Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 420 The Secret of the Wheel Chapter

Yun Jin naturally knew that the red-haired Taoist who let him go just now was definitely not soft-hearted, but because he was afraid of Xu Yu in his heart and knew that he had an inexplicable relationship with him.

You must know that in the battle of life and death, few people will let go of their opponents and will try their best to kill them, because everyone is an obstacle to the Sansheng Stone, so they will naturally spare no effort.

Even if it is Yun Jin, the same is true. If he can kill his opponent, he will naturally not be merciful at all.

Otherwise, like before, he would not have controlled the Supreme Corpse to rob and kill Xu Yu in an attempt to seize his soul.

Xu Yu was very calm. He was slightly different. He didn't expect that Yun Jin was so strong that he could engage in a decisive battle in the immortal world. Even though they both had weak souls, it was extremely extraordinary.

You know, these people are not ordinary. They are either descendants of the Changsheng family or the inheritors of the Immortal King, but they were still killed by her all the way.

This time she was defeated, not because she was weak, but because the red-haired Taoist was very strange and controlled the law of time. In the realm of immortality, it was really difficult for ordinary people to match him.


On the platform of life and death, a door of light appeared again, flowing with a mysterious aura, and the red-haired Taoist stepped in decisively, slipping directly to the spot and entering into the enlightenment of creation.

Xu Yu was told by several ancient monks that they would be summoned when the red-haired Taoist returned.

“I’ve met the Quasi-Immortal King!

Soon, Wuyangyang's people came over, most of them were Supremes, and some were Zhen. They saluted seriously and did not dare to slack off.

A quasi-immortal king is too terrifying. One finger is enough to kill them without any effort and without any accidents.

It is conceivable that the quasi-immortal king, respected by the heavens and the earth, is no more than the master of some restricted areas.

Xu Yu also returned the favor one by one. He was not arrogant, very peaceful, and did not condescend to them like a quasi-immortal king, which made them feel a lot better.

As the sun sets, the entire land of reincarnation is covered with a layer of golden light on the town iron, shining like a rare treasure.

The entire land of reincarnation is glowing with peaceful and pure power, and a large area of ​​light is steaming up. This is no longer an ordinary land, like the old land of the Immortal Family.

A layer of glorious waves filled the entire ancient land, making it appear solemn, sacred, and shocking.

Xu Yu and Yun Jin came to a small restaurant. It was not very big, but the atmosphere was lively.

Of course, this was not left by the lineage of ancient monks, but was constructed spontaneously by the supreme and true immortals who entered this place.

Although there is no way to enter the Sansheng Stone, when the powerful people gather together, they can't help but talk about the Dharma and Tao to verify each other's Tao and fruit.

Moreover, such small wine shops are dotted in the place of cultivation, which is a unique and wonderful place.

"You can leave soon..., and I don't know how long or how long it will take to wait?" Yun Jin, with her beautiful face and moonlight, said a little lonely at the moment. Xu Yu took a sip but did not say anything immediately.

Instead, his eyes flickered, looking towards the sky, not knowing what to think, and just let him talk.

"I just want to return to my ancient world and my homeland..."

Seeing that Xu Yu didn't answer, Yun Jin continued to talk about his longing for his hometown.

Then, there were some tears dripping down her face, which seemed to be full of sadness, and her eyes were almost empty.

Soon, Xu Yu learned a lot about the past. Xu Yu learned that she did not step into the primitive gate automatically, but was sent to her by the elders of the clan.

When she was young, she was the most beautiful woman in the world, and she was the proud daughter of the ancient world. She could look down on the world, and her cultivation progressed very quickly. She reached the supreme realm at a very young age, but she was still not satisfied.

At that time, she was told by the leader of the clan that within the Primordial Gate, one could step into the supreme realm, and the avenue could be yin, and the general would be sent to her. But after stepping into the Primordial Gate, she was directly teleported by her name. Come to this ancient strangeness.

It must be said that her cultivation speed is still extremely fast. In this world, it takes only a million years to reach the true fairyland.

However, in the following years, it was difficult to make progress and was stuck in this situation.

Until she heard about the Land of Reincarnation, but endless years passed and he still failed to find this place.

It wasn't until 50 years ago that Mian finally determined the coordinates and spent half his life searching for them.

But it was a pity that it failed. If we wait for the next opening, it will be another million years later.

Xu Yu was speechless. After so many years of searching, he arrived here, and as soon as he arrived, he was close to this place.

"The place where the Primordial Gate comes is random. It may be close to the land of reincarnation, or it may be infinitely far away." Yun Jin sighed, and then fell silent again.

"I've seen fellow Daoist!"

