Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 429: Passing through the Immortal Realm and seeing the beginningless

Today, Xu Yu no longer needs to continue to hone himself in the incomplete Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. The current Nine Heavens and Ten Earths can no longer play a better role in his practice.

Although the practice in Zhetian World relies on tapping one's own potential, all things are conserved after all.

The incomplete Nine Heavens and Ten Earths cannot give birth to a stronger person. For the sake of future generations, their generation must leave this world.

In this way, the incomplete Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will gradually recover with the support of the World Tree.

Of course, before that, he will enter a strange world and solve some things, such as the Immortal Emperor, the Wushi Emperor who confronts him, and the number one god general Kawakawa who entered before!


Suddenly, just when Xu Yu was about to take action.

Xu Yu's brows moved slightly, and mysterious lights intertwined in the depths of his pupils. It turned into Dao pictures one after another, and the immeasurable spiritual thoughts surged. In an instant, they swept through the world and found a lonely and lonely place.

In an ancient star field somewhere, nine true dragons are like a bronze coffin, driving in the vast and cold sky, rumbling and moving, a lonely journey, not knowing the beginning or the end of the road!

Kowloon pulls the coffin!

Xu Yu's bright light flickered, and he finally saw this thing again after almost ten thousand years.

He disappeared in an instant, and the clear road appeared under his feet. Time fragments flew, taking him across endless galaxies.

Finally he saw the nine-day black dragon body and the huge ancient bronze coffin again, just like they were thousands of years ago, it seemed that they had never changed.

Kowloon pulls the coffin!

The end of the Nine Dragons has stirred up chaos in a lifetime, and the long journey to immortality has set off cause and effect for eternity.

He fell from the sky and landed on this coffin, feeling endless emotions in his heart. It was all because of this.

The origin of this copper coffin is also very surprising. It runs through the entire ancient history and cannot be clearly understood.

Now, he is standing here quietly, endless ancient characters of the great road are coming one after another. These ancient characters that were never seen in the past are now all emerging in his heart, turning into supreme scriptures, slowly in his heart. circulation,

"The way of heaven, what is lost is more than what is lacking..."

The vast and profound sound seemed to come from the ancient times, cutting through time and space. It was profound and endless, seeming to accommodate the universe and stars, and condense the past, present and future.

Hundreds of ancient characters, each character is a kind of rune and a kind of supreme secret. The story is not about magical powers, but about the construction and deduction of the fairyland.

He sat cross-legged on the ancient coffin and did not move for almost ten years, meditating on those scriptures. Ten years later, he stood up again and looked at the huge bronze coffin again.

Then, he opened the small coffin, and chaos suddenly surged, and fairy light overflowed. Inside was a vast world, with mysterious aura flowing, it was so extraordinary, it was like a real fairyland, manifested in the human world.

Xu Yu investigated for a while, his consciousness moved slightly, and he was a little surprised. Then he took out a crystal-clear flower and grabbed it in his hand, with an inexplicable expression.

There is fairy light hanging down, the radiance interweaves, many great secrets emerge, and various visions appear on the surface of the flower, flowing with all kinds of brilliance, making it look very misty.


Xu Yu's eyes shot two rays of fairy light into the Hedao flower. Almost instantly, he understood many things about this Hedao flower.

"I see..." He sighed softly, having gained insight into the mystery of the Hedao Flower, and his mind was slightly touched. Taidaohua does not need to rely on heaven and earth, it is a path of its own!

The Tao contained in the Hedao Flower and the Tao of the Tianxin Seal belong to the same sequence. Using it, you can also prove the Tao.

Even if someone becomes an emperor before you, you can still achieve enlightenment by using the Hedao Flower!

No wonder it can make people's souls unite with the Tao, prove the Tao and become an emperor. This kind of thing is so unbelievable, no wonder it has been hard to find several times in ancient times.

According to legend, he only appears once, but once he appears, at the moment when he first blooms, standing in front of him can make people join in, and he will achieve the throne of emperor!

One can imagine. How magical he is. For the broken Zhetian Realm, not to mention the world's most precious treasure, it is almost enough. According to rumors, it only manifested once in the Mythical Age and has never been seen again.

Many powerful people speculate that it takes millions of years for it to bloom once.

However, at this moment, Xu Yu used the method of the Immortal King to explore again, and realized that the Hedao Flower seemed not that simple!

"Something weird..." Suddenly, Xu Yu's eyes suddenly brightened, and a trace of mysterious light flowed in his eyes. Exuding a little mysterious atmosphere.

"How does it contain the secrets of the great world?" He realized that this Hedao flower actually had an aura similar to that of the World Tree and the World Stone, and seemed to be related to the origin of the world.

