Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 413 Descendants of the War Sword King

"Impossible, the ancient ancestor is invincible, even the boundary sea cannot stop him!" Dao Wuhen stood up slowly with a long knife, his temples were stained with blood, and there were blood marks on his forehead, but his momentum became stronger. A strong sense of oppression.

"Who dares to call himself invincible in front of me?"

Xu Yu stepped like a dragon, made fist seals and struck to kill, faster than lightning. Although it was only the simplest strength, it possessed astonishing power.

His fists are blazing and full of energy, exuding an eternal aura, as if he is creating the world, and his divine power is invincible!
In fact, at his current level, he does not deliberately operate Taoism. Every move embodies the general trend of heaven and earth, which can control the world and destroy ten thousand ways.


Dao Wuhen flew out again, blood spattered on his shoulder, and a punch hole penetrated almost torn half of his shoulder.

Everything is quiet!

Many people stared blankly at this scene, feeling shocked in their hearts. They were beating Dao Wuhen like a son!
As powerful as the descendant of the Sword King, equivalent to the supreme supreme of the imperial clan in a foreign land, he was completely at a disadvantage, suppressed to death, and had no ability to fight back.

But the mysterious strong man who had just stepped into the primitive gate was extremely powerful and had an invincible aura.

"I am invincible!"

Dao Wuhen shouted loudly, his head filled with rage, his eyes streaming with blood and tears. His body was like a broken porcelain, ready to shatter at any time, but with a roar, he burst out with immeasurable light, forcibly pushing his strength to an extreme peak again.

"Glory to the heavens and destroy eternity!"

In an instant, there seemed to be only a ray of light left between heaven and earth.

That was the unparalleled magical power passed down by the King of Swords. Many people's expressions changed. Many people had heard the legend of the King of Swords.

The original Sword King used this magical power to transform into the Immortal King's Heavenly Sword. He once killed several immortal kings and made them bleed into the starry sky!

The sky was filled with sword light, chaos intertwined, and the heaven and earth rumbled and shook.

Dao Wuhen's figure was blurry and dim, and turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared into his long knife.Suddenly, the aura of the long knife exploded, and the power was intertwined. It seemed that it could destroy thousands of miles of galaxies and destroy the boundless starry sky.

This sword already had the youthful charm of the sword king, and everyone was in a daze. How strong was the sword light that created this sword?
Man and knife united!

"Everything under my fist is just dirt!"

Xu Yu shouted loudly, his hair on the temples dancing, and his eyes suddenly became blazing, as if he could penetrate the sky of the universe.

With a soft cry, the phantom of a Kunpeng emerged, just like the real Kunpeng resurrected. It spread its wings, setting off continuous ripples in the void, and killed Dao Wuhen.

At the same time, his eyes glowed, and a curtain of light rose up, filling the air with chaos, protecting his body.

Xu Yu swung his fist to kill, and there was a sacred light lingering on the edge of the fist, and all kinds of strange images of a real dragon, an immortal phoenix, a unicorn, and a nine-leaf sword grass appeared.

Behind him, he could vaguely see a dim small world, with energy and blood as sharp as the sea, and six divine disks rotating, birth and death, and the immortal breath emerging.

He had a clear mind, and he gathered many techniques together and condensed them into the fist, which suddenly made him enlightened.

The fist light and the sword light collided together, and a blazing light bloomed, like a divine sun exploding, illuminating the universe.He shook the immortal sword with his bare hands, his body was like an immortal king, and his fist was like a sword. A brilliance that was difficult to see directly burst out between the two, brighter than the divine sun.

Xu Yu circulated the Immortal Sutra, and a faint golden light flowed all over his body, blessing him, making his divine power almost immortal.

He was vaguely surprised that the Immortal Sutra moved freely and fit him perfectly, as if it was made for him by nature.

One person soared into the sky with one sword, fighting all the way through with divine power like a sea, the sky boiling, after a hundred moves, the sword dimmed, and the state dropped.


