After hearing these words, Xu Yu's eyes shot out a terrifying light, like a torch, spraying out the avenue symbols, intertwining together, shattering the void.

The lineage of ancient monks wants to use the land of reincarnation to hone the strongest seeds?

"Yes, the sages of the ancient monk lineage were far-sighted and had seen a glimpse of the future. They had already predicted that darkness would fall in the future, so they left some backup plans." An old monk said again.

"I see..." Xu Yu nodded lightly.

As early as the time of the Immortal Ancient Jiyun, a group of big figures in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths had already foreseen the future.

Those giants who are truly in the realm of immortality have already begun to write.

Unfortunately, the most powerful Immortal Monk King of the Ancient Monk Lineage died in battle during the Immortal Ancient Era, so many of the methods left by the Ancient Monk Lineage were not used.

Perhaps in the next era, in the world that covers the sky, the lineage of ancient monks will once again shine with their own glory.

Maybe the Emperor Amitabha in later generations was the reincarnation of a certain immortal monk from the Immortal Ancient Era.

This pioneer of the lineage of ancient monks is also extraordinary. He actually left behind such a back-up as the Land of Reincarnation.

"You... are very good. You have become a quasi-immortal king. It shows that the ancient monks have a close relationship with you." An old monk looked at Xu Yu, his eyes shining with wonder.

"Except for this place, is there anything special about this world?" Xu Yu couldn't help but ask.

He probably just knew that this place could lead to the Boundary Sea, but other than that, he didn't know much about it, because he arrived at the Land of Reincarnation not long after he came here, and there were still many places that he had not set foot in.

"This place is vast and endless. There are some places that even the Immortal King cannot set foot in." The old monk spoke,

The Immortal King will not cross!

"In the ancient immortal era, this place was also an ancient battlefield, a battleground between Jiutian and foreign lands."

A place where nine heavens and ten earths compete with foreign lands! This news is amazing!
  "Immortal..." An old monk sighed.

According to them, this place has been used as a battlefield for a long time, and it can be traced back to the entire ancient history of the Immortal. In the early days of the Immortal Ancient, this place was used as a battlefield for foreign lands and the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Of course, those people did not come through the primitive gate. In addition to the primitive gate, the Immortal King led the team and could also step into this land. It was difficult to get lost.

The Immortal King does not cross, but only targets certain special areas.

Therefore, countless supreme beings and true immortals have fallen here.

At the beginning, the strength of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and Foreign Realm were about the same, and they would win or lose each other.

The battle was extremely brutal. Not only did the Supreme and True Immortals fall, but the Immortal King and the Immortal King were also buried here.

"Were the former Nine Heavens and Ten Earths so powerful?" Jing Long, the red-haired Taoist, was surprised. He had not stepped into the Primordial Gate for a long time. Knowing the current state of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, he did not expect that they still had such a glorious past.

Naturally, at that time, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were still a complete piece, supported by the World Tree, and the laws of the Great Dao were complete. Naturally, there was no shortage of strong people.

Even in the middle stage of the Immortal Ancient Period, there was a strong man from Jiutian who used the Chaos Spell to kill an immortal king from a foreign land. In that battle, Jiutian won a great victory, and the immortal king was buried here. "

"In the later stages, the decline of Jiutian's side was obvious. However, in my mind, there was a willow tree that left a very deep impression on me. It rose too fast. It killed foreign creatures like pulling weeds. It has a supreme posture." The old monk sighed.

Willow God!

Xu Yufa was startled, this was obviously Liu Shen. Willow God, looking for the original door, stepping into this world, are you looking for all the footprints of the past? Xu Yu was thoughtful.

"Well, I remembered that after the end of the Ancient Immortal Era, that willow tree appeared again and made a lot of noise. One person disturbed the boundless situation." An old monk said.


Xu Yu whispered and thought about it. At the end of the Immortal Ancient Period, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths collapsed, and almost all the local Immortal Kings were killed or injured. In the end, Liu Shen killed the foreign land, entered and exited nine times, but was also seriously injured, and started a new world. Nirvana.

During this period, he benefited from the Peacock God Lord of Sanqian Daozhou. Then, her strength improved again, and she wanted to explore the source of darkness. However, she was seriously injured again and was attacked by Immortal King Ao Sheng in the Immortal Realm. Finally, she fell. In Stone Village. "Maybe some destroyed ancient soils were buried here. Even we can't understand them all." An old monk said.