It is said that the Hedao flower grows in the fairy world. It seems that it is not only that. According to his inference, there may be an even more amazing origin! Then he came back to his senses and looked at the flower again.

This Hedao flower was supposed to be left to Ye Fan by a ruthless man, but now that Ye Fan has become an emperor, he has no use for it.

The universe became silent, and Xu Yu brought the Nine Dragon Coffin and Hedao Flower to heaven.

Many people in the heaven were alarmed, and all the emperors came, and they were very interested in the Nine Dragon Coffin and the Hedao Flower. After all, these are things in legends.

Emperors from the outside world, such as the Heavenly Court founded by Ye Fan, also came to the divine domain under Xu Yu's call.

"Nine dragons pull the coffin, it has existed forever, it seems that it can catch up with the mythical era..." Even the old patriarch of the God Clan looked at the cypress with interest and said this.

"Jiulong La Coffin..." Ye Fan was lost in thought and sighed softly. He was originally an ordinary young man on earth who had achieved little, and lived a petty bourgeois life. He originally thought he would spend his life in an ordinary way, but Jiulong La Coffin... The coffin changed the trajectory of his destiny.

They came to Beidou, and they all came from here.

When the coffin was pushed open, the immortal energy surged, and the emperors were surprised again. The world inside the nine-dragon coffin was also a small "fairy city".

That kind of vast world can even seal supreme level masters, which is extremely astonishing.

"What a brilliant method. The avenue is as vast as the abyss and the emptiness is as great as the Great Void. He actually wants to evolve a world in this copper coffin." Qingdi admired, his eyes bright and he stared carefully.

Naturally, he felt it right away and started researching, showing great interest, because he also studied the method of creating a fairyland, and quickly confirmed it with his own Taoist results over the years.

Not long after, he took a closer look at the world inside the copper coffin, and he realized that he still had a long way to go, and many things were far beyond what a great emperor could accomplish.

"I want to set foot on the Immortal Road and go to the Immortal City to explore. You all are welcome to go." Xu Yu smiled.

Wu Renren, Ye Fan and others were all moved, and then nodded in agreement. They went to investigate first, which might be of great benefit to their own practice.

"Wow...the emperor is here!" The big black dog appeared. Although he had not yet attained enlightenment, he knew that there was an Emperor Wushi in that world, so how could he calm down?

Xu Yu temporarily left the Nine Dragon Coffin in Heaven, and he was going to go to that world first to have a look.


Xu Yu took action, with shocking power. A ray of light tore through the world, shattered the sky, and penetrated a huge passage.

Just one hit!

The light and rain are flying, and the rays of light are shining. It is not the right time or the right place, but it is opened like this...

"Is this... the fairyland?" Many people trembled and opened their eyes wide.

"This is the immortal road, we haven't reached the immortal realm yet." Xu Yu said with a smile.

Xu Yu took one step forward, walked on the path of immortality, and was the first to enter this strange world.

The ruthless people, Ye Fan, Gai Jiuyou, Yaoguang Zhang Bairen also followed.

"It's not the right time or the right place. Only by entering this world can we break through the fairy world." The empress said softly, her eyes bright.

Obviously, although today's ruthless man has not yet achieved enlightenment and become an emperor, his strength is astonishing and he has transformed many times. He is also the pinnacle among this group of emperors, and he obviously knows a lot about it.


Suddenly, a ray of light surged, fluctuating like a vast sea, divine power surged, and a supreme level attack came.


Xu Yu glanced at him lightly, and in an instant, the immortal light flowed, and the overflowing time seemed to freeze. The man was directly covered by the eyes from his head to his feet, and then exploded inch by inch, turning into a ball of blood mist.

This is a person of supreme level, but he is no match for Xu Yu's eyes.

This terrible method also shocked all the emperors. It was too simple for the Immortal King to wipe out people in the human realm. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be unbelievable.

Afterwards, everyone began to explore, and found that this world was also a vast world, with immortal matter and a cloud of masters.


Xu Yu grabbed the Tianxin brand of this world and instantly noticed many secrets.

This is a world evolved by people, who want to evolve into the fairyland to make up for the missing world.

"Good means, at least the Immortal King can do this!" Xu Yu sighed in his heart, but he didn't know who to blame.

But it is expected that this person may also be a respected existence in the Immortal King Realm. Is he a burial master or a butcher? He thought to himself.


At this moment, a loud roar came, and an immortal phoenix spread its wings and struck the sky,

The feathers swayed with divine light, and the blazing fire burned for nine days, leading boundless masters to kill them.

