Next, he kept refining, and almost devoted himself to refining several other weapons.

Now that he has become a War Immortal, he is almost as good as the Ten Evils. His Immortal Realm is astonishing, so it is no problem to refine some Immortal Weapons.

A full seven days passed, and all the lightning gradually disappeared.

Originally, his Immortal Golden Cauldron had advanced to the level of an Immortal Weapon early in the 10-year campaign, and now it has become a quasi-Immortal King Weapon.

The Four Swords of Zhuxian, the Immortal Bow, the Furnace of Lihuo God, and the Holy Spirit Stone Token are all wrapped in the mysterious fairy light, with chaos surging and terrifying.

Especially the Immortal Golden Cauldron and the Four Swords of Zhuxian are even more impressive. Going one step further, it might be the Immortal King Soldier.

Needless to say, the Immortal Golden Cauldron, although Xu Yu doesn't use it much, is still a tool for him to achieve enlightenment. It can be attacked or received, and it continues to evolve along the way.

It is suspended in the void, swallowing up the sun, moon, and stars. It is unique in all eternity, and its whole body is brilliant. It seems to have engraved all spirits, and it also has the scene of the creation of the world, and a mysterious aura is circulating.

The Four Swords of Zhu Xian and the formation diagram are somewhat special. He is one of the top imperial soldiers in the world of Zhetian. He contains the supreme meaning of "Zhu Xian's Secret". Whether it is attack or defense, he is unrivaled in the world. .

What's more important is that this Immortal Four Sword was once a fierce weapon. In the era of Lingbao Tianzun, it left a huge reputation for killing, and it is unknown how many strong men's blood it was contaminated with.

And later when Xu Yu got him, it was even worse. Especially during the 10 years of three reincarnations, no one knows how many true immortals dyed four killing swords red.

Now, it is even more extraordinary. The Immortal-Slaying Platform and the Immortal-Slaying Guillotine have collapsed and turned into the source of the Heavenly Tribulation. This source is also in line with the way of killing the Immortal. It has infinite killing intent and fits perfectly with the Lingbao Killing Sword.

Then, Xu Yu took a step forward and stepped into the remoter wilderness of the universe.

Moreover, at this moment, he began to swallow the essence of heaven and earth, sucking in all the sun, moon and stars in the starry sky to replenish the divine energy he had consumed before.

The world suddenly dimmed, as if it was the end of the world, and all the brilliance and essence were absorbed into his body and swallowed up cleanly.

Xu Yu's whole body was crystal clear, spotless, and completely adjusted. Now his energy and blood were strong, and the Tianling Cap shot out a bright golden light, penetrating the universe. He opened his eyes, and his eyes were as bright as a galaxy. There were stars inside, and there were Everything in the world is awe-inspiring. His body is long and strong, his long black hair is thick, and his power is unpredictable.

In front of his forehead, the Yuan Shen Tao Sword flashed, reflecting the heavens. He became the only one in the world, like an immortal king.

Wherever his eyes passed, the void collapsed, chaos spread, and the catastrophe was shattered. At this moment, he was extremely powerful, truly and completely consolidated into the realm of war immortal, swallowing mountains and rivers with rage.

Then, he disappeared and returned to the Sansheng Hall again. From the Sansheng Hall, he quietly observed the world. As expected, everyone's memories of him slowly disappeared and were completely annihilated. Even the creatures in the restricted area feel somewhat inexplicable, as if they have lost something but have nowhere to find it.

Finally, a month later, the Sansheng Stone once again lost its hazy brilliance and exuded a soft breath.

"Are you coming back?" He whispered, knowing that the time was almost up.


At this moment, the divine light of the Sansheng Stone flew in, reaching its peak, and suddenly submerged Xu Yu's body, causing him to disappear where he was...

call out!
The floating light intersects, and the clear mist seems to penetrate the ancient time and space. Layers of time rain float, the ripples are slightly rippling, filled with the power of the years, a layer of light curtain emerges, the void is blurred and distorted.

