"Originally, I suspected that the giant Immortal King was not the ultimate. Sure enough, there is an emperor in the world. Unfortunately, the pioneer who left his footprints still fell."

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone sighed and had a complicated expression. Back then, he wanted to cross the boundary sea with the strength of the supreme Immortal King and explore the truth. It seemed that he was really out of his mind. He failed to do it. His disciples had not yet arrived at his place. Of course, it can't be done at a high altitude.

He was a little sad at this time. Many of his disciples went to the Boundary Sea before reaching the Immortal King, but lost their lives in vain.

After all, there are three quasi-immortal emperors at the end!

"There will be a great reckoning in the future. According to what you said, only those who are quasi-immortal emperors will be able to transcend and overlook the ups and downs of the era."

The owner of the forbidden area was very emotional. If he wanted to truly rise and survive, he must continue to open up the way forward and truly defeat the king and become the emperor, but that would be so difficult.

When he learned that several people were going to the Primordial Gate, he nodded and said: "When you come here, I have a hunch that you may have to leave. Although this road is difficult, there is still life, which is not bad. good fortune."

Later, the owner of the restricted area also told everyone what he knew about the situation at the Primordial Gate.

According to his words, the end of the original gate is the dam boundary, which is adjacent to the boundary sea.

And crossing the original gate is also a passage to the boundary sea.When crossing the primitive gate, you will encounter many killings, but if you survive, there will be huge benefits.

Even, he said, the world behind the door contains immortal bones, the remains of the Immortal King, and even encounters with innate gods, and even ancient worlds where they were buried, and passages to the future, where everything is possible!
"I have a magic circle that can lead directly to the dam world, but it is not suitable for everyone today." The owner of the restricted area said calmly.

Nowadays, Xu Yu, Liu Shen and others have not yet reached the true fairyland, so it is too dangerous to head directly to the dam world.

Liu Shen nodded. He also knew his current state, so of course he would not show off.

And now, knowing what the Quasi-Immortal Emperor said, he would naturally not rush across the boundary sea and rush to the ultimate place. He would have to perform his strength to the extreme before making any plans.

Then, just when Liu Shen proposed to leave, Xu Yu spoke.

"I don't know how many ten evil treasures my friend has. I am willing to exchange them with you. They will be of great use to me!"

Xu Yu looked at the owner of the restricted area and suddenly mentioned this matter and the treasure technique he controlled.

Today, he has mastered the five treasures of True Dragon, Immortal Phoenix, Qilin, Nine-leaf Sword Grass, and Kunpeng. There are still a few missing, and he wants to completely complete them.

"There are real dragon treasures, and Taoist friends are a great blessing." Dao Yin said in surprise, because even he had not obtained this unparalleled treasure.

"Some of the treasures partially overlap with those possessed by fellow Taoists, but there are also two kinds that fellow Taoists don't have, the secret techniques of the Thunder Emperor and the Sky-horned Ant lineage."

Xu Yu's eyes flashed. He didn't expect that the master of the restricted area was so talented. He had learned from ancient times to the present. He had so many treasures, and the opponent could actually have two non-overlapping ones.

Skyhorned Ant, Thunder Emperor!

The lineage of Skyhorned Ants is said to be extremely powerful!

In that era, the Skyhorned Ants were definitely one of the strongest. In terms of physical body alone, they were number one in the universe, proud of the world, and invincible!
Even the real dragon is not as strong as him. This is the truly supreme Zerg!

This creature has unparalleled power and shines for an era!
How could this kind of magic be ordinary and be able to evolve one's own divine power to the extreme!
Not to mention the Thunder Emperor's Treasure Technique.

The Thunder Emperor is the being with the strongest potential among the ten evils. If you practice the Thunder Emperor's treasure to the extreme, you can control the thunder punishment. It is known as law enforcement on behalf of the sky and embodies the will of God. The Thunder Emperor's treasure is regarded as the thunder path of this ancient world. The highest inheritance.

Even because of the unlimited potential of the Thunder Emperor, the immortal king of the foreign land was afraid that one day he would become extremely powerful. Therefore, during the battle of Immortal Ancient, the Thunder Emperor was targeted by the foreign land. The Thunder Emperor fought against several immortal kings alone. In the end, the Thunder Emperor The armor was shattered and he died in battle.

