Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 417: A fish leaps into a dragon, as fierce as a shoulder

The fish leaps into a dragon and becomes a warrior in one step!

"It's finally done!"

Xu Yu whispered, his eyes were bright, and he felt an unprecedented power. Now his strength has surpassed the ordinary realm of true immortals, and is terrifying to the extreme.

His whole body was glowing, and mysterious runes were engraved on his body one after another. Many big stars turned into ashes, and all kinds of galaxies collapsed. Endless fairy light surrounded his body, and then the endless fairy light turned into fighting spirit. Sweeping the universe.

Moreover, the flesh and blood all over his body was pulsing, and his bones were singing rhythmically.If a war song is played, with a sonorous sound, the endless meridians and acupuncture points all over the body will bloom with fairy clouds, dazzling and dazzling.

Moreover, his soul is also shining, transforming into an immortal soul. The sword body is flickering, flickering, and the brilliance shines on the heavens, as if it is immortal and immortal for all eons!

"Is he... the Immortal King?" You Zhenxian exclaimed, because he sensed that the other party's aura was too strong, far beyond him.

"Well, Immortal King, no, from a warrior to an immortal, he shouldn't be able to take that step directly, but his aura seems to be comparable to... a quasi-immortal king!"

The existence of a restricted area muttered to himself and made a judgment immediately.

"The physical body is flawless, almost perfect, close to the Immortal King, but the soul is still lacking and cannot make the ultimate leap." An immortal strong man said softly,

"It's not easy anymore. This boy's current combat power may be infinitely close to that of the Ten Fierce People. With time and integration, he will be able to become one of the Ten Fierce Persons!" Someone sighed,
If you want to achieve the status of Immortal King, the key is to have your soul soar into the sky and transform into the Dao Fruit of Immortal King.

"Why is he so powerful?"

"Perhaps it's because he is the first to embark on the road of fighting immortals, so he is naturally extraordinary." Someone nodded.

"Are you going to take action? He hasn't completely overcome the catastrophe yet?" Some strong men are murderous and do not allow this variable to exist. Although they are not sure whether they will be enemies or friends in the future, they would rather kill by mistake than let go.

"It's too late. This man's moral power is astonishing. I thought he would definitely be defeated, but I didn't expect that he could soar into the sky against the sky. The catastrophe can't stop him. It's probably useless for me to take action now." In the restricted area. One of the strongest among them sighed with emotion.

In fact, some of the masters of the forbidden area are also disappointed. Although they are masters, most of them are not perfect immortal kings. If they take action rashly, they may even get themselves involved. How can they dare to move?
However, Xu Yu was slightly in a daze at this moment. At this time, his penis was slightly opened and closed.Suddenly I saw reincarnation, the scene from the past.

A ray of light of reincarnation rushed forward, which seemed to be the power of the Three Life Stones. At this moment, all the phenomena of the past were reflected in his child's hole. When he achieved the level of Fighting Immortal, all memories were completely revealed.

Before, he only recalled the journey of his three battles, but now, he knows the causes and consequences of 10 years of experience.

Logically speaking, he is now 50 years in the future, and why he left scratches of 10 years of life has been explained.

The power of the Three Life Stones transcended the first 40 years and directly led him to the last 10 years when the world was most turbulent and the war was the most cruel. That was also the most suitable era for him.

Suddenly, he looked back and broke through the layers of void and entered a deserted place, where a Sansheng Palace stood, and there was a Sansheng Stone lying across the hall!

Sansheng Hall and Sansheng Stone reappear!It is not destroyed!
Today's world is really the experience brought to him by Sanshengshi.

Although Xu Yu had vaguely guessed it before, he was still relieved now that all this in the future has not happened yet.

Xu Yu had a vague feeling that the Sansheng Stone and the Sansheng Palace reappeared, and these years might be coming to an end, and he might have to go back.


A clear chirping of the sword sounded, like the long cry of a true phoenix, which moved the nine heavens, pulling Xu Yu's thoughts back. The humanoid creature once again raised the immortal guillotine with an expressionless face and pointed at Xu Yu from a distance.

"Who can stop me from overcoming the calamity and ascending to immortality?"

Xu Yu's eyebrows were slightly raised, extremely fierce, his eyes flickered, violently agitated, and two rays of divine light penetrated the sky and the earth.

Today, he is comparable to a quasi-immortal king, with incredible strength and a fierce temperament that can calmly overlook the world!
The humanoid creature raised its sword, and a scorching edge shot out from its eyes. The blazing lightning danced, and the sword's light was as bright as sunlight, which was extremely astonishing.

The guillotine was like a rainbow, slashing continuously, criss-crossing the sky, lightning bursting out, and the falling light rain was terrifying, each one could destroy a galaxy.

However, there is basically nothing left to destroy here. In the previous duel, most of the stars turned into dust.

However, the killing intent of the Immortal-Decapitating Guillotine was so pervasive that even some stars in the depths of the distant universe were dimmed. They were knocked away and their energy was drained away. It was extremely terrifying.
The guillotine of the avenue was dark red, with blood stains emerging on it. It was full of murderous energy, and it seemed that a random blow could cut off the universe and reverse time.

