In the strange world, a huge cauldron is suspended here, as if it is going to sacrifice the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and the strange world.

Inside the cauldron was chaos, slowly rotating, unfathomable, and extremely mysterious. Occasionally, the sun, moon, and stars can be seen appearing in the chaotic air, as if the world was created, and it seems to connect two great realms.

"Overlooking the eternity, I will take you to become immortals together!"

Behind the World Cauldron, the shadow of the Emperor spoke coldly, as if everything in the world was nothing more than ants in his eyes.

Emperor Zun, the Lord of the Heavenly Court in the Mythological Era, the Master of the Immortal Cauldron, and one of the Nine Heavenly Lords. Live a second life against heaven, abandon all the Dharma and Tao of the previous life, and after attaining enlightenment again, call yourself the Emperor, establish the Heavenly Court, and be the Lord of the Heavenly Court, respected by the universe and worshiped by ghosts and gods.

He once used the fruit of the human-shaped elixir as the main medicine, then added it with countless divine objects, and finally combined it with his own heaven-defying methods to refine the nine-turn elixir.

After the ancient emperor and the great emperor have taken the immortal medicine to start their second life, they can be allowed to live another life. Even the supreme being in the restricted area who has killed himself can return to his peak state after taking it and live for another two thousand years.

This is also the secret of the coexistence of several emperors in the mythical era. It was the emperor who used the nine-turn elixir to help the supreme emperors in the restricted area continue their peak imperial destiny for two thousand years.

It also created the scene of the coexistence of emperors in the heaven, and the grand desire to educate flying immortals.

For countless years, even many ancient emperors and great emperors couldn't help but admire them when they mentioned the Emperor and Ancient Heaven.

Perhaps Emperor Zun is an extremely complex person, but no one has ever doubted his power and terror.

You must know that at the end of the Mythical Age, Emperor Zun's record of defeating several imperial masters by himself is not false.

Now the person in this legend appears in front of the world in person, surprising everyone in the strange world.

Especially those from the divine organization and Taoist palace.

Needless to say about the divine organization, they were originally descendants of the Ancient Heavenly Court. As for the Taoist Palace, it was later confirmed by many parties that the old man who cut firewood seemed to be a member of the Ancient Heavenly Court.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t know so many secrets of the mythical age.

The fuzzy world cauldron rotates. He wants to act like the Dao Fruit that melts everyone and swallows them all. Everyone changes color. Emperor Zun must have become an immortal, otherwise he would not have such a strong sense of oppression.

Everyone sighed in their hearts that a person who had been dead for eternity was still looking down at the vast land, waiting in the darkness.

Emperor Zun has carved many runes in the human world, and has also done a lot of backup in this world. He hopes that one day, he will refine the two worlds into a tripod, and he will obtain the supreme immortal weapon.

At this moment, everyone also realized that he was attacked by everyone, and he did not really die, but was blown up, and he was going to do something shocking.

His so-called teaching of flying immortals and the coexistence of emperors was actually just to fulfill himself, but there were clues and people noticed that he wanted to kill everyone, so he fought back.

At the same time, I was also frightened by his cruelty. Not only did he want to turn this place into a great cauldron, but he also wanted to destroy the entire human world.

"Master, stop it," the emperor said slightly bitterly. He didn't expect that his master had planned to kill everyone for eternity.

"Well, there are some deviations from my plan. Just one Heavenly Emperor can't stop me, but so many great emperors can make up for it." Emperor Zun did not respond to the Emperor, and was still muttering to himself.

"Your Majesty, how could you do this!" Some old people in the divine organization were heartbroken and couldn't believe all this. Emperor Zun founded Tianting and followed him to conquer the north and south, and made great achievements for Tianting. He can be said to be his right-hand man.

They have been loyal to the Emperor all their lives. Even after the Emperor's apparent death, these remaining members of the Heavenly Court are still running for the Ancient Heavenly Court.

For eons, for a rumor that has never been confirmed, the descendants of the God Organization have searched the entire universe, just to find the descendants of Emperor Zun.

Not to mention, after the Immortal Emperor's eight divine generals were born, divine organizations have been fighting for him, wanting to avenge the ancient heaven.

From the end of the Mythical Age, through the Ancient Era and the Ancient Era, for millions of years, the descendants of the Ancient Heaven still have not forgotten their original intention to avenge the Emperor and the Ancient Heaven.

Now, the god in his heart actually wants to carry out this act of extermination. In his heart, the emperor once respected him as a man of great courage, uprightness and charisma.

Now, after waking up from the dream, their faith suddenly collapsed. This person was selfish from beginning to end. This was not the Emperor in his impression!

"The Emperor we are familiar with is dead. From now on, we have nothing to do with Ancient Heaven!" Some elders of the divine organization became firm after experiencing a brief disappointment.

Especially the white-haired sword god, as the number one master of the divine organization after the old god, has now become a great emperor.

Moreover, although Emperor Zun's conspiracy to fly to the immortals in the Mythical Age has not yet been known to everyone, some clues can still be found under the Emperor's investigation.