The death of the Thunder Emperor made many powerful men in Jiutian sigh, because they believed that the Thunder Emperor was still young and would one day aspire to the King Realm and become the true master of a realm!
Xu Yu used the True Dragon Treasure Technique to exchange the secret techniques of the Thunder Emperor and the Sky Horned Ant.

What makes Xu Yu feel pity is that Daoyin does not have the secret skills of the Zhi clan.

The Goddess clan claims to be able to break space with one hand and time with the other!For Xu Yu, it may be more helpful to open up six paths of reincarnation.

Today's ancient ancestor of the Gu clan is still dormant in a foreign land, acting as a 'spy', and the old lady has quietly broken through to the Immortal King realm.

"For others, if you study too much, you will be mixed and confused, but you are different. Having more unparalleled magic may help you open up the six paths in your body." Dao Yin said this.Finally, Yuechan was told to stay here temporarily and practice for a while.

Xu Yu and Liu Shen officially left and stepped out of the restricted area.

The next moment, the green mountains and green waters disappeared, and the place was desolate and desolate.

Xu Yu and Liu Shen looked back, sighed, handed over the barren restricted area, and left directly.

Xu Yu walked through the wilderness, like a faint shadow, crossing the mountains, with fragments of time flying around him.

Soon the space became distorted and blurred, and he came to an ancient land with undulating mountains and no edge at a glance.

This mountain peak is very special. It looks like a round hill, like a big tomb, one after another, closely connected to form the vast world.

Xu Yu jumped over and directly entered the deepest realm.

In just a moment, the wild land appeared, with towering ancient trees and towering mountains reaching into the clouds. There were countless ferocious beasts here, some divine birds struck the sky, and ferocious beasts leaped. The scene was astonishing!
This is Xiling Realm!
In the distance, a strange altar was displayed. It was completely black and made of huge rocks. There were countless giant bones scattered around it, and a huge amount of evil energy emerged, turning into energy waves and sweeping everywhere.

A golden hand bone and a bleeding eyeball lay quietly on top, exuding a mysterious aura and flowing with strange power.

"You're here..." The crystal skull made a weak sound and floated up, with a little firelight flowing in its eye sockets, eerie and mysterious.

"You came at the right time. We have captured two supreme-level spirits..." At this time, the bleeding eyeballs spoke.

Xu Yu was surprised that they had gained so much so quickly.

But he soon felt relieved. After all, the Xiling Realm was created by these old monsters.

What's more, the remnants of these three immortal kings are older than Dao Yin, the lord of the restricted area, and they have amazing methods, which is also justified.

At the same time, I was speechless. These old monsters really cared about me more than me.

"I'm here to say goodbye to all my fellow Taoists," Xu Yu said, and then told that he was going to the Primordial Gate.

"Well, the original gate seems to have some impression. In our era, it appeared more than once..." Crystal Skull said faintly.

"How weird, how terrifying!" The golden bone palm said solemnly.

"It also manifested during the Emperor's Fall..." Xu Yu was surprised and felt awe-inspiring.

However, when asked about specific things, the three old monsters all fell silent. It was obvious that they were incomplete and had lost too many old memories.

"You must be careful. That portal, in my memory, is indeed extremely dangerous. Even the Immortal King may fall." After a moment of silence, his bleeding eyeballs seemed to think of something, and he said coldly. , such a sound came out.

"Yes, that place has always been called the real Jedi, perhaps second only to Climbing the Dam and Crossing the Sea!" The Crystal Skull sighed.

The three old monsters were no longer calm. They placed their treasures on Xu Yu, not wanting him to fall so easily. They repeatedly warned them to be careful.

Finally, Xu Yu took away the two supreme-level spirits and left the Xiling Realm.

"True immortals are easy to perish, but immortal kings are difficult to survive..." These are the words left by the three old monsters.

"The Immortal King is difficult to cross!" Xu Yu's mind condensed, and he couldn't keep calm in his heart. He could understand that a true immortal could fall, but he had never reached the boundary sea, so why was it difficult for the Immortal King to cross.

