Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 427 Feeding back the universe, the Qing Emperor reappears

This is the torture of the Immortal King Tribulation!

There is no way to avoid it!

The only choice is to fight hard!

Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many outstanding people’s Yuanshen failed in their final leap and did not turn into Immortal Kings. If you want to achieve the status of Immortal King, the most important thing is for your Yuanshen to undergo baptism!

His physical body was tempered many times, transformed again, and withstood the test. The next moment the test of his soul came as scheduled!

In just an instant, he encountered more than a dozen impacts, which were the light of the avenue. His forehead bones trembled and almost completely shattered.

This is not an ordinary avenue, but an avenue specifically aimed at the Immortal King. He can easily seal off all the ways that cover the world, and protect the people in heaven to become emperors. However, facing the avenue of torture from heaven and earth, he dare not slack off at all, otherwise , even if he is as stunning as him, he is still in danger of falling!

You must know that he is the soul who has practiced the art of calming chaos. The soul has turned into a sword embryo, and the same is true. You can imagine how terrifying this torture of the world is.

"Is it because of this Dharma-ending era..."

Xu Yu asked himself in his heart, the current catastrophe has far exceeded the ordinary Immortal King catastrophe, and has reached an incredible realm.

He had a vague guess in his heart that the tribulation he had overcome was too terrible. It was not only related to his own strength, but perhaps also closely related to this era of lawlessness. The more broken the world was, the more cruel the immortal tribulation would be.

"Yuan Shen Dao Sword!"

Xu Yu scolded lightly. His rhythmic breathing resonated with the world. His whole aura rose. His eyes were stunning, seeming to penetrate past, present and future, illuminating the world!


Thunder breaks out on the ground, and swords ring in the sky!

A vicissitudes of life, sacred, vast and majestic energy rises between the heaven and the earth. The brilliant sword light squeezes the heaven and the earth and fills every inch of the void!

On his forehead, a sword embryo mark emerged, shining brightly and shining immortal light!

Peace of mind!

One of the three great sword techniques throughout the ages, even though Immortal Gu and Luan Gu have been buried, this sword technique is still passed down.

Moreover, few other sword battles can compare with it.

The Yuan Shen Dao Sword shook, emitting a monstrous sword light, and the sword light began to transform into a humanoid creature, fighting to calm down the chaos in the world.

The hazy immortal power circulates, swaying with a dazzling divine light, which is extremely terrifying. The sword energy is almost indestructible and can cut through everything!

He is using the secret technique of calming chaos to resist the bombardment of the avenue!


Sparks flew everywhere and the sound was deafening!

"The six paths in the body are open!"

In an instant, endless light surged in Xu Yu's body, and several light gates rotated, rushing out various divine lights and blessing them in the sword embryo.

Even the immortal golden tripod on the forehead is slowly rotating, flowing with an inexplicable aura, protecting the forehead and resisting the great will of heaven and earth.

call out!

The Dao sword floats in the air, simple and unpretentious, filled with terrifying aura, and there is an overwhelming sword power rising!

In just a short moment, many powerful people seemed to see the stars falling, the sun, moon, mountains and rivers moving, the stars and rivers turning upside down, and the sun and moon losing light!

"The soul breaks out of its cocoon and becomes the king!"

Xu Yu whispered word by word, her eyebrows trembling, her eyes condensed, and an astonishing fighting spirit emerged from the depths of her pupils.

His whole body was glowing, his blood was surging, and the six paths in his body had changed again.

The five large light groups rotated, and the blazing aura surged, just like a fairy world, with boundless fairy energy.

The mist of light steaming from those whirlpools turned into a rainbow, submerged into the sword body, and blessed it.

The fruits of all worlds!

It can be said that most of Xu Yu's Tao fruits originated from the Six Paths of Reincarnation, which is also where his heritage lies. One hundred thousand years of practice, and the Tao of selling fake medicines are all in it.

Countless thin lines of law are intertwined, and a vague light group is condensed and radiating light.


At this moment, another portal opened. Originally, he had opened up four paths. At the beginning, he opened up the evil ghost path. Later, over a hundred thousand years, he opened up three paths one after another, and now one more path has been added!

In that portal, the light flows, and it seems to be a big world of immortals.

There are mountains, rivers, birds and beasts there. It seems to be a lifelike world. On the earth, there are legendary alien species such as Kunpeng, White Tiger, Soaring Snake and Suzaku.

However, soon, the glow flashed, and it became hazy again, and everything was invisible.

In an instant, the mana in his body suddenly surged by a huge amount. Five light groups, shrouded in divine haze and mist, made him feel more powerful than ever before.

Xu Yu was as motionless as a pine and as stable as a rock. His body seemed to have turned into a furnace. The sword between his brows was clanging, making clear sword sounds.

