In addition, there is also a set of saint mecha!
This was Xu Yu's big trump card when he was not a saint. Later, he couldn't use it anymore and stayed in Yaochi. Later, when he came to Perfection, he brought him here again. Unexpectedly, it was put to use now. He will The mecha gave it to Shi Hao and told him how to use it.

When Shi Hao learned that this saint mecha could exert the strength of the Void Dao Realm, he was dumbfounded and somewhat speechless.

As we all know, the beings in the upper world who are called leader are not ordinary. The least powerful ones are also gods, while the most powerful ones are at the supreme level like the Lord of the Immortal Palace and the Underworld.

God, Xu Dao, Zhanwo, Dunyi, and Supreme can all be called sect leaders, and the Xu Dao realm is the most common. The leader of a major sect in the upper world is also at this level. It is conceivable that this How precious mechas are.

To Shi Hao, it was like having a terrifying thug at the level of the leader of the Void Dao, enough to allow him to face many dangerous situations.

Of course, just in case, Xu Yu also left a back-up team among the ancient chariots, but he did not tell Shi Hao, fearing that he would be too dependent on him, which would be detrimental to his growth.

A mecha is equivalent to a leader in the Void Realm. Even in the upper realm, there are not many who can defeat this mecha.

Even Liu Shen, Xiaota, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation were surprised. They felt that Xu Yu was too concerned about this young man Shi Hao, and he actually valued him so much. However, Xu Yu, who had seen all their eyes, did not care. Explain, perhaps in their view, Shi Hao is just a junior with good potential, but they never imagined what heights he would reach in the future.

Of course, the current trajectory has changed, and the future is indescribable. When he left, Xu Yu felt that she should do something for him, whether it was for justice or personal reasons.


next day
In the early morning, the sun was shining brightly, and a group of children ran out. They got up very early and were very conscious. They came to the head of the village and began to practice in the morning glow.

Several adults from Shicun were responsible for supervising.
Under the willow tree at the end of the village, Xu Yu was sitting there cross-legged, seemingly in trance. At this moment, he opened his eyes and saw the scene in front of him. He was a little startled. He thought that when he first came here, Shi Hao was also so big, but now he is A handsome young man.

"After all the arrangements have been made, it's time to leave." He whispered, looking at this familiar land with bright eyes.

In the next few days, Xu Yu began to take action, using the power of Yuantian Master to continuously condense magic arrays in the void, arrange barriers, push the sun, moon and stars to move, and seize the heaven and earth's creation.

This move also aroused the surprise of several big men in Shicun. Xu Yu's attainments in this magic circle also constantly refreshed their understanding.

The people in the village, including the patriarch of Shicun, Shi Yunfeng, Shi Hao, and his family, all sighed. This man who had been so kind to them was finally going to leave.

Now he is doing the last things for Shicun.

In fact, they are like a bright mirror in their hearts. The dragon lurks in the abyss, and the small stone village will not be their eternal destination. In the end, they will soar to the nine heavens.

As powerful as Xu Yu, he can attack immortal figures and overlook the eternity, but the Emperor of Heaven also has true feelings. The memory of Shicun for more than ten years has become an indelible part of his heart, worthy of his protection.


Suddenly, the sound shook the world. Deep in the mountains, the little red bird and the fur ball were dueling. The astonishing fighting spirit surged, smoke and dust rose into the sky, and rocks collapsed.

Now, the little red bird was invited to leave the ancestral land of the Fire Nation again and came to Shicun. With the help of Xu Yu, Maoqiu Zhu Yan also completely restored his Taoism.

During this period, Xu Yu used the blood of the Immortal Phoenix to wash the hair and cut the marrow of the Fire Nation's spirits, Furball, Big Red Bird, Fa Ni, Demon Ape, Lihuo Bull Demon and other stone village beasts to consolidate their foundation.

Knowing that Xu Yu and the others were about to leave, the ferocious beasts were also sad and very reluctant to leave. They respected Xu Yu very much. Without him, they would not be where they are today.

They were very grateful to Xu Yu for bringing them to Shicun. Not to mention Little Red Bird and Maoqiu, the three ferocious beasts of Cunning, Demonic Ape, and Lihuo Bull Demon had already broken through the Venerable and initially ignited the divine fire. It was something they had never dreamed of before.

Especially Junyi, he was even more grateful in his heart, because if he hadn't come here in the first place, his life span would have disappeared and he would have completely passed away. There would be no chance of becoming a god.

Xu Yu was also filled with emotion, the fate was so mysterious and unpredictable.

