Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 412 Descendants of the War Sword King

<Among them, an immortal king has experienced that battle and has not appeared in this life since he was in seclusion. Some people suspect that he has already sat in the ancient land of that clan.

"The place of reincarnation!"

On the huge city gate, there are several vigorous and powerful characters engraved on it. The light of Buddha fills the air, and there is an aura of immortality circulating.

"The lineage of ancient monks..."

Xu Yu whispered, her eyebrows slightly condensed, like the edge of a sharp sword, flickering and stirring, she saw everything through the Bronze Immortal Palace.

He remembered that in the Bianhuang Heavenly Beast Forest, there was a reincarnation pool left by the lineage of ancient monks. He did not expect that there was also a place of reincarnation here.

"The lineage of ancient monks has always wanted to evolve reincarnation, but I didn't expect that there would be a place for them here!" The Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan spoke, remembering some past events.

The Immortal Monk King of the ancient monk lineage also had a friendship with the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation. They discussed the way of reincarnation together, studied reincarnation, and regarded each other as confidants.

It is a pity that in the last years of Immortal Ancient times, the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Immortal Monk King fell one after another, and the Great Way of Reincarnation also ended without a cure.

Several people continued to move forward, wanting to enter the city, but the closer they got, the more they felt a powerful pressure sweeping through their bodies.

But Xu Yu and others, driving the Bronze Immortal Palace, continued to move forward unhurriedly.

Not far away, several Supremes turned pale and could no longer get closer.


It can be clearly seen that the bones in the bodies of those people are breaking, the flesh and blood are deformed, and there are cracks in them, as if they are about to collapse.

Blood flowed from the wound and dyed the ground red. Their faces turned pale and they had to withdraw.
"How can all cats and dogs enter the land of reincarnation? If you can't even get close to the city gate, how can you have any chance of winning in the decisive battle?" Someone shouted coldly.

"The ancient monks are of the same lineage and have an immortal golden body. This is indeed their style. If this is used as a test, it will be justified," the Six Paths of Samsara Pan nodded.The Immortal Monk King back then was famous for his physical tyranny. His golden body was indestructible. He stood there with his six-foot-long golden body motionless. No one could attack him. He was so powerful.

"It has long been impossible to verify when this city was built and what era it originated from. Could it be that it was really built by the original Immortal Monk King." Someone whispered.

"Not necessarily, the lineage of ancient monks has an extremely long history. Before the Immortal Monk King, there was a lineage of ancient monks."

Xu Yu's face was serious. This place seemed to be even more extraordinary than imagined!

"What a blessing. I didn't expect that there is still fresh blood now!" Suddenly, a loud laugh came out!
At this moment, a bursting sound was heard, and a man wearing silver-white armor with an icy sheen appeared across the sky, like a torrent of steel, rushing across the sky and rushing towards the Bronze Immortal Palace!

Others were approaching the city step by step, but he was riding a blue dragon, whizzing past, looking at the wolf like an eagle, and his eyes were sharper than a sword from the sky.

"Presumptuous, who do you think you are!" Xu Yu snorted coldly. This man actually had murderous intentions towards him for no reason at all.

But now he also understood why Yun Jin wanted to intercept and kill him. It turned out that he was a new person who entered the primitive gate. He was full of soul and had a deep temptation towards them.

"Dare you speak to me like this? Newcomer, I think your soul will be of great help to me!" the man in silver armor said coldly, with a surging aura and extremely powerful divine power.

There were more than 100 people arriving in this majestic giant city, and they were all alone. Everyone seemed to be the protagonist of the place, and they were all outstanding among them. When they heard someone conflicting, they all showed surprise.


Most of them are supreme beings, and only a few are true immortals. Of course, their souls are incomplete and incomplete.

The number of creatures that have come here exceeds a thousand, and now less than one-tenth of them have passed the preliminary test.
Many people's expressions changed suddenly. Did this Supreme Master who controlled the Bronze Immortal Palace just recently enter the Primordial Gate?
Many people looked at the Bronze Immortal Palace with burning eyes, and their hearts were burning. They had just arrived here, and their soul power was full of vitality. It was really a great tonic for them.

In an instant, many people were eager to take action.


The next moment, a finger pointed out, and the boom amplified, like a pillar of heaven collapsing, hitting the blue dragon, making him wail and collapse into a ball of blood mist.

"You... are simply looking for death!" The silver-armored man was furious. As soon as the other party pointed it out, his mount exploded. Just when he was about to take action against Xu Yu.


Right now.The big bell seems to have come from thousands of years ago, and then the Zen chanting sounds, purifying people's souls, making people feel more and more peaceful, and the world
During this time, all murderous intent was purified.Everyone was shocked, the ancient monk's lineage indeed had amazing methods.

The man in silver armor also suppressed his anger and did not take action immediately.

