The Empress has arrived at Nantianmen!

Standing right in front, it is so beautiful that it makes people feel unreal. It is out of the world and indifferent. It is clearly right in front of you, but it feels like you are in a fairyland, like a mirror, flowers and water.

When the empress came to heaven, the world was naturally shaken, because this was the first time she took the initiative to appear in the world since the dark turmoil.

Everyone in the world is sighing, even the legendary ruthless emperor has reappeared in the heaven. The heaven is now extremely bright!

Who is the ruthless person? Eternally stunning, stronger than the people in the mythical age, overwhelming the gods!

Her talents are even more amazing. It can be said that she is one of the most amazing people in the world.

Especially her obsession not to become an immortal, but to wait in the mortal world for her return, is even more amazing.


At this moment, a stream of light appeared in the distant universe, and the empress' Daoguo little girl quickly disappeared from Ye Fan's heaven into the center of her eyebrows, shining brightly and flowing with immortal light.

In an instant, the heaven and earth shook, and the terrible pressure was like a tsunami, sweeping across all directions. Fortunately, this was the heaven, and there was an immortal formation. Waves of immortal mist arose, and the laws were intertwined. The place was quickly stabilized.

The little chimney girl sank into the middle of the empress's eyebrows, and she quickly calmed down. She looked at this place as deep as the starry sky.

Many people in heaven are trembling. This is a taboo figure. He has lived for more than [-] years, and now he is standing overlooking the world of mortals, which is awe-inspiring.

Xu Yu showed up and came to meet her, finally meeting this legendary woman again.

"It is a good idea for the Emperor of Heaven to penetrate the Immortal Way of War and turn Heaven into a "fairyland". "

The empress's eyes were clear, and when she spoke like this, her voice sounded like the sound of nature. Nine-colored divine light flowed in the center of her eyebrows, blooming with auspicious colors, and she carefully felt the world.

Then, there was a hint of surprise on her delicate face. This heaven had really become a fairy land on earth.

Today's heaven is completely different. There is enough immortality material to nourish this heavenly emperor. Compared with the ancient abyss that turns people into slaves, the alternative means of immortality are much better.

Even though he was as stunning as her, she couldn't help but admire this young Emperor.

"What's the matter with the Emperor?" Xu Yu smiled flatly, already having some guesses.

"Find someone..." The empress also said calmly, looking directly at Xu Yu, her eyes as clear and gentle as two pools of fairy springs, but it made people's hearts tremble inexplicably.

He looks so majestic and magnificent, but once he becomes fierce, he can definitely be proud of the past and present, push the heavens and make the whole universe tremble.

At this time, Ye Fan, who noticed the change, also rushed over from the other side of the universe.

Ye Fan also knew that he and the Empress had a deep cause and effect. For example, the source of the Mother Qi of all things and the Immortal Treasure Map belonged to her. Even when they came to the ancient forbidden land to collect medicine, they got her tacit approval.

And then, more outstanding people came to the South Heavenly Court, and the ruthless emperor who was known for eternity appeared, making it impossible for everyone to remain calm.

The empress' expression was calm, her peerless beauty was without a trace of ripples, her eyes were as clear as water, and she stared at Ye Fan. It was the first time she looked at him carefully, as if she wanted to see him thoroughly.

At this time, Mark was inexplicably calm and let her investigate.

Xu Yu looked at all this and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

She has been fighting for success in the red seat.

The empress came to heaven just for Ye Fan. Now that Ye Fan has become the emperor, maybe she came just to see if his memory...had awakened with the enlightenment.

Immortals have no attraction to her. Only her brother is her obsession and the reason why she keeps fighting for her life in this world of mortals.

Moreover, the ruthless emperor rose against the world because of his obsession and became the supreme emperor of heaven. His glory shines for eternity and is unrivaled.

Soon, there was no sound from her, and the empress was like a jade sculpture made of mutton fat. She was motionless and motionless, her eyes were as deep as the sea and as deep as the abyss.

But Xu Yu's pupils were sharp, and she clearly seemed to capture a bit of sadness and loss in the empress's clear eyes.

Afterwards, Ye Fan left, while the empress looked at his back solemnly, standing quietly, without making a sound for a long time.

"Does the Emperor think that he is the person you want to wait for?" Xu Yu spoke, with a calm and upright voice, looking at this legendary woman.

Hearing the words, the ruthless man nodded, then shook his head, and then whispered: "If you fail to reach the imperial realm, you will wait for the true immortal. If the true immortal does not return, you will wait for the immortal king and emperor...waiting for the time when his glory will be at its peak. , I’m looking to see if it can reflect the flower soul of the past!”

When she said this, her eyes suddenly shone brightly, as if they were piercing through the nine heavens, and the nine-color divine light shone brightly!

