The appearance of the Sun God Tree caused an uproar in the ancient treasure world. Countless powerful people arrived, and naturally people from the Golden Crow tribe also came.

"Fellow Taoists, this is the ancestral land of my Golden Crow tribe, please retreat quickly!" In the distance, two golden lights descended, replaced by two Taoists wearing golden feathers, preventing everyone from crossing the Golden Crow Sea. In their view, , this is the supreme ancestral land of their Golden Crow clan and cannot be desecrated by others. After all, the legend of the Sun God Tree has always been related to the Golden Crow clan.

Some strong men had ugly expressions. These golden crows made it clear that they would not let them get a share of the pie, but Xu Yu and the others turned a deaf ear and paid no attention to the noise of these golden crows.

However, Xiaota sneered and said: "Golden Crow tribe, it's ridiculous. You deserve to have the Sun God Tree. On the occasion of the ancient tree's nirvana, you have lived there for a period of time and gained a certain amount of good fortune. How dare you lie like this?"

According to Xiaota, this Sun God Tree is extremely old and has experienced Nirvana. In ancient times, the strong men of the Golden Crow clan once rested with the help of the Sun God Tree and practiced for a short period of time.
From time to time, it was passed down to later generations that the Golden Crow clan owned the Sun God Tree, and the Emperor of Heaven of their clan was born there.

A group of venerables were dumbfounded. They had never heard of such a rumor before. Regardless of whether it was true or false, it was an eye-opener. Some people who had been expelled by the Golden Crow tribe also showed amusement.

"You are so presumptuous, how can you slander the innocence of the Golden Crow Clan's own Heavenly Emperor out of thin air." The disciple of the Golden Bird Clan, who was wearing a golden Taoist robe, had a gloomy expression on his face, veins sprouting out, and his eyes were glaring.

"Haha..." Xiaota laughed, and everyone was speechless. This Xiaota was now at an extraordinary level, and he was actually leisurely and elegant, quarreling with a group of venerables.

"There is an old bastard in the Golden Crow clan who was also my opponent back then." Xiaota explained to everyone, and they were immediately speechless.

"Let's go, if you don't go, the good fortune will disappear." Xu Yu reminded, Xiaota stopped talking, and then everyone stepped forward, step by step, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Those venerables looked at each other one by one, looking at each other with astonishment. What a powerful man they were, seemingly far beyond the realm of venerables. Even if they crossed the sea, they had to be careful. How could they be so unscrupulous?
The people of the Golden Crow clan were also pale, knowing that they had hit an iron plate, and they were filled with resentment. Most of the creations belonging to their clan would fall into the hands of outsiders.

Almost in an instant, a few people crossed the seemingly endless Golden Crow Sea and arrived at their destination.

What you see ahead is amazing!

The precious light is endless, the auspicious clouds are endless, a sacred tree seems to have been born before the creation of the world, flowing with divine brilliance and billowing essence, spreading in this sea area, shining to the extreme.

Until I saw him again in front of me, he had actually shrunk. He was rooted in the red sea and was only over a foot tall. He seemed much smaller than what he had seen before.

But when they approached some golden ancient trees, everyone's figures seemed to turn into dust and fell in front of the tree roots. This was an extremely weird scene.

"Mustard Na Sumeru, this is the embodiment of the quasi-World Tree law!" Xiaota said in shock.

It's not that the ancient trees have become smaller, nor that they have become smaller, but that this quasi-world tree defies the heavens and has given birth to the laws of the world. If you fall in front of it, it is like facing a vast ancient world, and it will naturally appear as small as dust. generally.

The Sun God Tree is said to be the place where the sun resides and the resting place of the gods. With the origin of mythology, it has a heaven-defying opportunity to conquer the heaven and earth.

When they came to the Sun God Tree, they found that it was golden in color and towering into the sky. It was really magnificent.

"The Sun God Tree is in Nirvana, evolving like the World Tree..." Liu Shen's eyes were bright and he whispered softly, feeling faintly touched in his heart.

She is a plant-type creature, and her perception of creatures of the same type could not be more acute.

This ancient tree has an astonishing appearance, with rays of light flowing, and is surrounded by stars and rivers. Each leaf seems to be dragging a star, just like a world tree.

When they actually touched this giant golden tree, they found that there was a restriction, and a layer of faint golden light emerged, blocking everyone's footsteps.

"The power of the big world is born, and it can only be activated by using the small world as a catalyst!" The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk affirmed.

"Oh my god, I feel...the breath of World Mountain!" At this moment, Xiaota shouted. He was so surprised!


Now, with their methods, it is naturally easy to open up a small world and run through a passage. However, after hearing the news about the World Mountain, not only the small tower but also the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk could not remain calm.

Several people turned into immortal lights and rushed directly towards the majestic and boundless ancient trees.

As they walked forward, the expressions of the few people who followed seemed a little subtle. This ancient tree was too extraordinary and majestic, especially since each golden leaf was dragging a gestating star.

Moreover, on some leaves, there are pavilions standing there, which are left by the ancients, and there are some statues of gods, which are some records of the Sun Golden Crow and the myths about the Golden Crow clan.

All of these are built on golden tree trunks and huge golden leaves, which is amazing.

Xu Yu understood that although Xiaota had personal vendettas about the secrets of the Golden Crow clan, they were mostly true. There were strong men from the Golden Crow clan who once lived here and rose to prominence, leaving behind some legends.

"With the final leap, this tree has great hope of becoming a world tree!" Xiaota whispered, making a judgment again.

"Since Kunmu was cut down, long years have passed. Will the Sun God Tree also evolve into the World Tree?" Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan sighed,

The former Kunmu, known as the bridge between the human and divine worlds, was the former World Tree, but it was cut down.

