
Xu Yu's divine eyes opened and closed, and the ripples of runes were condensed into light beams, like a heavenly sword or a Taoist sword. He observed this spiritual root, using the methods of a quasi-immortal king, hoping to explore some mysteries.

Not long after, Xu Yu's eyes suddenly condensed slightly. The villain was sitting cross-legged, with fairy energy surging all over his body. He seemed extremely sacred, but mixed with some chaotic aura.

"That's..." Xu Yu's eyes became even brighter, and the beam of light almost condensed into substance.

In those fairy lights, he saw many Tao fruits, all phenomena in the world of mortals, and some mixed auras.

"Could it be that he absorbed so many Dao Fruits, but also mixed in too many chaotic things, that even though he is a giant of the Immortal King, he is unable to make the ultimate leap?"

Xu Yu's mind turned and she calmed down, thinking like this, but she still couldn't think of a reason for the time being.

"Forget it, let's study it slowly." Xu Yu put it down for the time being.

Xu Yu flicked his fingers, a stream of light burst out, and the chain on the big clock shattered. Now, he doesn't have to worry about his spiritual roots escaping. Unless he sells fake medicine, he can't escape from his palm.

However, the medicine did not leave. Instead, it glowed, floated, and slowly followed him, filling the air with a peaceful atmosphere.

"You have amazing fortunes. Even if I chase him away, he won't leave now." Six Paths of Samsara clicked his tongue, somewhat speechless.

"It doesn't matter." Xu Yu chuckled. His body was divided into six parts, implying the way of reincarnation. He also wanted to study it from the counterfeit medicine seller. Even if he escaped, he would find a way to imprison him and carve out part of his way. The result, this cause and effect, cannot be easily eliminated.

When the time comes, he will let him know what the price is!

Finally, he grabbed it and stuffed the medicine into a container in a space, neatly.

The Six Paths of Samsara Pan was speechless and secretly lamented that he was so bold to treat him like this. Back then, even the King of the Six Paths of Samsara Pan was very afraid of selling counterfeit medicines, thinking that he might be able to break through the realm of kings and achieve the throne!
Afterwards, Xu Yu stood up and left the palace. The outside world was still groggy, surrounded by many fairies and ghosts, and filled with death energy. It was like a country of the undead. Only the Sansheng Palace was still shining brightly and flowing with divine brilliance.

call out!
Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed slightly, and there was a sonorous sound, and huge fluctuations rolled up for nine days. Down in the Nine Netherworld, the tide of divine power is surging, rising and falling, and the world is unparalleled.

The colorful beam of light shot into the sky, and a lot of black mist was scattered and poured into both ends, revealing a clear void channel without any gloom or coldness.

Today's Immortal Ghost Mist can no longer do anything to him. After all, the combat power of the Quasi-Immortal King is already a qualitative leap compared to before.

However, when he walked out of the area where the devil's fog was.

Suddenly, golden light shot into the sky, a blazing aura filled every inch of space, and ripples spread across the avenue.

In the distance, the most powerful fluctuations filled the air, and the coercion swept across the nine heavens. A majestic figure roared in, its breath was breathtaking, and the stars and moon in the sky fell together!
The nine-headed lion in the quasi-immortal king realm!
The nine-headed lion appears again! He seemed to have been waiting there and not disappeared!
He roared loudly, and the nine heads roared together. You could clearly see the nine golden ripples rushing up, like nine big waves, shaking so much that even the sky was roaring.

This is a unique secret technique of the lion lineage. It is the true lion's roar skill. When the sound wave comes out, the heaven and earth will collapse and the stars will fall.

This is definitely a terrifying existence that can dominate in the quasi-immortal king realm.


However, Xu Yu has no fear. Now that he even dares to compete with the Immortal King, how can he be afraid of this nine-headed lion.

His whole body was filled with fairy light, and his surging aura turned into a curtain of light, like a sea of ​​stars undulating, containing the power of creation from heaven and earth.

Those terrifying sound waves were wiped out by the light curtain before they reached the body, turning into a faint golden light that spread across the world.


The nine-headed lion was fierce and ferocious. Although the lion's roar had no effect, it turned into golden light and charged forward. Its claws struck in the air, heavier than the stars, crushing the sky in all directions.

Xu Yu slapped it down with a palm, and the terrifying immortal energy entangled, the blazing light surged, life and death, and the fighting spirit surged, and it collided with the big golden claw.

The fist collided with the giant golden claw, and the sparks were blazing like little suns. The nine-headed lion roared, and there was a sound of shattering.


The nine-headed lion's leg bones were shattered, and its legs were weak. It knelt on the ground, trembling with fear, and its body was trembling.

Raise your hands and crouch down upon the lion!

This is a very shocking scene, a nine-headed lion prostrates itself at the feet of a human being.