Xu Yu slowly stepped into the void, her clothes were fluttering, her eyes were flowing and steaming, it was the breath of time and the supreme power that filled the air, shaking the vast universe!
Today, he has peerless charm, and the whole world seems to be within the palm of his hand!

One thought about creation, one thought about life and death!
His blood boiled like the sea, and his whole body was shrouded in rays of light. Even the Tianling Cap raised bursts of blood mist, turned into a big dragon, and soared into the sky. The fairy light outside his body was blazing, like a divine sun surrounding him. Facing the Immortal Killer The guillotine, Xu Yu's face is becoming more and more dull now. It is a palm with slender fingers and white as jade. At this moment, it is pressed down in the air.
Come, the divine light all over your body flows from your fingertips, magnifying in an instant, covering the sky and the moon, covering the entire world.

The humanoid spirit flew upside down, and even the immortal-killing guillotine flew out. The light of the swords in the sky dimmed, and there was a cry, and there was even a faint cracking sound.

Shocked the world!

He has achieved the level of Fighting Immortal. With just one strike, he was fighting with the Immortal-Destroying Platform and the Immortal-Destroying Guillotine. You must know that the two were fighting back and forth before!

However, the next moment, the humanoid creature was holding the immortal-killing guillotine, and his aura was also rising, as if it was ignited. It was extremely blazing, and it actually rose to a height comparable to Xu Yu!

"The heavens are rotten, and all calamities will never come." Xu Yu scolded lightly, the fighting spirit in his brows turned into a tangible substance, and he rushed out.

At this moment, the humanoid creature came over again with the immortal-killing guillotine, and there was actually billions of murderous auras, like mountains and rivers erupting, like the sea bursting its banks, like the starry sky collapsing, rumbles, and blazing lightning flooding the universe. This place has become a sea of ​​laws, which is extremely terrifying. , seems to be able to destroy all life, the Immortal-Decapitating Guillot slashes down again, unparalleled in the world!
"It's so scary. We are clearly going to survive the catastrophe. Why don't we give him a chance?" Someone changed his mind. This catastrophe has become stronger again. This is a sure kill!
Even the creatures in the restricted area were shocked. This immortal-killing guillotine actually improved a level as the opponent's level improved. Was this obviously giving him a way to survive?

Xu Yu's eyes melted into the sky, and his black hair flew into the air. He soared into the sky, and with a powerful kick, he stepped on the immortal-killing guillotine. Then he spun around and landed with a palm, sending the humanoid creature flying again!
“Rebellion against heaven and earth shall be punished!

The humanoid creature stood up again, its eyes were like cold lightning, staring at Xu Yu coldly,
"What, he...said?" Some people were surprised, and then their hearts trembled. Tianjie actually spoke. This was an epoch-making event and had never happened before.

The next second, he disappeared on the spot, and with a flash of the immortal-killing guillotine, a series of shocking immortal lights appeared!Everyone was shocked. Are the Immortal Killing Platform and the Immortal Killing Guillotine psychic?You can actually speak. Is this a manifestation of the will of heaven and earth?


The immortal-killing guillotine turned red, with dark red blood stains on the blade. Moreover, shadows floated out again, like ghosts, and each one looked up to the sky and roared.

There are them in all realms, many of them are supreme and true immortals!

It was the soul that died under the guillotine that killed the immortal. It was used by him, and it accepted his Dharma and Tao and danced together.

"Those are the geniuses who died under the guillotine of killing immortals in the past!" Someone sighed, recognizing the origins of those souls.when!
Xu Yu used his five fingers to bend and shoot out streaks of light, hitting the blade body and making a sonorous and powerful sound that shook the world.

The sound of swords sounded like it was coming from every corner of the void. Humanoid creatures held their arms in their arms, drawing a yin and yang. The taiji was the root, the guillotine was the god, and the light of the sword was exciting.

Countless souls are flying along with it, shadowy and shadowy, whistling between heaven and earth, which is unusually fascinating.

This sword intent was so blazing that Jingyin had a terrifying sharp aura that went beyond the extreme and destroyed everything, and countless souls entangled him, raising his aura to the extreme!


Xu Yu subconsciously wanted to fight, but suddenly her mind moved, scriptures circulated in her body, six portals opened, and vortices emerged one by one. In an instant, the heaven and earth were roaring, forming a terrifying starry sky storm.

"Chi, chi, chi!"

Streams of light rushed out, turned into chains, and rolled towards many souls, imprisoning many souls.

Those souls were blurred, and each one dimmed instantly, turning into rays of light and disappearing into the six paths within their bodies.

"How could this be!"

Many people were horrified that these spirits who had died under the guillotine of killing immortals were actually absorbed by that person. This was too terrifying. This was a destiny that was taking over the world.

Those people all died under the guillotine of Killing Immortals, and now they have manifested, which means that they have become part of the will of heaven and earth, and they are also the means of attack for the evolution of heaven and earth, but now they have been intercepted and evolved by one person.