He stood in the stone village, overlooking the mountains and rivers of all realms, taking in everything in the wilderness. Through the endless void, he saw the old vines of Butian Pavilion, rooted in the pure land of Butian Pavilion.
The green clouds are rippling, the gourds are swaying with divine light, and everything is misty. Today's old vines have completely consolidated the true god realm, and their aura is extremely powerful.

Lao Teng seemed to feel something in his heart, and he stared at the past for a moment, and saw Xu Yu standing at the far end, with fairy light flowing all over his body, smiling at him.

Calabash Teng was surprised and suddenly realized that at this moment, the senior seemed to be bidding farewell to himself...!Is that powerful existence going to leave too?

He knew that he would never be able to set foot on that level in his lifetime, and he didn't know if we would meet again in the future.

At that moment, I felt empty in my heart. This was my savior who was about to leave.

On this day, Xu Yu summoned Chiyan Gegu and others, gave them secret treasures, and told them that he was leaving and would step onto the original gate.


The disciples of Red Dragon Ge Gu and Divine Flame Man Chi Yan all changed their expressions. They did not expect that this day would come so suddenly. It was unexpected and reasonable.

Even though they were reluctant to give up, they sighed softly in their hearts. The place he was going to was too dangerous. At their current level, they, the juniors, simply couldn't set foot.

"Troubled times are about to arise, and you still need to overcome everything on your own."

Xu Yu sighed softly, thoughtfully. This period of time, known as the Ancient Times, was full of incomparable hardships and dangers, and the future was unpredictable.

"Big brother, I practice very quickly, and I will definitely catch up with you in the future." Shi Hao said with some choking, his eyes turning red.

"You are determined. I believe there will be such a day." Xu Yu raised his head and looked into the depths of Cangyu.

Xu Yu had a hunch that the Primordial Gate must not be that simple, and it might cause a shocking disaster. God knows what will happen in the future.

Ge Gu and Chi Yan were surprised. Xu Yu Shihao really had great hopes, thinking that he could reach such a height.

Shi Hao felt empty in his heart. From now on, he could only wish his eldest brother, Liu Shen and others from a distance. He didn't know if this farewell was a permanent farewell.

On the side, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was also telling Chi Yan at the beginning. After all, the two of them had known each other for a while, and now that they were separated, they were naturally filled with endless emotions.

"Brother, can't you take me with you?" The God-Smashing Stone appeared, looking at Xu Yu with an expectant look on his face.

"You are still too weak. That place is not something you can easily set foot in." Xu Yu glanced at him and said.

"Okay..." Dashenshi sneered, such a thigh was about to leave.

Afterwards, Xu Yu pondered for a moment and left some World Stones for the God-Smashing Stone. As one of the Ten Evil Sons, Xu Yu felt that the God-Smashing Stone had endless potential and would have more possibilities in the future.

Even Xiaota once commented with him in private that the God-Striking Stone lineage was amazing. Although it was made of stone, it was just like a humanoid creature or his tower body, which was born to be the carrier of the great road.

To be able to make small towers comment like this, one can imagine the potential of the God-Smashing Stone. "Fellow Taoists, let's go..."

Suddenly, there was misty chaos in the sky, and a big dragon flew out, golden clouds surged, and the dragon's energy was dense, and it landed in the stone village.He transformed into a majestic middle-aged man and came to bid farewell to everyone.

"Fellow Taoist, Shicun is in need of you..." Several people looked at the real dragon flying out of the real dragon's nest, sighed softly, and said this.

"Don't worry fellow Taoists, I look forward to your triumphant victory in the future!" The tall man transformed into a real dragon nodded, his pale golden eyes filled with majesty and made a promise.

"Let's go!" Xu Yu smiled slightly and took the lead to take the lead.

Xu Yu's white clothes fluttered, aloof like a true immortal. He walked out of the stone village step by step and looked at the sky. It was finally leaving the mortal world and taking its own path.

Then, the Willow God also transformed into a human body and stepped out. A green willow tree hung above his head, with strands of chaotic energy hanging down, and walked up in the air.

The small tower and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk are also glowing. Endless laws are intertwined, and the light spreads and soars into the sky.

"Everyone, get ready to go in!" Xu Yu looked around, looking at Liu Shen, the small tower, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk.

The faces of several people were solemn and they nodded, their auras surging, fighting spirit running through the sky, overwhelming the nine heavens and ten earths.

Facing the upcoming unknown risks, they did not dare to be careless, and they all raised their state to the peak to cope with the unknown risks.

Xu Yu opened up a void, and a hazy primitive door emerged.

Chaos spewed out from the Primordial Gate, and along with the fairy light, it became increasingly hazy, and there was a mysterious wave that filled the air, attracting people's attention.

This gate is extremely ancient, seemingly running through the entire history, and is profound and mysterious.


