world did not conflict with Shi Hao and others, but instead made friends together to explore the ancestral land of the Golden Crow tribe.

"I've seen...the Supreme, I've seen Liu Shen!"

Among the young people in the upper world, a young man came over and showed great respect to Xu Yu and Liu Shen, paying homage to them.

"Oh, Peacock Clan, you seem to know us?" Xu Yu's eyes flickered and she looked at the young man.

"Honored Master Kong Qiuji!" The young man said excitedly, explaining that he came from the peacock clan in the upper world.

Xu Yu was dumbfounded. It turned out that this young man from the lower realm was actually the apprentice of Kong Qiuji, the bald man. He didn't find that bald man, but he already had apprentices in the upper realm.

Later, Xu Yu learned that the current Er Xiuzi was highly regarded by the Peacock Clan God Lord in the upper world. He believed that he had endless potential and might be able to succeed him in the future.

Xu Yu used blood to baptize Er Bald's body with blood. Not only did he recover, but he also underwent a great transformation. He made a rapid breakthrough in the upper realm and was valued by the Peacock Clan, who considered him to be incredibly talented!

"When the Supreme Master destroyed the Immortal Palace, Master was very excited when he heard the news. Unfortunately, he was in retreat. By the time he was born, the Supreme Master had already left." The young man said with excitement. He didn't expect that his master would know him like this. An incredible big shot.

He explained that there were portraits of him and Liu Shen in Erbalzi's residence, and his master would often worship them, so he recognized them.

"That's it." Xu Yu nodded. He was in the upper realm ahead and was in a hurry, so he didn't go to see Er Baldy.

The remaining young people were all dumbfounded. Is this the Supreme Being who destroyed the Immortal Palace?A great man who defied the heavens stood before them alive.

They did not dare to be careless and hurriedly saluted. They originally wanted to be friends with Shi Hao and others for Yuechan's sake. They were quite arrogant in their hearts. Although they did not express it clearly, they still looked down on the lower realm in their hearts.

But now, the pride they had in their hearts for being the genius of the upper world disappeared in an instant, and they became restrained and restrained.

Immediately afterwards, a few people walked forward. Although the heat was unstoppable, there was also a strong spiritual energy that made them feel their pores relax at the same time.

"Earth Fire Liquid!"

A group of young people were surprised. Near the giant city, there was a gurgling liquid. Not all of it was magma. There were several spring pools that exuded powerful essence and were believed to be earthly fire liquid.

This is a kind of fire spirit liquid, which is usually contained in magma and cannot be easily extracted. However, here, there are eight spirit pools, each of which is not too small, and one of them is almost turning into a small red lake.

"It's just good fortune. Could it be that it was tailor-made for me?" Chi Yan's eyes were hot. He practiced fire-attribute skills. This kind of divine land was a rare place of fortune for him.

Later, Shi Hao and other young people plunged in, bathed in the fire liquid, tempered themselves, and chose to retreat here.

Xu Yu and others continued to move forward, looking for the ultimate destiny of this place.

Two days later, suddenly there was an explosion in the distance, and a burst of fire shot up into the sky and dispersed the clouds. The fire was extremely surging and dazzling.

"The ancestral land is open!" someone shouted, and a storm suddenly set off, shocking countless people in the huge city.

Afterwards, the powerful creatures in this treasure world got the news and rushed over. They all realized that a great opportunity was about to appear!
Xu Yu and the others took a step forward and rushed over.

Behind this giant city, where the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering, an ancient magic circle disintegrated. It was the reappearance of the sealed divine land, exuding endless fire, and vaguely heaven-defying things emerged!

The magma was more majestic and boundless than the sea, spreading all the way to the sky. The red slurry surged, exuding monstrous energy, and the hot breath was overwhelming.

This is a magma sea, or it can be called the Golden Crow Sea!
"If great fortune appears, there will be great opportunities." Not far away, a venerable man laughed, his eyes burning.

In the depths of the magma sea, a powerful wave was emitted, and an astonishing surge of energy came with a fragrant fragrance.

A venerable man was so happy that he turned into a five-color deer, stepped forward with all four hooves in the air, made a thunderous sound, and was about to rush over.


Unfortunately, not long after, he was robbed. An invisible force imprisoned him. In an instant, he seemed to have lost all Tao and Dharma. He fell directly into the magma with a pop, and his body burned. He was terrified. He immediately stepped back, not daring to act rashly again.

