Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 405 The other side of the boundary sea

"Everyone, let's go into the palace and talk." The woman spoke, her voice was very soft and ethereal, her eyes moved and she looked at everyone.

Everyone's eyes narrowed slightly, and they could see that the perfect woman now was just a shadow, but she was also extremely beautiful.

She can be regarded as a true spirit born out of the body, communicating with everyone, but her true form is still in a dormant state, still sleeping there with her eyes closed, waiting for transformation, it seems that she has not yet truly been born.

Everyone sighed in their hearts that this woman was too talented. With the quasi-world tree as the source of her transformation, she would reach various levels in the future.

Suddenly, the flower moved, wrapping around the blond woman, and the light mist was steaming. It was very fast and flew directly towards the Ancient Palace of Chaos.

The few people did not hesitate and followed him like a shadow, and also chased after him.

The Ancient Palace of Chaos is parallel to the World Mountain and is dragged by some golden leaves. Several people with great supernatural powers also entered along the branches and stepped directly into the depths of the Ancient Palace of Chaos.

This palace is very grand, almost boundless, simple and sacred, entwined with the energy of chaos, it is extremely astonishing.

Xu Yu silently looked at the world. This was the Jie Yin Ancient Palace. It was the first time he had seen such a thing. He remembered that the Jie Yin Ancient Palace was built by the woman's grandfather.

Liu Shen was also stunned, staring at the ancient square palace with an incomprehensible expression, his face moved, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In the distance, there were several futons placed on a Taoist platform, and there was a vague voice from the Great Avenue. The blond woman dragged by the golden flower appeared there, surrounded by a patchwork of runes, which was bright, magical, and gorgeous. Boundless.

In addition, deep in the palace, there are stone tables and bookshelves, both of which are simple and unpretentious, exuding a mysterious atmosphere. On the stone tables and bookshelves, there is an ancient book each, exuding the energy of chaos.

And the shadow of the virtual woman also stood there, nodding to everyone, where the golden light was constantly flowing, exuding a strong breath of life.

Xu Yu stared at the woman. Her body was hazy and filled with fairy spirit. Although she was not in a high state now, her Taoist foundation was amazing. She was conceived by the World Tree, which can be said to be a creation that conquers the world.

To put it to shame for countless people, even if this woman is lying on a quasi-world tree and does nothing, even if the outside world rises and falls, the universe ruptures, and the laws collapse, it will not affect her achievement of immortality.

"Why are you here?" the woman said, her voice magnetic. She was a flawless woman with long golden hair that was as bright as the morning glow.

"Of course it's World Mountain. We're willing to pay the price for the fairy material." Xiaota was silent for a moment and then spoke seriously.

"Not bad!" The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk also said in a deep voice, its whole body glowing with a rare solemnity.Before, they desperately wanted to devour the World Mountain, but after seeing this blond woman, they were vaguely aware of the heaven-defying origins, and they suddenly restrained themselves a lot, becoming rare and serious.

Because this is a quasi-world tree, the woman who is with him must have a great background and cannot be easily offended.

"I can give it to a few of you," the woman smiled, very peacefully, looking at everyone, there was no smell of fireworks, sitting cross-legged in the flowers, as if a real immortal had descended, and her every move was filled with misty aura.

Everyone was stunned, how could this woman from the quasi-World Tree be so easy to talk to and so agree.

However, Little Pagoda and Six Paths of Reincarnation also showed joy. With the World Mountain, they can recover quickly, and their strength can even be improved!
"Although I'm not in a very good condition now, I can see that all of you have extraordinary origins, and we are both creatures from the ancient world, so we should form a good relationship."

"What's more, I have a feeling in my heart that my Sun God Tree seems to be naturally close to this fellow Taoist, and there may be a cause and effect in the future." The blond woman looked at Xu Yu, her eyes flowing. Divine light bursts out.

Everyone was astonished, Quasi-World Shuqin and Xu Yu?
This sun god tree can probably be traced back to the Emperor Luo era. How is it related to Xu Yu?But what the woman said was definitely not unreasonable.