Especially after Ye Fan pacified the underworld, the ruler of the underworld, the Prison Emperor, personally told him Emperor Zun's conspiracy.

But because there is no evidence, it has not been circulated. However, this time is an extremely splendid golden age. In addition to some outstanding figures who have been sealed up in the past generations, some ancient antiques from the mythical era are also resurrected in this life.

For example, Zhang Bairen in heaven, and some ancient emperors in restricted areas of life.

In the process of pacifying the forbidden area of ​​​​life, some secret events at the end of the mythical era gradually emerged in the eyes of the emperor.

In the past, the deeds of those who respected themselves as the restricted area of ​​life could not be considered aboveboard, so those emperors did not want to believe it.

Seeing that the white-haired sword god did not answer him, Emperor Zun looked at the emperor again, his only disciple.

"Disciple, do you really want to disobey your master's will?" The emperor sat on the divine throne, with a majestic posture and lightning-like eyes, looking at the emperor.

The emperor was silent and did not say a word, but this also represented an attitude, which also made the emperor's face completely cold!

"Emperor, you are so brave!" Xu Yu put his hands behind his back, his clothes were fluttering, and his eyes were sharp, looking at the big cauldron and Emperor Zun.

He is pure and flawless, and every inch of his body is made of divine glass. He stands like an immortal statue in this world, full of brilliance and majesty, rebuking the emperor.

He has been emperor for nearly 10,000 years. Although he does not show it at ordinary times, his imperial power is growing day by day and his momentum is astonishing.

"Emperor of Heaven, I have said before that there is still time for you and me to see each other again." Emperor Zun said coldly. No one has ever dared to rebuke him like this.

"I have to say that you are very unwise and dare to be my enemy!"

The big cauldron above the Emperor's head became more and more blurry. It slowly rotated and smelted everything. The emperors who had initially entered the Emperor's realm also changed their colors slightly and felt chills running down their spines. The power of smelting was too intense. .


Xu Yu took action directly. He stretched out one hand and stirred up a breeze. A hand that looked ordinary fell into the eyes of the emperor, but it seemed to turn into a five-fingered sacred mountain, suppressing the sky. The whole world suddenly filled up in front of him.

But even as calm as the Emperor Wu Shi, his eyes narrowed at this moment, and he stared carefully at the young figure beside him, which was a bit incredible.

"How could this be?"

Emperor Zun shouted, and in an instant, his vision went dark, blood flew into the sky, his body was torn apart and exploded, and only one soul emitted an inexplicable light.

His soul was a little confused. Before he could react, he was hit with a palm?

"You... have become the Immortal King?" Emperor Zun's soul was dumbfounded and said in disbelief, full of incredulity.

He originally thought that Xu Yu would reach the sky after entering the mortal world for the first time, but he did not expect that he would become an immortal king.

How did he practice?

Xu Yu's face was dull and she ignored him at the moment. She grabbed him and then opened and closed her eyes to explore inside.

After a moment of silence, Xu Yu's eyes were as deep as the sea, and he noticed many things, most of which were the fusion of Tao and principles in this world and the human world, which were all very precious.

Emperor Zun, wants to refine the two realms into a tripod, bless him alone, and achieve the throne of Immortal King!

He is a person from the mythical age, and now he has become a Red Dust Immortal, and he has gone very far on the road of Red Dust Immortal.

He is not satisfied and wants to refine the two worlds and become the true Immortal King!


Xu Yu glowed with one hand, and Emperor Zun's spirit steamed, almost burning. Then he raised it gently and turned into ashes. Emperor Zun has fallen!

"Emperor, what a pity..." Emperor Wushi shook his head and couldn't help but sigh. Such a great man was such a conspirator, going against them.

"The ancient Tianzun in the mythical era, the founder of Zhezimi, ended like this." Ye Fan also shook his head.

In fact, the emperors also sighed, such a great person is amazing, but it is a pity that he is the enemy of the common people.

The emperor and Chuanying had somewhat complicated expressions. They were stunned and didn't know what to say. Everything was in silence.

Become an immortal and ruin your eternal dream!

"This world is very extraordinary," Xu Yu got a lot of information from Emperor Zun. This world is indeed the method of the Immortal King. He wants to make up for the Immortal Realm, and there is a lot of life matter.

Moreover, Emperor Zun has been dormant here for millions of years and has become proficient in this world and has obtained various secrets. Otherwise, he would not want to merge the two worlds into a tripod and turn it into his own Dao Fruit.

"Perhaps, I can integrate this world into the Zhetian Realm!"

Suddenly, Xu Yu's eyes lit up slightly. Emperor Zun wanted to merge the two worlds, and many profound insights emerged that could provide him with a lot of help.

He suddenly remembered that even though it was as powerful as the Immortal Realm, in addition to many Immortal Kings, it was also due to the fusion of many ancient realms that it gradually became prosperous.