Dao Wuhen's figure instantly fell from the sword and could no longer hold up.

Xu Yu raised his big hand, his five fingers were like heavenly knives or fairy swords, and his crystal breath flowed slowly, just like the stars in the sky.

Dao Wuhen roared, and his body finally exploded, dripping with blood.


The heavenly sword seemed to be mourning, but it actually made a whistling sound, soared from the ground into the sky, turned into a river of stars, and fell down for the final blow!
"It's just a weapon, but it wants to defy heaven?"

Xu Yu raised his brows slightly, his eyes gleaming with murderous light.

He opened his five fingers, and five rays of divine light rushed out from them, like a rainbow penetrating the sun. They all hit the fairy sword and made a sonorous sound.


The supreme sword shattered into five pieces!
At this moment, everyone was horrified. This person was so terrifying that even if he searched ancient history, he could not find a few of them. He smashed the fairy sword to pieces with his bare hands!

"Who dares to fight me?"

On the battle stage of life and death, Xu Yu's clothes were fluttering and he looked at everyone with a calm expression, without any excitement or joy at all. It seemed as if he just crushed an ant to death.

He aims at the Three Life Stones and doesn't want to waste any more time.

For a moment, there was silence, and many Supreme Beings hesitated. The scene was silent, and no one dared to answer.

Dao Wuhen has fallen, how many people dare to surpass him?
Moreover, this man did not seem to be hurt. For a while, many people fell silent.

Because he was unscathed and in peak condition, who could compete with him.

Vaguely, he actually had the potential to be invincible.

As time passed, he stood there and already shocked the heroes.

"I come!"

Finally, a big man with a beard appeared, landed down, held a mace, and swung it, crushing the mountains and killing them.

But after just a few moves, his whole body was broken and his bones were broken. There was blood flowing out of his mouth and nose. This man was decisive and said directly: "Stop, I admit defeat!"

Xu Yu stopped after hearing this. This man was considered upright and he did not kill anyone.

Afterwards, several more supreme beings came to challenge one after another, but most of them were defeated and simply gave up. Xu Yu did not make it difficult for them. There were also some who were dissatisfied and clamored. Xu Yu sent them directly to the afterlife.


"I'm coming to meet you!"

A golden snake landed on the ring system. The snake's tail was on the ground, standing upright, with golden scales flashing all over its body. It spit out snake bites and hissed. The most terrifying thing was that his whole body was covered with blood.

The chaotic energy makes people shudder.

"Chaos Golden Snake!" Some people changed their colors, and some people recognized the origin of this golden snake.

"The bloodline of the Chaos Golden Snake is actually still in the world. They are the descendants of the Chaos Soaring Snake. When the ancestral blood is restored to the extreme, it may be able to stand alongside the true dragon."

"Back then, the founder of this clan had a very ferocious reputation. He killed countless true immortals and was just one step away from becoming the Immortal King."

Everyone was shocked. The bloodline of the Chaos Golden Snake really had an astonishing origin. They were the descendants of the Chaos Soaring Snake. No wonder they were so powerful. In this situation, they dared to take action.

"Haha, fresh blood, I can feel it. Your soul is very delicious. It is impossible for you not to be damaged in continuous battles. I will harvest it!"

"You have the secret skill of a real dragon. If you offer it to me as a sacrifice, I may consider sparing your life!" The chaotic golden head looked indifferent.


Snake Xinzi vomited slightly, and unexpectedly another golden light shot out, slashing towards Xu Yu's head like a bolt.

"call out"

Xu Yu's eyes were filled with divine light, and he shot out two dragon-shaped light beams, slashing straight at the Pi Lian, causing him to explode on the spot.The two people soared into the sky and turned into two deep rays of light that were entangled together and kept colliding. In the blink of an eye, more than 200 moves had passed.

This is surprising. Most people were defeated by Xu Yu in just a few moves, but this golden snake could actually stay with him for so long.

