Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 415 Chapter 3: The Wheel of Life, the Light of Immortality

10 years have passed?

Xu Yu was stunned. There were indeed hundreds of thousands of wheels of life in his body, which meant that he was already [-] years old!
"Has 10 years passed without any sound?" Xu Yufa was stunned and couldn't believe it at the moment.

"Could it be that I, like Qin Changsheng, wake up to a world full of changes?" He whispered.

"Or maybe just like Shi Hao, he transformed into freedom and went against the flow of time, arriving in an era where the laws of heaven and earth are extremely incomplete!"

Regarding his current situation, Xu Yu guessed that the Land of Reincarnation was originally related to the Immortal Monk King and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King.

It was probably a place where they experimented with reincarnation, so Xu Yu suspected that he was now trapped in reincarnation.

Later, he verified in various ways that his body had indeed experienced 10 years.

"Why, I don't feel anything?"

He took one step forward and stood on an ancient cliff. The sea below was rolling, and endless stars emerged, fell down, submerged into the sea, and flowed eastward.

The great dream is a thousand autumns, and the vast oceans will flow eastwards!
He continued to move forward, wanting to explore what was going on in this place, and what was going on with this body!

Endless star ruins are floating, and mountains and rivers are broken into pieces. This is the scene of the vast world today.Are all ninety places in ruins?
"Three Life Stones, what on earth did I experience?" he said to himself.

Sansheng stone!
Represents the past, present and future!
Whether he is in the past or the future today is unknown for the time being!He descended on a star, which was a piece of scorched earth, with thousands of red fields, no human habitation, not even corpses.

He continued to move forward, passing ancient lands and stars one after another, but they were still deserted and deserted.

Until he landed in a broken continent. This ancient land had many primitive deep forests, as well as endless abyss, pits, etc. The scene was very astonishing.

In some mountains, among some primitive tribes, and in some plains, there are some dynasties where monks live and ordinary people live.

"Young man, who are you? Where are you?" Finally, he saw a young man. His face was a little immature, but his physique and temperament were extraordinary. At first glance, he looked like a powerful man.

The young man Jiang Guang was a little weird and said: "My name is Zhang Bairen. This is an abandoned place after the war. You...are also from outside the territory?"

Xu Yu frowned and thought, why did the other party say "yes", and his name turned out to be Zhang Bairen?
"Not long ago, a person asked me the same question." The young man had a strange expression on his face. This person had almost the same words as the young man who had given him the origin before.

"Zhang Bairen!"

Xu Yu's eyes were bright, and the blazing beam of light suddenly rushed out, staring at the young man, feeling quite uneasy in his heart.

How could he not know that in later generations, although he had some intersection with him, he was sealed in later generations and left a profound mark in the Zhe era.

"How could this be so!" Xu Yu felt a sense of time and space intersecting in his heart. He actually saw such a person in today's chaotic ancient times.

"Did that young man intercept the source of life and give it to you?" Xu Yu asked, with a strange look on his face.

"You... how do you know?" Zhang Bairen was shocked. This man was a little weird. His eyes seemed complicated when he looked at him, which made him feel a little scared.

"As expected..." Xu Yuzheng was in a trance, already knowing the current era, or did the Sansheng Stone bring him to this era?
Shi Hao was blocked by the three immortal kings and buried under the soil. He was born 50 years later. The first young man he met was Zhang Bairen, and he intercepted the Linyuan Liquid and gave it to him.

"Is it possible that history has not changed? I have really been sleeping for so long? Has Shi Hao revived like the old track?" Xu Yufa was stunned and couldn't believe it in his heart.

This is an era of great turmoil, a terrifying era. Everything is shattered, the boundless land is shattered, and all forbidden areas are permanently removed from the world.

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the supreme power came many times, killing the sun and the moon until they lost their light, the earth shattered, and the entire universe was overturned."

"It is said that this world was formerly known as the Ninety Lands, but it was destroyed in the Great Dark Reckoning and became what it is today."

Seeing Xu Yu's silence, Zhang Bairen kept to himself and explained to him.

Xu Yu's eyes were bright, staring at the starry sky in the universe, silent.

