
At this moment, the original gate behind them gradually became illusory, blurred and dim, and finally disappeared completely.

Those bubbles were misty, flashing with dreamy colors, and floated in. They seemed to be slow, but they caused chaos in the world. An invisible pressure swept out, crushing all directions.

This kind of aura has actually reached the supreme level in the human realm, which is extremely terrifying. What's more, these are thousands of bubbles, equivalent to thousands of supreme beings, stepping together, and the pressure formed is too terrifying.

Moreover, this side of the world seemed to have stagnated all of a sudden, the void was solidified, everyone's expressions were ugly, and even the flow of energy and blood became slow.

"Is this the reason why the Primordial Gate has buried many powerful men throughout the ages?" Xu Yu whispered, his eyes flowing and shining brightly.

Historically, almost all people who stepped into the primitive gate died, and no one was heard of surviving after stepping in. And these bubbles are really weird.

For an ordinary Supreme Being, it is definitely a killing disaster. If encountering such a crisis, even the Supreme Being will shed blood and there will be no accidents. No wonder this place is called the burial place of the strong!

Xu Yu's mind was concentrated, and his eyes became brighter and brighter. Runes were intertwined in the depths of his pupils, which were extremely deep. There were disillusionment in the stars and chaos flowing inside. He was looking through this thing and wanted to explore its origin.

Just for a moment, his eyes stung a little. Each bubble looked as big as a mountain, containing countless principles of order, with the intention of destruction emerging.

Each bubble comes forcefully, as if it is alive, emitting terrifying fluctuations, more powerful than the resurrection of an immortal master!
"How brave, is this someone planning something, or is it scheming against us!" The small tower shouted loudly, chaotic light surged, and various ancient mythical beasts appeared on the six-story tower, overflowing with astonishing murderous intent. .

Thousands of bubbles burst into disillusionment, and dense flowing colored light suppressed the crowd. The sky and the earth roared, accompanied by the divine sound of the avenue, turning into symbols of the avenue one after another.


Xu Yu's black hair was dancing wildly, and his eyes were like cold lightning, like an immortal king, with an air of invincibility and dominance.

His whole body was filled with blood energy, and the blood energy rushing into the sky swayed from the top of his head, turning into a long dragon, roaring up high.Behind him, the Yin and Yang energy rushed out, and a huge Kunpeng swung up, hit the water for three thousand miles, soared in the nine heavens, and struck away.

The power of Kunpeng surged, and the two qi of the lunar and sun intertwined, evolving into tens of millions. The Peng's feathers flew, turning into Tao swords, trembling in unison, and slashing against the sky.

And his hands began to move, making seals with his five fingers, covering the heaven and earth. Even the sun, moon and stars were included between his palms, and they struck upward, like a flying fairy light, the most powerful and powerful, destroying eternity!

However, a moment later, Xu Yu's black hair danced wildly, and his eyes stood up. When he hit the bubbles, he made a sonorous sound, as if he was forging iron.

These bubbles are so strange. Although they condense like water vapor, they seem to be harder than fairy gold and cannot be shaken at all. But fortunately, they float slowly and not very fast. Otherwise, it will be a huge disaster for everyone. disaster.

However, at the same time, he is gentle, like endless water vapor, but it can melt the human body, refine the soul, and become part of the laws of heaven and earth.

And Liu Shen also took action. The hunter in white clothes made a sound, as if he was going to ride on the wind and turn into an immortal immortal.

The white palm passed across the sky, and with one palm shot, the light bloomed and the darkness retreated. When it hit the bubbles, it also made a sonorous sound and splashed out amazing sparks.

Moreover, on the head of Liu Shen, the small tree is also glowing, shining brightly, with a power that seals the world, releasing immortal light, making the bubbles unable to get close.

Moreover, thousands of branches hit the bubbles, like countless green rays of light, bursting out with blazing light.

The six rays of reincarnation disk vibrated, and their respective rays of light flourished. Wisps of mist fell towards everyone. The six rays of divine light shocked the world and attacked many bubbles indiscriminately.


The aura of the small tower was surging, and it used its true strength to resist with all its strength, turning into a giant tower reaching the sky. It collided directly with those bubbles, and the sound was as loud as gold and stone splitting the sky, resounding in all directions!

