Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 410: The Land of Wheels and Strange Girls

"Tactics of Peace!"

Xu Yu scolded lightly, his brows became clear, his forehead bones bloomed with auspicious colors, and a sword-shaped mark flickered on and off, flickering constantly to protect his true spirit and prevent it from passing away.

"This order of heaven and earth can actually deprive people of their soul and true spirit!" The Six Paths of Reincarnation was shocked and angry. As a god in his body, he was also affected.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk also bloomed with endless light, rippling out wisps of divine power against the will of heaven and earth.

"Could it be... Is this the real danger in this world?" Xu Yu looked solemn.

The order of this world is so weird that it can deprive people of their soul. Although it is not very strong, it has a profound and lasting impact. If you stay in this world for a long time, you will probably lose nothing.

If you do it, your soul will leave the body.

Fortunately, he and Xiaota were able to temporarily resist it due to their incredible skills.

The two of them traveled quickly, crossing the endless ancient territory, and in an instant, they were already millions of miles away.

This side of the world is shrouded in mist, and the world is in chaos, endless, and it seems there is no end in sight.

"This is a truly vast area. If we fly like this, even if the Supreme Fly for a lifetime, it seems that he will not be able to reach the end."

The divine light in Xu Yu's eyes was brilliant, shooting out wisps of fairy light into the distant sky, checking the surrounding scene.I don't know if this world is too vast, or if his divine eyes are also restricted, there are really not many things he can detect.

"This world is by no means as simple as the Primordial Gate. There must be other murderous intentions, such as this inexplicable order. There may be other murderous intentions!" Xu Yu said in a deep voice,

They walked all the way, and the world was dim. There were no animals or plants, but occasionally inexplicable corpses fell down. They were all extremely powerful. There were human beings and other races, but they only had skeletons left. The forehead bones seemed to have been damaged. caused irreversible damage.

"I have never experienced a battle, but I have been deprived of all my soul by the order of heaven and earth!" The Six Paths of Reincarnation sighed softly and came to this conclusion.

Soon after, they saw the black fog in the distance, a stone monument standing, and shadows all around.

There are many soul shadows, like ghosts,

"This place is indeed a place of right and wrong, and so many powerful people have died," the Six Paths of Reincarnation said in surprise.
Xu Yu approached, came to the huge stone tablet, and looked at the ancient characters on it. They were carved with ancient divine inscriptions and painted with silver hooks and iron. They were vigorous and powerful. It seemed that they were written by a supreme being.

"I came here after a narrow escape. I wonder if I will ever have the chance to return to my homeland." Such a sentence is left above, vaguely revealing loneliness and regret, as if there is endless desolation.

The signature is the word 'Tianyuan'.Tianyuan?
A man named Tianyuan is a Supreme Being!
Xu Yu was surprised, could it be the rumored Tianyuan Supreme?He seemed to have some impression and thought about it.

In the original trajectory, it seemed that there was his secret realm in the upper world. Later, Shi Hao was still in the secret realm of Tianta, and he even got an armor from the Thunder Emperor that he accidentally obtained while exploring the no-man's land.

"It's extraordinary that Supreme Tian Yuan can survive in this place." Xu Yu nodded, a little surprised that this Supreme Supreme Tian Yuan is really powerful.

He remembered that Supreme Tian Yuan was seriously injured and dying in the end, but he finally managed to break out of the no-man's land and brought back two pieces of golden paper, which were the inheritance of the Thunder Emperor.

Unfortunately, later on, Supreme Tianyuan failed to achieve nirvana, was seriously injured and died, and eventually died.

"It's not necessarily that ordinary supreme beings can't set foot in this place. It's also possible that they came in after encountering a crack in the void." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk spoke.

According to him, the deep area of ​​the Primordial Gate is very likely to be deeper in the uninhabited land of Sanqian Daozhou. If it is the supreme level, it may not be accessible.

But there are always accidents in the world. In this vast area of ​​light, there will occasionally be void turbulence, just like what Liu Shen and others encountered.

However, he does not appear permanently and is full of uncertainty. He may manifest after experiencing a war, or he may appear out of thin air. Everything is full of unknowns.

The two continued to move forward. Gradually, the haze in the sky seemed to be reduced a lot, and the gray lead clouds were no longer so thick.

Moreover, the mountains, rivers and swamps, the sun, the moon and the stars are all emerging. Except that the sky and the earth are still a little dim, there is almost no difference between this place and the outside world. It is like a brand new world behind the giant monument.

The land is boundless and vast, with majestic mountains reaching into the sky, surging rivers that leap hundreds of thousands of miles, and many secret lands with spiritual energy reaching into the sky.

"Could it be that there are living beings living here and a supreme inheritance? Xu Yu's eyes burned brightly as he explored all directions and was shocked.