Xu Yu stared at the sky and couldn't help but wonder where the Willow God and the small pagoda were now.

"This place is vast and vast. There are many ancient lands that have been destroyed. There are also roads leading to the Boundary Sea. There are even ancient battlefields. They may not necessarily pass through the land of reincarnation. In fact, there are many people in the city with extraordinary origins. , has already come in since the Immortal Ancient Era, and has been dormant and sealed. Even if it is in a state of recovery, many people are too far apart and cannot even participate in that battle!"

Xu Yu was silent, thinking again for a while.

"You two, let's start our journey now." Several old monks offered something, which was a sacred platform that radiated light and had a mysterious aura flowing around it.

"I'd better explore this place and don't rush out." Xu Yu shook his head. It was very simple for him to leave this place, but he didn't want to go out yet.

Jinglong and the other old monks all looked slightly surprised when they heard this. They didn't expect that Xu Yu didn't plan to leave immediately.

You know, this place is not a kind place. Many people have regretted setting foot here.

"Okay, you make your own choice." Several old monks nodded, but did not force it.

Others believe that with the strength of Xu Yuquan Immortal King, it is relatively safe in this world as long as it does not touch taboos.

Jinglong was very excited and climbed up directly. The stone platform suddenly shone with light, bursting out with brilliant light, and if he tore the void apart, he disappeared from here.

"Can I give my quota to someone else?" Xu Yu suddenly felt moved and asked.

"This...can't be done, because only those who have understood the Three Life Stones can leave with the help of this object, otherwise it will not work at all." An old monk said speechlessly.

Finally, Xu Yu said goodbye to several old monks.

Soon, everyone knew that this quasi-immortal king actually gave up the method of transcending this place and chose to continue training, but they couldn't help but marvel in their hearts.

"You actually gave up..." Yun Jin looked at Xu Yu and sighed softly, feeling indescribably complicated.

She has a tall figure, slender legs, a round waist, a body as white as jade, light hair, watery eyes, bright red lips, and sparkling teeth. She can be called a peerless beauty, but at this moment, there is an indescribable ending. .

"Fellow Taoist, if one day I return to the Immortal Realm and you can come, I will definitely sweep the bed and wait for you." The white-haired Supreme Jinghong also came to say goodbye.

He has a majestic and tall figure, with disheveled white hair, but his eyes are as bright as morning stars.

"Farewell..." Xu Yu smiled, tore Tianyu apart, and took Yun Jin away through the air.

In fact, the land of reincarnation will not exist for long after the two of them complete their enlightenment. It will be hidden in the void again. The next time it is opened again will be millions of years later.

The light flickered, and wisps of fairy light flowed. Xu Yu turned into a blazing light and disappeared from the place, reaching even deeper into the distance.

He moved forward all the way, heading deeper. The sky and the earth were dim and foggy. This world seemed to be filled with an ominous atmosphere, and it had been a land of misfortune since ancient times.

The cold moonlight was falling, and the entire ancient land was very quiet, without a cloud. Xu Yu walked alone, carefully sensing this strange world.

In many places, there are no plants or water sources. It was quiet in the middle of the night, and the land was completely empty, except for some mist that seemed to be lingering between the mountains. "Roar……"

In the distance, a giant beast roared. It was bigger than a mountain. It was covered in black light, like a giant mountain. A pair of horns soared into the sky, tearing apart the sky for thousands of miles.

Then, a fierce and long cry came from the high sky, and a giant bird covered the sky and the sun, and it was unknown how many thousands of miles long it was, with two silver eyes like

Like a blood moon, the ferocious aura is overwhelming.


A roar, like the roar of an ancient blue dragon, resounded throughout the world and made the stars and the moon fall together. It was a giant roar, descending from the sky with a murderous aura.

"They are all powerful immortals..." Xu Yu's eyes flickered, uncertain.

In this place, there are almost no Supreme corpses, all of which were true immortals during their lifetime. One can imagine how terrifying they are.

However, when these ancient beasts approached Xu Yu, their bodies were torn apart inch by inch, shocked by the overwhelming blood energy, and eventually they were all reduced to ashes.

"Keep going!" Xu Yu's eyes were bright.

Three days later, suddenly a terrible breath came from the distance, like a galaxy collapsing, and like a flood hitting the sky.

Xu Yu's expression moved slightly, and he noticed a terrifying aura.

"What is that..." Xu Yu's eyes glowed brightly as he looked into the distance and sensed an extremely powerful wave.