All the spirits appeared on the tower, such as the policeman, golden crow, and Pixiu, etc., which turned into Dao marks and rushed forward.

At the same time, his bottom turned into a vortex, spinning crazily, making his aura stronger and stronger.

Although the two of them have not completely refined the World Mountain, their strength has reached an appalling level.

"Forbidden Steel!"

Seeing that the collision was ineffective, Xiaota suddenly shouted loudly and rose up against the sky, emitting immeasurable divine light.After merging the two layers of the tower and integrating into the World Stone, he indeed became extremely powerful, possessing extreme speed and controlling space, and he must have temporarily trapped a bubble.

"His grandpa's, it hurts me to death, damn it... It turns out that these bubbles are made of the Law of Destruction and must not be contaminated!"

With a puff, Xiaota actually bit the bubble, and suddenly let out a loud cry, which made everyone stunned. Of course, Xiaota quickly let go, with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

Xu Yu and others were speechless. Is this still a tower?
Then, the expressions of several people became serious again, and they did not dare to slack off at all. Then these bubbles were too scary. If they were not careful, they would disintegrate the form and spirit, and turn the body into rules, essence, etc.

Even though everyone is extremely brave, there is a time when their manpower will be exhausted. Although they can use their own methods to resist, they will never be able to last long.

clap la la...

At the same time, layers of mysterious ripples rippled out, which ordinary people could not feel. Only people like Xu Yu could capture them.

It was invisible, as if there was a light coming from behind those bubbles, filling the entire world in an instant.

An original power is moistening, the sharp edge is inherent, the divine light is surging, there is a deep and ancient atmosphere, but it is ever-changing.

The beam of Xu Yu's divine eye bloomed, tearing apart Cangyu, and staring behind those bubbles, it turned out to be the phantom of the sea!

The waves are ups and downs, and the sea of ​​​​divine is boundless!
After many bubbles, there is actually a sea, an incredible sea!
In the ups and downs of the waves, one broken ancient world is rising and falling one after another, looming in the waves, some are shattered, some are withered, and some are in vain.

And these bubbles were caused by the sea. They entered this world through a dam!
"Is that...the Boundary Sea, and these bubbles originate from there!" Xu Yu's eyes were extremely dark, and his face was a little moved.

"These bubbles are related to the boundary sea behind the dam..." Every corner of the six-path samsara disk flashed divine light and was filled with chaotic energy.At this moment, everyone actually felt different ancient worlds and different breaths coming across time and space.

The different waves are transformed into different broken ancient worlds, contain different breaths, and sparkle with various rules of the avenue.

"These bubbles can be transformed by the destruction of those broken ancient worlds, which is equivalent to a power of Tao transformation!" Xu Yu made a judgment with awe in his heart.

So shocking!
These bubbles are all floating from the boundary sea!
Every bubble may be the power of Tao transformation left by the ancient world that once collapsed. No wonder it is so terrifying.

Although those ancient worlds were destroyed, the aura of destruction was rising and dying in the world sea, turning into waves, and these waves condensed into bubbles, carrying the power of transformation.

The Boundary Sea we see now is just a shadow. One can imagine how terrifying the real Boundary Sea would be. A single wave might even cause the Immortal King to be robbed.

He remembered that the boundary sea was boundless and had undulating waves, but it was blocked by a dike. The sea could not pass through it at all. For some reason, these bubbles were able to get past the dike and reach the depths.

"It's the Primordial Gate. As a medium from another world, he attracts the bubbles and turns them into infinite killing disasters!" Liu Shen also spoke, and one after another Dao pictures appeared in his eyes,
"Is the original gate man-made?" Xiaota whispered, his eyes bright.

"Perhaps, that's not the case. This portal seems to have appeared since the Emperor Luo era, and there are no traces of human dominance. If there is, perhaps his power will be... far beyond our imagination!"

The six paths of reincarnation circle around.

"Could it be a handiwork from the end of the boundary sea?" Xu Yu's pupils were deep and his expression was solemn. Whether it was the original gate or the bubbles, they were very strange. They seemed to be able to plunder people's blood and Dao fruit. This kind of handwriting cannot be accomplished by ordinary people. of!