Nowadays, animals and plants are found in these places.

What surprised him was that although there were ancient beasts and birds dormant, they all seemed to have no cultivation, no spiritual consciousness, and were unable to communicate at all. They were just like ordinary beasts, extremely weird...

Gradually, several months passed.

It was another quiet night, the sky was still hazy, and the earth was vast, as if a thin layer of smoke was lingering.

Xu Yu has been searching for more than half a month, but still has no results, and he doesn't know where he has arrived unknowingly.

This is astonishing. You must know that as a master at the level of the Emperor of Heaven, one thought can reach eight wastelands and span all the star fields. However, behind this primitive gate, he is like a traveler walking in the desert, and the distance is vast. .

When they arrived at a place, they finally encountered an abnormal situation and encountered dangerous dangers. Murderous intent swept across the sky, causing rocks and clouds to collapse everywhere!

In the distance, half of a majestic mountain collapsed, and a tattered bronze cart sped out, driven by several ceramic horse-drawn carts. It looked quite weird. A man wearing an ancient dragon robe and a rusty dragon crown on his head. The old man was sitting inside. His face was deathly gray and lifeless. There was an iron sword across his thigh, with a dazzling cold light.


"This is... the emperor of an immortal dynasty above the nine heavens!" The Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan was surprised and recognized that it was the uniform of an ancient royal family.

In the other direction, a skinny old monk walked slowly. He was golden, as if he were cast from gold. It was obvious that the Arhat's golden body had been cultivated to a very high level. He was covered with a rotting cassock. The momentum is amazing.

Behind him, streaks of golden light rose up, and a six-foot-long golden body with Buddhist cultivation was revealed. In fact, he had been incarnation for many years, and now he was just an ancient corpse.

"An ancient monk from the lineage of the Immortal Monk King!" Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk whispered, also moved.

"hold head high!"

A hundred-foot-tall silver giant ape, like a mountain, swallows the essence of heaven and earth, every time it surges like a tidal wave, its silver hair shimmers and shines. Behind him, there is a pair of silver flesh wings, and the silver light is entwined and blazing. To the extreme, it looks like a silver sun!

"This is...the Demonic Ape!"

Xu Yu's eyes flashed, this was also a supreme level ferocious ape, almost close to the fairyland, and it was closely related to the same race.

Demonic ape!
The demon ape in the lower realm is only in the realm of divine fire, but this demon ape is about to enter the fairyland.

It can be clearly sensed that these creatures are extremely powerful, no weaker than ordinary supreme beings. Each of them has a profound Taoist practice and has been hiding here for who knows how many years.
They all have one thing in common, the soul is gone and now it is just the physical body driving them to action.

A haze flashed in their hearts. They encountered many strong men whose souls had been stripped away along the way, but none of them could take action. Now something unusual happened.

The old emperor, the powerful ancient monk, and the demon god ape stared at each other with their auras rising into the sky, and they all came together to fight!
The ancient chariot roared and rumbled, with knife and ax marks and rust stains on it. The old emperor drove the ancient chariot and turned the iron sword, like a silver hanging down, chopping down.

A huge Buddha appeared out of thin air and appeared behind him. The golden Buddha's light seemed to be about to save all living beings. The sound of Zen chanting resounded throughout the world, as if the mist in the world was being purified by him.

Although this old monk died, he still had the magical power of the Immortal Monk, and it was quite pure.

The Demon God Ape flapped its flesh wings, holding a black war spear, and came over to kill, his eyes as cold as cold electricity, melting across the sky.

It can be clearly sensed that these creatures are extremely powerful, no weaker than ordinary supreme beings. Each of them has a profound Taoist practice and has been here for who knows how many years.

"Kill all the monsters and monsters!"

Xu Yu snorted coldly. As a creature at the top of the extreme realm, he has been pushed and pushed all the way since he was born. How could he ever be afraid?
The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk also wanted to take action, but was blocked by him. Now that the Six Paths of Reincarnation World Stone has not been completely integrated, his rash move would have a certain impact on his transformation.

He stepped directly away and turned into a floating light. Kunpeng spread his wings behind him and rushed away like clouds hanging from the sky.

His fists and palms intertwined, and he had tens of thousands of magical skills. He punched out many ancient seals, seeming to be suppressing all realms and wiping out all powerful enemies.

In a moment of eternity, ancient Zen chants and sacrificial sounds sounded, like an immortal war song, penetrating the boundless void and conquering all heavens and worlds.

The grass-character sword tactics, the true dragon method, and the Liu Shen method were played in succession. They were interconnected in a supreme and mysterious way, and were frighteningly powerful. Following the succession, they seemed to be opening up the world.