"The Land of Reincarnation is open!" someone exclaimed.


The ancient city gate creaked open, extremely heavy.

The door to reincarnation is wide open, and a brand new world slowly unfolds, flowing with golden light and filled with auspiciousness.

At this moment, everyone's expressions were slightly condensed. They saw through the infinite golden light and saw several old monks, bathed in the Buddha's glory, walking out of the city gate with solemn treasures.

Then, Xu Yu and others also walked out of the Immortal Palace, and their true bodies appeared, because he stepped into the ancient city and needed to be tested.

Then, the few remaining ancient monks actually sacrificed a stone mirror directly. It was one foot high, hanging to the east, and had seven words across it: "There are no good people in front of the evil mirror!"

Evil mirror!
"The most precious treasure of the ancient monk's lineage!" Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk exclaimed, with a solemn expression.

It is said that the Evil Mirror Platform is made up of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. When a person's soul comes here, it can shine on its own face, and everything has nowhere to hide.

The faces of many powerful men were solemn. Many of them had heard of this treasure, but they did not expect that it was no longer in Jiutian, but living here.

Xu Yu's eyes flickered, and with a quick glance, he noticed that Yun Jin's expression looked slightly unnatural.

"This is an immortal weapon from the lineage of ancient monks that is older than the era of the Immortal Monk King!"

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk whispered, unable to remain calm. The lineage of ancient monks was not created by the Immortal Monk King, but there was already a lineage of ancient monks before it.

"Evil Mirror Platform!"

Xu Yu's eyes flickered, but a turbulent wave arose in his heart. This is the legendary treasure in the underworld that can illuminate the causes and consequences of people.

"Mostly to prevent creatures from foreign lands from sneaking in." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk explained after thinking for a moment.

"Other creatures from the ancient world!"

Suddenly, an old monk spoke, his snow-white eyebrows trembling, and he looked at Yun Jin with surprise in his eyes.

The ancient Buddha's eyebrows actually opened a gap, emitting a ray of light that seemed to be able to illuminate everything, and he continued to look at Yun Jin.

"What, other creatures from the ancient world! Are they people from a foreign land?" Someone exclaimed, with a look of disbelief on their face. That beautiful girl actually came from a hostile foreign land.

"It's not a foreign land, but a different world. It's also an ancient world, no weaker than Jiutian." The old monk looked at the crowd and explained calmly.

Many people’s expressions changed!

In addition to foreign lands, fairy realms, and their current ancient world, are there other supreme ancient worlds?

Xu Yu's eyes flashed, this Yun Jin was actually a creature from other ancient worlds?What kind of place is that? It seems that it has never been mentioned in the original work.

When Xu Yu asked her secretly, Yun Jin was also vague and didn't want to say more.

"The origins of all the donors are clear. Their appearance and quality have been rare in ancient times. Please come with me." The old monk's voice came. He did not explain much about the ancient world.

The old monk's face was calm, and after investigating, he seemed to be relieved.

"Enter the city!"

More than 100 people moved forward, either on their mounts or on foot.

The city is empty, but there are many Buddhist temples standing there, emitting the light of Buddha. Occasionally, some old monks sit cross-legged, but they are all covered in dust, as if they have passed away.

When Xu Yu closed her eyes, she would have a strange perception. The land of reincarnation seemed to stand in the eternal void, vaguely filled with immortal brilliance and mist.

"Sooner or later I will kill you!" The man in silver armor looked at Xu Yu coldly, unable to take action before the decisive battle in the ancient city.

"Idiot, enjoy the last time of your life!" Xu Yu said a word and walked away lightly, making the man in silver armor look livid.

Half a month later, a bell rang,
"Everyone, prepare for the decisive battle, the battle of life and death is about to begin!" An old monk shouted the Buddha's name, spreading throughout the cities, making many people's hearts tremble, it is finally about to begin!

Are you coming?

In the land of reincarnation, murderous intent permeated the air. This battle was simply unavoidable, and many people had cold eyes.

The Three Life Stones concern the immortal foundation and the method of transcendence in the future, making everyone gear up and excited.

The battle platform of life and death in the land of reincarnation is located on the clouds. It is said that it will never sink, is vast, and is solid and immortal. It is enough to support the battle between immortals without worrying about devastating disasters.

At the same time, almost everyone walked outside, fighting spirit surging like the sea.The silhouettes of the supreme immortals from all sides were like gods and demons, standing outside the battle platform, gushing out their energy and blood like real dragons.

No one who can enter this place is weak!
This was a strange sight. A bloody light as thick as a mountain shot out from everyone's Heavenly Spirit Cap, penetrating the sky like a dragon, and the momentum was terrifying.

The Land of Reincarnation, the Battle Stage of Life and Death, is a huge martial arts arena made of chaos stones. Each stone may have a story.