As if in response to something, in this world, a hazy portal of chaos reappeared, and the disappeared original door appeared!
At this moment, the original door became red, stained with mottled blood, extremely seeping, slowly dripping down, pouring into those bubbles,

Then, phantoms appeared one after another, with humanoid and animal bodies, all of which seemed to be creatures that died at the Primordial Gate!
Everything was quiet, and countless blood spread and fell from the portal, looking extremely mysterious and terrifying.

Xu Yu's eyes were focused, and she vaguely noticed that the Primordial Gate and the bubble seemed to have established some inexplicable connection.

Heaven and earth overturned, the sun and moon shook!
The Primordial Gate enlarged, divine light burst out, and enveloped the place. It turned into an extremity realm, enveloping everyone in it.

So at the same time, those bubbles also flew out and were arranged around, seeming to form some kind of ancient sacrificial array. Endless blood surged, the sky and the earth were chaotic, and all kinds of divine light burst out, causing terrifying fluctuations. , several people changed their colors, this kind of power was so terrifying, beyond the ordinary level, and gave them a real sense of crisis in Yemen!
"Sure enough!"

Several people's expressions were solemn. The Primordial Gate acted as a medium, leading the power of the Boundary Sea to this side.

"Could it be that this door is meant to use the power of the Dao Transformation of this world sea to plunder our Dao Fruit?" Xiaota said in a deep voice, his eyes cold.

All circumstances indicate that this primitive gate seems to be performing a blood sacrifice on them through bubbles.

Xu Yushen's eyes were filled with light, and thin lines of rules were emerging as he probed.

A crystal clear small seal appeared, blooming with brilliant rays of light, rising from Xu Yu's head.

This seal is not big, only the size of a walnut. It is clear and magnificent, with a mysterious aura flowing around it and a surging aura.

Waterfalls fell down one after another, shrouding Xu Yu below, like curtains, protecting her tightly.

The treasure seal rises and falls, although it is only as big as a walnut, the falling auspicious energy is as majestic as the sea, and many secret powers emerge, which makes Xu Yu calm at once.

This ancient seal has a great secret. It becomes stronger when it encounters strength. When it hangs on the top of the head, it actually feels like it is immune to all calamities.
Liu Shen on the side also glanced at the Human Emperor's Seal, his eyes showing loyalty, but he didn't say much.


One of the bubbles burst, and a deafening sound came. Everything in the world seemed to explode, forming a terrifying force that swept across the world.

Broken, like worlds, suddenly erupting, this is an unstoppable violent attack.

This is a kind of unparalleled killing. Although it is very dreamy, it has terrifying murderous intent. You can imagine for a moment that an ancient world collapses, even if it is water vapor condensed by waves, how terrifying is the power of Tao transformation contained in this.


In the center of Xu Yu's eyebrows, the heaven-reaching sword energy bloomed, and the tactics of calming chaos reappeared, evolving into forbidden Taoist inscriptions, reflecting the center of the eyebrows and protecting one's body.

This is a forbidden technique. Although he rarely uses it, it has been repeatedly evolved by him and has incredible power.


Outside the Willow God's body, the leaves are flying, each piece is shiny, turning from green to golden, and then turned into one weaving roc after another, and then evolved into one after another real dragon, intertwined together to form a protective shield.

Then, Liu Shen's white clothes fluttered, and he began to form seals with his hands, one hand pointing to the sky, and the other hand pointing to the earth, and then slowly merged into one, and the stars in the sky emerged, disappeared in his hands, and turned into a divine disk.The small tower and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk vibrate, emit light, and the bubbles burst. There is no need to hold on, just protect yourself.

"Hold on! These bubbles and this primitive gate cannot last forever!"

Xu Yu shouted, and in the depths of his pupils, there was endless divine light. After watching for so long, he finally noticed the clues.

After hearing this, everyone looked awe-inspiring and quickly gathered together, completely switching from offense to defense, waiting for these bubbles and the Primordial Gate to dissipate.


Billions of rays of blazing light, filled with blood, penetrated all pervasively, pouring down from the portal and continuing to flow into the bubbles below.

Afterwards, many bubbles slowly closed and gathered together to form a huge bubble. It was like a big bloody cocoon, wrapping everyone inside, like a small world, turned into a prison.

"Open it for me!

Several people changed their colors and rushed forward, knowing that they had to break through. Various secret techniques were used in an instant. If they were simply guarding, they would definitely be wiped out by that kind of power.