Xu Yu flicked his fingers and suppressed the ancient emperor's iron sword. He clenched it with five fingers, flew up and down, and beat it into blood mist, then exploded with a loud bang.

Even though these ancient corpses are extraordinary, how can they resist Xu Yu, who can defeat the immortals? He will continue to take action, but the demon god

The apes, as well as the powerful men of the Immortal Monk lineage, are all retreating;

"Haha, this time, the people who entered the Primordial Gate are really extraordinary." A clear voice came, seeming to come from the void, vague and uncertain.

"get out!"

Xu Yu's pupils opened and closed, and two beams of light fell, as if the world was evolving, collapsing, and spinning endlessly. He had already guessed just now that these powerful men who had lost their souls were controlled by others!
Pieces of ancient trees collapsed, and a huge horse stepped out from the distant sky, with clouds and smoke surging all over its body and a strong metallic light.

Supreme level hair appearance!
Xu Yu's eyes fell on Jun Ni's back. A girl was sitting on it. A pair of snow-white and slender jade legs were swaying lightly. He looked at Xu Yu with a smile.

This is a woman with peerless appearance, beautiful and pure, yet revealing endless temptation, like an angel fallen in the world.

This girl's eyes are as bright as autumn water, her temperament is holy and beautiful, her feet are not stained by a single strand of hair, they are slender and white.

"Such strength and so handsome are indeed good. Are you new here?"

The girl's smile was full of smiles, her autumn-like eyes flashed, and she looked at Xu Yu.

And Xu Yuyi's eyes flickered, looking at him, and her heart moved slightly. This girl is an immortal, and she actually has the aura of immortality flowing all over her body!

Although she was asking, there was no hint of doubt in her words. Xu Yu's eyes were slightly cold, but the Six Paths of Samsara snorted coldly and said: "You are so brave, you dare to involve yourself in harming us!"

Obviously, the Six Paths of Reincarnation also knew that those supreme-level beings were their puppets and were about to rob and kill them.

"Immortal King's magical weapon?"

The girl's eyes brightened slightly, and she looked at the reincarnation disk with interest.

"Well, if you can hold such a magical weapon, you will definitely win the first place in the competition in the City of Samsara. I will give up killing you and give you a chance. You can follow me and I will give you the chance to truly become an immortal!"

The city of reincarnation?Become an immortal!

Xu Yu's eyes shone with divine light, and he looked at each other with the Six Paths of Samsara Disk, their expressions solemn. This sentence revealed a lot of information.

As for the words to accept them as followers, they almost subconsciously ignored them.

Behind the Primordial Gate, there is indeed a real world that is unknown to outsiders, and there are powerful creatures dormant here, and they have built a city here.

What kind of existence are they?
What is the creation of immortality?If this news spreads to the outside world, it will definitely be shocking and cause an uproar.
The earth shook.

"The Land of Reincarnation is a city built by the Immortal King of the ancient monk lineage. The Land of Reincarnation will be opened again in about a year, and the creation of becoming an immortal is contained in this Land of Reincarnation."

Seemingly sensing Xu Yu's doubts, the girl spoke softly and explained with a smile.

"An ancient city built by the lineage of the Immortal Monk King!" Xu Yu's eyes flickered. This information was too shocking. The lineage of the Immortal Monk King actually left a city in this place.

He frowned slightly, and soon he remembered something about the ancient monk's lineage.

The representative figure of the ancient monk lineage is the Immortal Monk King. The Immortal Monk King is from the ancient monk lineage. His major is the immortal golden body, and he also studies the way of reincarnation.

It is said that he has gone very far on the road of reincarnation, and can even be said to be no weaker than the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation.

He once lost his Buddha nature, and at the same time he also surrendered the golden lion lineage, and even the Immortal Monk King once evolved into reincarnation. During the battle with the foreign land, the Buddha light of the Immortal Monk lineage bloomed, and all evils retreated, causing the foreign land to pay a huge price. A heavy price to pay!
What are the unknown secrets of this place? Why did the lineage of the Immortal Monk King leave a city here, and what is their intention?

The girl's autumn-like eyes blinked lightly, and her fair face was as crystal clear as jade, without any flaws. Her beauty was a bit dreamy, holiness and depravity merged into one, but it confounded all living beings!
"Why did the lineage of ancient monks leave the ancient city here?" Six Paths of Samsara asked.

"I don't know about this. Okay, you guys are talking too much! Think clearly about whether you want to be my follower! With your natural beauty, you may be able to seize the true destiny and fight for the immortal fate. !”

The girl's eyes flashed with brilliant light, falling from Junni's back, standing in the void, looking at Xu Yu and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk.

"Are you worthy of following you? You attacked and killed us earlier. Now why do you need to show off and want us to follow you? It's a joke!"