Not long after, the Ancient Palace of Chaos appeared again.They approached the top of the golden tree.

Xu Yu's eyes were dim and he stared at the Ancient Palace of Chaos for a while, then he realized that this was the legendary... Ancient Palace of Jie Yin!
Liu Shen also stared at the ancient palace for the first time, standing silently, his eyes turning with a dignified look.

"It's really... the World Mountain!" Xiaota let out a strange cry and immediately focused on the World Mountain.

Next to the ancient temple, there is a looming sacred mountain, which breeds powerful vitality and exudes supreme power.This mountain is very strange. Sometimes when you are close to it, stress will emerge, and sometimes it is very peaceful and nourishes all things. Now it happens to be his peaceful period.

"World Mountain, he was conceived by the World Tree. For us, it is also a peerless creation!" The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was also excited, and every corner of the Reincarnation Disk was glowing, and the energy of chaos filled the air.

Xu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and Liu Shen also looked in the direction of World Mountain.

The World Mountain is dark brown, and the mountain is floating on golden trees, opposite to the Ancient Palace of Chaos in the distance, which is the Ancient Palace of Jie Yin!

This thing is indeed a treasure for the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk and Xiaota, because it allows them to evolve to an unimaginable height, and because it contains the most essential laws.

The World Mountain is hard to find anywhere in the world. You can only find one when the sky opens.

In a sense, this mountain is of infinite value and can break through anything. It does not require any training at all. It is born as a rough embryo of a treasure.

Even a small piece the size of a fingernail is enough to crush a large mountain, and the weight is unimaginable.

"This should be the World Mountain that was born with Kunmu back then. Now it has come to the Sun God Tree to accompany it." Liu Shen made a judgment.

"This treasure is supposed to be prepared for the two of us. Even if it is a divine weapon, it cannot shake this place." Xiaota laughed, enjoying himself to the extreme.

Because this is the same treasure of chaos as him and the Six Paths of Reincarnation. It is a rough embryo that allows them to reshape their true bodies.

Even Xu Yu and Liu Shen have some thoughts. If they refine it with their hard work, engrave it with their own principles, or refine it into weapons, they will achieve unimaginable evolution!

"Wait a minute, look..." Xu Yu temporarily stopped the small tower and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk and pointed to the top of the mountain.

There is a flower on the World Mountain. It is golden and bright, and has a fragrance that makes people feel comfortable after just one sip.

When everyone heard the words, they looked around and saw that a branch of the Sun Tree reached here and actually produced a flower. It was right on the top of the World Mountain, several feet high from the ground, flowing with golden light and dazzling.

"This is the magical flower produced by the Sun God Tree. It can give life and death to human bones." Xiaota said solemnly.

"It's a pity that it doesn't seem to be mature, otherwise it could bear the world fruit, which would be something against heaven." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan regretted.

Because of the application of the World Mountain Law, the fallen leaves of the Sun God Tree were originally as big as mountains, but at the top of the World Mountain, they were much smaller, and even the flowers were only the size of a millstone.

The petals of the sun god flower as big as a millstone are blooming, and the sap there seems to be about to roll down. Each drop is about the size of a longan, and the golden light is so bright that it is astonishing.

However, at the moment when he was about to drip, a strange sound came out, which attracted everyone's attention.

"There is someone in the flower." Xu Yu spoke softly with his eyes moving. He remembered that in this flower, there was a woman with an extremely unnatural background, who has survived since the Emperor Luo era.

"What!" Several people looked slightly shocked. There was a living being born in this sun god flower. They knew that Xu Yu had divine eyes, and they did not doubt that he was there. Their expressions became solemn at the moment.

The creatures bred in the World Tree are so heaven-defying, they can be said to be born immortals with Taoist bones, and their origins may scare people to death.

Xu Yu's divine eyes opened, and wisps of divine light were shining. Sure enough, the outline of a woman was reflected in his pupils.

"This woman is amazing. She is from the same era as the Butcher, and her grandfather was one of the creators of the Immortal Realm system, a being who almost defeated the king and became the emperor." Xu Yu thought silently.

The sunflower is blooming, with golden clouds flowing, and it is pure and holy, just like a golden sun in full bloom.

The golden clouds glowed brightly, and there was a crystal-clear egg in the flower, which was almost transparent. It absorbed the juice just now and absorbed the essence of the magical medicine. The creatures inside the egg were clearly visible and emerged completely.

It was a woman with loose golden hair, undulating body curves, snow-white body, tightly closed eyes, long eyelashes, flowing golden light, and a radiant body. She was a peerless beauty who was extremely beautiful.

This scene is very strange. There is a woman pregnant in the golden sacred flower. Although it is blooming, it is incredible.

Xu Yu, Liu Shen, Xiaota Six Paths Reincarnation Pan and others stared at the elf-like woman with slightly condensed expressions.

The golden light of the Sun God Flower flowed with mist, and the golden juice flowed from the stamens. There were almost ten drops, all of which were absorbed by the woman.

The egg was golden but transparent, with a magnificent style, very dreamy, flowing with all kinds of divine light, shining with seven rainbows.

The woman curled up and was so beautiful that it was breathtaking, with golden hair, ivory-white crystal body, and long eyelashes that trembled slightly.


The shadow of a woman appeared, floated out from the body with closed eyes, and sat cross-legged among the flower stamens, bathed in the light and rain, with an otherworldly beauty, dustless and unsullied.

A swipe!
The beautiful woman opened her eyes, pure and flawless, and then a very contradictory aura, as deep as the starry sky, appeared on him.

She looked at Xu Yu and the others, slightly surprised, then smiled and said: "I have seen all of you fellow Taoists..." (End of Chapter)

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