According to Zhang Bairen, many spiritual mountains, sacred places, etc. have been moved away, and now there are gods, lands, wonderful places, etc. on those living stars.

Some of the powerful races and traditions are now scattered in the outer starry sky. No one dares to live there for a long time, for fear of being liquidated by the darkness.

"Find Shi Hao first and find out what's going on!" Xu Yu made a decision. He already knew that Shi Hao had not been away for a long time and should still be here.
Later, Xu Yu and Zhang Bairen said goodbye.Zhang Bairen waved his hand, and a strange feeling suddenly arose in his heart. It was strange, but he couldn't figure out what it was.

"Why, I think, I might meet him again in the future," he whispered, seeing Xu Yu disappear, he spoke like this.

Xu Yu stood quietly in the sky, and did not leave immediately, but quietly observed. After all, this was the first person he met.

Then, Xu Yu's pupils suddenly glowed, and his heart was shaken. Looking at Zhang Bairen, he found that Zhang Bairen seemed to be a little abnormal.
After a moment, Zhang Bairen's eyes suddenly became a little confused, as if he had lost his mind and was at a loss.

"What happened just now? What am I doing here?" He asked himself, looking around suspiciously, as if he had lost all his memories. Then, he slowly turned around and left this place.

"How could this be so!" Xu Yu frowned and stared at the past with the light of his divine eyes. He was a little stunned. He probed his soul and was surprised to find that the memory of him in the other person's soul was gone, as if he had been It seems that some power has been chopped off.

"What kind of power is this? Why don't I feel it at all?" He whispered.

"Could someone be taking action?" He quickly denied it.Because even if the Immortal King were to kill someone's memory, it would be impossible for him to be at such a close distance without any abnormalities.

Next, he began to experiment and talk to different creatures, whether they were humans or birds and beasts. The memory would soon be cut off, and everything related to him would be erased.

Even if he left any words behind, they would be erased by an invisible force and disappear completely.

"Why is this happening!"

He suddenly felt as if he was being targeted by this land.

He crossed the starry sky, and a star field disappeared under his feet. He continued to move forward. He could reach the world with just one thought, but his heart was cold. This land seemed to be deliberately trying to erase his memory.

"Find Shi Hao first!"

As he walked along, he saw ruins everywhere. There was no intact starry sky. Many stars were broken, accompanied by blood and broken bones, as well as fragments of weapons, which were cold and cold.

As the years passed, he traveled under this starry sky, and decades passed in the blink of an eye.

He saw a person, that person was very young and pretty, and he was traveling downstream, as if he was looking for something.

"Shi Hao!"

Xu Yu recognized him and took a step forward. The sun, moon and stars all retreated, arriving in front of him in an instant.

However, everything was like a mirror, like a phantom. They passed each other, but the other party could not sense him. Moreover, when he approached Shi Hao, his body dimmed, as if he was about to disappear.

Xu Yu frowned, this seemed even more abnormal.

Others could still talk, but he couldn't even talk. Although the two were close at hand, they were as far apart as an era in the clouds.

At this moment, he seemed to be wandering in the long river of time, like a passerby, unable to touch everything in front of him.

"I want to become an immortal and go to that world to see it!" Shi Hao whispered to himself.

Xu Yu was standing aside, looking at him quietly, but he didn't notice it.

Soon, Shi Hao seemed to have a sudden impulse in his heart, as if he sensed a world somewhere, but it seemed to be far away.

In the following years, many living stars have Shi Hao's figure. He is constantly trying to impact the fairyland from different time and space nodes.

After that, Xu Yu also continued to sit down cross-legged, not always by his side, but occasionally wandering away to pay attention to Shi Hao's current state.

"Have I really experienced infinite years?" He began to have some doubts.

In the world, there are millions of reincarnations and there is eternal life in a moment, and which one does he belong to?
Xu Yu sat cross-legged silently, her mind calmed down.

Time flies, and decades have passed like this.


Suddenly, one day, Xu Yu opened his eyes and shot out two rays of light.

Within his body, three vortexes were constantly rotating. After the evil ghost path, the Asura path, and the hell path were opened up, just like three big worlds rotating.

At this moment, three circles of light appeared in his hand, spinning, as white as jade.That's... the seal of reincarnation!

