Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 428 The Transformation of the World Tree

After hearing Xu Yu's suggestion, the Qing Emperor slightly closed his head and entered the Heavenly Court. The road to the future was cut off, but with the Heavenly Emperor, he saw hope.

This is an amazing emperor. Among all the great emperors and ancient emperors in the past and present, he can be ranked at the top. He will also be an important combat force in the future.

Many people believe that if Qingdi continues to grow, he may also be an emperor, a peerless master like the Immortal Emperor!

In the next few years, Xu Yu sat cross-legged in the fairy mountain in heaven, and the whole person was silent again.

Now, he has begun to observe the traces of the recovery of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, to understand the source of life that emerged from the ruins, to understand the mysteries of life and death, and to observe the process of evolution. This is also a kind of evolution, which is really rare.

He observed the changes in the universe and discovered the mysteries of heaven and earth, and gained a lot. Today, everything in heaven and earth is progressing for the better.

This universe is now beginning to show a prosperous scene, but it will take a long time for it to be really extremely bright, and it will require many immortal masters.

"If we want to achieve a complete ancient world, I don't know how long it will take." Xu Yu observed silently, his pupils were profound, and strands of mysteries emerged deep in his pupils.

"By the way, World Tree, this world needs a World Tree as its foundation." Xu Yu suddenly thought of this.

Although the world has recovered now, the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth is still condensed and unbreakable. It is impossible for ordinary people to realize the Dao. This is only possible if Xu Yu takes action to seal off all the Dao.

But if there is a World Tree, it will be completely different. The heaven and earth are intact, and there are complete rules that can support the birth of masters like clouds.

Then, in a flash of thought, he appeared at the Fairy Pond of Yaochi, where a golden sacred tree took root. It was the Fusang Sacred Tree, and it was also the world tree of that woman back then.

The dazzling golden light surged, and there were bursts of chaotic energy.

The Fusang Sacred Tree, covered with golden light, now towers into the blue sky, supporting the stars. This is an extremely astonishing sight.

The real World Tree creates the world and is omnipotent. On the World Tree, there will be real dragons and Kunpeng etc. living there.

Today, this ancient tree is naturally far from reaching the level of a world tree, but it has evolved extremely astonishingly over the past five thousand years.

"If today's Fuso Sacred Tree evolves into the World Tree again, I don't know how it will evolve to various levels." Xu Yu sighed. He remembered that although this ancient tree originally evolved successfully, it was eventually defeated and collapsed.

He was originally a world tree, but now he has fallen into the elixir of death. If he can reach nirvana again, he will definitely achieve a new transformation far beyond his past.

"Let the World Tree transform..." Xu Yu pondered for a moment, thinking silently, if the World Tree transforms, he will also have endless benefits.

In the original trajectory, the woman rushed to the World Tomb with the World Tree, absorbing imprints from the massive broken ancient world, thereby accelerating evolution.

"Right..." Suddenly, Xu Yu's eyes lit up.

His palm turned over, and a one-foot-square pool emerged, shining brightly in his palm, flowing with crystal luster...

This is the river of time that he cut off, and now that he has taken it out, he wants to verify it.

Rumor has it that he is effective on the Sansheng Medicine, but I don’t know if it has any effect on the Sun God Tree.

Now, he opened and closed his divine eyes, and there was a surge of divine light. He probed into it again, and found that there were inexplicable laws intertwining in the long river of time, which were profound and endless.

In his eyes, it was no longer just a square foot of river water, but it contained the secret of time, flowing with a faint luster, and was extremely mysterious.

A drop of water from the long river falls, there is light and mist, the light of the law emerges, and the beautiful ancient worlds are vaguely visible in the water droplets.

"The secret of time has witnessed the disillusionment of ancient worlds one after another. Will it be contaminated by their laws?"

Xu Yu stared at the river, thoughtfully.

It was so gorgeous, unusually peaceful, and holy. It seemed like the morning dew of the fairyland was surging, extremely bright and full of vitality, dripping on the Fusang tree.

The leaves swayed and rattled, golden light flashed, and wisps of light fell down from the Sun God Tree. The tree was like a piece of yellow fairy gold, and its whole body was brilliant.

"It works..." Xu Yu's eyes flashed slightly.

The Sun God Tree took root in the Yaochi and absorbed the water droplet. It glowed, merged, and flowed, flickering and changing from soft and explosive to calm.


The Fusang sacred tree shook, the earth, fire, wind, water, thunder shook the world, and chaos was endless. This place was like a hazy primitive ancient world.

The divine sound of the great avenue is endless, and the sacred hibiscus tree is swaying, as if it is opening up the world and opening up this ancient world. This is a terrifying process, and the sight of this supreme Tao makes people awe-inspiring. In a trance, they can hear the sounds of beings offering sacrifices and worshiping, and it sounds like the gods are crying.