Xu Yu was still thinking, but the Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan spoke coldly and with extreme force. He once followed the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King, how could he succumb to a true immortal!
"However, the incomplete Immortal King's magic weapon is very arrogant. What do you... think?" The girl ignored the Six Paths of Reincarnation Panzer and looked at Xu Yu.

Xu Yu's black hair was disheveled and her face was very stern. She smiled slightly and said, "Following seems to be a good suggestion. I'm here for the first time, but I'm short of a maid. It's you!"

"Haha, you are very brave. Let's see if you are not as capable as me!"

The girl's tone was light and indifferent. She licked her lips. She was still holy and charming, but her tone also became colder.
She wanted to accept this man as a follower, but unexpectedly she was betrayed by a general and a supreme humane who betrayed her, which made even her anger surge in her heart.


Xu Yu directly formed a seal with his hands and clapped it hard, and a huge chaos seal appeared, flowing with chaotic light and magnifying at an extremely fast speed.

He directly chose to take action. There was nothing to say. He displayed such incredible skills in the first strike.

"What a heartless man..."

The girl smiled. It had to be said that this girl was extremely beautiful. It would not be an exaggeration to say that she was absolutely stunning. As her face showed, even the heaven and earth almost became brighter.

But then, her smile faded, and her eyes gradually turned cold again, adding a bit of coldness to her face, but with a charm that could confuse all living beings.


The girl raised her hand, and around it, dense stars appeared, flying out along her slender jade fingers. With a cold voice, she was about to suppress the man.

Meteorites rained down, beams of light split the sky, and struck along an inexplicable trajectory.Rushing towards Xu Yu, the immortal light surged. This was an extremely amazing method.

A meteorite falls from the palm of your hand!

Starlight condensed out, and meteorites fell in pieces, as if they were going to sink the world and wipe out all living things.

Xu Yu passed by each other in an instant, his palms glowed, his body was like a dragon flying into the sky, and he made a loud explosion. He raised his fist to charge, interweaving countless fist lights, and rushed up to resist the meteorite attack in the sky.

The sound of popping was endless, and many meteorites fell, but between Xu Yu's palms, they were all shattered and transformed into the laws of heaven and earth again.

Afterwards, the two of them got entangled together, their palms and fingers collided, and their emotions burst out.

Light, continuous duel, the whole world is trembling, vast swamps are turned upside down, continuous mountains explode, inexplicable aura disrupts time and space, and the demon apes and ancient monks who were controlled by her before retreated The strong person and her mount Junyi also shone brightly, and their terrifying aura roared to the heaven and earth, fighting with the six paths of reincarnation.

The two roared to the stars and the moon, traveled across the world, destroyed thousands of ways, and fought extremely fiercely.
"How could this be."

The girl stared at Xu Yu, with divine brilliance rippling in her pupils. He kept retreating, and white bones were exposed between the white palms. His hands were tattered and stained with blood.

And Xu Yu's shoulder was also pierced with a finger hole by the girl, and the crystal blood slowly dripped.

"The Immaculate Immortal Body really has a way!" Xu Yu whispered, the Immortal Meridian was running, and his whole body was glowing. In an instant, his blood rumbled, and he recovered.

This woman is much more terrifying than the three thousand immortals in Daozhou!

Xu Yushen eyes opened and closed, and the power of life and death emerged, and his heart was quite uneasy. This woman was much more powerful than the residual immortal, but she always gave him the feeling that she was not a flawless true immortal!
Although it is better than the residual immortal, it is a little less than the true immortal!

The girl's face was pale. She was a true immortal. Even though she was damaged, she could not help being a humane supreme being and was injured. This was unbelievable and made her doubt herself.


The girl continued to attack, with countless rays of light in her hand, and a piece of colored sand was scattered, like a river of stars flowing, it was very dreamy and colorful.

"Quickly retreat, don't touch those colored sands!" The Six Paths of Samsara were fighting, and when they saw this scene, they shouted in surprise.

Xu Yu stepped on Xuanbu, spread out the Kunpeng wings behind her, and avoided the river of stars. The colored sand did not know how heavy it was, and each one flowed through the void. It was very coquettish and beautiful, and it still flowed forward.

"This is made from the bone powder of the True Immortal Queen. If you touch it, you will die!" The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk reminded him with an extremely solemn expression.

The bone powder turned from the corpse of a true immortal is contaminated with its power of transformation. You can imagine how terrifying it is. If an ordinary supreme being is contaminated, it will directly fall into death!

Xu Yu's eyes flickered, and his divine eyes opened and closed into endless runes, forming a light curtain to protect his body.

Then, a bow and arrow flew out, shining with fairy light, and landed in Xu Yu's hand. It was the fairy treasure formed by the previous source of Tao - the fairy bow! (End of chapter)

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