Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 416: The Third Life Chapter, the warrior ascends to immortality

Endless energy surged in the sky and the earth. Those uninhabited stars exploded one after another, and the energy moved in the direction of Xu Yu. This process lasted for half a month.

"It's too domineering..." Xu Yu's eyes flickered. No wonder the victory over Huanghua Zhanxian in Dou led to drastic changes in the entire Northern Territory, which was desolate and almost wiped out the vitality of the world.

Because the path of the War Immortal is fatal, it is too strong, easy to break, and affects the general environment of heaven and earth.

And he was even more outrageous. Before he could truly penetrate this path, he had already completely dried up many ancient stars. Thousands of star fields had dried up, as if they had entered the Age of Ending Dharma.

This also illustrates from another direction the power of the Way of Fighting Immortals.

Once successful, he will definitely surpass other immortals.

"That world..." The expressions of some creatures in the restricted area changed, as if they noticed something.

There are all kinds of terrible images in the sky and the earth, and the aura of the avenue is becoming more and more unusual. Sometimes it is blurry and imperceptible, sometimes it is dim, and it is very strange to kill all souls.

At this moment, Xu Yu's War Immortal appearance became even more astonishing.

The appearance of the Dharma is not very real, but the majestic aura that towers over the sky and the earth seems to come through endless time and space. Everything appears dim and insignificant in front of this aura.

This Dharma image carries the fruits of Xu Yu’s practice and battles over the past 10 years!Naturally amazing!

Suddenly, one day.

The shocking lightning fell, squeezing the sky and the sky, densely packed.

That was the thunder of chaos, that was the lightning of immortality, there were too many of them, and they drowned the starry sky.


In just a moment, that star field was completely destroyed and no longer existed.

Billions of rays of lightning fell in swarms, and every ray of thunder seemed to be able to destroy a vast ancient world.


Xu Yu shouted softly. His original image did not move, but the War Immortal Dharma Image did.

The seal of the fist seems to have been frozen for eternity. It is destroyed forever but the edge of the fist is immortal. It penetrates all dharma and shatters all directions above and below. All the shackles from the past to the present are shattered in an instant and all the blazing thunder will slowly disappear.

Xu Yu's face was cold, and he opened his mouth and sucked in suddenly, like a whale sucking a cow, swallowing a lot of thunder into his belly, forcibly refining it, and turning it into his own foundation.

Many monks were horrified, and the restricted area could no longer remain calm.

What kind of person is this? He can even swallow the thunder of immortality!
"Become an immortal by fighting..."

But Xu Yu still didn't care. He had a hunch that this was just the beginning, and things were far from simple as he imagined!

Chaos surged and arcs intertwined, becoming the most terrifying ocean.

A real dragon danced across the sky, a fairy phoenix spread its wings, a white tiger pounced, and a unicorn raised its head, rushing from the void, as if from the lower realm of the fairyland, shocking the hearts of the people.

The real dragon roars and the nine heavens tremble.The immortal phoenix reaches Nirvana, the bright feathers split the sky, the huge white tiger roars, shattering the rivers and mountains, the unicorns collide, the stars are destroyed and the moon sinks.

"Four immortal spirits are blocking the road? This has only just begun!" Many people couldn't help but gasped, feeling horrified.

According to ancient legend, the calamity of the Four Symbols True Spirit cannot be saved except by those who go against the will of heaven. Basically, they will escape death.

Although it is said that the Supreme One has entered the realm of immortality, he has not yet completely reached that realm. How can he defeat the four true immortal spirits?This is almost a sure kill!

These kinds of creatures were killed together, and the scene was extremely shocking. These were all ancient immortal beasts, invisible to the human world. How come they all turned into lightning and landed here.


Xu Yu himself is sitting cross-legged in the sky, still fighting with the Immortal Technique.

War Immortal Dharma, with one punch, the sky collapses and the earth collapses, destroying everything.


Every time the War Immortal Dharma Prime punches, there will be an explosion-like roar, and the void will be torn open. There is nothing to resist the blazing fist. In the end, the four immortal spirits will collapse and blood will splash into the sky!
"He... came over!" someone said in surprise.

Immortal thunder is just an appetizer. The truly terrifying rules and imprints of this world are the truly deadly things!
"Fusion and unity!"

Xu Yu shouted loudly, looked up to the sky and roared, his black hair fluttering, and his clank was like the sound of a sword. He wanted to integrate the Tao Fruit of War Immortal Dharma Phase III into his true form!

At the same time, in his body, the infinity symbol lit up in the six portals of reincarnation. It seemed like one door after another was opening, and it seemed like one big world after another was rotating!
The six paths of reincarnation open up the six paths in the body, integrate the paths and fruits of all worlds, release the potential of life, and the divine energy is like the sea, surging!
His body was like thunder, and there was a loud sound that shook the sky. All the doors were shining, the Taoist bones were ringing, and the sound of chanting was endless, like a fairy tune being played.