The order of the world here seems to be a little different. The void can be sealed, making some monks unable to fly.

"It's coming!" Xu Yu stared at the Golden Crow Sea in the distance with awe-inspiring eyes.

Others also looked solemn and stared into the distance, seemingly feeling something.

In the depths of the Golden Crow Sea, a magnificent picture appeared. A towering ancient tree was rooted in the sky, its body was golden, dragging the sun, moon and stars, and there was also a grand palace, looming and exuding.

The glory of decay.

"This is...the Sun God Tree!" Xiaota was shocked.

"It is indeed the Sun God Tree. What is that palace? Why does it give me a very weird feeling!"

The magma turned into a sea, endless, red, and very majestic. It seemed to be an unprecedented spectacle that made many people tremble.

In the depths of the red ocean, there is a golden tree, surrounded by the sun, moon and stars, with a huge palace built on the crown of the tree. The scene is extremely mysterious and amazing.

"Sun God Tree..." Xu Yu's eyes were bright, staring at the ancient tree that seemed to be the beginning of the world, slightly absent-minded, and his face was moved.

"It has the same origin as the Fuso Sacred Tree..." Xu Yu's eyes intertwined with runes and turned into divine light. He stared at the Sacred Tree and was shocked.

The Fusang Sacred Tree in later generations was originally controlled by the Holy Emperor of the Sun. Later, he also studied it. Although the appearance of this Sacred Sun Tree was different, the original aura was the same...

"The two should be the same tree. I don't know what kind of war it went through later, and it degenerated into the sacred hibiscus tree. It is the same as the ordinary elixir." Xu Yugan thought silently, his eyes dark.

This Sun God Tree is similar to the Fuso God Tree in later generations, but its aura is much stronger and it has obviously evolved more perfectly.

He thought that the immortal tree in later generations was indeed very special. Different from the immortal medicine, it also had good attack power!

This golden giant tree holds up the sky and the earth, with endless golden leaves. Each leaf can drag up the sun, moon and stars. This is such a magnificent sight, too gorgeous.

To be precise, he is evolving in the direction of the World Tree. It may be said that this is already a quasi-World Tree.

If a complete World Tree appears, then the laws of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will be slowly restored, and there will no longer be a state where the avenue is missing.

Xu Yu remembered that there was a complete World Tree in the foreign land, but there is currently no complete World Tree in this world. This is one of the important reasons why Nine Heavens and Ten Lands lags behind the foreign land.

"It's a pity that the future generations will be even more barren and practice will be more difficult." Xu Yu secretly sighed. The Sun God Tree in later generations has deteriorated too seriously. Its condition has fallen far away and cannot be compared with the one before it.

Moreover, in the environment of later generations, it would be extremely difficult for the Fuso Sacred Tree to evolve again. Although today's ancient world is dilapidated, it is still much better than the environment of later generations.

Such a tree has evolved over hundreds of millions of years and accumulated the essence of heaven and earth. If you really have it in your hands, you won't be afraid of the destruction of this universe in the future.

Because he is creating things, opening up the world, and evolving a real universe. One day, complete world laws will be born.

"As rumored, it is evolving and has the potential to become a World Tree," Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan sighed. One sentence revealed a lot. This tree is not yet truly mature and is still on the road to evolution.

"Yes, in ancient times, there were some trees that reached this level, but [-]% of them failed. This one may not succeed." Xiaota nodded in agreement.

"If it really succeeds, it won't just look like this. It will open up the world, be almost omnipotent, and inhabit living creatures, such as Kunpeng and true dragons." Xu Yu also whispered.

"It has been quite difficult to reach this point. Ninety-nine percent of the sacred trees and immortal trees cannot evolve to this level. Perhaps in hundreds of thousands or millions of years, this ancient tree can really succeed. "Liu Shen stared at the Sun God Tree with deep eyes.

According to Liu Shen, every tree has the possibility of evolving into a world tree, just like some creatures transforming into dragons. It does not refer to a specific dragon clan or side line. Even a crucian carp or a snow rabbit can transform into a world tree. There is a possibility of transforming into a real dragon, and the same is true for the World Tree, but the fairy tree is more likely after all.

(End of this chapter)

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