There are knife marks and arrow holes on it, and the blood is mottled. I don't know how many peerless masters have stood here, fighting to split the sky and fight to the death.

The vast martial arts field stretches as far as the eye can see. Many stones are engraved with the names of strong men, and cracks can be seen everywhere. It is very much like an ancient battlefield.

Whenever you come here, you will feel something in your heart, as if you have experienced thousands of battles in one moment, and feel the energy of the dead masters. Even a strong immortal will feel his heart throbbing.

"It's so scary. How many strong men's blood has been stained in this place!"

"The immortals are immortal. Millions of years ago, the unparalleled warriors fought against Yuntian. They were astonishing and talented. Finally, they won the title, ascended to the throne of immortals, and left this place!" The martial arts field in the land of reincarnation is really a very special place. , when it opens once every million years, there will be a shocking showdown.

I don't know how many great figures died here, leaving behind one eternal legend after another, making those who experienced it sigh.

The Supreme Realm and the True Fairy Realm competed separately. The first duel was the Supreme Realm. A young man roared and turned into a

Blazing Flame landed on the life-and-death battle stage, stood with his hands behind his back, glanced at the heroes, and said: "Whoever is dissatisfied, just come up!"

These seven words can be said to be quite arrogant. Looking down at the strong men from all sides, you must truly test the sword in the world!
A clear sword sound came, and a long sword appeared in his hand.

"He has the bloodline of the Immortal Phoenix Clan." Someone whispered. This young man was very powerful and had the bloodline of the Ten Fierce Clan. Otherwise, he would not have dared to be the first to take the stage.

"The rats are rampant!" came a loud shout.hold head high!

The sky dragon roared, the sun and the moon were in the sky, the rain of time danced, dispelling the darkness, and a man descended, holding a heavenly sword in his hand, it was the man in silver armor.

"Dao Wuhen, it turns out he is Dao Wuhen!" someone exclaimed, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"He is...a descendant of the Sword King's lineage!"


The Supreme Being with the bloodline of the Immortal Phoenix shouted loudly, the clanging sword rang in the sky, the chaos of the ten thousand ways was extremely sharp, each sword cut out the mark of the great road, like the heavenly road falling down!

The sword rang loudly, and a ray of sword light illuminated the nine heavens and ten earth. There was a vast expanse of white between the sky and the earth, covering thousands of miles of sky.


Sweeping down from the sky and covering the earth, crushing all visible creatures, making everyone horrified. He came up with a decisive blow, and did not want to fight for hundreds or thousands of rounds. He used the most powerful attack holy technique, the sword light bloomed, like the Milky Way falling down, the terror is boundless .

Dao Wuhen raised the sword with fearless power, his killing energy was like the sea, and he destroyed the powerful enemy. More than 300 moves passed, and finally the strong man with the Suzaku bloodline was penetrated through the head and was completely killed.

"It's scary, it's so scary. It is said that Dao Wuhen's ancestor has reached the depths of the boundary sea. Even in the boundary sea, he is still the king and ancestor. No wonder his strength is so terrifying!" Someone's heart palpitated.

"You... come here, I'll take your head!
Dao Wuhen said indifferently, holding a long knife and pointing at Xu Yu!
The sword stands without a trace!

His hair is thick, his beauty is luxuriant, and he is dressed in silver armor, flowing with brilliant brilliance. He is like a king coming to the throne, with a powerful and fascinating aura.There were wisps of inexplicable aura flowing through his body. He practiced the King of Swordsmanship and walked in the supreme realm. It seemed that he had reached the ultimate level.At its peak.

Descendants of the Sword King!

This identity was so terrifying that many people present looked solemn.

There are rumors that Dudu Sword King has long been a giant of the Immortal King, and now he may even be involved in the emperor's domain. How can his descendants be ordinary!
"Since you like to seek death so much, then I will come and take off your head myself!"

Xu Yu laughed, jumped up, and appeared on the platform of life and death like a real dragon flying across the sky. He put his hands on his back, his eyes were bright, and a terrifying divine light emitted, with the great power of life and death.

"The Ultimate Supreme One!"

"A very terrifying existence, it seems to be related to some kind of taboo!"

"So strong, not weaker than ordinary true immortals."

Everyone looked at Xu Yu with serious expressions.

I didn’t expect this young man to be so powerful!
"So what, the Supreme Supreme Being? Can you beat the immortal sword in my hand?" Dao Wuhen laughed, his eyes filled with blazing light and unparalleled strength.Some of the Supremes and True Immortals also had serious expressions on their faces. Dao Wuhen was so famous. How could this young man be able to stop him even though he was the Supreme Supreme of the Supreme Dao?
The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, Yun Brocade, and all the old gods were at ease. They knew that Xu Yu was frightened and were not worried about it. They once tried to correct the flaws and watched quietly without saying a word.

"What is the origin of this young man? He must be extraordinary.