This is the transformation of life levels, and the soul is sublimating!

His flesh and blood was glowing, as if it contained the universe, and a mysterious aura was constantly flowing, as if a dormant Immortal Emperor was about to be awakened.

At this moment, he no longer fought, but quietly merged with the light of the avenue and accepted the torture, his whole person seemed to be petrified.

But the blood in his body was reviving, and there was a powerful aura permeating the air, making the entire universe feel depressed.


A terrifying aura spread, and the pressure of the Immortal King broke out. In an instant, a terrifying field was formed, with endless fragments of the avenue surrounding his body.

Immortal King Fruition!

He suddenly opened his eyes, and the dark and cold universe was illuminated. The vast starry sky was trembling, and the breath of fairy light swept over the sky and the earth.

In an instant, Xu Yu's body glowed and she restrained her aura, otherwise the world would collapse and usher in a catastrophe.

Xu Yu is like a peerless emperor, facing the vast sky, with his black hair flying, standing tall in the sky. All the spirits covering the sky trembled and looked at the sky in disbelief, knowing that the Emperor of Heaven had reached a terrifying level again.

Everyone looked at Xu Yu with a hint of awe in their hearts. This was due to the pressure of high-level creatures.

Even Ye Fan, Ren Ren and others' expressions changed slightly, feeling a very vast power from heaven.

In the Eastern Wasteland, the ancient pagoda is shaking, and endless auspiciousness is rising into the sky.

"God, what a God!" The old voice seemed very excited.

Xu Yu is quietly realizing this new power of extreme transformation.

Many wonderful phenomena and endless methods appeared one after another, mysterious and mysterious, like the divine voice of heaven and earth, and like the hymn of the great road, rumbling in his heart.

Above his head, the Immortal Golden Cauldron floated, flowing with wisps of blazing fairy light, just like the light of a sword. Each ray could cut off the world and destroy all ways. In the end, the light was restrained, and it became simple and unpretentious. Only the Tao Qi dropped. , like waterfalls, seem to have a special Taoist charm.

Xu Yu closed his eyes and sensed something. He understood in an instant that after reaching his level, if he didn't die and stayed in a close and crucial realm with him, he would live forever.

The place where he is provides him with room to grow, and now that he is strong, he can feed back the world.

Feeding back has endless uses!

This is an amazing means of adding a connection between heaven and earth and the personal.

In the past, Amitabha Buddha established Buddhism in the Western Desert, established immortal teachings, and absorbed the power of mind. Buddhism also used the power of mind to feed back the West Desert and establish a vast Buddhist kingdom. This is mutually beneficial.

However, if you are a higher-level person, you will generally not do that, and will even take the initiative to cut off that connection and let yourself transcend.

Because even the ancient world will have the power to destroy it. If it is too deeply involved, even the Immortal King may suffer disaster!

However, Xu Yu is fearless and confident that she can face everything.

"It's time to strengthen this universe." His eyes were blazing, ready to feed this universe back!


Xu Yu stepped into the void, her eyes sparkling with fairy light.

In an instant, a burst of light illuminated the Zizhou Galaxy. It was so bright. This was not because he was using his methods, but because he was passively supporting him now that he had become the Immortal King.

That is the avenue, that is the symbol, that is the rule, that is the order. The vastness of heaven and earth seems to be condensed with him to nourish the universe.

This power is unparalleled. The universe seems to be growing stronger from depletion, and a powerful vitality is gradually filling the air.

The Zhetian Universe was originally a small fragment of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, but now it is even more broken than the Immortal Ancient Times. Even if it is just a passive feedback, it is extremely unnatural.

The birth of an Immortal King will bring indescribable benefits to many living beings if it feeds back the world. Of course, if it actively counteracts, all creatures in the world will reap even greater benefits.

Later, Xu Yubao looked solemn, sitting cross-legged in the void, chanting mantras in his mouth to face the big world, and formally carried out repayment.

Divine radiance flows, red clouds are like waterfalls, his eyes shine with light, his body is upright, every inch of his body is shining, forming a long river of avenues, criss-crossing and finally converging into a vast ocean of avenues.

In an instant, auspicious colors descended from the sky, divine springs surged from the earth, lotus flowers bloomed, and Yao grass sprouted from root to root. The sky is full of divine clouds, dragons and phoenixes are flying, longevity turtles are spitting out auspicious colors, five-color divine lights are shining, and colorful divine rainbows are crossing the sky.

Many strange phenomena emerged, shining brightly on the endless cold and silent universe. This is the method of the Immortal King!

In the starry sky outside the territory, wisps of immortal power turned into light rain, rushing in all directions, submerging into many ancient star fields, and even many exhausted Dharma-ending lands. In the universe, someone on the scene immediately let out a cry of surprise. The light rain fell, like a spring breeze, and they felt the power of a peaceful avenue.

