
The body of the Immortal King selling counterfeit medicine was knocked away, and dense cracks appeared on his body. With a thud, it became a little blurry.

Xu Yu's fighting spirit burned out for nine days, and his offensive became more fierce. Immortal light rippled all over his body, and he launched a thousand killing blows, striking across the Immortal King's battle body!

In the end, the immortal king's battle body that sold counterfeit medicine couldn't hold on and exploded, and Xu Yu returned to the heaven again. When everyone saw Xu Yu's return, they couldn't help but sigh, indicating that the terrible immortal was ultimately defeated by the Emperor of Heaven.

The small tree was still dormant quietly in the heaven, shining brightly and giving off a misty atmosphere.

"Fellow Taoist, you passed!" Suddenly, a cold voice spoke.

Soon, a breathtaking aura burst out, overwhelming the sky, and a brilliant stream of light condensed in the void. It was a man with deep eyes, staring at Xu Yu.

This time, it was one of his true six bodies that manifested, not the previously condensed Immortal King battle body! He has an upright body, majestic bearing, disheveled white hair, menacing eyes, and a terrifying aura.

Of course, in all these years, the clone in the elixir has never shown its power, even if it was the spirit breathed out, or the human form that was transformed was killed.

Only now that Xu Yu used his divine eyes to explore him and touched something at the core, did he trigger his Immortal King's battle body. Now that the Immortal King's battle body was beheaded, he couldn't sit still.

"There is no deep hatred between you and me. Maybe we can talk about it."

"Don't worry, it won't touch your Dao Fruit. It's just for reference."

Xu Yu chuckled, his breath was calm, and there seemed to be no sign of the attack just now, his eyes were deep and calm.

Back when he was still the Supreme Humanity, this little tree silently imitated many of his Dao fruits. Now, it is just here to get some interest.

The counterfeit medicine seller's expression was slightly condensed, his eyes were flickering, and after being silent for a long time, he nodded slowly.

Xu Yu nodded slightly, knowing that the counterfeit medicine seller didn't want to quarrel at this moment. If one of the real six bodies rashly took action, it would probably interfere with the current transformation.

Since no action was taken, the atmosphere gradually calmed down and the two began to talk.

"What's going on in this world? Could it be that I've been sleeping for too long? Why did the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths become like this?" asked the counterfeit medicine seller, very puzzled.

"This is the time and space of the future..." Xu Yu said lightly, without saying much, but the pupils of the counterfeit medicine seller shrank slightly.

Just this sentence reveals too much information.

Reversal of time and space, just like when he followed this man into the Sansheng Palace?

How great a person must be to be able to continuously reverse time and space. Even the giant Immortal King cannot do this!

He could sense that this world seemed to be even stranger than those hundred thousand years, with an inexplicable aura that was even more dilapidated than the ancient world that had been shattered in the Immortal Ancient Era. He didn't know what kind of things he had encountered. misfortune.

At the same time, his heart was burning. The future time and space also contained the Tao and Fruit of all worlds, which might be an opportunity for him to defeat the king and become the emperor.

Afterwards, the two began to talk peacefully, and Xu Yu agreed to help him carve the Taoist fruit of this world to help him practice.

"The body is divided into six, which is also inspired by the six paths of reincarnation." The counterfeit medicine seller said frankly. Xu Yu nodded slightly. He studied the six paths of reincarnation. The two can confirm each other, which is why he wanted to observe his great path.

His Tao is very special. He will imitate the Tao and fruits of all worlds. Whether they are powerful or weak, he will write them down and understand them.

Xu Yu, on the other hand, made some demands on him. Those who sell counterfeit medicine must also allow him to observe some of their ancient methods and Taoist fruits. He also asked him to display some of the Taoist fruits for heaven to observe the secrets.

If the emperors of heaven can show part of the Tao and Dharma in the world, it will definitely be of great benefit to many emperors, even if it is a small part.

Especially for someone astonishingly talented as the ruthless emperor, it will definitely benefit him a lot and may speed up his transformation process.

Don't forget, the ruthless man back then was a researcher who created the Devouring Heavenly Demon Technique, devoured many physiques, and delved into various mysteries. Later, he even divided the Nine Wonders of the Elixir into nine parts and randomly planted them on the road to deduce a certain Kind of avenue...

In the end, the counterfeit medicine seller was silent for a long time, but he still chose to agree, because he had a feeling in his heart that all this was nothing. In this world, he might have a bigger and more heaven-defying opportunity, the ultimate future. Jump, hope may be here.

This world is balanced. He had intercepted the secret of the great road from Xu Yu before. Now he has to pay the corresponding price. Of course, he can also get good luck.

At the beginning, after Xu Yu got the fairy bell, he was observing silently, but he never saw through him, thinking that Xu Yu seemed to be shrouded in a layer of fog, and now he was even more convinced of this!