"Maybe." Xu Yu nodded and said nothing more.

In the future, this Sun God Tree will become the Fusang God Tree, and will be controlled by the Sun Holy Emperor and then him. This is a reincarnation!
At the same time, he felt awe-inspiring, was this quasi-world tree so unbelievable? He could faintly sense this uncertain trajectory, and seemed to sense a cause and effect with his future.

Later, the woman explained that she was able to talk to everyone here, and she also realized that everyone was friends and not enemies. It was not just her judgment, but more importantly, the judgment made by World Tree.

This is because the Quasi-World Tree is naturally psychic. If it detects strong power or a hostile atmosphere, it will flee far away in an instant and will not stop at all. This is based on its self-protection. After all, it is now, It hasn’t evolved into a real world tree yet!

Xu Yu was shocked that there was such a statement, but after thinking about it for a while, it was indeed the case.

A powerful being will have a self-protection mechanism even when he falls to the bottom. If the power threatens him, he will naturally choose the opportunity to escape in an instant.

In the original trajectory, Shi Hao's group of people who landed here could not reach the highest level of the Venerable Realm, so naturally they could not touch the self-protection mechanism of the Sun God Tree.

According to the blond woman, she was conceived in the World Tree and was born to be in tune with it. She could also occasionally perceive the inexplicable emotions produced by this quasi-World Tree, so she could detect the Sun God Tree's inexplicable feelings towards Xu Yu, and the strangeness. With a sense of closeness.Later, after talking, the blond woman also learned about the origins of Liu Shen and others, and finally felt relieved.
After all, these people are indirectly recognized by the quasi-World Tree, and they have a lot of origins. They are not aliens or dark creatures.

"You can rest assured, I am different from the darkness!" Xiaota vowed, and quickly added,
Everyone was speechless, knowing that this little pagoda was thinking about World Mountain, fearing that the other party would misunderstand and lose this great fortune.

"I know that even though you have been dormant for endless years, you have heard about things in the outside world."

Several people looked solemn. The origin of this woman was incredible. She was probably extremely ancient. Her origin was astonishing.
"Which era does fellow Taoist belong to?" Liu Shen whispered, his eyes moving, staring at her, feeling a little uneasy.

The blond woman sighed, with confusion and regret in her eyes, and said: "A long time ago, I don't know how many eras apart."

"My grandfather invented the Immortal Realm cultivation method, and he was a creature that seemed to have broken through the King Realm. However, he still died. Before he died, he sealed me in the quasi-world tree..."


Except for Xu Yu, everyone was moved and couldn't keep calm. How unbelievable it is for a practitioner to open up a practice method!

At the very least, they didn't make it that far before, so they should be much better than they were at their peak.

"To be precise, the method of the Immortal Realm was created by a group of creatures. He was just one of them. He was one of the geniuses of that era and one of the strongest people in many eras." The woman said calmly, a little sad.

"Has this kind of existence... fallen away? Otherwise, why would it be sealed?" Xiaota asked, unable to remain calm.

Willow God, Xiaota, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk felt heavy in their hearts.

Suddenly, the atmosphere seemed to freeze and become a little dull. The road ahead seemed to be more cruel than they imagined!
It is amazing enough that people who can create a certain kind of cultivation system, even if it is just one of them, can finally break through the King Realm through collective efforts, which has surpassed many giants of Immortal Kings.

"By carving out your own path, you will be the ancestor of the same line, and there is indeed hope to break through the king's realm," Xu Yu whispered.

Everyone was moved when they heard the words, and their eyes shot out an astonishing divine light, intertwined together, and brilliant to the extreme.

Break the king and become the emperor!

Throughout the ages, countless heroes have fallen on this road, but this woman’s grandfather almost succeeded? !

"It's a pity that he was seriously injured in the Boundary Sea and died in the Jie Yin Ancient Palace!" The blond woman said regretfully, with a sense of loneliness and unwillingness. If his grandfather had not died so quickly, it would have been possible for him to break through that level.

"The place we are in is the ancient Jieyin Palace that my grandfather once shot down. Later, he suppressed it here. Of course, he cut off the connection there and there are some rules of order."