"There are the corpses of the most powerful man!" Xu Yu's eyes suddenly shone with light, sharper than a sword.

He rushed forward and arrived soon after. This was a mysterious ancient place with endless chills and a desolate and terrifying atmosphere. There were intertwined patterns and patterns, and the light of formations covered everything. .

But that kind of aura is like a roaring river, like a hurricane rolling up thousands of mountains and sweeping everything away.

After he got closer, he finally saw the face of this most powerful man more clearly.

That's a giant!
  He was sitting cross-legged in the universe, no matter how many tens of thousands of feet high he was, with no end in sight, and he was thrust into the depths of the universe.

Beside him, the stars circled, and the sun and moon rotated.

This is a humanoid creature, but it is as big as a star. Sitting cross-legged in the universe, it seems that it can overlook the sky and the earth.
  Immortal King!

This is a king ape, strong and powerful, with precious brilliance flowing from his bones.

"The corpse of the Immortal King!"

The ape's eyes were closed and he stood motionless. The aura on his body was very special, not belonging to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. It was a bit similar to the Pu Demon King Xu Yu had come into contact with.

"Calming Chaos!" Suddenly, Xu Yu felt a familiar aura.

Here, the face of the Immortal King is covered with bloodstains, and the forehead bone is broken. There is a mark of a sword embryo, shining brightly, which is the mark left by the Peace of Chaos Technique!
  "Is this the Immortal King who was killed by the person who put down the chaos back then?" Xu Yu was surprised. He didn't expect to encounter the body of the Immortal King. If it weren't for his divine eyes, he really wouldn't have been able to detect it. .

"What a blessing!" Xu Yu couldn't help but smile at this moment.

Soon, he deduced that the Immortal King did not die immediately after being killed by the Ping Chaos Jue. Instead, he escaped here, stepped down from the formation, and then underwent treatment. However, the injury was too serious, and he finally died. After sitting down, he was not polite and directly collected the corpse of the Immortal King. The corpse of the Immortal King can be said to be a priceless treasure.

It would be impossible for any true immortal to put away the corpse easily. Only Xu Yu's amazing Taoism can do this.

After collecting the body of the Immortal King, Xu Yu took Yun Jin out of the land of reincarnation.

Although Yunjin has not completed the trial of the Land of Reincarnation, he cannot leave through the Three Life Stones.

But in the final analysis, the Land of Reincarnation is an ancient battlefield in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, which is equivalent to a secret realm in a small world.

However, the Land of Reincarnation has too strict laws and orders. I want to leave here without the help of the Three Life Stones.

We can only find our way back in the vast land of reincarnation, or in other words, we can only find our way back in the lost world sea.

However, such a risk factor is more difficult than fighting for survival in the land of reincarnation.

The Boundary Sea has been a place where the strongest have fought to cross since ancient times. True immortals here are just bigger ants.

However, fortunately, Xu Yu took Yun Jin to find the corpse of the Immortal King of a foreign land.

With the guidance of the Immortal King's corpse, Xu Yu knew that his current location was not very far from Jiutian.

"Thank you so much!"

After leaving the land of reincarnation, Yun Jin thanked Xu Yu sincerely.

"You're welcome, what are your plans for the future!"

Although Yun Jin is eager to return to her hometown, there is still a huge cause and effect between her and Xu Yu.

If she cannot understand cause and effect, it may be difficult for her to move forward in this life.

"I don't know, and I don't know where my hometown is now!"

Speaking of this, Yun Jin's mood instantly dropped.

The Boundary Sea is the supreme realm that all the strongest have fought to cross throughout the ages.

According to several ancient monks in the Land of Reincarnation, most of the monks in the Realm Sea today are from the Immortal Realm or Foreign Realm, as well as the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Of course, there are also monks who remain in the world after the destruction of other worlds.

Yun Jin has been away from her homeland for a million years, and now she wonders what is going on in the big world where she lives?
  "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Although Xu Yu didn't know where Yun Jin was in the big world, he could give her some means of protection.

With a pinch, Xu Yu left a decree between Yun Jin's eyebrows, which was equivalent to a full blow.

Even if he can resist the attacks of Immortal King-level experts, he can give Yun Jin a way to save his life.

"Goodbye, fellow Taoist!"

"If I succeed in the future, I will definitely repay you!"

In the end, Yun Jin left alone and went to find his hometown in the vast sea of ​​​​world.

(End of this chapter)

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