"It's effective... In addition to being effective on the three herbal medicines, it's also effective on the Fuso Sacred Tree, which is almost a quasi-world tree!" Xu Yu was slightly surprised.

Then, he controlled the water of the Time River to drip down, but although there was a faint mist of light transpiring, it did not cause the Fuso Sacred Tree to change again.

Then, he added a few more drops and found that the effect was minimal. He understood that the law of this thing was effective on the Fuso Sacred Tree, but more would not have much effect.

It can be said that he is now a sacred hibiscus tree, or to be precise, a quasi-world tree.

After years of nourishment from Heavenly Court and cultivation by Xu Yude, he has grown extremely fast.

Then, he sat cross-legged under the tree, and he began to gain enlightenment, wanting to find out some of the mysteries of the evolution into the World Tree. Xu Yu closed his eyes, as quiet as a rock, with a special aura, and threads of great opportunities overflowed from his body and spread into the distance.

"Tao exists forever, endless years, the universe from the infinite to Taiji, and even the metamorphosis of all things..."

One hundred years later, Xu Yu moved, and the sound of Dao Lun came out from his body, and the scriptures chanted themselves, resounding under the Sun God Tree. There seemed to be an auspicious sign of enlightenment, and various Dao lights were flying.

The moment Xu Yu opened his eyes, two blazing lightnings tore through the void. Astonishing.

"So it turns out that only by absorbing the power of the world can we accelerate the evolution of the World Tree." He whispered, understanding what the World Tree really needs for its growth.

The more powerful an ancient world is, the stronger the Dao foundation it has, so it can also cultivate a powerful World Tree.

Today's Zhetian Realm has ruined mountains and rivers. Compared with the original ancient world, it can be said to be in a state of depression. Although the road is recovering, it is still long and far away.

"Find some places to absorb the real power of the world." Xu Yusi said.

Subsequently, in the next few years, Xu Yu left Heaven, taking the Fusang Sacred Tree and the First Spiritual Root with him, wandering in the starry sky, and absorbing the secrets of various avenues.

Not only the Fuso Sacred Tree, he also promised to bring the first spiritual root to absorb the many mysteries of this world, so he will visit various places.

One year, he came to the outer starry sky of the earth. A water-blue star lay in front of him.

Beautiful and crystal clear, like a blue diamond dotted in the starry sky.

Some spacecraft appear and appear from time to time, like streaks of light passing by, which are very gorgeous. After more than five thousand years, the earth has made great progress, and now it is an extremely prosperous ancient star.

Xu Yu landed, and with a flash of light, he appeared on a mountain peak. With each breath of spiritual energy, human beings are developing, especially after feeding back the world, the earth seems to be becoming more and more prosperous.

There are many saints and strong men, and there are even a few quasi-emperors.

He walked through several old places, such as Kunlun Mountain, Gexian Mountain, and Lingbao's hometown, places he was once familiar with, but there was no one he knew.

The leaders of several major sects, such as the original leaders of Longdong, Longhu Mountain, and Kunlun, have passed away. Even though Xu Yu had extended their lives for hundreds of years, he eventually passed away.

After all, they were born too early, and it would be two or three thousand years before Xu Yu evolved into the immortal realm on earth. Naturally, they would not be able to hold on until that day.

Only the leader of the Lingbao Sect later broke through to the Great Saint Realm. Later, when Xu Yu opened up the Immortal Realm on Earth, he and Po Ningxia were introduced to the Heavenly Court, and they are now practicing in the Heavenly Court.

Xu Yu is invincible for nine heavens and ten earths, but is powerless. He has made great progress in exploring the road to immortality, but some people still cannot afford to wait.

This seemingly ever-changing law cannot be resisted by anyone. As all things develop, their prosperity must inevitably decline. It has long been destined that even though he has achieved perfection, he cannot take into account everything.

After staying on the earth for several years, some incidents also occurred. News came that the legendary Dragon Monument of Emperor Fuxi was born.

On the other side of the East China Sea, there is an island country that actually claims that the Dragon Monument is theirs, and has descended on the Chinese mainland, intending to invade the Middle Earth and seize the Dragon Monument.

This island country is so amazing that two quasi-emperors were born, and they want to come and seize it with a group of monks. Moreover, everyone in the island country, from the monks to the common people, are extremely eager to divide the richness of the middle-earth and seize the Dragon Monument.

All of this, Xu Yu felt through the consciousness of the two quasi-emperors in an instant.