Xu Yu slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He was still in the Sansheng Palace, facing
The Sanshengshi with divine light flowing through it sits cross-legged. The six-path samsara wheel rotates, and the six-path divine light is uncertain, hanging on the top of his head, flowing in confusion.
Meng's breath seems to have lasted only a brief moment in a hundred thousand years.

The fragments of time are flying, time is like water, the rays of light here are gorgeous, the light and rain are dense, and it is extremely mysterious at this moment.

"Is he going through the ages, or is it just a big dream?"

Xu Yu whispered, returning to reality, which made him feel a little stunned, even lost his mind. Those past experiences were like a big dream, they seemed no longer so real, there was a vague and dim feeling, as if they were about to disappear from his memory. , very magical.


At this moment, there was a sound of surprise from the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, filled with shock.

In an instant, he sensed that Xu Yu had already broken into the quasi-immortal king realm, which made him horrified at what kind of speed this was.

"A great dream for eternity, a hundred thousand years have passed, what year is it today?" Xu Yu whispered, his eyes slightly flowing, revealing a heart-stopping aura. It was the ups and downs of the years, and the flying fragments of time.

"It's only a few days." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk responded, feeling uneasy in his heart. It took only a hundred thousand years to become a true immortal, just like a fantasy in the sky.

He was shocked. It seemed that there had never been a person who became a quasi-immortal king in 10 years. At least he had never heard of such a thing. He thought that becoming a true immortal was already extremely impressive, but it was even worse than he imagined. Incredible.

He clearly felt that there was vicissitudes of life and weariness in Xu Yu's eyes. It was clearly a baptism of time, and he only became like this after a long period of time.

"The Three Life Stones are indeed mysterious. They have allowed me to go through endless years, but in reality, only a moment has passed." Xu Yu sighed softly.

He experienced 10 years, but after returning, it was only for one day. People have to sigh that this is indeed a place that reaches the sky, nurturing endless creation.

But now he is in a trance, and those experiences now make him feel unreal.

But everything is not an illusion. He has penetrated the road of fighting immortals and has indeed reached the realm of quasi-immortal king. This cannot be faked.

"The years are too long..." Xu Yu sighed.


Then, Xu Yu Yuan Shen glowed, and the Dao sword clanked, white and translucent, and slashed towards him.

He wants to cut off distracting thoughts, cut off the trivial things he has experienced for 10 years, and keep a clear and ethereal heart. Otherwise, 10 years of memories will be too heavy and vicissitudes of life.

Of course, his 10 years of fighting, conquest, and cultivation experience have not been cut off, they still flow down and become his nourishment.

Finally, the center of Xu Yu's eyebrows glowed, shining brightly again, flowing with precious brilliance, reflecting the light of immortality.

He was full of energy again, his heart was as clear as crystal, and his whole body was surrounded by fairy light. He was as young and energetic as the past.

"What a big dream..." Xu Yu sighed a little.

"The lineage of ancient monks are so clever. They use the Three Life Stones to penetrate time and space, shortening people's cultivation years by countless times. No wonder so many strong men have to break their heads," the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk said softly, with admire.

To evolve such a sacred soil, one can imagine how capable the ancient monk was!
"Indeed." Xu Yu nodded, filled with emotion in his heart. All of this was like a dream. Who would have thought that he had already reached the quasi-immortal king realm.

"The ancient monk who left the Three Life Stone must have surpassed the Immortal Monk King." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan added. Later, Xu Yu communicated with the Six Paths of Reincarnation and briefly summarized his experience, specifically mentioning that everyone would lose their relevant memories of him.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan has followed the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King, and is also familiar with endless mysteries, so he will probably know something.

"It's indeed a bit weird. According to what you said, you have experienced the years in the future, but you seem to be 'transcended'. This should be the power of the Three Life Stones." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan pondered for a while before speaking. "What do you mean by this?" Xu Yu asked.