When Xu Yu heard this, she sighed in her heart, what a powerful obsession this was, and at the same time, she was also moved by her self-confidence.

True Immortal, Immortal King, Immortal Emperor, even though she knew so many realms, she did not hesitate, but became more and more high-spirited. She believed in herself that sooner or later she could reach the top and wait for those many flowers to bloom!

"The great emperor is fighting for his life, life after life, and the road has been very far. If you don't stay in heaven, you may be able to speed up your transformation." Xu Yu chuckled and extended the invitation.

When the empress heard this, her clear watery eyes flickered slightly, and she hesitated slightly. After being silent for a long time, she nodded slightly, and she actually agreed.


Time flies, everything comes and goes, and there is no way to stop it.

The Emperor of Heaven lasted for [-] years. In the following years, Taichu, Zhang Bairen, the Emperor, Monkey, the God-killing Insect, and others, with Xu Yu sealing off ten thousand ways, one after another proved the way and turned into the Wuque Emperor. This kind of breath overwhelmed the human world, making the whole world tremble.

Everyone in the world sighs that today's heaven is too powerful. The emperors shake the world and can be said to be a vast immortal dynasty.

And Xu Yu's relatives and friends, those who joined the Heavenly Court, have also become the envy of everyone in the world.

Entering the Heavenly Court, if your appearance is good enough, means you have the opportunity to attain enlightenment. No matter how bad the situation is, you can enjoy a long and endless life!

One day, in a pure land of heaven, a shocking change occurred.

Beside the Fairy Pond of Yaochi, there are abundant vegetation, shrouded by divine clouds, and the whole place is radiant, misty with soft water vapor, surging mist, and ethereal fairy charm.

Beside the Immortal Pond of Yaochi, under the ancient flat peach tree, a nine-aperture sacred stone swallowed the life essence from all directions. At this moment, it made a shattering sound, and the fairy light flowed out, rippling out from the cracks.

The divine fetus of Yaochi will be broken!

Many people were alarmed. The fluctuation was too vast. Even some people in retreat were alarmed and rushed over.

A great perfect Holy Spirit is about to be born! Everyone is very curious. For thousands of years, Yaochi has spent a lot of money to cultivate this divine fetus, and now it is finally about to be born.

The Holy Spirit of Great Perfection can compete with the ancient emperors. One can imagine how terrifying this kind of creature born from heaven and earth is. It can be said that it has taken away all the creation of heaven and earth and is born extraordinary.

However, in this world, although in the eyes of ordinary people, most holy spirits are ranked with the emperor-level powerhouses, they seem a little embarrassed in the eyes of real emperors.

Nine orifices channel spirits, gestate endless years, and gather the great destiny of God. From ancient times to the present, only the Emperor dares to kill. He can use his own power to turn away the disasters of God and destroy the unknown and disasters.

Throughout the ages, countless great emperors and ancient emperors would most likely take action to quell the chaos caused by the Holy Spirit after they attained enlightenment. These invincible Holy Spirits are more like backdrops to set off the invincible power of those great emperors.

If after attaining enlightenment, he would be embarrassed to call himself a powerful person at the imperial level without killing a few Holy Spirits.

During the time of Emperor Wu Shi, the Xuanhuang Holy Land cultivated a Holy Spirit. Later, the Holy Spirit caused chaos and destroyed the Holy Land. In the end, Wu Shi took action and forcefully killed the rebellious Holy Spirit.

Not to mention the ancient times, the Qing Emperor in the post-barren ancient era had killed at least two invincible Holy Spirits.

He had entered the Divine Ruins, walked through the Nantian Gate, and jumped into the Heavenly Palace. He had killed two real Holy Spirits under the immortal peach tree. Was the power of the Great Emperor fully demonstrated?

Naturally nourished by the earth, cultivated by various means in Yaochi, and nourished by immortal energy, it has been nurtured for four thousand years. Now it is finally born. As soon as it is born, auspicious energy rises into the sky, auspicious clouds bloom, and divine light emerges overwhelmingly.

This divine fetus is very special, because various divine materials from heaven and nourishment by immortal energy allowed him to be born a thousand years in advance, and his strength may be far better than that of ordinary Holy Spirits!

She comes out of the world elegantly, as beautiful as a fairy, and does not eat the fireworks of the world. It seems that she will ride on the wind at any time and ascend to the Nine Heavens Palace.

The white clothes are fluttering, the black hair is dancing lightly, and the eyes are like water, as if covered with mist, giving people a dreamlike feeling.

Moreover, just after he was born, everything in the world changed, there was thunder, and the calamity of becoming an emperor came.