Xu Yu flicked his fingers continuously, a few drops of blood splashed, and the dreamy light hit the original door, making it shine brightly.

This is the blood of the Remnant Immortal. They have all deduced that to open the original door, a strong person's blood sacrifice is required before it can be opened!
The blood of the Remnant Immortal is so astonishing. Even a few drops are far better than the blood of the Supreme Being. At that moment, the essence directly turned into a torrent, rolling up and converging into the mysterious portal.

The door became even more hazy, and the faint sound of chanting came from inside. It was ancient and mysterious, distant and vague, and it vaguely gave people the feeling of falling into the realm of enlightenment.

Silently, some blood actually flowed out of the door, and bursts of light appeared, making it even more sacred, like a human soul that could purify people.

Xu Yu's eyes were cold, and the smell of blood was very familiar. It was the blood of the residual immortal that had just been poured in, and it actually flowed out like this.

He seemed to be struggling, but also seemed to be liberated, and then completely dimmed, his essence was gone, and he fell into the door again.

This primitive gate is now a bit like a huge mouth of the abyss, with its mouth open, waiting for the powerful to enter.

"This door is really weird." Xiaota's face was uncertain. Even though he had been prepared, his face was serious at the moment.

"With being absorbed like this, will I be sacrificed when I get in?" The three corners of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk glowed at the same time, and he said coldly.

Xu Yu was speechless. Regarding the sacrifice, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk had a lot to say. After all, in the past, Chi Yan, the divine flame man, held a corner of the Reincarnation Disk. If he needed to be stimulated, he would also need to offer blood and essence.

The vague sound of chanting came again, distant and transcendent, making people feel ethereal and unable to help but fall into the state of enlightenment. Even Xu Yu and others were partially affected.

The blood of a broken immortal disappeared, but it made this door more sacred. This was a terrible change. The eyes of several people were as unpredictable as the sea of ​​stars, and the scene was silent.

"We have been deducing it for many days. Now that the portal has been opened, why hesitate." Xiaota said.

"Let's go!" Xu Yu shouted, but there was no hesitation at this moment, and he was already prepared in his heart.

He opened and closed his eyes, and the divine light of chaos tore through the sky, sank into the primitive door, and stepped in.

Liu Shen, Xiaota, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation no longer hesitated. Several streams of light burst out and disappeared directly into the original gate.

In just an instant, the original door became blurry and dim, and all the figures disappeared. The blue sky, white clouds, and gentle breeze were blowing, as if everything just now was an illusion.

The sky was clear, but Shi Hao's heart suddenly felt empty, feeling very lost and sentimental.

Big brother, Liu Shen and the others just disappeared, separated from each other, and may never even be seen again.

"There are always people in the corners forgotten by the world, carrying the sky on their backs. The road to the road is long and full of obstacles."

The real dragon put his hands behind his back, looked at the group of juniors who were a little disappointed, and then looked at the direction where the Primordial Gate disappeared, his eyes were deep and desolate, and he sighed.


On the other side, several people stepped into the primitive door and stepped into a passage. There seemed to be no sound, except for the occasional flash of light, as bright as fireworks.

It's just a portal, but it's like traveling through a big world, so deep and endless that there seems to be no end in sight.

I don’t know how long it took, but there was a bright light ahead, reaching the end of this portal, making the darkness and nothingness appear fuller and more colorful.

Violent vibrations, space distortion, the door is mottled, and various colors flash.

When they stepped out of the door, several people suddenly felt chills in their bodies, sensing that a big crisis was coming.

That kind of terror has never happened before, even in Xu Yude's experience!
Xu Yu's eyes were as sharp as a heavenly sword, shining brightly, staring into the distance.

When crossing out of the primitive gate, bubbles appeared one after another, floating in the vast void, colorful, all kinds of colors, showing dreamlike colors.

And the crisis behind the Primordial Gate... actually comes from this!
The crisis behind the door actually comes from these bubbles!
There are hundreds of bubbles, all of which seem to be condensed from water vapor. They come in various colors, flashing with dreamy colors, but flowing with a breathtaking atmosphere.

The world behind the door is filled with the aura of death, there is no light, and it is not very dark. The surrounding areas are dim, surrounded by ribbons of black mist, as if we have arrived in a land of death. Only those bubbles are shining with inexplicable divine light. , illuminate part of the area transparently!
Heart palpitations came, and the hairs on Xu Yu's back stood up. After all these years, the only ones that could still give him such a feeling were these dreamlike bubbles in front of him.

Every bubble is like a big world. Although it looks peaceful, it seems to be heavier than Mount Tai. The fairy light flows and contains shocking murderous intent! (End of chapter)

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