In just a moment, many scenes were reflected in the depths of his pupils, and he saw a shocking scene.

The earth is vast, the heaven and earth are in turmoil, and they are all fighting and killing each other. That is his memory, and it reappears with the emergence of the reincarnation seal.

In an instant, it is like the reincarnation of hundreds of generations, and like the dawn of dawn.

His brows were glowing and flowing with auspicious colors, which was extremely astonishing.

In an instant, endless insights came to my mind.

He went through a long period of time and only woke up decades ago.

In 10 years, he lived three lives!The three generations have been in battle, spending the spring and autumn cycle in the world of mortals!
At the beginning, he had the insight to live a second life with the phoenix blood in his body!

In the second life, he observed the secrets of the elixir of death and lived out the next three lives.

After fighting in the third life, he returned to the Three Lives Stone, realized the great way, fell into a dormant state, and lived out the next three lives!

Now, it is his third life that has resurrected, but he has not yet entered his fourth life!
"Three reincarnations have been tempered for thousands of times, which is enough for me to break through."

Xu Yu whispered that the Immortal Ancient Law and Chaos Ancient Law in his body, plus the Six Paths in his body plus 10 years of fighting, were enough for him to break through to an extremely terrifying state.

He has a feeling that if he transforms into a warrior immortal, the world will be turned upside down and his strength may increase explosively.

After a hundred thousand years of fighting, all the insights came to my mind and echoed in my heart.

It was at this moment that he discovered that Shi Hao was attacking the Immortal Road again and succeeded. He followed him as soon as his mind moved.

The universe roared and the earth trembled. Shi Hao penetrated the Immortal Realm, and his physical body became an immortal. Behind him, there were several creatures who wanted to follow him into the Immortal Realm. They were all world-level masters, and even wanted to fight against him. Shi Hao took action.

However, they were all noticed by Shi Hao. One of the creatures was turned into divine source liquid and sealed there by Shi Hao raising his hand.

"No..." the creature shouted, and was sealed there forever, guarding the road to immortality.When Shi Hao turned around and entered the Immortal Realm, Xu Yu's figure appeared.

"It turns out it's you..." Xu Yu looked at the creature sealed by Shi Hao, his pupils turned, and his divine eyes opened and closed.

It was a body as red as blood. It was a huge wolf body, but the body was covered with red scales, and its tail was a dragon's tail. The scales were densely covered with a red bird head, a wolf god, and a dragon tail.

This is the chaotic ancient creature of later generations. They met at this time. No wonder the chaotic ancient creature has seen him.

"Who are you..."

The ancient creature was horrified. The man opposite him was very scary, and he must not be someone he could mess with.

Xu Yu ignored him and just looked at him quietly.

Not long after, the memory of this chaotic ancient creature also became blurred, and it fell into a dormant state.

"After countless years, will there still be a trace of memory flowing?" Xu Yu thought.

Although many years later, he saw the chaotic ancient creature again, and the other party recognized him, but his consciousness was confused, which showed that the memory had not been completely erased.

After sitting cross-legged for a few more years, all the past events were imprinted in his heart, extremely clear, and the aura in his body gradually rose.

"Knock on the door, seek the road, and ascend to the throne of immortality, right now!"

A torrent of light burst out of the universe, darkening all the star regions!

The light of immortality!

The light of immortality shines on the past and present!It’s so bright!

"What's going on? In the Age of Dharma Ending, how can someone still become an immortal?"

"Who is he? The trajectory of the road has deviated. It seems impossible to deduce!"

"How could this happen? I don't understand!"

All living beings felt it and saw the light of immortality in the depths of the universe. Especially some powerful people were instantly alarmed. They were all in disbelief and looked into the distance.

Even in the restricted area, there were surprised voices, some of them couldn't believe it, but this is the reality.

The light of becoming an immortal really appears in this era of Dharma Ending!

The light of immortality shines across the universe, sweeping across ninety places in an instant. Light rains and wine falls, and the misty colors are extremely gorgeous.

All races are shocked!

This is the first time that someone has become an immortal, breaking common sense and creating a myth. How difficult is it?can not imagine!

too difficult!
In the Age of Dharma Ending, it is difficult to even become the Supreme Being. How is it possible to become an immortal!