"That piece of time and space may be illusory and does not exist, but evolved from the power of the Three Life Stones. It may also be that you in the future are not in that piece of time and space, so everything that others have for you will disappear."

When Xu Yu heard this, he frowned slightly and his mind was a little complicated. He always felt that although his analysis was very reasonable, he still felt that he had missed something and that there was something he had not grasped.

Suddenly, Xu Yu's mind moved and he sacrificed the Endless Bell. He found that the first spiritual root connected to the Endless Bell had some changes.

The big bell is suspended, filled with the aura of immortality. On top of the big clock, there is a chain and a small tree. It is so fragrant that a mere breath of it can extend the life of a mortal for several years.

This is the first spiritual root in the wilderness!

On the small tree, there were three flowers in total. Now they are constantly changing. One of them turned into a rain of light, left the tree, and then turned into a small person in the void, only the size of a fist, turned over. He fell to the ground.

It sat cross-legged under a small tree, and actually began to realize the Tao. All around it, there were many divine lights, rippling slightly, and submerged into the first spiritual root.

Even the Three Life Stones were glowing, with runes emerging one by one, and the reflection was transparent, and the divine light penetrated into the first spiritual root.

The second flower on the tree made a soft sound, like the chiming of bells and cauldrons, and then turned into a misty rain of light, leaving the tree and forming weapons in the void. One moment it was a bell, the other a cauldron. , another
It's a tower for a while.

Finally, the weapon was wrapped in the fairy mist, entangled in the rays of light, and hung above the villain's head, rising and falling.

As for the third flower on the small tree, it fell on the villain and weapons like a torrent, tempering them.

The fairy mist was white and flowing in Xu Yu's mouth and nose. He squinted his eyes slightly and carefully understood everything about this ancient medicine.

His face suddenly turned cold. This ancient medicine seemed to have the aura of his Tao and Dharma engraved in it.

"It's amazing. This medicine has been blessed by being with you. Perhaps it has copied the Tao and Dharma you have learned over the years!" Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan exclaimed.

"Seller of counterfeit medicine." He whispered. This creature was incredibly powerful. Alongside the Burial Master and the Butcher, he was the supreme giant across the world. There were symbols in Xu Yu's pupils. He wanted to see through the way of selling counterfeit medicines, so he silently carved part of his method. He didn't notice it before.
"It should have been in those 10 years, when my realm was still low, so I didn't notice..." Soon, Xu Yu thought that it should be the first spiritual root of that era that carved part of his method. Now this spiritual root The divine light transpired, becoming more and more extraordinary.

"Sure enough, by following me, he has gained a lot of benefits from being a Daoguo of the third generation." Xu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

The little man sitting cross-legged under the tree is very mysterious. His breath is like the vast sea or the abyss. Various Dharma and Tao are intertwined, making it endlessly mysterious.

Xu Yu knew that the real seller of counterfeit medicine was now dormant in the fairy medicine. The villain they saw was just a breath of his breath. His true body was breathing in the medicine, and in and out, he evolved into the villain. kind

"Through life and death, travel across all realms, and experience the past in the world of mortals." Xu Yu whispered.

The counterfeit medicine seller engages in some kind of special practice, engraving all kinds of Taoist fruits in the world, whether they are powerful or weak, he will almost always engrave them.

"The person who sells counterfeit medicine is very weird, try to avoid any karma with him!" The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk said secretly, obviously he was quite afraid.

"It doesn't matter. Since he is following me, sooner or later, he will return everything to me." Xu Yu smiled slightly.

"Don't act rashly. The true nature of this medicine is very terrifying. Someone once killed the creature he transformed into in one breath, allowing the essence of the fairy medicine to manifest, but in the end it gave the person who took it a big head."

The so-called body in the elixir is only one of its six clones, not all of them. You can imagine how weird it is.

But even so, he is undoubtedly terrifying. Once he recovers, he will be almost unstoppable. Even in his current state, some immortal kings will be afraid, because they know the horror of selling fake medicine.