Even though he is the Emperor of Heaven, he is angry at this moment. This group of people is too despicable and shameless, because he has discovered a lot of information. The rise of this island nation has been stained with too much blood from the Middle Earth. Even so, even the monks, Down to the civilians, they all have an inexplicable hostility towards China.

The heart of dying Middle-earth will never die!

This made his face covered with frost, it was the first time he was so angry!

Then, he stretched out a finger, covered the sky, and suddenly fell down, blood splashed, sinking the island country, directly torn into pieces, and completely wiped out. The world was shocked. The powerful island country was destroyed with one finger. No one knew that it was the Emperor of Heaven who took action. Then, Xu Yu left again.


The universe is vast, Xu Yu walked in many ancient places, and the first spiritual root followed him, witnessing the Tao and Fruit of all worlds, and gained huge benefits.

His steps did not stop. He came to the Ziwei Star Territory and met Yi Qingwu, the princess of the Ziwei Dynasty, Li Tianyan Yixi, and Taoist Sanque. After stopping for a while, he left and again Came to Beidou...

More than two thousand years have passed, and this era has quietly changed. Even though the heaven stands high for nine days and will last forever, the world of mortals has changed through the ages, and the waves have washed away the sand.

Except for the top group of geniuses who are still alive, many people of the past generation were buried before heaven turned into a fairyland on earth.

He traveled through the Western Desert, into Zhongzhou, across the Vietnam Ridges and into the Northern Plains, leaving his footprints everywhere.

Zhongzhou is still prosperous, the dragon energy is steaming, the Eastern Wilderness is vast, the Nanling Mountains are lined with demon temples, and the Buddha's light is soaring into the sky in the Western Desert.

Then, he went into Beiyuan, which was still desolate.

The Wang family is still there, but Wang Teng seems to have disappeared. He is not in Beiyuan yet. It is said that he has gone to the depths of the starry sky to seek enlightenment.

The crane that once belonged to the great emperor of chaos was also gone. Xu Yu saw his tomb in the endless Gobi desert. The two big characters on the monument for him were clearly: Wang Teng!

Xu Yu sighed for a while, this old crane actually passed away and passed away before he opened up the immortal realm on earth.

Suddenly, a faint singing sound came, which attracted Xu Yu's attention. He found the source of the sound and looked at it.

When he was looking for it, he finally realized it and saw a small stone nunnery, located on the bank of a spiritual lake. The golden lake water was dense, with a little bit of Buddha's light rippling.

Not far away, a Yao Qin is suspended in the sky, dotted with crystals, and a woman with ice flesh and jade bones, she is graceful and moving, like the mysterious goddess of the Nine Heavens descending to earth, playing.

An Miaoyi!

She flicked it with her bare hands, and a little bit of divine light flew out, plucked the strings in the distance, and made nine heavenly fairy sounds. As she danced, the fairy light flowed out and fell on the Yao Qin.

"We meet again..." Xu Yu sighed softly, but he didn't expect to see her.

He looked calm and indifferent. He was clearly standing in front of him, but he seemed to be about to leave the world at any moment, as if he was extremely far away. He plucked the strings with his bare hands, looking very quiet and gentle.

"Brother Xu..."

An Miaoyi lightly opens her red lips and smiles, her jade teeth are shining with crystal luster, her bright eyes are full of poetic essence, flowers are raining from the sky, fragrance is bursting, birds are dancing with her, and beauties are playing the piano. This is a beautiful picture.


With a flash of light, he descended from the sky, his clothes fluttering, carrying waves of fragrant wind, and landed in front of Xu Yu.

"Should I call you Mu Qing, or should I call you Brother Xu?" An Miaoyi smiled softly and looked at Xu Yu, just like she did thousands of years ago.

Xu Yu was speechless. When he was competing for opportunities in various places in Beidou, he also opened a lot of vests and trumpets.

After all, the Zifu Holy Land at that time was only a second-rate force in Beidou. Every opportunity he got back then was enough to cause competition among those ancient families.

If exposed to the world, it is likely to bring unnecessary disaster to the Zifu Holy Land.

Even when he first met An Miaoyi at Miaoyu Temple, he used the vest of Mu Qing.

And An Miaoyi, who was Hui Zhilanxin at the time, must have been aware of all this. Even though he is now the Immortal King, he is a little speechless when the ridiculous things he did when he was young are mentioned.

"I still clearly remember what Brother Chen said at the time. Hundreds of companies are fighting to cross the mortal world. Even if the immortal realm is not revealed, we should go upstream, pick up the broken paths, and achieve the status of a true immortal in this mortal world. "An Miaoyi's eyes flashed, she changed her words and sighed softly.

Xu Yu's past heroic ambitions have been realized, but her dream of enlightenment seems to be gradually shattered with the passage of time, which makes her sigh inwardly.