"What a spirit of Nongyou. This person has reached this level even though he is not very old in practicing Taoism. It is amazing."

"Well, I heard it seems that he only recently entered the primitive gate!
Everyone was talking a lot and looked incomprehensible, looking at Xu Yu in Ruoyi's position.

Everyone whispered to each other and talked softly.In fact, almost every one of them has an extraordinary origin, and some are descendants of the Changsheng family.

Some are heads of clans, and even descendants of immortal kings.

Therefore, it is said that their methods are heaven-defying, and they have heaven-defying fortune. Many people can rely on their heaven-defying methods and lie dormant for many years, just to inherit the land of reincarnation.

"Myths are meant to be shattered. Any genius is just rotten flesh and a pile of withered bones under my knife."

The knife leaves no trace and is cold and sharp. He holds a sharp long knife, which is like the condensed form of a galaxy.

The overwhelming killing intent caused the temperature in the world to drop, and the icy cold wind howled across the world, chilling to the bones.

"How dare you, the clown, how dare you bark?" Xu Yu said coldly, her tone gentle and not offensive.

"You... are looking for death!" Dao Wuhen's eyes stood up and he took action directly.

The long sword slashed backwards, and the sharp sword light swept past, the universe was cut off, the heaven and earth were split, the scene was too terrifying, the vast sword energy almost crushed the void.

This horror is beyond everyone's imagination, even people at the level of true immortals show signs of astonishment.Then his eyes became serious.


At this moment, Xu Yu's whole body was blooming with infinite light, like an immortal king igniting a bright fire, and he walked away calmly,

This is a kind of sonorous footsteps, just like the beating of heavenly war drums. Just hearing the footsteps is enough to make people's blood flow and their fighting spirit soar into the sky!
He slowly raised one hand, seemingly dragging up the entire sky, causing the stars to dim, the sun and the moon to lose light, and an indescribable aura to instantly rise and rain.

The vast air of the sword fell down, which was an extremely terrifying force. The secret of the sword's original path flowed, and countless large cracks were cut into the void.


Xu Yu raised her hand firmly and looked at the void with a gentle touch. It seemed ordinary, but there was a power that turned into immortality.

The next moment, the vast sword energy cracked, and then exploded with a bang, the sharp edge splashed, penetrated the gold and cracked the stone, and the entire life and death battle platform was wiped out.Like rags, it was cut open with hideous black cracks. The sight was astonishing.

"It's too weak, Queen Sword King, nothing more than that!

Looking down at Dao Wuhen, his pupils were extremely deep, calm and contemptuous.

Perhaps Dao Wuhen was scary in front of other supreme beings, but in front of people like Xu Yu who followed his own path, he seemed a bit underwhelming.

At this time, Xu Yu's hand was already at eye level, and then he turned his palm and pressed it towards Dao Wuhen in the distance. The Tao Qi intertwined and the heaven and earth boiled.

It is difficult to describe the majesty of this hand. The entire platform of life and death was dimmed in an instant. The whole world seemed to be plunged into darkness. Only an invisible big hand appeared at this time.

This big hand wielded the sword Wuhen and directly suppressed it. All the Supremes and True Immortals changed their colors, as if the entire sky was falling down, annihilating all living beings.

Yun Jin's pupils shrank, and this seal also fell into her eyes. This man was really amazing. When he fought against Du, he seemed to have some spare power but didn't use it.

Everyone watched the big hand seal fall. The move seemed slow, but it seemed to travel through layers of void. One moment it was above the nine heavens, and the next moment it appeared above the head of the descendant of the sword master.

"Seal the world with your sword!
Dao Wuhen changed color, holding the long knife in his hand, he let out a loud roar, his hair flying, and the blood all over his body surged.

The immortal sword in his hand also became full of consciousness, almost burning, and the terrifying aura swept across the sky.

The sword light is vast and splashes out, the sky and the earth collapse, and the black hole is destroyed. This scene is too terrifying. Eternity and immortality seem to be not enough under this sword!

After just a moment of stagnation, the sword light collapsed again and exploded into pieces. The big hand seal seemed heavy and slow, but it reached the extreme and was pressed down again, reducing the severity like a prison.

One person and one knife flew out like straw, faster than the meteor, and there was blood and wine in the sky, accompanied by the sound of broken muscles and bones!

"How is it possible? The Sword King's lineage is invincible in ancient and modern times, how can it be suppressed!

Is Dao Wuhen powerful? He has never suffered a defeat since he was born, but now he is suppressed. He often uses forbidden skills, but he has been able to resolve them. He has also been injured.

"Even if the sword master is in your realm, he has no chance of winning against me. He needs to bow his head and kowtow step by step!"

Xu Yu said lightly, his tone was sonorous, like the sound of a sword, showing invincible confidence, and looked at Dao Wuhen. (End of chapter)

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