Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 414 Fairy Ghost Mist 3 Lives Palace

Seeing the souls all over the sky, Xu Yu felt as if she had returned to the world of the Tomb of Gods.

In the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, this was the first time he saw such a scene, especially the corpses of these immortal creatures.

When he said goodbye to the three old monsters in Xiling Realm, he got several supreme-level spirits, which were extremely precious.

He didn't expect that there were so many corpses in this place, but there were basically no spirits, which made him a little regretful.

This land is extraordinary. Although it seems peaceful now, it once buried both the Supreme and the True Immortal.

In Xu Yu's view, entering this land is, in a sense, no less than entering an earthly furnace. If you are not careful, you may die.

At this moment, a bird song sounded, and like a dark cloud falling in the sky, a huge bird, more than a thousand feet tall, swooped down from above!

"Immortal corpse!"

Xu Yu's eyes were focused and his face was a little serious. Why did this corpse suddenly come to life!

Xu Yu stepped on the Gangstep and escaped in an instant. He opened his palms and thousands of golden branches rushed out, suddenly exploded and hit the giant bird in the sky.


This is the Divine Willow Technique. The golden willow branches are like divine chains of order and war spears. They hit the corpse of the giant bird, making a clanging sound and splashing out a series of sparks.

A strong wind swept across the land, the wind was howling and surging, and the chill was so cold that it almost penetrated into the bone marrow. How could a strong wind suddenly arise in this land?

It was a butterfly, but now only the shell remains.

He flaps his wings gently, causing the earth to shake and stirring up the wind and clouds!

"The Sky-Splitting Demonic Butterfly of Immortal Level!" Xu Yu's eyes were condensed.

The butterfly, covered in runes, was dazzling. It flapped its wings and flew out streaks of fairy light, which were so blazing that it seemed to be even more dazzling than the sun.

The sky-splitting demon butterfly can split eternal green with a slight flutter of its wings!


The ground shook, Xu Yu soared into the air, and his whole body erupted with divine light. His black hair was flying, and his eyes were filled with murderous light. The terrifying beams of light rushed out, turning into Ge, Dao swords, and cauldrons, all of which hit the body of the Sky-Splitting Demon Butterfly. Let him go backwards.

He couldn't do anything about a few corpses, but they were extremely troublesome and required a lot of effort to deal with them.


Xu Yu didn't want to get entangled. His pupils were densely covered with runes, and he was vaguely aware that if the battle continued, more corpses might awaken and cause unnecessary trouble.


As if to verify what he was thinking, a more powerful wave suddenly erupted in a not-too-distant area, sweeping across the nine heavens and ten lands.


With a roar, golden brilliance flooded the heaven and earth, and a dull lion's roar came, making the world tremble, and the world seemed to be completely blown to pieces.

A lion suddenly rushed out, its nine heads roared, and the roar shook the mountains and rivers. It was like a nineteen-day lion.

This is not the nine-headed lion that swore sworn vows to Shi Hao in the wilderness of the lower realm. This is a real immortal creature, extremely powerful.

Even though there were only skeletons left, it was extremely terrifying. The blood-evil aura was overwhelming, and a golden storm swept across the universe.

Quasi fairy king!
The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was shocked and felt its aura.

Xu Yu's eyes were condensed and sharp, and he also sensed the horror of it.

"It's not advisable to stay for a long time. Sacrifice your blood to me and I'll break through a passage." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

Xu Yu didn't do any ink, he opened his fingers directly, blood spattered, and the dense brilliance flowed, dripping on the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, making his brilliance blazing all of a sudden.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk illuminated the six colors of brilliance, imprisoning the void, and was so powerful that the rules of heaven and earth were surging and chaotic, emitting powerful fluctuations.

Three beams of light flew out from the samsara disk, penetrated the heaven and earth, and opened a void passage. Xu Yu turned around and dived in. The magic weapon shook slightly and followed in. The nine-headed lion suddenly grabbed it and dropped it, leaving smoke and dust everywhere.

He got up, but came up short.

Not long after, the glow flashed, and the two figures appeared again.