The two of them were very sad when they mentioned the past. Today, An Miaoyi has extraordinary strength and is already in the quasi-emperor realm. It is very rare, but she is undoubtedly still far away from enlightenment.

She still remembered that An Miaoyi was a practitioner of both Buddhism and Taoism, and she had tactfully asked Xu Yu to be her protector, but Xu Yu declined. Later, when he left, he also gave him "Nirvana" as a gift. One part of the sutra is reserved for good deeds.

"In the past you gave me a Nirvana Sutra, today I invite you to heaven." Xu Yu smiled.

"Respect the decree of the Emperor of Heaven." An Miaoyi's long eyelashes trembled slightly, her aura-filled eyes flashed with wisdom, and she smiled charmingly, stunningly.

She is different from ordinary people. She seems to be as usual, without any deliberate awe because of Xu Yu's change in identity. Just like when she was a teenager, Xu Yu sighed that this is a person who is born with fairy charm and is very peaceful about everything.

Finally, An Miaoyi followed and was sent to heaven by him.

Xu Yu turned back again and continued walking among the worlds.

Year after year, Xu Yu's footprints spread to every corner of the universe, even extending to many collapsed worlds, entering some mysterious large cracks, and abyss.

Moreover, he began to look for Shi Wu's space nodes again, because even though the nodes on the road to immortality were not blasted away, the light of order intertwined with the two worlds was absorbed by the Fuso Sacred Tree, accelerating its evolution. distance.

During this period, he traveled around various places and met one after another, such as Ditian, Qingshi, the Great Demon King, and the Human King, who were respected in the past. At first, they were competitors with each other. The former Xu Yu used to single-handedly defeat the four. Dear, they were so suppressed that they couldn't even lift their heads.

Now I am really old, with gray hair, and I have reached the end of my life.

Xu Yu also led them into the heaven, which made everyone very grateful. Their former opponents had become immortals, and they did not care about their past grudges at all, which made them admire them.

"The Emperor of Heaven is indeed a man with a big heart. No wonder he will feed the entire universe. His former enemies are just old friends to him." The Great Demon God sighed.

During this period, he came to the ancient road of the human race, and unexpectedly met a person in the fiftieth city of love.

The black hair is messy, the face is as sharp as a knife, the skin is bronze, the body is strong and powerful, and the eyes are full of vicissitudes of life.

Wang Teng!

Xu Yu was speechless. She didn't expect that it would be more than five thousand years before she met Wang Teng again. Today, Wang Teng has no longer lived up to his high-spirited appearance. Although he is still tall and straight, his whole person is actually much calmer.


Wang Teng sighed softly and felt a little dazed. For thousands of years, like a dream, this former enemy has now become an immortal, but he has not even fully entered the imperial realm.

Xu Yu was a little surprised. He looked at Wang Teng now. Wang Teng had become enlightened in a different way, which was somewhat beyond his expectation.

To this day, there is no hatred between the two of them.

After chatting for a while, we settled down over a glass of wine.

"Why have you been stationed here and not returned to Beidou?" Xu Yu asked.

"Only on the ancient road of the starry sky, witnessing generations of geniuses competing for success, can I find the meaning of my own existence." Wang Teng looked at the sky, his eyes a little desolate, feeling lonely and regretful.

Xu Yu sighed in her heart, Wang Teng was indeed determined to follow the ancient road and wanted to carve out a bright and prosperous road among the ancient roads.

"I am ashamed of the great Emperor Luan Gu, and I am ashamed of Mr. He who taught me the Dafa." Wang Teng sighed. Now that he is under the marks of the emperors, it is undoubtedly very difficult for him to achieve enlightenment.

Finally, Wang Teng and Xu Yu returned to the heaven. They didn't have much hatred in the first place, but Xu Yu had caused trouble while wearing the vest of 'Wang Teng' in the early days of his cultivation.

Today, Xu Yu is using all his strength to arm Heaven and strengthen his reputation as an outstanding figure.

Years passed by, Xu Yu was sitting cross-legged in the Immortal Palace, and three thousand years passed in a blink of an eye. According to the Heavenly Emperor's calendar, he was already over eight thousand years old.

Most people in the world have passed away, but only the strong ones in heaven remain immortal.

Only a few outstanding people have reached the realm of alternative enlightenment and still exist in the world.

But even so, they have entered their old age and their vitality has begun to fade. If they don't have the chance to live a second life, their journey will soon come to an end.

Another thousand years passed, and the Ten Thousand Years of the Heavenly Emperor's Calendar arrived. Xu Yu, who was sitting cross-legged in the Immortal Palace, opened her eyes with fairy light shining.

Xu Yu made a decision to penetrate the fairyland! (End of chapter)

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