Covering the sky, the heaven of the divine domain.

Five hundred years have passed unknowingly since Xu Yu left the world of Zhetian.

When Xu Yu left Zhetian World, the Golden Age had already come to an end, and some of his old friends had begun to die one after another.

Perhaps it is the power of time. Although Xu Yu has experienced a lot in the perfect world, the passage of time in the Zhetian world is not that amazing.

In today's Zhetian world, two supreme heavens stand side by side. However, because Xu Yu has not been in charge for a long time, the prestige of the divine heaven he founded in the universe is not as grand as the heaven founded by Ye Fan.

But even so, no one in the world dared to offend the heaven created by Xu Yu. After all, Xu Yu was just a secluded person in the eyes of outsiders, and it was far from the time when the heaven was weakened.

In addition, in the current God's Domain Heavenly Court, the first generals who followed Xu Yu have also grown up. None of Xiao Xuan, Jin Yang, Ning Yi and others are unparalleled masters who have become enlightened in a different way.

In addition, his descendants also gave birth to many talented people who are astounding to the world, and can naturally intimidate any party.


The heaven is peaceful, towering high in the sky, shrouded in spiritual mist, just like the residence of an immortal emperor.

In a certain fairy vein in the heaven, the clouds are steaming and the clouds are bright and purple. From a distance, tens of thousands of dragons can be seen circling. It is a sacred land that reaches the sky.

In this place, there is not a single weed on the Danya cliffs, and the orchids are spitting out clouds. You can often see ancient medicines.

However, the mountain peak in front is very special. There is no elixir, only some thorns and wormwood. Other than that, there is only a fairy palace quietly suspended there, filled with the aura of immortality.

This is an important place. Only people in Heaven know that it is the place where the Emperor of Heaven retreats. Normally, no one can come here. Only people close to him and high-level officials in Heaven can come here.


One day, the gate of the Immortal Palace opened wide, and wisps of fairy mist flowed out. Hazy, a slender and tall figure stepped out and reappeared in the heaven. In an instant, the sky was turbulent, the sun and the moon were eclipsed, and it seemed that everything was gone. All the brilliance is gathered on that person.

He just returned from the chaotic ancient times of the perfect world. Xu Yu

"I am back!"

Xu Yu's eyes flickered, his pupils opened and closed, and they were full of light. He looked at this magnificent, familiar yet unfamiliar heaven, and all kinds of complicated emotions suddenly surged into his heart.

Magnificent ancient buildings, tall mountain gates, there are sacred mountains hanging in the air, and islands are up and down.

In an instant, as soon as he returned, he was connected with his belief body and mind, and learned a lot of information up to now.

Time turns, and five hundred years have passed since his past perfect world, this world.

The stars and rivers rotate, the grass and trees flourish and wither, the human world changes, and countless generations of mortals have passed away and turned into smoke. For some monks with ordinary qualifications, five hundred years is also a long time.

Today is the [-]th year of the Emperor of Heaven. This is an extremely glorious time. A large number of geniuses have emerged from all races, making this world even more dazzling, with heroes emerging in large numbers. The strong are like forests.

But the two heavens are still the leading ones, unparalleled. The emperors dominate the world, and the luxurious lineup is not inferior to that of the mythical era. Who can compare?

Their next generation is equally astonishing and talented, and has become famous in all the major star fields. After all, they are all of the bloodline of the most powerful people, how could they be different, so they are still thriving and prosperous, which is amazing.

During this period, Heavenly Court developed rapidly, faith was condensed, and religions were established to be immortal. Every day, there were loud chanting sounds from the altar in Heavenly Court. Almost all the power of faith was blessed by Faith, making its strength even more terrifying. ,
  There is no doubt that the two heavens have now become a behemoth. They are supreme in the world of mortals, and no inheritance can compare with them.

Perhaps, the paths taken by the two heavens overlap, but no one can guarantee that one is plagiarizing from the other.

After all, the method of gathering the power of faith to practice has already appeared in the age of mythology.

Moreover, except for the hidden Taichu ancient mine, the other restricted areas have been pacified for a long time. No one can make trouble and cause harm to the world. This universe has ushered in a rare period of peace.

After roughly understanding the information, Xu Yu's mind suddenly moved slightly. The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk in his body actually fell into a deep sleep, as if he was undergoing some kind of transformation.

"After a period of time, coming to this world with me, for him, is it considered to be experiencing reincarnation?"

Xu Yu thoughtfully took out the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, examined it carefully, and came to this conclusion.

Then, he turned his attention to this side of the world, comprehended the divine principles of the great road, noticed the secrets of the universe, and carefully understood it. In an instant, he noticed all kinds of mysteries.