Xu Yu's figure turned slightly, and the trajectory of his steps was as round as the full moon. He shook his palms again and shot down.

He flew out like a meteor, his arms spasmed, his bones crackled, and many cracks appeared.

But it's not over yet!

A ball of dazzling light burst out, as if the light that had existed in the world since the beginning of the world illuminated the dark sky thousands of miles away.

A ball of sparks that was several times more dazzling than before exploded. With a crazy roar, the body of the nine-headed lion suddenly exploded and turned into a pile of broken bones, flying everywhere.

"This..." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was a little dumbfounded. This was too fierce. He killed a quasi-immortal king in two or three moves. Although the opponent had no soul, this was enough to defy the heavens. Maybe he could compete with the real immortal king. .

Then, Xu Yu's eyes glowed, and a brilliant beam of light appeared, sweeping towards many lion bones. In a flash of light, the lion bones disappeared and were put away by him.

These are the bones of the Quasi-Immortal King. Although they are of little use to him, they can be given to Shi Hao and others to refine weapons for them.

Just when the two were about to leave. Suddenly, Xu Yu's eyebrows raised slightly, and something inside his body was trembling slightly. With a thought, he sacrificed him out.

A sarcophagus less than the length of a hand and only four fingers wide appeared in Xu Yu's hands.

Its style is simple and natural, with vague carvings. If you look closely, you can see that it is the sun, moon, stars, flowers, birds, fish, insects, etc. They seem to be very ancient things that have existed since ancient times.

This is... the Nine-layered Coffin from the Age of Mythology!

According to legend, it should be buried in the nine heavens and never sink into the loess.

This is what Xu Yu got after he became the emperor in Zhetian World. He buried a peerless figure - the God Emperor!

The trembling sound just now came from this... coffin!

Divine Silkworm Ridge, Divine Silkworm Ancient Emperor!

The ancient emperor of Shencanling was definitely a special being. He was invincible in the heavens and the earth in nine transformations, and looked at the past and present and the future in ten changes. The years when he became emperor can only be described as brilliance and brilliance. "What a peculiar coffin..." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was surprised. The continuous runes on the first floor filled the air and formed six beams of light. They sank into the coffin and began to investigate carefully.

"It's incredible. The body is still transforming. It just transformed into the Immortal Body of Wu Kuo. No wonder there is something strange." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan said in surprise.

Xu Yu's divine eye opened and closed, and extremely mysterious runes appeared. Now, with the War Immortal Dao Fruit, the divine eye has further begun to transform. He can look directly at the scene inside without deliberately opening the divine eye.

The ancient coffin of the gods is unfathomable. It is like an abyss, and the inside is white and becomes a world. A figure appears. It is an extremely majestic man, lying quietly in the coffin. Although he is buried in the coffin, But it feels like you are in the endless insect sky, vast and colorful, and endlessly mysterious.

Wisps of chaotic energy were entwined, aloof yet mysterious. Although his eyes were closed tightly, he looked like a living peerless sage, free from all sentient beings. It was extremely terrifying, with the immortal light dripping from his body, and it seemed that he had initially completed his transformation.

"I just said that I have transformed into an immortal body. I am still in the process of further transformation. I haven't forgotten Su Chou yet..." Xu Yu's formation light condensed, as sharp as a heavenly sword, staring at the current God Emperor.

The God-Emperor is definitely an underestimated existence in the world of Zhetian. The world thinks that he has fallen like an ordinary ancient emperor, but they don't know that he is still at the forefront of the road to immortality and does not bother others.

No one would have thought that a person who had been dead for millions of years, Xiao Wushen, had already achieved the status of immortality. If it spread to the world of Zhetian, it would definitely cause a storm!
"This person's cultivation method is very special. It is constantly changing from life to life. Each life is a brand new Tao and Fruit. Now he is also using Tao and Fruit to unite, which will produce a qualitative change," the Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan said with great interest.

"Transformation, return to unity..."

Xu Yu's eyes were focused. The Shencan clan was very special. In every transformation, different creatures would appear. It seemed that the past memories of Nao Chen had been cut off, and the current King of Seeds was uniting multiple Dao Fruits into one. This Obviously it is also an invincible road!
At this moment, the first spiritual root that had been following Xu Yu appeared again.

The little man above his head was looking at the coffin of the God Emperor with all his attention.

"He wants to be by your side, just like the counterfeit seller. He has gained a lot of benefits and accepted the power of reincarnation. He may become an Immortal King in the future." The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk overflowed with surprise.

He also spoke highly of the God Emperor and believed that his way was very special and groundbreaking. It is possible to become a self-king.

Xu Yu nodded slightly. In fact, the God Emperor was really good. Otherwise, how could he have survived to the Holy Ruins era and successfully penetrated into the enemy despite the original weirdness.