The Emperor of Heaven is in charge, and even the masters of the Imperial Way are gathered in groups. There is an extra Holy Spirit who can prove the way, so they can just ignore it.

On the contrary, the people of Yaochi were very excited because they knew its origin. This divine fetus was originally raised by nature, but a drop of the blood of the Western Emperor accidentally sank into it and perfectly condensed into one.

Therefore, he was naturally close to Yaochi, and Yaochi spared no effort to cultivate her. Many years ago, he asked sages to preach to her. If you look carefully, this female Holy Spirit has a somewhat similar face to the original Western Emperor. .

In the years that followed, the heaven seemed to have fallen silent, and all the emperors were practicing silently.

The road has no boundaries and no end. The realm of humanity is not the end. The future may be even more terrifying. This is Xu Yu's warning. It is conceivable that no one dares to be careless, and they are all practicing hard and looking forward to entering a new threshold.

And Xu Yu is also preparing to break through the final barrier, truly transform into a flawless immortal king, and start practicing.


A small tree was sacrificed by him, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk was still not revived, but it could be controlled by him and was sacrificed by him.

This small tree is filled with divine brilliance, as if it is enveloped by a galaxy, hazy, and you can vaguely smell a faint fragrance. This small tree has a clone that sells fake medicine.

The small tree was only over a foot tall, shrouded in white fairy mist, and the leaves on the branches flickered like stars.

Xu Yu's divine eyes opened and closed, and wisps of fairy light shot out, sinking into the flower, to explore its way and method.

If other immortal kings saw it, they would definitely be in a daze, because even the immortal kings would not want to be implicated in the cause and effect of selling fake medicine, but Xu Yu was not afraid of all this.

Xu Yu's face was calm, but there was no awe in his heart. This spiritual root now followed him and imitated many of his Tao and Dharma. Now it just treated him with the same and equal means.

However, Xu Yu was still more cautious, and she concentrated her mind, using her divine eyes to explore the mysteries, and moved forward among every inch of the roots of the small tree species.


Suddenly, a curtain of light suddenly appeared on the small tree that was more than an inch tall. The runes on it flickered, like spiritual dragons cruising, rippling out a hazy divine light, preventing his exploration.

"I want to see it, who can stop me?" Xu Yu said coldly, his eyes were ringing, and the dazzling fairy light was so terrifying that it suddenly broke out...

It's hard to imagine what kind of eyes these are, filled with dazzling divine light and filled with chaotic energy. Two rays of divine light burst out suddenly, extremely powerful.


The small tree's body-protecting light curtain shattered with a click, and was penetrated by the beam of his divine eye, exuding a terrifying primitive aura.

In the end, his eyes truly entered the inside of the decimal. This is the fundamental location where the "god" is hidden, and it seems to be where the Dao Fruit of selling counterfeit medicines is located.


Right now.

It seemed as if a majestic figure rushed out of the small tree, rising from the ground like an immortal sacred mountain, and a majestic aura swept across the world.

The space seemed to be torn apart. A vast, majestic, and ancient aura fell down, and a large crystal air flow fell like a waterfall, covering his entire body.

The vastness, the infinity, the splendor of the heavens, all the brilliance are gathered into the body, condensed into the figure of one person!

It was a man with white hair as white as snow, a majestic figure, eyes that were as cold as lightning, and blood that ran through the sky. He was extremely terrifying, and he actually had the strength of the Immortal King realm.

However, at this moment, he was slightly surprised. He glanced at the current world with an incomprehensible expression.

Many powerful men were alarmed. The aura was so terrifying, far more powerful than the Great Emperor. Even the Great Emperor couldn't help but feel chills running down his spine. They all looked at the depths of the sky with incredible expressions. Who is that?

Even if he is an emperor, his heart trembles, that kind of coercion is definitely immortal! Why are there other immortals in the heaven besides the Emperor of Heaven?

However, Xu Yu glanced at him lightly. One-sixth of this man's true body was still dormant in the small tree and had never appeared. The shadow now was his condensed immortal king battle body!

But even so, the transformed Immortal King's battle body still reached the Immortal King realm, but he was fearless, his eyes were as blazing as fire, his physical body had already reached the Immortal King realm, and his soul was almost a terrifying existence at the level of the Ten Evils.

With his current strength, he is enough to suppress or even kill ordinary Immortal Kings. He even has the biggest trump card, the Seal of the Human Emperor!

"Seller of counterfeit medicine!" Xu Yu's eyes were like a black abyss, swallowing up the heavens, as if it could tear the world apart and destroy everything.


The fake Medicine Immortal King's battle body took action. Without saying a word, he was very arrogant. He actually stretched out a big hand and covered the heaven and earth. The sun, moon and stars were all covered, and they rotated in his palm, turning into countless killings!