Not long after, a white-haired man came over. He was very calm, with disheveled white hair, deep eyes, and a very special temperament.

Many people in the surrounding area looked over, some were surprised, some were surprised, and some were puzzled. Now that Xu Yu has ascended to the throne of the Quasi-Immortal, they would never take advantage of him like this. Although they were respectful, they all maintained a deep fear of him. .

Xu Yu nodded, his eyes moved slightly, and he knew that this person was named Jinghong, and he was one step away from being at the top of the Supreme Realm. Just got into the busy position.

In the original life-and-death battle, among a group of supreme beings, this person was definitely among the best. Compared to the Chaos Golden Snake, Dao Wuhen was stronger, but he didn't think he was Xu Yu's opponent, so he didn't take action.

"Fellow Taoist, can you tell me about entering the immortal realm now?" After drinking for three rounds, Jinghong raised his glass and looked into his eyes. A glimpse of the vicissitudes of life was revealed, and memories were shared together.

"The realm of immortality, the realm of heaven and earth. Before I left, I had not penetrated that realm. I had never been there..." Xu Yu replied.

"Jedi Tiantong!"

Jinghong was stunned and didn't say anything for a long time. He just kept drinking. It wasn't until midnight that he said goodbye and left.

Moreover, Xu Yu also got to know the news that Jinghong Supreme came from the Immortal Realm and was a descendant of an ancient Immortal Tradition.

Three days have passed and everything seems to be coming to an end.

The night is deep.

In the land of reincarnation, in addition to many sacred lands of the ancient hate lineage, there are many mountain peaks. Everyone has a temporary cave where auspicious energy flows under the white moonlight.

In the middle of the night, when everything was quiet, Xu Yu walked out alone, stood on the top of the mountain, and looked at the entire land of reincarnation. As far as the eye could see, there were endless lights of flying immortals.

A portal was torn apart, and endless light filled the air, rolling like a sea, shaking the sky and the earth. "Jinglong is back!" someone exclaimed, Jinglong was the name of the red-haired Taoist.

The red-haired Taoist Jinglong returned with a surging aura, billowing like divine clouds, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth. He was extremely tyrannical and had reached the middle stage of a true immortal.

Many people in the Land of Reincarnation are stunned. Such a powerful Jinglong has only entered the middle stage from the early stage of true immortality. This shows how terrifying Xu Yu is, and he has reached the level of quasi-immortal king.

A bell rang, and the endless Buddha's light spread overwhelmingly. An old monk appeared, chanted the Buddha's name, and invited Xu Yu and Jinglong over.

Many supreme beings and true immortals are envious. They know that these two people are about to obtain the method to truly transcend this place!

The long and long ringing of the big bell is heard from every ancient temple in the land of reincarnation. If a scripture hits the ears, it will deafen and enlighten people.

The entire land of samsara was peaceful, with bursts of cicadas singing, as if the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas in the heavens were singing in harmony, and the sound of the great law was endless.

In the land of reincarnation, the ancient temple is magnificent, simple and majestic, very spectacular, like an immortal fairy palace, with the tiles and ridges dyed with a layer of holy brilliance.

Xu Yu's eyes were bright, and he also followed the old monk. He knew that this ancient place had an extremely extraordinary origin. The era of the Immortal Monk King was still far away. He wanted to know more, maybe he could know it, and it was unknown to others. 's big secret.

As for the method of transcending the local area, he doesn't particularly care. Now that he has returned to reality, the system can be used again to call up the world gate, and he can naturally go back easily.

Xu Yu and Jing Long entered a quiet courtyard, where six or seven old monks sat and discussed the Tao. They were surrounded by endless Buddha light, accompanied by ancient vines and futons, which gave them a unique charm.

When Xu Yu came in, several ancient monks were moved, and they all stood up without asking for help, because they knew when this young man became so outstanding, he was not weaker than them, and he would definitely be able to act proudly in the future.

"I've met several masters!" Xu Yu saluted seriously, with a calm look on his face.

Jinglong on the side was also saluting, not daring to overstep the mark. He seemed to understand the horror of these old monks and did not dare to be rude.

Moreover, the two of them agreed that this person must be extremely powerful, because they felt that he was unfathomable, as vast and boundless as the ocean.

Moreover, no matter how powerful they are, after all, they made their breakthrough here, so they naturally maintain a sense of respect in their hearts.

"No need to be too polite. You two are extraordinary in appearance. Now that you have reached this point, I am very happy to congratulate you."

An old monk wearing cassocks smiled, with the sun, moon and stars moving above him. Although his face was wrinkled and looked a little serious, he still showed a smile. After a few people exchanged pleasantries, they finally slowly got to the point. among.