The image of the War Immortal slowly shrank, turning into rays of immortal light. It was steaming, carrying his Dao Fruit, and slowly submerged into his body, reflecting his body transparently.

He is making a breakthrough, his entire body has changed and is in the process of initial integration!But his color soon changed. The Dharma was too powerful and the power of the fusion was so majestic that for a moment, it was almost unbearable for him.

As powerful as him, his body surface was cracked after practicing the Immortal Sutra.

Immortal blood dripped down, and Xu Yu's body was covered with blood stains. Blood stains emerged one after another, merging with the Dharma. He encountered huge pressure, and there was a powerful force that filled the sky.

In the depths of the universe, endless fairy light surged, the sea of ​​stars trembled, and all living beings were shocked.

"Oh my god, I can't stand it anymore, how could there be such a terrible fluctuation!" Someone was shocked.

"This is not an ordinary True Immortal Tribulation, why is it a little bit close to... Immortal King Tribulation!" Someone in the restricted area whispered in shock.

"Is another supreme powerhouse going to be born in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths?" Someone murmured, with a look of horror on his face.

Many stars, some ancient strong men in the divine land and the secret realm opened their eyes, their eyes were dark, and they looked up to look outside the territory.

"Who is this person...why does it give me a hazy and ethereal feeling!"

"This is very strange. Although he is in front of us, he is elusive?"

"Is this person a friend or an enemy? Do you want to kill him?"

In the restricted area, some people were whispering and some were wandering.


Xu Yu coughed up blood, and the golden light all over his body slowly disappeared, with some blood dripping down, but the initial integration was still successful.


At this moment, a ray of golden light fell from the sky and the earth, and it was so intense that it directly ignited his body.
In an instant, he turned into a human-shaped torch, emitting terrifying power and causing chaos to surge.

Karmic fire!

Xu Yu's heart was awe-inspiring, this was boundless karma fire, not an ordinary fire, but with the will of this fan of heaven and earth, suppressed by the universe!

The way of the war immortal is contrary to heaven and earth, and is inconsistent with the will of the universe!Especially now, the heaven and earth are shattered, and the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are almost completely disintegrated. This world does not allow the emergence of forces that are too domineering.

The sins of the heavens have a lot of cause and effect.They landed together and turned into fire, burning up their bodies.

The fire soared into the sky, like an eternal furnace, seizing the universe, containing all spirits, suppressing it, and burning out for nine days!
Flames soar into the sky!

Xu Yu endured great pain, using all the ways as fire, and actually performed baptism. Although his whole body was dry and pitch black, he still persisted.

It was usually fine, but now it was the time when he was seriously injured, but for him, it was fatal!


Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed, and the power of creation and vitality emerged to repair the wounds. At the same time, the Immortal Meridian was running wildly, taking over the creation of heaven and earth and nourishing the incomplete body.

However, just as he was passing through, a shocking change occurred again. In the thunder, something fell down, accompanied by immortal energy, releasing immortal immortal light.

He was extremely peaceful and misty, as if Tianbao had fallen, but it sent a faint chill down Xu Yu's spine.

It was a Taoist platform, and there was a guillotine on it. It looked peaceful from a distance, but it was creepy when viewed up close.

The immortal-killing guillotine is specially prepared for creatures who have done something against heaven.

"I know, he has gone his own way and triggered the legendary Immortal Killing Platform!"

"The road to the Fighting Immortal seems to be a dead end." Some people regretted, sighing with relief. It seems that they don't need to take action.

Even if they are infinitely far apart, people's scalps are still a little numb. This kind of thing can only appear in legends. When the guillotine falls, it can send people to death. There is still hope for the disaster, but with this thing, it is almost a dead end.

And, the most important thing is that he is also a kind of heavenly tribulation, surpassing the realm of the tribulation breaker himself, and he is guaranteed to die with a guillotine!
The Taoist platform is not very grand, but it is extremely simple. The fairy light is restrained, not like thunder, but like a real stone platform.

The immortal light of the guillotine was restrained, very deep, with a dark red light, as if it had drunk the blood of a strong man, and was born with a murderous intention.

Even some creatures in the restricted area have solemn eyes. If they cut off the immortal with a guillotine, their heads will roll and blood will shoot into the sky!

After a short period of silence, on the Immortal Killing Platform, the guillotine moved, making a metallic trembling sound, as if it was about to break away, and the chill was forced into one's bones.


The harsh sound of metal friction came, and the dark red guillotine slowly opened, releasing murderous intent!
"This man is amazing, but he is still going to die!" someone exclaimed, with chills running down their spines. Although the guillotine was not pointed at them, it still made them feel uncomfortable.

The fairy light was like a chain, and it suddenly wrapped around Xu Yu's body.