And Xu Yu was also awe-inspiring. Although the Human Emperor Seal could temporarily protect him from falling into disaster, it also protected his legal body. It seemed that it could not last for too long. If he was trapped, it would probably be bad.

Several people looked at each other and took action together!

Endless divine light soared into the sky, carrying the aura of the great avenue, striking across the nine heavens and rising up!

Kunpeng strikes the sky, a real dragon leaps, wicker turns into a divine chain of order and rushes out, six divine lights destroy everything, heaven and earth are at peace, and chaos reigns!
The bright red door is still hanging in the air, not sinking, and extremely sharp, like a door to hell, with deep ghost energy, and the shadows of various creatures emerging above it, extremely ferocious.


At this moment, the blood-stained bubble suddenly exploded and turned into a red sea of ​​blood, covering the world and causing chaos in time and space.

The heaven and earth roared, the universe shook violently, and the bloody runes flashed, as if the ancient world exploded, and the whole world seemed to have become a melting pot.

This turns people off!
The red symbols became more intense, the sky was all red, and the bones and inscriptions were intertwined, making them extremely bright.

It was like a bloody ocean undulating, opening up an ancient world, and blasting down in an instant!

This is so terrifying, it has surpassed the power of complete immortality and reached an unbelievably terrifying level!
The unparalleled terrifying pressure surged like a tsunami, and several people changed their colors. If they didn't use taboo methods, they would probably be in danger.

"Open it for me!

Suddenly, Xu Yu's mind moved and he took control of the Human Emperor Seal!
The Human Emperor's Seal suddenly enlarged, swirling with endless auspicious energy, rushing upwards.

Endless brilliance soared into the sky, with a flash of light, chaotic air currents surged, and the sky and the earth were completely white. In an instant, the blazing light surged, and even Xu Yu's divine eyes could not detect it.

Not long after, the human seal became smaller and flew back, floating above its head again.

But when Xu Yu was able to explore the surroundings again, he was shocked to find that Liu Shen and Xiaota were nowhere to be seen and disappeared silently.

Liu Shen and Xiaota both disappeared!

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk appeared, flying from the chaotic mist in the distance, each corner flickering on and off, flashing with divine brilliance.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk is still there!
"The collision between your Human Emperor Seal and the bubble created void turbulence, and a void channel appeared, teleporting them away directly."

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk opened his mouth and said with some helplessness that he had witnessed all that, the turbulence of the void appeared, and the original gate also disappeared.

"Is it a void passage? Then where are they now..."

Xu Yu frowned. According to the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, just now the Human Emperor Seal exerted great power to collide with the bubbles and the Primordial Gate. The power was so powerful that it disrupted the order of heaven and earth, mutated, and opened a passage. , Teleporting Liu Shen and Xiaota away!
Xu Yu used his spiritual thoughts and looked at the world, but he couldn't sense the small tower. There was indeed Liu Shen's aura.

'No need to worry, with their ability, they can definitely save themselves! "The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk opened.

In this world, there are extremely heavy lead clouds everywhere, weighing down on the sky like mountains, making it difficult for people to stand up.

There is no sunshine, no moonlight, only a corner of the lead cloud above the sky occasionally shines through, and a few stars can be seen, and some light can be seen.

However, most of the time, this is a black and white world, without any brilliant brilliance, and always dim.

"This place is vast. If you want to find them again, it will probably be difficult." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk sighed again.

"I hope you're okay,

Xu Yu deduced and came to the conclusion that both Liu Shen and Xiaota were terrifying existences with a long history. Now that they have returned to this level, they will probably have some back-up plan that defies the will of heaven!
The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk says that this void turbulence is transmitted without distinction. It is possible that Liu Shen and others are still in this world, or they may have been transported back to the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, or even directly arrived at the Boundary Sea.

Xu Yu's heart is still calm. Even if the two of them reach the boundary sea and restore the Dao Fruit of the Immortal King level, they will not go to sea easily. After all, knowing the current situation of the ultimate land, everything will gradually go wrong. This way There is something strange in the world!
Suddenly, Xu Yu Yuanshen felt a slight tingling sensation, and a little light rain was about to fall out and return to the world.This is amazing. Now he can defeat the immortals, but the order of the world can affect him. (End of chapter)

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