"Now I believe it. That ancient monk is probably very defiant. Even if he is not completely successful, he is still extremely extraordinary. He even got the corpse of the quasi-immortal king." Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan sighed, with lingering fear in his heart.

Xu Yu nodded. The nine-headed lion quasi-immortal king just now was very terrifying. Even if the corpse was left, it was not something that the Supreme Being could resist. The two of them continued to move forward.

Not long after, a piece of mist appeared in front of them. It was endless, gray and thick as a lead cloud, and the sky and the earth were faintly cracking under the pressure.

More importantly, a vague fairy palace appeared in the black mist, flowing with a sacred aura. He could tell that this was the palace he saw when he stepped into the portal and took a startling glance. Asgard!
"Could that be the location of the Sansheng Stone?"

Xu Yu was shocked and made such a guess.

"These black mist are a bit weird..." Every call of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was uncertain, and he suddenly said.

"These gray fogs have great murderous intent!" Xu Yu said in a deep voice.

He discovered that these mists contained extremely terrifying devouring power, which seemed to be able to corrode people's souls and souls.

Moreover, his body was extremely cold, and he actually felt every trace of danger, and he couldn't help but raise a piece of holy light to protect himself, otherwise he might fall into disaster!
He found that nothing existed under the gray mist, not even the corpses were visible.

"What a strong evil spirit." Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan suddenly said,
"The Immortal Ghost Mist, I know. I remembered it. It is the same as recorded in ancient books. It is formed by the decaying corpses of immortals and the corpse energy emitted by them!"

Under normal circumstances, immortal figures will be immortal even if they die, but they may also transform into immortals. I have never heard of rotten immortal-level corpses.

But things must be reversed, and abnormal things will always happen.

Xu Yu suddenly remembered that in the world that covers the sky, there is a strange thing called a devil, which can corrode the powerful emperors. It seems that this fairy ghost mist has the same effect as it.

Then, Xu Yu broke through the fog and walked into it. This kind of gray fog was very strange, but he could resist it for now, not to mention he had a trump card.

If it were any other supreme being, he would definitely not be able to hold on for long. The further you go, the more amazing it becomes. It seems that it can turn the powerful immortals into pus and blood.
"If you don't have the strength to win the first prize in the angry battle stage, you will definitely not be able to come here!" Xu Yu sighed softly. He didn't know what happened to those who entered this place before, and whether they were like him.

When approaching the core area, Xu Yu's whole body glowed, and the gray mist in this area was particularly shocking. It was like a fairy beast that could swallow the blood of the Supreme Being and actually wanted to rob him of his essence.

"These gray mists, if used well, can be considered a great killer weapon." Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk suddenly said.


Hearing this, Xu Yu's mind suddenly moved slightly, and he sacrificed the Endless Bell. Using the mouth of the bell as a guide, he drew in a lot of gray mist, just like a roaring river and a surging ocean.

"Even if you are an immortal figure, if you suddenly encounter these gray fogs, you will have to face disaster!" The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk nodded.

Three days later, the two of them traveled all the way and finally arrived at the ultimate place. A misty fairy palace stood in the clouds, flowing with fairy light.

Not far away, a spiritual light floated up, and complicated formations were outlined on the palace, with silver light flowing out, blocking the black fog from the outside world.

That ancient building is very mysterious, suspended in the mist, seemingly cut off from all atmosphere, and even the divine eye cannot detect it.There is a stone carving above, with the three characters "Sansheng Palace" clearly imprinted on it. These three characters are not ordinary characters, they are older than the characters of the Immortal Ancient Era.

"The legend is probably true. There may be an era of annihilation. This is most likely the handiwork left by the ancient monk in the eyes of the immortal monk who tried to establish the underworld." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk said with emotion again.

Sansheng Palace!
"Three Life Stones, are they among them?" Xu Yu put his hands behind his back and stared at it.

Then, Xu Yu lowered his gaze again and stared at the stone carvings above the stone door for a long time. He raised his feet and stepped forward, and the stone door in the Immortal Palace opened silently.