However, at this moment, something surprising happened. Xianguang did not imprison him in Xiangzhan Xiantai.

"I am a War Immortal. What can a mere Immortal Killing Platform do to me?"

Xu Yu shouted coldly, his whole body full of breath and blood like the sea. With a puff, the immortal light was shattered. Although he was severely injured, he still had unparalleled fighting power!
"This..." Many powerful men were stunned. How could it be like this? The Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal Platform couldn't detain that person?Even the fairy light was broken?


Three rays of dark red fairy light flew out, turned into avenue chains, clanged, and flew towards him again, trying to imprison him.

Xu Yu pinched the seal, and his palms encompassed all the heavens and the universe. A sharp aura burst out and suddenly pressed down.


The five fairy lights, which were like divine chains of order, all broke apart and turned into dots of divine glow, overflowing into the void.

However, at this moment, he had not yet fully integrated into the War Immortal Dharma, so he exerted force, causing his face to turn paler in an instant.

"It's scary, what a monster!" A creature in the restricted area exclaimed, and the Immortal Killing Platform was unable to do anything to him!

Then, on the Immortal Killing Platform, the fairy light disappeared, the ancient platform was mottled, and it actually began to twist, as if it was changing its shape!

"What happened?" Many people were surprised.The blurry and twisted Immortal Killing Platform slowly dissolved and turned into a humanoid creature.

The guillotine fell off and turned into a dark red long knife, which was held by the humanoid creature.


Everyone's eyes are almost bulging out of their sockets. The Immortal Killing Platform has transformed. Is there still a way for people to survive?
If you can't detain anyone at the Immortal Killing Platform, you have to turn into a human form and kill people? Many people are horrified when they see it!
The dark red guillotine is curved like a half moon, and it seems that you can hear the wailing sounds of countless innocent souls, coming from the Nine Netherworlds of Hell.

"Three reincarnations, the warrior will ascend to immortality!" Xu Yu shouted, his eyes blazing.


Xu Yu made a fist seal with his hand, and the thunder and lightning swelled, turning into a seal. The silver light was brilliant, the electric light was bright, and it was reflected by stars, one after another, hazy and majestic, rising and falling in the void, moving towards the humanoid creature.

This is the Thunder Emperor's method!
It has to be said that Xu Yu went to the extreme level of publicity and used the Thunder Emperor method to fight against this catastrophe!

The Thunder Emperor's method was performed to the extreme, claiming to be able to carry out punishments on behalf of heaven and exterminate all living beings. This was obviously a provocation to God's will.


The humanoid creature waved the immortal guillotine, and the terrifying aura swept across the universe. It seemed to be angry, and the terrifying aura was released, and even the masters of some restricted areas could not help but change their expressions.

One big star after another appeared, the starlight was bright, covering the sun and the moon. This kind of weather was too terrifying, the pressure was too terrifying, the blood light appeared, and a guillotine penetrated the sky.

The Immortal-Decapitating Guillot fell, and a ray of light appeared between the hands of the humanoid creature, changing in countless ways with no definite number.

An unspeakable and astonishing momentum rose instantly. Xu Yu's black hair was full of excitement, and he was moving huntingly in white clothes. At this moment, his spine was straight, like a big dragon running through it.

He raised his fist to kill, and the six portals in his body were rotating endlessly. With blessings on his body, Liu Shen Method, Kun Peng Method, Thunder Emperor Method, and Qilin Method were continuously displayed.

Sparks bloomed one after another, and sparks fell. Each one was as big as a millstone, burning through the void, igniting endless stars, letting them fall quickly and turn into ashes, like a meteor.


It's hard to imagine what kind of fight this is. Even the master of the restricted area is swaying. This person can actually fight to this extent with the Immortal Killing Platform and the Immortal Killing Sword.


The sky was torn apart, and the dark cracks seemed to be able to swallow everything. A terrifying devouring power was transmitted, and one after another ferocious cracks appeared, swallowing up the stars in the sky.


Xu Yu shouted. At this moment, he finally successfully integrated, and his whole aura suddenly changed.

Above the sky, there are paintings unfolding one after another. There are people fighting, fist marks are dazzling, accompanied by endless chaotic energy, there are figures practicing, various visions are emerging, the sound of Tao is shaking the world, and there are people bleeding in the mountains of corpses. A path was carved out of the sea, and the figures on these scrolls were all the same person.

This is the Dao Fruit that belongs to Xu Yu over the past 10 years. After evolving his life experience, it is finally fully integrated at this moment.

At this moment, his physique transformed, his body was flawless, his magic power was endless, and he achieved the status of War Immortal!
He became an immortal in a fierce battle, making him as powerful as a fish leaping into a dragon, far superior to all the immortals in the world. Now he can truly overwhelm all enemies in the world! (End of chapter)

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