According to several old monsters, true immortals are easy to die in that place. Although the immortal king is not easy to be destroyed, he may also encounter inexplicable terror and be easily lost, which makes him a little puzzled.

After all, the original work was relatively vague about the world behind the Primordial Gate, with no specific description, which made him lose his innate advantage and unable to foresee it.

But he didn't think too much, everything would naturally come to an end when the time came.

Then, Xu Yu took a step forward and appeared in Stone Village.

The silvery moonlight is like water, like a thin layer of smoke, covering Stone Village. It is located in the wilderness. It is peaceful and quiet at the moment, far away from the world.

The mountains in the distance are majestic and the primitive mountains are extremely majestic. The roars of various ferocious beasts can be vaguely heard, but they cannot be transmitted.

At the head of the village, the willow trees are bright and green, flowing with a soft halo.

Two eight-headed chickens swayed in the village, raising their chests and raising their heads, and finally lay down in a comfortable position under the roots of a willow tree, which was extremely comfortable.

In the center of Stone Village, Shi Hao originally brought a quasi-holy medicine from Baiduan Mountain, which later evolved into a real holy medicine, but compared with the two ancient medicines next to him, it looked dim.

Those are two magical medicines, with radiant light and surging divine clouds. Their rich essence continuously feeds back Shicun, turning the place into a sacred land.

Under the moonlight, the plants and trees in Stone Village are all shining with light and steaming, seeming to be infected with inexplicable divinity. Even those who have never entered the spiritual path can strengthen their health and prolong their life by taking a sip!

These are two magic medicines brought by Xu Yu from the Immortal Palace, and their effects are astonishing.

Xu Yu walked slowly, her mind gradually calmed down, almost empty, and her whole person seemed to have fallen into the Taoist realm.

Not far away, Shi Hao came over and looked at Xu Yu, his face inexplicably a little disappointed.

The stars were dotted and the moon was hazy. Shi Hao also walked over and talked to God Xu Yuliu. He was full of reluctance and was about to leave?

Especially Xu Yu, who was both a teacher and a friend to him, and like an elder brother. She cared about him very much and had such deep feelings for him. If he could never see her again, he would be very disappointed.

"Perhaps, we will leave in a few days." Xu Yu said calmly.

Not long after, the small tower appeared, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk also appeared. Like Liu Shen and Xu Yu, they made the same decision.

"When we leave, you should go to the upper realm. The laws here are incomplete and the avenues are also lacking, which is not good for your growth." Several people told Shi Hao.

Later, everyone told Shi Hao many things about the upper world, which greatly inspired Shi Hao and shocked his heart.

"Soon this world will be completely connected to heaven, and it will be difficult to connect the upper and lower realms. Perhaps only that road can penetrate..." Later, Xu Yu told Shi Hao the location of the Cross Yin and Yang Land, and told him, Yuechan practiced there.

"Okay, I must go and see the true Tao of the upper world, the complete laws of the Tao, the world approaching perfection. In the future, I will catch up with you and walk with you!" Shi Hao said to himself, his eyes filled with concentration. The light is brilliant.

"I believe there will be that day." Xu Yu touched his head and smiled.

"Hey, boy, I'm optimistic about you. Even though the upper world is vast, there are geniuses and the first generation, the Tao foundation you have built is no worse than theirs. Don't let it be buried in the future, lest our reputation be ruined in vain!" Xiaota said.

"Don't worry, I naturally know that I will overwhelm all enemies!" Shi Hao was extremely confident, with a divine light in his eyes.

"I really can't bear to let you go!" Then, Shi Hao revealed his true feelings. Although he was usually cheerful, heartless, and a little cruel, he was also sentimental at this moment.

Because that primitive door is too mysterious and terrifying. Since ancient times, whenever anyone steps in, only blood will flow out. There will be no movement after that, and we will never look for it again.

Even so, it has attracted the most amazing and supreme tyrannical beings from all over the ages, who want to step in and truly transcend.

"Just for detachment..." Xu Yu said softly with his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky, his white clothes fluttering.