The six paths of reincarnation in Xu Yu's body, the six gates of light come and go, absorb the souls one by one, directly fill them into the six paths of reincarnation, and replenish the six realms of the world in the body.

In the past, when Xu Yu was in the supreme realm, he could not absorb too many souls at once, but now that he is in this realm, his body is naturally like a bottomless pit. Even many true immortal souls can be absorbed and turned into amazing nutrients to nourish himself.

"Great calamity, let me go!!"

Xu Yu scolded lightly, her hair flew up, and her body swayed like a dragon and snake, striking across the nine heavens and ten earth!
After absorbing the soul of the Immortal Killing Platform, Xu Yu chose to take action directly and forcefully to end everything completely and clear the world.

"War Immortal Palm!" Xu Yu shouted.

A palm seemed to have gathered the starlight from the sky, with ancient energy flowing through it, and it pressed down towards the humanoid creature and the Zhen Dao from a distance.

The humanoid creatures transformed from the Immortal Slayer Platform were shaken. When they fell, it was like a heavenly craftsman wielding a divine hammer. An astonishing aura was released, and the aura filled every inch of the void.

The humanoid creature exploded and transformed into the main body of the Taoist platform again, carrying the breath of world destruction, hanging in the void, uncertain of light and death. Even the immortal-slaying guillotine came out of his hand and fell down.

Although the Immortal Killing Platform seems to be intact, there is an inexplicable aura circulating, and the residual power of the Immortal Fighting Palm lingers, permeating every inch of the Immortal Killing Platform.


The mighty immortal power surged, causing him to explode, suddenly erupting into a sea of ​​thunder.

And then, Xu Yu raised his hand to overturn the world, and struck down with a sudden punch, like a real dragon leaping and hitting the immortal-killing guillotine.

Like a starry sky shattering, the immortal-killing guillotine known as the dream of countless geniuses also broke into several pieces, and then exploded.

The blood light swept across the sky, like a bloody waterfall, and like a vast ocean, rolling in endlessly, and finally turned into a bloody sea of ​​thunder and clouds.

Xu Yu's face was dull, and there was a little light and rain floating in the depth of the hole. Then, the symbols were densely covered, crisscrossed, and extremely deep. He looked at the sea of ​​thunder and clouds transformed into the Immortal-Zhanping Platform and the Immortal-Zhancing Guillotine.

"These essences are still heavenly tribulations, and the Immortal-Destroying Guillotine and Immortal-Destroying Platform are just another way to express them." Xu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly and he quickly made this judgment.

When he looked at these seas of thunder, his mind suddenly moved slightly. These thunders had no effect on him now, but they could be used to refine weapons.

Now, his spirit has reached the level of the quasi-immortal king, and his physical body is even more terrifying. He is only a hair away from the immortal king. He has been tempered for thousands of times, and he is not short of these thunders.


A stream of light rushed forward, rushed out from the top of his head, turned into a fairy golden cauldron, slowly rotated, with a hazy aura, and submerged into the sea of ​​thunder and clouds.

An immortal bow appeared, ancient and mottled, and also carrying a terrifying aura. It rushed out and turned into immortal light.


A formation diagram rotates slowly, containing supreme creation. Four blood-red killing swords hang on it, clanking. These are the Lingbao formation diagram and the killing swords. The tragic aura is overwhelming!
Even the Lihuo Divine Furnace, which had not been used for a long time, was sacrificed. This was a quasi-emperor soldier who belonged to Emperor Hengyu before he became enlightened and had always been by his side.

This wasn't the end yet, he took out the Holy Spirit Stone Token again, which belonged to the tenth city on the ancient road of the human race. Now he threw it out and was baptized by the sea of ​​thunder.

Then, without saying a word, he sat cross-legged in the sky, recited the Immortal Sutra, and began to seriously forge his own weapons. He was trained by thunder and lightning, using heavenly calamity as fire and chaos as water, and integrated them into the weapons.

In this place, the glow suddenly shone, the fairy aura spurted out, various chanting sounds rang out, and the sound of great ethics filled the sky, reaching far and wide!

"It's a pity that the Bronze Immortal Palace is no longer there." Xu Yu sighed slightly in his heart, remembering some past events.

During the battle in his second life, he was surrounded by true immortals and offered up the Bronze Immortal Palace for a duel. A big melee broke out, but the Bronze Immortal Palace accidentally let him fall and dispersed in the turbulent flow of the void, leaving him unable to find it. arrive.

Then he tried to sacrifice the Human Seal, but the Human Emperor Seal was floating up and down in the sea of ​​thunder. Although the wire was wrapped with blazing electricity, his body surface and even his origin did not change at all.

"The Seal of the Human Emperor..."

Xu Yu's eyes flickered, and she took him away after pondering for a while. The Human Emperor's Seal was very mysterious, and even though he was in this realm now, he still couldn't see through him.

Even the immortal gold it forged cannot be detected. The fact that these sacrifices are not successful now shows that the grade of this human emperor's seal is much higher than the grade of this heavenly tribulation. (End of chapter)

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