"Sure enough, this world is more severe than the oppression of ancient times!" He whispered, looking at the endless rivers and mountains, thoughtfully.

In this world, only the secret realm system of the human body created by Shi Hao can truly flourish. It would undoubtedly be much more difficult to practice ancient methods.

When he first started practicing, the feeling was not very obvious. Now that he has gone to Perfection, the experience is even more profound.

In that world, there was still a thin amount of immortality, but here, almost all of it is gone. There are only some chaotic fairy lands, which may still be preserved. Just like in the past, Xu Yu opened up a fairy land on the ancient road of the human race. Once obtained a thin source of immortality.

"It's been five hundred years, and the Emperor of Heaven has left seclusion!" Not long after, such news came from Heaven.

"Has five hundred years passed? It's okay." Xu Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. It's not a particularly long time, but he also felt sad, and his eyes were filled with emotion and complexity.

"You're out of seclusion..."

Zixia, unrivaled in elegance, has captivated the country, her appearance is peerless, her black luminous light can be discerned, she falls naturally, her skin is as delicate as mutton-fat jade, her eyes are like autumn water, her waist is soft, her steps are lotus, she is the first Here comes one.

"Are you okay..." I have to say that her thoughts were indeed very delicate. She immediately noticed that Xu Yu's mood was inexplicably strange.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Xu Yu looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, lost his mind, and said softly.

Xu Yu is not heartless. Although he has cut off most of the hundred thousand years of experience, some of it will still affect him. When he sees his relatives again, he will naturally have ups and downs.

The moment he saw Zixia, he immediately felt as if time and space were intertwined and the world had changed.

"It's been five hundred years. Let's call some old friends here. Let's get together." Xu Yu smiled and looked into the distance.

"Okay!" Zixia's eyes were like black gemstones, her pretty face was as white as white, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, revealing a faint smile.

"Also, unseal the child too. From now on, there is no need to seal it again." Xu Yu said softly, with sonorous words and a strong sense of confidence.

Although their children were extremely talented and it only took them more than two thousand years to become an unparalleled master in the Nine Heavens of Quasi-Emperor, but what was helpless was that in this golden world that was rare in all eternity, three people successively proved the truth. Emperor Cheng suppressed the great laws of the world that cover the sky to the extreme.

If I, the latecomer, want to attain enlightenment, I must break the oppression of the three of them.

There is no need to talk about the Golden Crow Emperor. He was targeted by several ancient supreme beings because of his creation of the Immortal Path. As a result, he never completed his origin as an emperor after attaining enlightenment, leaving indelible scars.     So he is quite unbeatable among the three emperor-level figures in the world.

Needless to say, Ye Fan and Xu Yu are both Heavenly Emperor-level figures. With the suppression of the two of them, even the parents and children of Xu Yu are helpless in this life.

Therefore, after his child reached another kind of enlightenment, Xu Yu also sealed him before leaving the world of Zhetian.

On the one hand, it is to hope that he will avoid this extremely glorious world, and on the other hand, it can also allow him to become the foundation of Heavenly Court in the future.

Nowadays, he is only one step away from the Immortal King. His methods are unparalleled and he can nourish some of the immortal substances and turn them into nutrients, turning Heaven into a small 'immortal domain'.

"What state are you in now?"

Her beautiful purple eyes were flowing with astonishing rays of light. She had a clear heart. From his few words, she had already guessed some shocking news. He must have the means to be able to take the child away with such confidence. Unblock.

"I have penetrated the path of the War Immortal, and I am immortal." Xu Yu smiled.


Zixia's beautiful eyes widened, revealing an extremely incredible look. In the past, the fighting god emperor failed to transform into a fighting immortal, but he actually succeeded in taking this step. This is a feat that is unprecedented.

Later, he explained to Zixia the many secrets of the immortals above the emperor, as well as the immortal king.

Quasi-immortal king! ... It seriously impacted her mind and made her petrified. She was speechless and couldn't say what she wanted to say.

She used to be the most beautiful person in the world and was the supreme genius of the Eastern Wasteland. Now, after more than two thousand years, she has become a different kind of enlightenment, which is very extraordinary. However, she did not expect that his man would have reached the quasi-immortal king quietly.

Later, they went hand in hand to visit some old people in the Zifu Holy Land, and personally washed their hair and cut their marrow to strengthen their muscles and bones.

Finally, he walked to a forbidden area, opened the seal, and brought out a huge fairy source, which contained a little boy carved in pink and jade. He was the emperor's son—Xu Ying, who was also his youngest son.