"Let's go!"

Xu Yu put away the nine-layer coffin of the gods directly. The current God Emperor has not yet fully awakened. Although he is also very interested in his Dao Fruit, it is not too late to study it in the future.

The two of them walked forward, and not long after, they saw a hazy light door, exuding a mysterious aura. It was exactly the way they came, and they entered directly step by step.

The land of reincarnation.

The battle in the True Immortal Realm has also entered the decisive stage. The people facing off now are Yun Jin and a red-haired Taoist.

A door shook, exuding all kinds of inexplicable divine light, and the aura of the avenue filled the air, as if something was about to break through the wall.

"It's coming out!"

"Well, he doesn't hesitate in his appearance. Perhaps he has reached the middle stage of the true fairyland!"

"It's only been one day, and he came out. I don't know how many years he has experienced by the Sansheng Stone."

Many supreme beings and true karma were talking about it there. Looking at the door that stepped on the door, their hearts were palpitating.

Even the two people who were dueling inadvertently looked over and stared at Zheng Hei, especially Yun Jin, with complicated expressions, wondering what level he had reached now.

Xu Yu appeared, stepped into time and space, and came to the land of reincarnation again.

He looked to be only about 20 years old, with a handsome face and black hair that was naturally spread over his crystal body. He stood tall in the vast sky, exuding the majesty of the heavens.

Moreover, his eyes were extremely deep, broader than the stars in the sea, and seemed to reveal the scenery of the heavens and the world of mortals. They seemed peaceful, but even if they were immortal figures, they would feel a kind of heart palpitations when they looked at them.

His figure is also extremely majestic, and his steps always have a special rhythm, neither fast nor slow. Consistent, as if he has trampled all the world under his feet.

In particular, the aura on his body has the light of the great avenue flowing away, transcending the ordinary and becoming a saint. This is the ultimate embodiment of the immortal Tao Dunshu practice.

Quasi fairy king!
In this state, all the realms in the vast world are mourning and surrendering, while many powerful people in the world of reincarnation are shaking their heads and can't help but kowtow.

The quasi-immortal king, ascend to heaven in one step!
Those who touch the gate of the Immortal King have leapt from the sea into dragons and can become true immortals. Such people are rare even in the Immortal Realm!

Many people were shocked and shocked. A supreme being entered the Sansheng Stone and actually achieved the status of quasi-immortal king. It was unbelievable. How did he do it? You must know that he was just a supreme being.

Even if immortal figures enter, most of them are in danger of becoming quasi-immortal kings, but it is unbelievable that a supreme person has made so many steps in one go.

"My Buddha is sad..."

In the land of reincarnation, the Buddha's light suddenly flourished. Several old men who were sitting cross-legged and meditating suddenly raised their heads. They could no longer remain calm, and a terrifying light shone in their eyes.

The one in the middle is an old Xi, wearing a bird's armor, with the sun, moon and stars shaking above it. His eyebrows are white, and his clothes are full of pleats. He has a kind of stern look, which is also the same at this moment.

"This man is amazing!" He and several elders looked at each other, and they, who were originally so solemn but looked sad, suddenly became happy.

Xu Yu also turned his head and looked directly over. It was only at this moment that he understood the state of these old Xis!
Quasi fairy king!
People may not have thought that these seemingly ordinary old monks would actually reach the realm of quasi-kings. How many mysteries are there in borrowing a lineage from ancient times?
At this moment, on the platform of life and death, the decisive battle between a red-haired Taoist and Yun Jin, due to the appearance of Xu Yu, was only temporarily lost, and soon came back, after all, it was the final moment.

The man's eyes were blazing, and his hair was extremely messy. He was like a wild beast, learning to transform the universe, rectify the mountains and rivers within, and suppress Xiang Yunjin.

The pure white light is flying, endless divine power is washing, the cloud brocade is forming a series of seals, the light mist is flying, and it is slapping away, with a kind of magical power that turns decay into magic.

However, the man opposite him was, after all, extremely powerful. When he pressed seals with both hands, Oven appeared in time and space. The fragments of time flew around, causing Yun Si's figure to give way slightly and let out a loud roar. Behind him, an endless sea of ​​blood emerged, as if Control the world of Asura and lead the world.

Standing on a sea of ​​blood, swallowing up the heaven and earth.

Yun Jin fell back and kept coughing up blood. Her face was a little pale and gray. She was almost defeated, but he was still defeated.

"I lost..."

She was decisive enough to admit defeat and jumped off the platform.

However, the red-haired Taoist seemed to be chasing him. After seeing Di Xuanzhi, he seemed a little afraid.

“I don’t know how many years it will take to get out of this place.”

Yun Jin looked at Xu Yu, her perception turned unfathomable, and she couldn't help but reveal a wry smile. (End of chapter)

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