The body of the Chaos Golden Snake is in the shape of a snake. With a slight swing, it splits the void. This is a true teleportation technique. It is trapped in chaos and cannot be grasped.

His ancestor is the quasi-immortal king Soaring Snake. Flying is their most primitive instinct and secret skill. It can be called a kind of extreme speed that few people in ancient times can match.

"too slow!"

Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed, and the runes in his eyes filled with terrible fluctuations. A beam of light locked the position of the Chaos Golden Snake and rushed out instantly!

Suddenly a cold voice sounded in his ears, and then he felt a sharp pain in his body. He was hit by Xu Yude's divine eye. Golden scales flew, blood spattered, and he was broken into two pieces!
"You..." He was shocked and moved sideways, but Xu Yu arrived first and raised his hand to strike. His palms were clanging and turning suddenly, turning him into a blood mist.

The Chaos Golden Snake falls!

"Who else? Feel free to come up!"

Xu Yu stood proudly on the life-and-death battle platform and glanced at the many supreme beings calmly.

This time, there was silence, and no one spoke for a long time.

Many supreme beings were silent. This person was too powerful and it seemed that no one could control him.

Of course, some people were dissatisfied. They felt that a newcomer had suppressed some of their supreme geniuses who had been dormant for many years. Naturally, they felt depressed.

"What about that one? Can he defeat the mysterious powerhouse?" Someone asked in a low voice, looking in one direction.

There, there was a young man with a very young face, but a head full of white hair, and a look of vicissitudes of life in his eyes.

Jinghong Supreme!

Speaking of his name, maybe some people in the outside world know it, but here, his reputation is too terrifying.

One million years ago, in the supreme battle in the land of reincarnation, he was defeated by Zhan Yuntian with half a move. He had no chance to observe the Sansheng Stone.

You must know that the previous Zhan Yuntian was the one who won the first place in the Supreme Realm. He was only half inferior, which was disappointing, but now he has appeared again.

Many Supremes looked expectant, hoping that he would take action.

"I am no match for him. Even if I can fight, I will lose."

The white-haired young man opened his mouth in shock and admitted it without feeling any shame.

"Perhaps, he is no longer invincible in the human realm. In my opinion, most of Zhan Yuntian back then, who is in the same realm, is probably no match for him." He added.

When he said this, many people's hearts suddenly trembled.
Not even Yun Zhantian of this realm can match him. Is there such a person in the world?
Soon, the supreme arena came to an end, and an ancient monk personally announced Xu Yu's victory, which was an end.

Next, is the immortal level arena battle.

However, the supreme winner will enter the real place of reincarnation first, beside the Three Life Stone.And the immortal figures, the winners, will also follow
After the Supreme Master completed his enlightenment on the Three Life Stones, he was transported into the land of reincarnation, but this had nothing to do with Xu Yu.


At this moment, there was a buzzing sound, and the life and death battle platform shone, quickly forming a portal, and a ray of light swept in, bringing with it a dense brilliance.

"Beside Sansheng Stone, the land reaches the sky!" Xu Yu's eyes were focused, and he vaguely heard a Taoist voice coming, and he knew that the real creation was coming.

Break through the realm of humanity and achieve immortality, just this time!
A beam of light struck him, and Xu Yu's figure turned directly into a ray of fairy light, disappeared into the portal, and then disappeared into the battle stage of life and death...

On the life-and-death battle stage, Xu Yu's figure completely disappeared. He was caught up in a fairy light and submerged into the portal.

Many supreme beings are a little envious. It is a place of great creation. In just a short moment, people can experience endless years and gain huge benefits.

It is vaguely visible that the portal is very bright, with purple air lingering, seven-color auspicious clouds falling, the fairy palace rising and falling, the stars turning, blooming with immortal light.

"In the past, after Zhan Yuntian entered this place, it didn't take long before he was already in the realm of immortality. He broke away from this world and truly transcended above."