Moreover, even if you kill a clone, it is useless, because as long as one clone lives, the rest of him will be indestructible and immortal.

If once merged and transformed into the only true body, it will condense all the ways of heaven and earth, and combine the fruits of all the ways. At that time, he will probably make the ultimate leap, break through the ten thousand ways, and achieve the status of emperor, which is unprecedented.

At this time, doubts suddenly arose in Xu Yu's heart. Why did he not break through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor in his original trajectory with such a heaven-defying method?
In Xu Yu's heart, the importance of selling counterfeit medicines surpasses those of chicken farmers, butchers, and funeral directors, because even though those people are extremely powerful, they have not created their own supreme avenue like those who sell counterfeit medicines. .


Xu Yu opened and closed his eyes, and the ripples of runes condensed into light beams, like a heavenly sword or a Taoist sword. He observed this spiritual root, using the methods of a quasi-immortal king, hoping to explore some mysteries.

Not long after, Xu Yu's eyes suddenly condensed slightly. The villain was sitting cross-legged, with fairy energy surging all over his body. He seemed extremely sacred, but mixed with some chaotic aura.

"That's..." Xu Yu's eyes became even brighter, and the beam of light almost condensed into substance. In those fairy lights, he saw many Tao fruits, all phenomena in the world of mortals, and some mixed auras.

"Could it be that he absorbed many Dao Fruits, but also mixed in too many chaotic things, which made him unable to achieve the ultimate goal even though he is a giant of the Immortal King?
jump? "

Xu Yu's mind turned and she calmed down, thinking like this, but she still couldn't think of a reason for the time being.

"Forget it, let's study it slowly." Xu Yu put it down for the time being.

Xu Yu flicked his fingers, a stream of light burst out, and the chain on the big clock shattered. Now, he doesn't have to worry about his spiritual roots escaping. Unless he sells fake medicine, he can't escape from his palm.

However, the medicine did not leave. Instead, it glowed, floated, and slowly followed him, filling the air with a peaceful atmosphere.

"You have amazing fortunes. Even if I chase him away, he won't leave now." Six Paths of Samsara clicked his tongue, somewhat speechless.

"It doesn't matter." Xu Yu chuckled. His body was divided into six parts, implying the way of reincarnation. He also wanted to study it from the counterfeit medicine seller. Even if he escaped, he would find a way to imprison him and carve his part.
Daoguo, this cause and effect, cannot be easily eliminated.

When the time comes, he will let him know what the price is!

Finally, he grabbed it and stuffed the medicine into a container in a space, neatly.

The Six Paths of Samsara Pan was speechless and secretly lamented that he was so bold to treat him like this. Back then, even the King of the Six Paths of Samsara Pan was very afraid of selling counterfeit medicines, thinking that he might be able to break through the realm of kings and achieve the throne!
Afterwards, Xu Yu stood up and left the palace. The outside world was still groggy, surrounded by many fairies and ghosts, and filled with death energy. It was like a country of the undead. Only the Sansheng Palace was still shining brightly and flowing with divine brilliance.

call out!
Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed slightly, and there was a sonorous sound, and huge fluctuations rolled up for nine days. Down in the Nine Netherworld, the tide of divine power is surging, rising and falling, and the world is unparalleled.

The colorful beam of light shot into the sky, and a lot of black mist was washed away and poured into both ends, revealing a clear void passage without any gloom or coldness.

Today's Immortal Ghost Mist can no longer do anything to him. After all, the combat power of the Quasi-Immortal King is already a qualitative leap compared to before.

However, when he walked out of the area where the devil's fog was.

Suddenly, golden light shot into the sky, a blazing aura filled every inch of space, and ripples spread across the avenue.

In the distance, the most powerful fluctuations filled the air, and the coercion swept across the nine heavens. A majestic figure roared in, its breath was breathtaking, and the stars and moon in the sky fell together!
(End of this chapter)

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