Later, Xu Yu told him about the current era, a different universe, whether it is vegetation, creatures, or the cultivation system, it is different from before Immortal Ancient times.

He showed the Tao of the five secret realms, which greatly touched the counterfeit medicine seller. It was unbelievable that a new practice system had emerged, which was completely different from the ancient immortality. It did not fake foreign objects and explored the human body's own potential, which surprised him.

In the end, the counterfeit medicine seller turned into a stream of light again and entered the tree. At this moment, he also showed his way, no longer blocking it, and letting him explore without touching the core mystery.

Xu Yu's mind was concentrated, and he began to observe and comprehend quietly.

The way of selling counterfeit medicine is too complex. Although it has shocking secrets, it also has the mottled atmosphere of the world of mortals.

"Pay me!"

Xu Yu shouted, his whole body was exuding an inexplicable aura, like the sea accepting hundreds of rivers, sometimes as strong as Yang, sometimes as lunar as water, absorbing many Tao fruits and slowly integrating them.


The six paths in the body rotate, and with the thought, six light groups rise up, the boundless mist is misty, mysterious and mysterious, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

"All actions are impermanent, and this is the law of birth and death. When birth and death cease, silence is bliss."

Faintly, the sound of chanting resounded, echoing in his heart, illuminating him.

Selling fake medicine!

This is destined to be a long process, and it takes time to hone it slowly. At the beginning, everything went smoothly and there were no accidents.

In this way, time flies, a thousand years have passed, and now it is the fifth thousand years of the Emperor of Heaven!


His black hair was filled with dense brilliance, crystal clear and gorgeous. As he breathed, his chest rose and fell, and the many rays of light that washed away were more like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea, sinking into his body.

Falling into its mouth, those pair of dark eyes were deep, sucking like a whale, swallowing everything, as if there was infinite divine soil emerging from it.

All things in the world of mortals, scenes in the heavens!

At the same time, his body, several secret realms, and the six realms of reincarnation were glowing at the same time, and immeasurable divine energy soared into the sky, almost boiling. Xu Yu's heart wavered, and even he couldn't notice it. This last moment seemed to span hundreds of millions of miles, but also seemed to be so close, beyond his will and perception, and he reached the end of the other shore in one fell swoop.

His body was like thunder, with a thunderous sound, as if one portal after another was opened.

Especially in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, several light gates are spinning crazily, and the blazing aura fills the air, like fairy fire burning the sky, terrifying.

His body has already reached the realm of the Immortal King, and now his soul is also transforming, crystal clear, flowing with immortal radiance, and shining brightly between his eyebrows!

Deep in the universe, there is endless fairy light filling the air, the sea of ​​stars is trembling, all creatures are trembling, looking up at the sky in disbelief...

The auspicious energy is rising, and the fairy light is rising into the sky!

"Oh my god... what a terrifying wave this is, I can't stand it anymore." There was a great sage from a powerful clan in the starry sky. He was paralyzed on the ground, trembling with fear, let alone the others.

In an instant, it suddenly erupted, and the whole universe was trembling. The terrifying fairy light was so intense that hundreds of millions of rays of light evaporated, almost turning into a sea of ​​fairy light, causing all living creatures to look up to the sky and look towards the direction of heaven.

"This breath... seems to be the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Incredible, Emperor of Heaven, is he going to break through again?"

Many powerful people in Heaven reacted immediately. The Emperor of Heaven had been in seclusion for more than a thousand years and was about to break through again? What a terrifying speed this is, simply unheard of!

Nowadays, many high-level combat powers in Heaven also know the realm of True Immortals, Immortal Kings, and even Immortal Emperors above the Great Emperor, and they are all speculating on where he has gone.

Even the emperors of Heaven, Ye Fan, Gai Jiuyou, Yaoguang and others were solemn, looking towards the sky with concentration on their faces, their faces moved.

They were also surprised and stunned that just a few years later, Xu Yu actually took another step in the realm of immortality.

Xu Yu took a step forward, and a clear path emerged, entangled with time fragments, and he rushed straight to the edge of the universe. Otherwise, if a catastrophe were to come, the heaven would probably not be able to hold on.

He wants to rush into the Immortal King Realm, make the ultimate leap, refine his Dao Fruit, and become an invincible Immortal King.


On the Huosang Star, a huge palace was suspended in the sky. The Golden Crow Quasi-Emperor's face was slightly condensed. He had not yet achieved enlightenment, but the Heavenly Emperor had taken another step in the realm of immortality, which made him feel bitter in his heart.

Even the saddest thing is that he doesn't even know what state the other person is in now, which makes him full of gaps.

Beidou, Donghuang

An ancient tower shook, and the immortal energy lingered, shaking the sky forever.

In the ancient pagoda, a pair of sharp eyes slowly opened and closed, melting the sea of ​​stars, and looked out through the ancient pagoda.