Now, he has become the Preparatory Immortal King, and the place where he stands is almost equivalent to the Immortal Realm.

Although it cannot make those who are only one step away from immortality become immortals, it can also stop them from worrying about longevity.

Today's Heavenly Court rules a vast territory, and many people are in various places and have not returned yet.

Soon, the news from the Heavenly Court spread that the Emperor of Heaven was out of seclusion and would hold a banquet to entertain old friends and summon old friends.

Five days later, the grand gathering in heaven began, and the pure land was abuzz with excitement. Heroes from all directions came to visit, the world's strong men gathered, and strange people and hermits from all walks of life appeared one after another.

In the heavenly palace, immortal music sang together, and various spiritual birds and auspicious beasts appeared.

On the white clouds, there are many palaces, strange flowers are blooming, Yao grass is spreading on the ground, fairy mist is surging, but it is no more than knee high, many cranes and Luan birds are flying, and the longevity ape is holding peaches and pouring wine.

Even Ye Fan came to the Heavenly Court of God's Domain and sat at the front seat with Xu Yu, waiting for the banquet to begin.

Immediately afterwards, people from the younger generation also arrived one after another, such as the Holy Prince, Xia Yiming, the Emperor of Great Xia, Jiang Yifei, the head of the Jiang family, Yao Yuekong, the master of the Tianyao Palace, also came...

The golden unicorn, the fire unicorn, the nine-tailed crocodile dragon, etc. followed on the ancient starry sky road, and Xu Yu's people also came.

"Haha, all the talented people have arrived today!" A heroic voice came from a distance, shaking the entire Heavenly Palace.

"The three evils in heaven have arrived!" someone whispered in a low voice.

In the distance, there were three figures, all walking slowly over, arms around each other, looking around, and it seemed like they were not good things at first glance.

Their combination is also extremely weird, with a splendid dragon horse, a big black dog, and a fat Taoist priest with sinister features.

When many people saw them coming, they subconsciously frowned and stayed away from them. One can imagine how bad the reputation of the three people was.

"Brother is immortal and can see eternal life in reincarnation!"

The dragon and horse also rushed over, with shiny scales, flaming flames, and fire wrapped around their hooves. They looked extremely handsome, but they spoke with such flattery.

Today, he is training hunting on behalf of Heaven, sitting in a large territory, free and easy, and has come from a distant star field.

Xu Yu laughed dumbly. This bastard has been around for more than two thousand years, and it seems that he has not changed much. He is still as funny as ever.

Next to him, the Black Emperor, who was as big as a calf, and Duan De, who was as bloated as before, wearing a Taoist robe and a purple gold crown, all subconsciously showed contempt and distanced themselves, as if they were ashamed to be with them.

Later, Tianxuan Great Sage Wei Yi, the saint from Qishi Mansion also arrived, and even Zhuofeng Li Ruoyu, who had not been seen for a long time, also appeared.

Soon, the atmosphere suddenly became lively, and people exchanged glasses and drank with each other.

Five hundred years later, the old friends reunited and everyone was very happy.

Xu Yu looked stunned. Although everyone was happy, no one could understand his mood.

The world has been turned upside down, the oceans are turning upside down, we have been separated for a hundred thousand years, and yet we can meet again. This feeling is really amazing.

"Wow, why do I think you are becoming more and more unfathomable?" The big black dog came up and stared at Xu Yu with a drooping face.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, fellow Taoist, your strength must have greatly improved, which is a joy to be congratulated."

Duan De is still broad and fat, looking very rich, with a red face and a big belly. He looks harmless, but his small eyes are sparkling.

The pure white fairy mist flows, divine orchids and Yao grass grow at the foot of the steps, divine birds and auspicious beasts appear and disappear, the palace is bustling with activity, and jade tables are arranged one after another all the way to the distance. Finally, the song ended and everyone dispersed, and peace returned to heaven again.

At this gathering, although the accomplished masters in the universe have all come to heaven, some of the faces from the past will never appear again.

Perhaps this is the tragedy of the golden age. Even a generation of genius can only be reduced to a handful of loess in this dazzling golden age.

People such as Yaoguang and some people who once competed with Xu Yu on the ancient road never appeared again.

Time passed, and another hundred years passed. Xu Yu has been sitting cross-legged, in retreat, comparing the ancient times of chaos and the era of covering the sky.

Understanding the opportunity of the great road and being aware of the manifestations of heaven and earth are also an extremely precious wealth.

Moreover, he secretly felt that the opportunity for him to become an Immortal King might be in this world. (End of chapter)

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