"I know that you have many doubts in your hearts at the moment, but it's okay to ask," an old monk said with a faint smile. The Buddha's light shrouded his back, making him look extraordinary and holy.

"Senior, what is the method for leaving this place that you are talking about? And how to resist the power of the law that strips away the soul from heaven and earth."

The red-haired Taoist Jing Long spoke in a deep voice, pointing directly to the vital point.

"After leaving this place, the damage to your souls will be automatically repaired, and will be further enhanced to reach a new peak."

"You have gone through the selection and experience of the land of reincarnation.

With the experience of the Three Life Stones, you can step onto the Tongtian Tower and leave this world. This is the way to transcendence here. Otherwise, even a quasi-immortal king will need a long time to get through this place. "An old monk said slowly.

"Tongtiantai, what is that!" Jinglong's expression froze.

"Tongtian Tower is a secret treasure left by my lineage of ancient monks. This is the greatest blessing left by my lineage of ancient monks. It can travel through the great world and ignore the obstacles of rules."

Xu Yu and Jing Long were shocked when they heard this. What a great fortune. Through Tongtiantai, they can travel through the great world and ignore the rules and obstacles. What a heaven-defying divine thing it is.

"Masters, I have some questions." Xu Yu spoke.

"But it doesn't matter."

"The Land of Reincarnation, what is the meaning of its existence, when did it originate, and why did your lineage of ancient monks leave so many things here." Xu Yu spoke directly, his eyes burning.

"The land of reincarnation has existed forever, and we don't know its origin or its demise! Perhaps it is even older than the... era of the Emperor's Fall you mentioned!" An old monk said.


Xu Yu and Jing Long both looked moved and were in a daze. It was older than the Emperor's Fall era. What era was that?

As we all know, the mark of the Emperor's Fall era is the footprints that step into the Boundary Sea. It was only after the Emperor's fall that it was called the Emperor's Fall era, and this era is almost the furthest era that can be traced back today.
And it is older than the Emperor Luo era, which sounds like a fantasy and unbelievable.

But Xu Yu was deeply focused. It was even older than the Emperor's Fall era. What should be there existed. It was indeed an unknown era. Even the Immortal King could not know it.

Not to mention Brother Gu, the Corpse Immortal Emperor of the Ultimate Land, even the four quasi-immortal emperors, Cang, Hong, Yu, and the Old Man of Destruction, are older than the era of the Footprint Emperor.

And these people in front of me are actually old monsters that are older than Di Luo. This is incredible.

"Don't get me wrong, we are not the founders of the Land of Reincarnation. Although we have lived for endless years, we are still creatures of the Nine Heavens. We have been extradited here by generations of immortal monks." The old monk smiled slightly and seemed to understand. What's on their minds.

Xu Yu and Jing Long frowned and did not speak immediately. They quietly waited for the ancient monks to continue. According to several old monks, although this place is not a boundary sea, it is also a terrifying place. There is an inexplicable force

The power can slowly imprison a person's soul, which can be said to be equivalent to a small dark cage.

"The Immortal Monk has said that the Primal Gate is a means of dark forces. Here, the souls of the Supreme and the powerful Immortal Dao are brought in." An old monk said,
"Why not just imprison the whole thing, just slowly disappear." The red-haired Taoist asked doubtfully,

"Because they only need the essence of the soul power. After plundering part of the soul power, the weak will be eliminated in this world, while the power of the strong soul will become stronger and stronger, and they can better harvest it. "The old monk sighed softly,

"How could this be so!" The red-haired Taoist Jing Long's eyebrows stood up, and a turmoil arose in his heart.

With so many of their supreme beings and true immortals, in this world, they are being harvested as leeks by the mastermind behind the Primordial Gate. This is simply unacceptable to him.

Anyone would probably not be able to accept it. No matter the Supreme Being or the True Immortal, they are all high above, overlooking all living beings, but in this world, they are as small as ant dust, which seems a bit ridiculous.

Xu Yu's expression was relatively calm, which was generally in line with what he had guessed before.

Then, the old monk began to introduce the place of reincarnation and told the two of them why they built a city here and left behind the creation.

"The Immortal Monk once said that although this place is a place of great danger, if the Supreme Immortal and the True Immortal can survive the disaster here, perhaps their future achievements will be even more incredible."

Moreover, the old monk introduced that the original immortal monk had predicted a corner of the future. Perhaps, there would be darkness in the future, and a peerless figure would need to appear to turn the tide. Therefore, he left the Three Life Stone to help the real genius rise against the sky!

"Perhaps what the ancient monk means is to sharpen the sharpest sword and plant the seeds of hope in this dangerous place!" (End of this chapter)

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