"This mysterious man is very powerful. I wonder where he will go?"

"At the very least, you can break through the supreme realm! Reaching the true fairyland is not a problem!"

Everyone was talking, whispering, and speculating, but soon they stopped paying attention because the Immortal War was about to begin.


After Xu Yu disappeared, he came to a brand new world, but it surprised him.

The sky and the earth are silent, thousands of miles of drowsiness, as if they have reached the transition of death. He took a quick glance just now and clearly saw a hazy fairy palace inside the portal, standing in the clouds. How could it be a different scene?
Endless death aura filled the air, and the vast sky and earth were in silence. This place was broken, as if another star had fallen and smashed the earth into an endless pit.

He used his divine eyes to explore, the divine light in his eyes was brilliant, and the runes were intertwined, analyzing and deducing this world.

At his current level, the power of the Divine Eye has reached its peak in this field. Many times, everything can be traced back to its origin.

Preliminary judgment shows that this is actually a brand new world. It seems to be far away from the battle stage of life and death in the land of reincarnation, as if it is a world apart.

" this place?" Six rays of reincarnation rushed out of Xu Yu's body, and six rays of divine light rotated and disappeared into the sky, also exploring this world.

"According to ancient sayings, the Three Life Stones are related to the underworld..." Xu Yu's heart was awe-inspiring. Could this have anything to do with the real underworld?This vast land is like an ancient underworld.

"Could it be the real underworld?" Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk murmured, seeming to recall something, and said with some incredible surprise.

"What do you know?" Xu Yu's mind suddenly moved. This guy was chasing him.

Following the Immortal King of Reincarnation, he probably has control over many unknown secrets.

"The Immortal Monk King once discussed Tao with the Reincarnation Immortal seems to have mentioned the underworld!" The Six Paths Reincarnation Pan thought for a while.

According to him, the Immortal Monk King once visited the Immortal King of Reincarnation. The two discussed reincarnation and reincarnation and mentioned the underworld.

It seems that there once was an ancient monk who was even older than the Immortal Monk King. He wanted to build an underworld to accommodate the heroic spirits of the world and reorganize the order of this world. It seems that he even took action.

"Even longer than the Immortal Monk King, have you ever practiced establishing an underworld?" Xu Yu was a little surprised, very surprised.

"Not bad." Six Paths of Samsara nodded.However, according to what he said, it seems that the ancestor of the Immortal Monk King did not succeed, and the ancient monk disappeared in the end, and his life and death are still uncertain.

"There is such an outstanding person, and it seems that the outside world doesn't know about it!" Xu Yu sighed softly.

"Yes, the lineage of the Immortal Monk King and the Ancient Monk may have origins far beyond what the world knows..." the Six Paths of Reincarnation said.

"Maybe... this is the 'underworld' built by the old monk back then. It seems to have failed, but it is also extremely defiant." Xu Yu whispered.

In this way, it can be initially explained that the place of reincarnation was built by ancient monks.

Xu Yu and Liu Dao Samsara Pan all looked incomprehensible and kept moving forward, looking at the land to find the location of the Three Life Stones.

The vast land is like being in another universe, death is the eternal theme, and the black land is endless.

He frowned slightly and saw many shocking scenes. This world seemed to have no end. Under those deep pits, there were still many corpses. Even if the souls were destroyed, the smell of the bones was extremely terrifying.

According to his observation, these corpses were extremely powerful during their lifetime, including many supreme beings and even true immortals.

He didn't dare to slack off, his blood was surging all over his body, and his divine eyes opened to the sky, turning into a screen of light to protect him. This place was so strange that he had to take it seriously, otherwise he might be robbed.

As he traveled all the way, all he saw was endless bad land and scenes of destruction. There were many rivers of blood and corpses here.

Xu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly. Although these supreme and powerful immortals had corpses, no real spirits emerged. Otherwise, it would be a big supplement for him. (End of chapter)

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