Everyone's expressions were moved. This woman's grandfather was really defiant. He could shoot down even the Yin Ancient Palace. It's a pity that such an outstanding person has also fallen. Otherwise, he might really have a chance to break through the King Realm. "The Ancient Jie Yin Palace has a mysterious origin and is related to the Dark Prison. Only through the Ancient Jie Yin Palace can we get in touch with it."

Xu Yu's mind was concentrated, and there were souls imprisoned one after another in the dark cage. It was impossible for anyone who was not the strongest in the vast dark territory to

The dark cage rises and falls in the long river of time, like a place of reincarnation, imprisoning many creatures, some of which are unimaginably powerful and immortal since ancient times.

"Dark matter comes from behind the dark cage..." Xu Yu said.

"Yes, you can enter the dark place through the ancient palace." The blond woman glanced at Xu Yu in surprise.

When crossing the void, the most fearful thing is to encounter the blood-stained ancient ship, the light of the flying immortal, and the ancient palace of chaos. The three are connected with each other.

The Ancient Palace of Chaos is the Ancient Palace of Yin, while the Blood-Stained Ancient Ship comes from the Boundary Sea and has been drifting in the sea forever.

"What connection do they have? Is there more than one way to enter the dark place?" The Six Paths of Reincarnation said in a deep voice, and the divine light was uncertain.

In his memory, even in the era when Immortal Ancient was controlled by the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation, he knew very little about these things.
Because the era they lived in was already at the end of the era, and most of the Immortal Kings in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were facing threats from foreign lands and had no time to get involved and explore these.

"Crossing the boundary sea, maybe we can explore everything..."

Liu Shen whispered, his eyes in the hazy mist were originally as clear as water, but now they were as deep as a deep pool.

The end of the Boundary Sea is connected to the biggest secret of the Dark Land!
"The battle of Immortal Ancient was too tragic. Some people have been there, but no one has reached the ultimate place," Liu Shen said.

When speaking these words, Liu Shen's eyes were filled with nostalgia, sadness, and a strange and incomparable color.

"Those who want to break through the King Realm have to take the path of the Boundary Sea, because there was a shallow footprint leading there. That is not the mark that ordinary Immortal Kings can leave..." the blonde woman said.

"At least even my grandfather couldn't leave footprints there. Maybe the one who left the footprints was the real...Emperor!

According to her, her grandfather and a group of strong men established the Heavenly Palace and saw the dawn of becoming an emperor, but it led to darkness. Her grandfather even called himself the Emperor of Heaven!

But later, several heavens collapsed one after another, causing disaster to the entire clan for several generations and almost annihilating them.

"The word "Emperor" is taboo. It may be tainted with darkness and ominousness. If you don't break the king and call yourself an emperor, you won't be able to receive that kind of blessing." The blond woman spoke, with a look of fear on her face.

Xu Yu was speechless. The establishment of the Heavenly Court in the Immortal Realm will be sensed by the other side of the boundary sea. Because there are quasi-immortal emperors on the other side of the boundary sea. They think that they are the orthodox ones, and they will naturally destroy other forces that have established the Heavenly Court.

Of course, the Heavenly Court in the human realm will not attract the attention of the other side of the world sea. In their view, it may be just children playing house, and it is nothing to worry about.

If the group of people who created the Immortal Realm cultivation system did not establish the Heavenly Palace, they might actually have a chance to achieve the status of Quasi-Immortal Emperor!
"In the end, only the Butcher and I survived. I was sealed in the Quasi-World Tree, while the Butcher escaped to the Boundary Sea, where he ended up unknown." The blond woman continued.

"You and the Butcher are actually of the same generation!" Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan was surprised. In his memory, the Butcher left a great reputation, which made all the kings of the Immortal Realm change their expressions upon hearing this. Even the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King also regarded him. It is so highly praised that one can imagine how terrifying it is.

"Butcher... the strong man who entered the Realm Sea has been heard of since the Immortal Ancient Era, but I don't know how far he has reached it now." Liu Shen was also moved.