"The Emperor of Heaven is... blessing all living beings!" Someone exclaimed in disbelief, and his voice was trembling.

"Emperor of Heaven, this is to create an immortal and prosperous age! Use immortal means to feed all living beings!"

"The restricted area was leveled, the world was cleared, and now he is nourishing the heaven and earth with immortal energy against the will of heaven. The Emperor of Heaven is truly benevolent!"

On this day, mortals, men, women, old and young, all over the universe were all surprised. The light of the Dao came to them, all diseases were alleviated, their spirits were full, and the world was filled with joy.

In the universe, many monks were shocked. They were also drenched by the light rain, and their bodies felt extremely comfortable. The bottleneck that had not been broken through for a long time was actually loosened.

Even many people in the universe with average cultivation qualifications took this opportunity to break through obstacles, overcome the sea of ​​suffering, embark on the path of cultivation, and become a true monk.

Moreover, many people looked in a trance, as if they were in a state of intoxication, as if they had been greeted by the morning rain for a long time, and the long desert was gradually coming to life, and there were many things in their hearts.

Moreover, many old monks' white hair quickly turned to jet black, and their skin turned from wrinkles to crystal clear. A powerful life essence filled their bodies and activated their blood, making them seem to be young again.

Moreover, some people who were on the verge of death also captured the secrets of the Great Dao and took this opportunity to undergo Nirvana and extend their lifespan. Some amazing people even lived a second life!

In the heaven, there are thousands of divine rainbows, intertwined with auspicious colors, and the light of the turbulent avenue. The people in the entire heaven benefited again, because Xu Yu deliberately led more lights into the heaven.


Xu Daolin stood in the heaven, his black hair swaying, the clank sounding like a sword, the blood in his body surging like a long river, and the sound of mountains roaring and tsunami coming.

This is an extremely young man who attained the throne at a young age, but now he is about to transform again.

He is surrounded by endless fairy light, his bloodline is transforming, his body is sublimating, and the divine light is steaming.

This is the feedback from the Immortal King, and the ones who benefit the most are his bloodline heirs!

You know, he is an emperor, and his bloodline has been sublimated again. How incredible this is!

Even the emperors in the heaven were shocked and looked envious. Only he could enjoy this kind of treatment because he was the son of the emperor and inherited the bloodline of the emperor, which naturally caused bloodline resonance!

Only through personal experience can one understand how terrifying this reversal is and what it means. Everyone was impressed by the Emperor's methods and could actually support him in such a way.

"My Buddha is compassionate!

In the Heavenly Court, in the pure land of the West, the endless Buddha's light transpired, nourishing the entire sacred land. The Buddha Sakyamuni, sitting cross-legged in the high sky, was also receiving feedback, and he also showed an expression of wonder at this moment.

Feeding back the entire universe is simply going against the grain!

You must know that in the past, the Buddhist kingdom in the Western Desert commanded hundreds of millions of disciples and could only nourish the entire Western Desert with the power of faith. However, today's emperor's breakthrough can actually nourish the entire universe. This method is amazing.

"The Emperor of Heaven is immortal and will see eternal life in countless calamities!"

"The Emperor of Heaven is compassionate and merciful. Even if he becomes an immortal, he still cares about the world. It is admirable and admirable!"

Many people cried with joy. Countless civilians, and even some powerful monks, fell to the ground and bowed to the deep space of the universe. They were extremely pious and expressed their boundless respect for the Emperor of Heaven.

At the same time, in this universe, all the statues of the Heavenly Emperor were glowing, and the golden bodies that people shaped for the Heavenly Emperor were also giving birth to strands of aura, as if they had divinity.

Xu Yu stood tall in the sky, with the light of the surging avenue all over his body, feeding back the heaven and earth, and interacting with the broken world.

He sensed all the phenomena in the sky, and also experienced the various forms of the mortal world. When he was feeding back to all living beings, he also experienced the feedback from the common people and their various ways. The most important thing was that the huge power of thought was surging, and a lot of information gathered in his heart. Being in the sea gave him a lot of insights.

Feeding back is a two-way process. While blessing the common people, it also receives the gratitude of the common people. It is a mutually reinforcing process, which is wonderful.

He felt that his current strength was extremely terrifying, that he should have surpassed ordinary immortal kings and reached an incredible realm.

Then, he silently explored this world.

In today's world, the feedback in an instant is extremely astonishing. The most important thing is that in this world, the great road will gradually recover.

Xu Yu looked at Cang Yu, his handsome face full of calm, and carefully explored the changes in this world. Then, he took one step and returned to heaven.

And at the beginning of this year, the heaven and earth began to change, the essence became more and more, the avenue would no longer be suppressed, and each domain became suitable for cultivating the Tao again.