With a slight movement of his eyebrows, Xu Yu stepped directly into it. Even without turning around, in Xu Yu's perception, the palace door behind him disappeared in an instant, leaving only white mist curling behind, ethereal and vicissitudes of life, like a fairyland.

Not long after, Xu Yu's eyes lit up, the mist dissipated, a warm glimmer emerged, and the surrounding spiritual mist shrouded, and those terrible corrosive auras completely disappeared.

This is an ancient palace, the interior is completely empty, except for the curling white mist, which is constantly surging under the feet, flowing with misty fairy energy.
In the center, there is a stone standing there quietly, showing a brownish red color, with the three characters "三生石" engraved on it.

Sansheng stone!
"The land of heaven, the place of creation!" Xu Yu took a deep breath and looked at the Sansheng Stone with a focused gaze.

"Past, present, future!" Retrace the past, glimpse the future, and freeze in the present.

Vaguely, it seemed as if there were scriptures flowing in his heart, illuminating his body.

"Sure enough, it is a place that connects the past and the present, but for you, it is a great blessing!" The light of the Six Paths of Samsara Pan Shen is uncertain, and the chaos is surging, as if it is about to condense with this world.


Xu Yu sat cross-legged, facing the Sansheng Stone. In an instant, a figure rushed out from his body with an extremely handsome face. It was his incarnation, sitting side by side with him. Soon, they fell into the realm of enlightenment.

"Please help me, fellow Taoist!" Xu Yu looked at the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk and spoke in a deep voice. He was about to start breaking through the barrier.

"it is good!"

The six samsara discs flew over and floated above Xu Yu's head, as if they had been silent for endless years. Chaos surged and suddenly submerged his body...

In the Immortal Palace, it gradually became misty and dreamlike, giving people an unreal feeling. The heaven and earth were dry and silent, and then flourished, evolving, and birth and death.

The great road is pure, ethereal and unpredictable, and will never die.

Holy springs surge from the ground, golden lotuses descend from the sky, luan and phoenixes fly, thousands of auspicious colors, tens of thousands of divine rainbows, all five colors shine, all kinds of auspicious flowers are constantly flowing and sinking into his body.


In the void, the triangular divine disk glowed, and the slight vibration suddenly made the place blurry, with all kinds of light flowing and steaming.

On the divine plate, many patterns lit up, densely packed, like a heavenly book, with various runes boiling like a sea, containing the power of reincarnation, all blessing his body.

At the same time, Xu Yu also became motionless, his whole body was dead and silent, and he fell into a kind of long thought. He merged with the void and seemed to be a part of the void. He seemed to be sitting down, as quiet as a rock.

The Sansheng Stone is hazy, flowing with the power of the years. It is the breath of the great road, and it also shines on Xu Yu's body, flickering on and off.

And Xu Yu's body, at this moment, invisibly transformed into a stream of light, submerged into the original body, and was slowly becoming one, as if it was about to become one body.

Time flowed, and he didn't know how many years had passed. One day, his heart trembled and he opened his eyes.

"This is where?"

Xu Yu opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with ruin and silence. The Sansheng Palace and the Sansheng Stone were all gone. A starry sky emerged, and there was only eternal silence.

And his body was covered in dense dust, as if he had been sitting there for thousands of years, and there were even spider webs growing out of it.

He slowly stood up, the dirt all over his body was falling, and the dust was gone, revealing an old face.

Only his eyes were clear and pure, like two fairy springs.

"Where is this? Why am I getting older?"

Xu Yu frowned, thinking about something, but he felt a headache, and his consciousness seemed to go blank for an instant. Wasn't he in the Sansheng Palace? How could he appear in this place?

"My body?"

His body was slender and strong, but it was riddled with wounds, stained with blood, and had many sword marks and holes.

Suddenly, Xu Yu's eyes condensed and he saw his arm. His skin was no longer crystal clear, but became shriveled and lacked light. His pupils also turned slightly, reflecting his current face.

He has white hair shawl, and his face is full of ridges. Time has left traces on his face, and his handsome appearance is completely gone. He has already aged.

"Could it be that endless years have really passed?"