In the last years of the Immortal Ancient, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were almost completely destroyed, because the strong ones withered away, far less than those in foreign lands. Some people once said that it was a pity that the Butcher entered the boundary sea, otherwise if he returned, he might rewrite all order. Even if it is an exaggeration, This shows how terrifying the butcher is.

This woman is actually the same generation as the Butcher, which can almost be traced back to the Emperor's Fall era!

The other side of the boundary sea is too terrifying. Even if the butcher and the creator of the system have ended up like this, who else can fight against the darkness on the other side?
"Perhaps, only the strong man who left footprints can clear everything away. He may be the emperor, but I don't know where he is now?" The blond woman sighed again.

"Perhaps, that strong man can be called the Quasi-Immortal Emperor!" Xu Yu looked towards the sky, looking at the vast ancient world, and sighed softly.

Quasi Immortal Emperor!
What is this realm?
Several people's expressions were moved. This was the first time they heard such a title, and their eyes suddenly lit up!

Quasi-immortal emperor, a whole new realm!Before the Immortal King, there is the Quasi-Immortal King, before the Immortal King, there is the Quasi-Immortal King, and before the Immortal Emperor, there is the Quasi-Immortal Emperor,
It seems...that makes sense.

"You...remembered the past," Six Paths of Reincarnation Pank was surprised. They all thought that Xu Yu was also a strong man who had reached Nirvana and was in the same state as them. Now he remembered a lot.

"Occasionally, there is a flash of wisdom, which is indescribable." Xu Yu shook his head and said nothing more.

Everyone's expressions were complicated. Xu Yu's origin seemed to be a mystery, but everyone always trusted him inexplicably. Moreover, every time he said something, it was verified.

"There is a great terror on the other side of the boundary sea. The quasi-immortal emperor has died." Xu Yu sighed softly.


Several people changed their colors, and the creature that was suspected of being an emperor and left footprints died?

That is the beacon and benchmark that inspires countless immortal kings and strong men to succeed. When everyone hears it, it is like a thunderbolt from the blue!
If these words spread to the world sea, I don’t know how many living beings’ faith will collapse!
However, these few people were very human after all, and they quickly calmed down.

"On the other side of the boundary sea, there should be three quasi-immortal emperors. The quasi-immortal emperor who left footprints was hunted by the three quasi-immortal emperors." Xu Yu lamented.

"Three quasi-immortal emperors..." Everyone's expressions changed. If this is the case, it seems that it can be explained. Otherwise, who can kill the emperor who left footprints! ?
Liu Shen's face was complicated. She wanted to gradually return to her peak, cross the sea of ​​​​boundaries, and go have a look, but she got her wish. Now it seems that there is still a long way to go.

On the other side of this world sea, one cannot easily step into it. She must have enough accumulation and at least reach the quasi-immortal emperor realm first. Although she is not afraid of anything, she does not want to die in vain.

"By the way fellow Taoists, you can take a look at this bone book!"

Two streams of light flew over, and two bone books fell on Xu Yu's hand. From everyone's perspective, one recorded the original true explanation, while a piece of text appeared on the other bone book, which was less than a hundred words in everyone's eyes.

And the first sentence in it is: "I didn't get that great blessing!"

The name of the inscription is Tiandi!

And this Emperor of Heaven is this woman’s grandfather!
At the back, there were dozens of weird symbols, which were extremely mysterious and flowing with misty chaotic energy, but everyone recognized them.

What his grandfather said about the unobtained creation seems to be the second chapter of the original true explanation!

According to legend, there are three original true explanations, the first one is divine guidance, the middle one is transcendence, and the second one no one knows what it is about!
"Fellow Taoist, do you know the whereabouts of the second chapter of this original true explanation?

"Of course, this next chapter is about the Quasi-Immortal Emperor's Dharma, which is at the end of the Boundary Sea!" Xu Yu's falling light suddenly became blazing, and it suddenly became extremely dazzling, as if he could see through all the worlds and reach the end of the Boundary Sea. The dark place...

(End of this chapter)

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