This immortal phoenix transformed into a humanoid master and landed down, transforming into a young man with a heroic figure. Standing there, the years seemed to have left no trace. He looked like he was only in his twenties, and his appearance was unparalleled!

"It's you... who has come to this world now! You... deserve to die!"

The Immortal Emperor's face was gloomy, and he held the Immortal Heavenly Sword in his hand. The five-color brilliance flowed, and the sword energy swept through thousands of layers, tearing the universe apart, and pointed at Xu Yu from a distance. He was furious. If it weren't for this young man, how could he be forced into this world by Wu Shizhong.

In the past in Yinghuo, when the Immortal Emperor was confronting Wu Shi Zhong, he was met by Xu Yu who was holding the Qing Emperor Soldier. It was precisely because of that battle that his true body was driven into the Immortal Realm.

"The Immortal Emperor."

Xu Yu's face was calm, with his hands behind his back, he glanced at the Immortal Emperor lightly. Today's Immortal Emperor has not yet become a worldly immortal, but has already transformed into six or seven lifetimes.

"The Immortal Emperor is really alive!"

Qingdi, Ye Fan, and the ruthless people all had expressions of emotion on their faces. The ancient god, the Immortal Emperor, has gone through endless years and still exists in the world. Judging from the aura revealed by him, this is clearly a power that has never killed himself.

"The Immortal Emperor!" The monkey's eyes stood up, and he had great hatred for the Immortal Emperor. After all, his father had been attacked by this man when he transformed into a warrior immortal.

But he didn't act rashly, knowing that he, who had just become enlightened now, was far from being the opponent of such a veteran ancient emperor.

"Sending you to the afterlife!"

Xu Yu smiled faintly. Now that he was the Immortal King, how could he care about an immortal emperor who could be destroyed with the flip of a palm.

With a stroke of his right hand, the void was opened, and then he grabbed hard, and the whole world was shaking. The stars and the moon fell together, and the sun and the moon lost their light. He grabbed the Immortal Emperor and held it in his palm. With a pop, he was shaken. The Heavenly Sword was shattered, and the body of the Immortal Emperor was also shattered in an instant, leaving only one soul struggling.

This is shocking. This is the method of the Emperor of Heaven. With just one move, he suppressed the Immortal Emperor who was respected by all races.

The Immortal Emperor's soul roared angrily, and turned into an immortal phoenix again, spreading its wings to hit the sky, struggling hard, but could not escape Xu Yu's palm.

He is the god of all races in ancient times, and he is also a creature in the fairyland that accidentally fell into the mortal world. It can be said that he is extremely powerful and can look down upon the heavens. He is unyielding in his attacks, but to no avail.

Xu Yu's face was cold. If he hadn't stayed behind intentionally, the immortal emperor's soul would not have been able to stay.

"You... took that step? Achieved the immortal position? Impossible!" The Immortal Emperor could not help but tremble when he sensed the terrifying aura of the other party.

It had only been ten thousand years, and someone in that broken world had become an immortal. He even vaguely felt that he was no ordinary immortal, which made him tremble even more.


Xu Yu didn't hesitate and slapped it down with a palm. The world was reversed, time went back, and he swept towards the followers of the Immortal Emperor.

He is extremely powerful, walking in a scornful manner, destroying everything, seemingly shaking the past, present and future.

The Immortal Emperor's face was pale as he was firmly held in his hand. When he sensed his terrifying strength, another thought arose in his mind: how did he practice.

In just ten thousand years, he has vaguely surpassed the Red Dust Immortal. He has been practicing for millions of years. Could it be that he has practiced on dogs?

"Are you... also a fallen creature in the fairyland..." The Immortal Emperor stared at Xu Yu coldly.


The long sound of the bell pierced the heaven and the earth, cutting off the universe. The long river of time was mighty and rippled.

In the distance, the waves were so powerful that they swept through all the wasteland, making even the masters of the Imperial Dao tremble.

That is a majestic figure, with a heroic appearance, thick black hair, and wise eyes that can penetrate everything. With every gesture, all heaven and earth will mourn for him. His grace is unparalleled in the world!

Who is the peak at the end of the immortal road? Seeing the beginningless path becomes empty!

"Great Emperor..." The Black Emperor couldn't help shouting, and Yan Like got up with tears streaming down his face. This is the only person who can make the Black Emperor lose his composure and shed tears regardless of his image. This has been the case from ancient times to the present.

"Emperor Wu Shi, his grace is truly supreme!" Many emperors who followed sighed, and upon seeing Wu Shi Dao became empty. It's really not a lie.

Even Qing Emperor, Hen Ren and others were very moved. This man was indeed remarkable and worthy of being one of the most powerful relatives of the human race in history.