Some powerful tribes used altars and magic circles to observe and observe, wanting to know who was so defiant.

"War Immortal, become an Immortal through fighting!"

Xu Yu's blood was exhausted, his white hair was disheveled, and his body was thin, but his eyes were burning, with fairy light flowing, shining brightly and sharply. He had been waiting for this for too long.

This is the twilight years of his third life. He is already very old. His hair is white and his face is engraved with the traces of time. His vitality and blood have declined. He is indeed not as good as before, but he still has an invincible spirit. Looking down, he To achieve the supreme immortality in battle!

After 10 years of fighting, he has long since mastered many Taoist techniques and ancient scriptures. Although his body is old and decaying, his combat power has reached its peak!
However, he is not satisfied with this, he wants to become an immortal at his peak!
He has gained enlightenment in life and death, and gained enlightenment in bloody battles. He is accumulating and slowly transforming, and will become an immortal in the most cruel ordeal.
Even though he was as powerful as him in the past, he had narrowly escaped death during the three generations of battles, and had fallen into dangerous situations many times.

Even the creatures who faced him were shocked by his talent and potential, and tried their best to kill him, but he was defeated every time.

His pupils were deep, reflecting many scenes, the earth was turned upside down, and the ground was shaken. It was the tragic war he had experienced for 10 years, and the sky was stained with red blood.

The supreme being bleeds, the immortal corpse is lying around, it is extremely cruel!

"Become a war immortal, condense the Dharma, and accommodate the three generations of Dao fruits!" Xu Yu scolded lightly, and his eyes gradually became brighter.

The Tao Fruit of the Third World needs a carrier, as a container, to temporarily store it in, and then completely integrate it into one!

A huge shadow slowly emerged, filling every inch of space, and appeared behind Xu Yu.

That majestic figure breaks through eternity, and all realms are like dust. Even if it is as majestic as a star, in front of this majestic figure, it is as small as an insect.

This is his War Immortal Dharma Appearance!And his body was gradually changing.

The dry body gradually became translucent, flowing with crystal luster, and the sound of blood flowing in the body was clearly audible, like a long rolling river surging, and like an angry ocean cracking.

He walked forward slowly, and every step he took was like walking against the river of time, and his body bloomed with infinite brilliance.

A head of white hair quickly turns black, and the roots are crystal clear and flowing with brilliant luster.

At the end, his blood was full, his decayed body faded away, and he returned to his peak state, with a majestic appearance and transcendental appearance.

He wants to use his strongest posture to transform into a supreme warrior immortal, without allowing a single mistake.

In the past, Dou Zhansheng Huang once tried to transform into a war immortal, but failed. This road was too difficult. It was impossible for a soil supreme emperor to succeed after struggling for a lifetime.

Moreover, when the Dou Sheng Huang transformed into a war immortal, he was already in his old age and his vitality had long since declined, making it even less likely to succeed.

However, the failure of Dou Shengfo left behind a lot of experience. Xu Yu had learned a lot from Dou Shengwang and the Holy Prince.

Condensing the Dharma, refining the Tao Fruit, and then uniting with the original deity, you can transform into a warrior immortal!
This is what he has learned, and this is what he deduced. The Dou Sheng Emperor did the same thing. His path is right, but his accumulation in his life is too shallow, and he has not set out on his own path, and he simply cannot bear that. Plant the road.

In his opinion, the way of fighting immortals is to go against the will of the universe!

Accumulate a huge amount of divine energy in the body, rush forward, merge with the Dao Fruit, and penetrate completely!

Every inch of his skin was glowing, and the endless goblin energy billowed like divine clouds, submerging into his body and turning into nutrients, nourishing his body and replenishing his foundation of transforming into a war immortal.

The heaven and earth trembled, the universe shook, and countless essences surged, turning into long dragons, flying from Liuhe and Bahuang.

Many ancient stars, continents, including the vast star field, suddenly dimmed.

With his eyes flowing, he directly opened a passage, rushed away, and rushed out of the territory!Otherwise, many ancient living stars will inevitably be robbed, and he does not want their lives to be ruined. (End of chapter)

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