The world can no longer see the stars, and the entire sky is shaking and about to collapse, heading towards the ultimate destruction.


The counterfeit medicine seller shouted loudly, and the loud voice was like thunder coming to the world, causing many ripples and endless killing rays.

In the heavenly court, many people had ringing in their ears and were teetering on the verge of collapse. If it were not for the protection of the formation, many people would be trembling and kneeling on the ground.

"Who... is that person?" Someone asked in a trembling voice. The aura of that person was so terrifying that people had no doubt that if he got a trace of it, he would be completely destroyed and there would be no accidents.

"The Emperor of Heaven...has an enemy!" Many people's expressions changed greatly. It was extremely unbelievable that the Emperor of Heaven, as a war immortal, had encountered an opponent.

The big hand stretched across the sky, literally covering the sky with one hand. In an instant, a depressing aura filled every inch of space, which made people feel bold.

"You're too big a deal. You can't stop me if you don't return."

At the same time, the fairy lights in the sky soared like gorgeous waterfalls hanging down, illuminating the nine heavens and ten earth, which was extremely fascinating.

He stood with his hands behind his back, his black hair dancing wildly, and two rays of light shooting out of his eyes. Wherever he passed, the void collapsed and thousands of miles sank.

A big hand covers the sky, like an immortal divine blade, densely covered with runes and surging divine power, tearing open cracks in the void one after another and suppressing it!

Suddenly, two eyes fell, as if the world was birthing and dying, with infinite creation, ripples in the void, and terrifying murderous intent.


This big hand was penetrated. It is indeed difficult to imagine how terrifying power those two eyes contained.

"The Emperor of Heaven is invincible!" Many people cheered. Seeing Xu Yu's strength, they gradually felt relieved. Even if they encounter a powerful immortal, the Emperor of Heaven can still defeat him!


The two continued to fight, and in an instant the two auroras advanced and collided continuously. The universe was filled with fairy light and the divine glow was surging.

The big collision started, and the phantom selling counterfeit medicine stood bathed in the chaotic energy. His body was crystal clear, simple and heavy, with an aura of immortal edge.


Xu Yu exploded. Although his eyes were crystal clear and moist, he still had an unparalleled murderous aura, filling every inch of space. The clanging swords resounded, causing chaos in the sky and the earth!

He stepped into the air, communicating with the power of heaven and earth. Clear light lingered around him, and the vast universe twisted with his steps.

He was dressed in a pure white fairy robe and danced lightly. His eyes like dark jade were filled with chaotic fairy light. He was fighting against a counterfeit medicine seller, and his terrifying aura shook the heavens!


The sellers of counterfeit medicines are also very powerful. The aura of birth and death is flowing in the heart of the scholar, as if there are crystal waves surging, like one world after another is rising and falling, disillusionment and rebirth, it is too scary.

"I am invincible!"

Xu Yu's eyes sparkled, and the big stars rotated around the immortal body. The terrifying fighting spirit steamed, and the oppression made the void scream.

He punched like a dragon, the dragon raised its head, roared to the sky, and the power of the immortal was extremely fierce, and it seemed to follow a certain established trajectory, with shocking power.

The two soared into the air, fighting all the way, and finally soared into the sky, hitting the outside of the territory and destroying many stars.

The two of them clashed like two galaxies, fighting fiercely, leaving streaks of residual light, like comets streaking across the sky, swaying with inexplicable splendor.

"It's so scary that you can actually fight against the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Who is this person? There is no record of this person in ancient history."

"Is it the Emperor or the Immortal Emperor who is taking action?"

Many people talked about it, but they soon regretted that a battle of that level was too mysterious and difficult for them to capture. How could a battle of the immortal level be something that mortals could peep into?

The two of them fought farther and farther away, and not long after, the Immortal King's battle body actually showed signs of decline!


Raising one hand, it was like a heavenly mountain cap falling, magnifying at an extremely fast speed, the War Immortal Qi fell down, crushing the void, and pale cracks spread.


The counterfeit medicine seller's body shook violently and he began to stagger back. He was suppressed!

The quasi-immortal king rebels against the immortal king!

Although his carved body is only at the level of an ordinary Immortal King, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can resist.


There was a loud noise, and the terrifying clashing sound of gold and iron resounded across the land thousands of miles away, as if what was clashing was not flesh and blood, but the divine bell of heaven was being rung, conveying the terrifying sound of killing.

The blood flower bloomed, and the counterfeit medicine seller groaned, took a step back with a thud, and stepped on the void to create a series of broken cracks.


The body of this Immortal King who sells counterfeit medicine turned dim. Apparently... he couldn't hold on any longer! (End of chapter)

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