"Don't cry..." Wu Shi smiled, touched the Black Emperor's head, and spoke softly, then looked at Xu Yu and admired from the bottom of his heart.

"What an outstanding person!" Wu Shi praised, with a slight smile on his face.

He got Xu Yu's information from Wu Shi Zhong and already knew the origin of this person.

Not only does he have a supreme physique that is no less than his, but he is also extremely powerful, and even before he has reached great heights, he has the strength to challenge the masters of the Imperial Way.

Now, he was able to suppress the Immortal Emperor with ease. This level of strength was beyond his reach even if he was astonishing.

The supreme god of all races in ancient times, fight against him

After so many years, it was now suppressed by someone with one hand.

"I have met the emperor..." Xu Yu smiled slightly, very peacefully.

Emperor Wu Shi was indeed a great man of his generation!

Afterwards, the two started talking, which was quite speculative.

"You all deserve to die!" The Immortal Emperor's hair was flying. His eyes were wide open and he roared angrily.

"Back noise!

Xu Yu glanced at him coldly, her pupils were deep, and a ray of fairy light overflowed, sinking into the soul of the Immortal Emperor.

At the same time, a divine light suddenly rushed out between his eyebrows, attracting Ri Jing, and he understood all the information about the Immortal Emperor in an instant.

True to the rumors in the world, this immortal emperor plundered the Taoist fruits of all emperors, bathed in the essence and blood of many emperors and transformed himself life after life.

"The Hou Qing of the Immortal Phoenix lineage..." Xu Yu quickly captured this information again. The Immortal Emperor in the Immortal Realm is indeed a descendant of the Immortal Phoenix, but he is not pure blood.

When the Immortal Emperor entered the Zhetian Realm, he accidentally fell into a crack in the void when he was young.


Xu Yu pondered for a moment, then clenched his fingers, a stream of light blurred in his palms, and the Immortal Emperor turned into ashes before he could even scream.

All the emperors sighed, the supreme god of all races in ancient times, the existence of ancient taboos, the man who called himself the emperor surrendered, and if it spread to the human world, it would definitely cause an uproar.

Afterwards, Xu Yu and Emperor Wushi continued to talk again, and Xu Yu also got a lot of information about this world.

The followers of Emperor Wushi looked at everyone in awe,

"I suspect... that Emperor Zun is not really dead!" Emperor Wushi mentioned this point, Jiang Guangzhi said bluntly that he had noticed traces of Emperor Zun's sister and some arrangements in this world.

Xu Yu was slightly surprised. The Wushi Emperor was really great. Even though he was still far away from the Red Dust Immortal, his strength was so incredible that he could detect some differences so quickly.

At this moment, the void twisted. In the void, it seems like a pair of ice

The cold fat man stared at the case, showing an astonishing chill, filled with astonishing murderous intent.

Vaguely, the heaven and earth seemed to turn into a furnace, wrapping everyone inside.

"Emperor!" Xu Yu snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, and the fairy light was blazing, leading everyone to disappear from the place, deep in the strange world

There are magnificent heavenly palaces standing side by side one after another. There are also many ancient palaces, which look simple, vicissitudes of life, and magnificent.

Jade, the stairs are like white marble, simple and condensed, the streets are wide, and the palaces are surrounded by chaos and mist. This is a kind of atmosphere, and it also has an ancient meaning. It is shocking and looming. All the heavens and all realms seem to be resonating, and the sounds of gods worshiping are heard.

Xu Yu and others appeared in the hall instantly.

In the deepest part of the hall, there seems to be a person sitting there, majestic as a prison, swallowing the universe, looking down at everyone indifferently,

"Emperor..." someone exclaimed.

"It's me, looking down at the eternity, refining it in a furnace, this world will become my cauldron, and I will take you to become an immortal!"

The emperor sat high on the throne, with extremely deep eyes, looking down at everyone indifferently, without a trace of emotion.


Among the emperors, a young man's face changed, he was extremely shocked,

Although he looks majestic, he looks like an emperor. He is wearing a bright yellow robe, and the golden crown that ties his hair is like a dragon's head.

He is the Emperor, the disciple of Emperor Zun!

Normally he was very majestic, but now his face was horrified. His master was still alive and dormant in this strange world.

"Disciple, I didn't expect that you have achieved enlightenment and become an emperor. That's great!"

"Disciple, come here. In the future, I will penetrate the Immortal Realm and make you immortal! The Emperor said majestically, looking at the two of them."

The emperor didn't even move. He noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere and remained silent. Seeing their expressions, the emperor's eyes became more and more indifferent.


In the sky, there is a big cauldron that is rising and falling, dissipating the misty atmosphere. (End of chapter)

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