Today, Xu Yu is equivalent to single-handedly turning the world around, bringing blessings to the people, and creating an immortal and prosperous age.


In the Eastern Wasteland, a whisper came from an ancient tower, and then a young figure stepped out of it. The ancient tower shook, filled with endless fairy light, and took him away through the sky...

An ancient pagoda rose up, filled with immortal energy, shaking the eternal blue sky.

The pagoda is simple and simple, divided into nine floors. The power of the years flows through it, as if it runs through the entire ancient history of cultivation. It was a young man who descended into heaven with the ancient tower on his head.

He has a majestic appearance, with loose black hair and eyes like lightning. There is a peerless style.

A lotus in the eternal blue sky!

The Qing Emperor reappears!

He and Xu Yu reunited again and met in heaven.

Xu Yu stared at the Qing Emperor's ancient pagoda with deep eyes. This was the desolate pagoda, and it was also the first time he had seen this legendary ancient pagoda in the past five thousand years.

In fact, this tower is also very extraordinary. It was refined by Shi Wu. It contains the last layer of the small tower. It can be regarded as one of the rare immortal weapons in this world.

"It's great to congratulate you, have you become an Immortal King?" Qing Emperor asked with extremely sharp eyes, dazzling brilliance bursting out.

Xu Yu looked confused. Did Qingdi regain his memory? Even the Immortal King knew about it, which made him suddenly surprised.

"Not bad." Xu Yu nodded slightly. He did not expect that he would alert Qing Emperor and come to the heaven.

"Nourished by the light of fellow Taoist Dao, I have something more in my mind." Qingdi was silent for a moment and then said, his eyes burning with an inexplicable sparkle.

Xu Yu looked startled. Is the current Qing Emperor already showing signs of awakening? You must know that the origin of Qing Emperor is not simple. It is not only the transformation of the elixir, but also the nirvana of the former Qinglian Immortal King.

"What do you mean, fellow Taoist?" Xu Yu looked at Qingdi, waiting for his words.

"It's indescribable. I have a lot of insights in my mind, such as things above the imperial realm and some immortal scriptures..." Qingdi sighed and explained.

"Is this going to be a step-by-step awakening?" Xu Yu's expression was incomprehensible, and he began to think about it secretly in his heart. Now Qingdi has something more in his heart, and he has initially awakened.

Originally, he would not awaken so quickly, but being nourished by the light of the Immortal King-level avenue, he awakened something.

The two talked for a while, and Xu Yu learned a lot. Qingdi is indeed a little different now.

"With the ability of fellow Taoist, you should be able to penetrate into another world now, right?" Qingdi asked suddenly, his eyes were shining, and his expression was inexplicably eager.

Xu Yu nodded, that was indeed the case. As the Immortal King now, he could naturally easily break through the barrier of another world and truly enter the Immortal Realm.

In fact, with his quasi-immortal king ability, he could have entered, not to mention his current strength, but he was not eager to enter.

"As expected, it seems that some of the memories in my sea of ​​consciousness should be true."

The Qing Emperor sighed and was shocked. The Emperor of Heaven was indeed a human being, and now he could bombard him into another world. Then he expressed his doubts, why didn't the Emperor of Heaven break into the Immortal Realm?

"It's not that you don't want to, it's that this world is worthy of being stationed in. In the era of the Dharma End, you can hone the strongest Taoist fruits." Xu Yuyun said with a calm smile.

In fact, this is indeed the case, which is why he is not eager to enter. Although the Age of Dharma Ending is a huge disaster for the powerful, blessings and disasters depend on each other. If you work hard, the rewards will be greater.

Moreover, he has now turned Heaven into a 'small' fairyland. He doesn't have to worry about the longevity of some old friends for the time being, so he is naturally not in a hurry.

Of course, now that he is an Immortal King, he can almost head towards the Immortal Realm.

The Qing Emperor launched a campaign with such courage that he didn't know what to say.

Others would like to penetrate into the immortal realm as soon as possible, but the Emperor of Heaven is honing his skills in the world of mortals to create an invincible body.

"My path was wrong and I reached the end. When I awakened something, I realized that in my current state, there is no hope at all."

The Qing Emperor then sighed with emotion, and the desolate tower above his head rumbled, shaking the sky. He now understood that it was really unreal to transform the human realm into the immortal realm.

"My fellow Taoist is amazing in talent. He will definitely achieve greater achievements in the future. In the future, when you and I enter the Immortal Realm together, we may be able to give you real enlightenment." Xu Yu said, extending an invitation to him.

Xu Yu naturally knew that the current Qing Emperor had awakened to something and understood that it was really impossible for the Supreme Humanity to evolve into the Immortal Realm, but with his amazing skills, he would definitely be a great help in the future. (End of chapter)

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