Xu Yu whispered, and even turned his right finger like fairy gold to his left palm, and there was fairy blood flowing. This was not a dream, but a reality.

He was very conscious. Although he was old and decrepit, it was as if he had taken a nap, and his memory still stayed before entering the Sansheng Palace. Therefore, his eyes were still crystal clear, without any feeling of vicissitudes, which was inconsistent with his overall image. Some don't quite fit.

"I have experienced a great war? I have also spent endless years? Why don't I remember?" He was confused.

Then, he moved forward slowly, repairing his body and exploring the unfamiliar world along the way.

Although his body was seriously injured, he had a feeling that his fighting power was so terrifying that even if a complete immortal was in front of him, he could easily defeat him.

Everything he looked at was extremely desolate. There seemed to be no living thing except him in the huge ancient land.

"Where's the Three Life Stones, and where's the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk?"

Xu Yu was confused, looking at this unfamiliar world.

He remembered that he was supposed to have enlightenment in the Hall of Three Lives, how could he suddenly appear in this deserted place, and that the Stone of Three Lives and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk were nowhere to be found.

Xu Yu's mind moved slightly, and he mobilized the jade dish of creation according to the previous method, hoping to find out some truth.

But the body was empty, and there seemed to be no reaction, as if the jade dish of creation had never existed.

"How could this be? Could it be that I am in an illusion and cannot even use the system when I go through the years?"

Xu Yu's pupils were brilliant, shooting out a beam of light like a sharp sword, staring at this strange world.

"Sansheng Palace!"

Xu Yufa was startled. Finally, he found traces of Sansheng Palace, but he was shocked. The incomplete rubble lay quietly. Not far away, in front of him, he found some red rubble. Come.

He took it over and held it in the palm of his hand. There was a faint brilliance flowing and a warm color. It was indeed the breath of the Sansheng Stone.

How can this be so?

The Sansheng Palace was not even invaded by the fairy ghost mist, so how could it be in ruins?
The Three Life Stone is also extremely extraordinary. Even a true immortal cannot destroy it, but now it has broken.

The Sansheng Palace was shattered, the Sansheng Stone was broken, and it was contaminated with a terrifying aura!It made him feel a little uneasy and continued to explore this world.

He stepped out, and a golden avenue stretched out overwhelmingly. However, the secret realm he entered was also deserted, and all the fairy and ghost mist was gone. He was unwilling to give in and continued to move forward.

go with.

However, he was disappointed. All he saw was a desolate scene. The stars in the sky and earth were desolate and extinct. They were ruined and were already damaged.

Then, his soul was shaken, and a sword embryo rushed out, illuminating the sky, and rushed into the distance to explore the farther world.

The cold universe seemed to be dead, with no eyes, everything was dim and completely extinguished.

"The land that reaches the sky requires endless years, so it must not be real!" Xu Yu was still calm and told herself silently.

He kept moving forward and entered the other side of the starry sky. He saw some dilapidated roads, huge and boundless, lying in front of him.

At the same time, the stars in the sky were trembling, and then, the stars in the sky condensed and rushed towards him like a vast ocean.

His shriveled flesh body automatically accepted the baptism of starlight, and it didn't stop until a long time later.

This world has gone through a great war and been beaten to pieces, and now it is severely damaged.

At the same time, six reincarnations appeared in his body.

"What's going on? Doesn't it exist in the incarnation? Why does the six paths in the body also appear in the original body?"

Xu Yu was surprised, and then tried to summon the incarnation, but found nothing, but several portals in the body trembled.

"It's merged into one..." Xu Yuzheng was lost in thought and came to this conclusion. His original form of Emperor of Heaven merged with the incarnation and inherited everything, including the six paths in his body.

"Yes, the incarnation is part of my true self." After a long time, Xu Yuming realized it. He remembered that when his consciousness completely disappeared, the incarnation automatically merged with his true self.

The current deity has also opened up the six paths in his body, making him feel more powerful than ever before.

"What is the condition of my body now?

Xu Yu looked at herself, and then her face became stunned.

His wheel of life actually has [-] marks on it! (End of chapter)

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