"If you can't rise in this troubled world, even if it is peaceful and beautiful for the time being, it will be just an illusion..." Liu Shen whispered, transformed into a human body, and stood on the stone village, his eyes seemed to penetrate through Ancient and modern.

Shi Hao was thoughtful, but felt a little uneasy in his heart. What would happen in the future? Even powerful people like Xu Yu seemed to be worried.

"The eagle will not break its wings due to the storm, the wolves will not be afraid of the long night, and the ants can ride on the dragon's head. If you can rise against the sky, you can also create a myth." Xu Yu said with emotion.

It seems that parting is always sad, and the atmosphere suddenly became dull.

"Little one, there is no need to be sad. We will always meet again. Before I leave, I will give you a few good things." Xu Yu smiled.

Xu Yu flicked his fingers, and a flow burst out instantly, and a chariot flew out, rapidly enlarging in the void.

A golden ancient chariot appeared, driving in the sky, rumbling like a hundred thousand heavenly beasts galloping, the golden divine flower was extremely dazzling, there were knife and ax marks on it, and the breath of vicissitudes of life circulated.


Suddenly, Xu Yu held his hand in the air again and slowly pulled out a golden holy sword. Every inch it appeared, tens of thousands of rays of holy light shot out, making it dazzling.

An extremely cold aura filled the air, and every time the red-gold divine sword rose an inch, tens of thousands of divine powers would rush out, which was extremely shocking.

"This is……"

Shi Hao was extremely shocked. What kind of divine object was this?
"Chariot of chaos, sword of the Emperor of Heaven!
"Chariot of chaos, sword of the Emperor of Heaven!
Shi Hao murmured, an astonishing light flashed in his eyes. These two artifacts must be extremely precious.

From the names of these two weapons, we can get a lot of clues.

He held the Heavenly Emperor Sword in his hand, and instantly felt a power like the vast sea. Holding it, he seemed to control everything.
That kind of strong Qi is like a galaxy surging, flooding the heaven and the earth. It is terrifying, the brilliance covers the sky and the sun, and it is difficult to face it.

Holding this sword, I actually have a terrifying belief that I am the only one who wants to dominate this world, and everything is in the palm of my hand.

Then, he stepped forward again and stood in the golden ancient chariot. Standing in the center of the golden ancient chariot, he looked like Ziwei surveying the sky and the Emperor of Heaven came to the world. There was a bit more sharpness between his brows.


"Shi Hao, you have the appearance of an emperor!" Xu Yu commented silently. Holding the Heavenly Emperor Sword and driving the ancient chariot, Shi Hao looked quite heroic, losing some of his childishness.

"This little guy is a bit decent..."

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was astonished, every corner was shining, and Zizhen commented there, looking at Shi Hao.

The little pagoda was so thief that he actually exhaled a breath of Chaos Qi and said: "Well, now he does look like a young prodigy. Let me give you a suggestion. After you go up, choose to join the immortal academy of immortals, holding the Emperor of Heaven in your hand. Swords, driving ancient chariots, that kind of style, it is guaranteed to attract a lot of beauties, hehehe..."

Shi Hao ignored him and quietly realized the two divine objects Xu Yu left for him. He felt the boundless divine power, which would be enough to accompany him in the long years of battles in the future!

"They are all extremely supreme weapons, and there is a possibility of evolving into immortal weapons in the future!" Liu Shen said calmly, turning his eyes and looking over, looking at the ancient chariot and the Heavenly Emperor Sword!

"What..." Shi Hao was shocked. He never expected that these two things were so precious. They were not far from immortal weapons. What a precious gift they were.

Xu Yu's eyes flashed. This was what he got from defeating Wang Teng that year. The Luan Gu Chariot and the Heavenly Emperor Sword were both left by Luan Gu Emperor. After Xu Yu became emperor, he refined them and kept them with him.

"I'll give you one more thing." Xu Yu's brows flickered, and brilliance flowed. A silvery-white divine light flew out, fell to the ground, and turned into a silvery-white metal man, about a few feet tall. It looked like it was cast by molten iron. The silver god The light flows, holding a broad sword, majestic, and a bunch of divine sources. (End of chapter)

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