"How is it possible? This is...the aura of the Immortal King!" An old voice came from the tower, full of disbelief and surprise.

In the remote area of ​​​​the universe, Xu Yu's whole body was exuding blazing light, every pore was flowing with fairy light, and his whole body was more blazing than the sun.

The six paths in the body rumbled, several light groups rotated, whales drank from cows, and frantically began to absorb the essence of heaven and earth.

His path is climbing step by step, and the inner portals in the human body are opening one after another. The breath is becoming more and more terrifying, condensing the heaven and earth, the universe!


From outside the sky, bright beams of light flew over one after another, like heavenly swords, Taoist swords, and divine chains of order, clanging and ringing, causing ripples in the void, destroying everything, and the Immortal King's Tribulation has arrived!

It was condensed from infinite runes and secrets. In an instant, it was all imprinted in his blood. It was too bright. The infinite secrets of the avenue penetrated him with a pop.

The expressions of the emperors in heaven changed. If they faced such a catastrophe, they would probably be completely wiped out in an instant. There would be no accidents. Even the empress had a serious look on her face.

Xu Yu's face was serious, and the skin all over his body glowed with a faint golden light. The aura of the strongest filled the air, and the energy and blood in his body vibrated, surging with overwhelming divine power to fight against the catastrophe.

Even so, Xu Yu could still feel the domineering power of this rune. If he had not practiced the Immortal Sutra to the strongest level and his body was extremely strong and clean, I am afraid that even the real Immortal King would have to shed his skin before he died.

You must know that now he has the body of an Immortal King, but it is just the final leap of Yuanshen. It can be imagined how terrifying this rune power is, and it almost gives no way for people to survive.

However, although this Heavenly Tribulation Rune is overbearing, if it can withstand it, it may really be able to transform into a powerful body, which may also be respected in the Immortal King Realm.


Endless avenue symbols were crushed from all directions, and many runes even penetrated from outside the world, blessing his body, turning into killing calamities, clanking, and trying to completely obliterate his treasure body!

This is the Great Tribulation of the Immortal King!

Past, present, whatever has ever appeared, various rules, the order of heaven and earth, etc., will crush them, pronounce judgment, and condense everything.

Especially in the Zhetian Realm, it is an era of Dharma Ending that is more terrifying than the ancient era. It will involve many causes and effects and impose the most terrifying punishments. Now it has begun to manifest. As the divine punishment comes, the aura becomes more and more terrifying. Now the torture of the physical body has actually surpassed the ordinary Immortal King Tribulation!


At this moment, Xu Yu coughed up blood. His body was full of cracks, like a piece of porcelain that was about to be broken. Immortal blood burned into the starry sky and made a hissing sound.


Afterwards, he actually sat cross-legged in the void, accepting the runes of the avenue and the torture of heaven and earth, and he was undergoing an indescribable change.


The runes of the avenue were burning, which meant that the principles of the Tao were blooming, making the mountains and rivers eclipse, and the sun and the moon lose their light.

Xu Yu's body turned into a furnace, entangled with various laws and runes. One moment it turned into a big bell, another moment it turned into a divine furnace, and another moment it turned into a big cauldron. When in human form, it looked like an immortal emperor, with a majestic appearance. People look at it with fear.

After all, Xu Yu is a person who created a myth. The six paths of rotation in his body, with bursts of immortal light rising from his body, withstood the terrible smelting, but he was finally able to bear it.

"As expected of the Immortal Sutra." Xu Yu sighed inwardly. The Immortal Sutra played a huge role at this moment. Of course, there were also the rotations of several portals in the six paths of reincarnation in the body, which resolved the endless killings and punishments, allowing him to resist Living.

Moreover, there is endless chaos surging, tempering his body, making him shine brilliantly and recover quickly! His physical body is too powerful. It has experienced the impact of many principles, but it has not been directly broken into pieces. And those principles have also given him great benefits after the impact. The treasure body of the Immortal King has become more solid and thick, and can withstand all kinds of damage. The power of heaven!

His hair was flying, roots pointing to the sky, terrifying blood energy soared into the sky, and there was a huge beam of light in the Tianling Cap, shattering the sky.

Now his body has undergone further transformation. It was originally the body of the Immortal King, but now it has transformed again. He himself cannot estimate how terrifying his body is.

"The final leap is now!" Xu Yu's pupils flickered, the fairy light soared, and overflowed with astonishing brilliance. Next, he was going to survive the catastrophe of the soul.

Only when the soul transforms and takes the final leap can it gather the fruits of the heavens and become the true Immortal King!


Between heaven and earth, endless avenues emerge one after another. Some are born in this world, and some even penetrate from outside the Jie Bi, all penetrating towards its head!


The beam of light shook the sky and shook the earth, penetrating towards his Tianling Cap... (End of this chapter)

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