Even, an idea arose in his mind to go to the Boundary Sea, salvage some broken ancient worlds and integrate them into the Zhetian World, and advance him. In the end, if there are many masters, a real fairyland can be evolved.

He still has feelings for Zhetian World, and he doesn't want to completely neglect that world after entering the Immortal Realm.

"It's better to explore the fairyland first! Xu Yu pondered for a while.

Still made such a decision.

The fairy realm that originally required three mortal immortals to penetrate was easily opened by Xu Yu.

Immortal light is flying, light rain fills the sky, and the fairyland is opened!

A huge portal manifested, with immeasurable immortal light!

That huge portal shocked all the emperors. This was... the real portal to the fairyland!

That kind of vast fluctuation naturally alarmed many people in the Immortal Realm.

Fairy lights are flying all over the sky here, and wisps of fragrant fragrance enter everyone's noses, making people's pores relax.

In the fairyland, the mountains and rivers are magnificent, the silver waterfall drops thousands of feet, the fairy mist is misty, and giant towers are located on different peaks.

This is a magnificent world, magnificent yet beautiful, majestic yet immortal, moving people's hearts.

"This is...the real fairyland." Ye Fan said softly, a little absent-minded.

You must know that since ten thousand years ago, his wife and daughter entered the fairyland by chance during the battle on Feixianxing, and now they can finally be reunited.

"This is an incomplete piece of ancient land that still needs to be repaired." Wu Shi spoke softly with a wise look in his eyes.

He has been in the strange world for many years and naturally knows a lot about it.

Qingdi, Ye Fan, Taichu and others were all stunned. Is this the fairyland? It's really extraordinary.

"Someone has entered the Immortal Realm!" People in this world were shocked. Many people came out of seclusion and were so surprised that they couldn't find another powerful person.

Except for the occasional crack that allows people to enter the Immortal Realm, it is absolutely impossible to enter it again, even for ordinary immortals.

What's more, people entered the Immortal Realm ten thousand years ago, and it is impossible for the cracks in the Immortal Realm to be opened like this.

The only explanation is that among the people who came, there was a peerless master, who was definitely a quasi-immortal king.

There are no immortals in the Immortal Realm today, let alone a strong person of that level!

And Xu Yu also opened and closed his divine eyes, and his spiritual consciousness spread in all directions. After a slight exploration of this ancient land, he found that indeed in this broken fairyland, there were no real immortals, at most they were supreme.

"In the battle back then, the Immortal Realm had broken into hundreds of small fragments, and now this Immortal Realm is just one of them." Xu Yu thought to himself.

"Ye Fan!"


At this time, two calls came from a distance, and everyone turned to look, only to see Zi Ziyue bringing her and Ye Fan's daughter quickly approaching Ye Fan.

"Purple Moon!"

Even if Chen Shen was as calm as Ye Fan, his body could not help but tremble when he saw his wife and daughter again.

Later, Ji Ziyue and the others saw Qingdi Wushi and others, their expressions were startled and uncertain, and their expressions were slightly dull. They finally recognized them and couldn't believe their eyes.

All the legendary emperors have appeared?

The ruthless man with unparalleled beauty, the heroic Wu Shi, the unparalleled Qing Emperor... each of them can shock ancient history, and can conquer the nine heavens and ten earths.

As the great emperors of the human race, their portraits and golden bodies were naturally circulated in the world, so they were quickly recognized by several people.

These legendary emperors who lived in ancient history reappeared in the world, how could they not be surprised.

The legendary emperor is not dead yet, and he came to the fairyland with Xu Yu?

Later, several people noticed that this group of people, not to mention those legendary emperors, even some latecomers became emperors. So many people, actually

It's the Emperor.

Since when have there been so many emperors? Emperor per capita?

Ji Ziyue was speechless for a while. You must know that before she entered the immortal realm, the cultivation environment on the ground yesterday was very bad. Before the golden age comes, people in the second immortal realm cannot serve as the holy master of a holy land. , not to mention the king, saint, quasi-emperor, and the great emperor.

Afterwards, everyone started talking, Xu Yu and others also got a preliminary understanding of this world, and Ji Ziyue also learned about the many changes in the human world today.

According to them, these ten thousand years have been pretty good.

Because, even though this world is much stronger than the human world, they are still at the top of the pyramid here, so there is no threat. Especially after the Yuanling Body is completed, she occupies a natural advantage in this world.

Everyone was surprised when they learned that Xu Yu was now the Immortal King.

Immortal King!

They have been in the Immortal Realm for thousands of years, and have already known the realm after the Emperor. Naturally, they know that the content of the two words Immortal King is enough to crush eternity. Even in this broken Immortal Realm, such a powerful person may not have been born back then. , in today’s Immortal Realm, even the powerful Immortal Dao can’t be seen, let alone the Immortal King.

Ji Ziyue invited Xu Yu and the others into a fairy palace and held a banquet to receive them. Ten thousand years have passed, and they have stabilized in the fairyland and have their own foundation.

Ji Ziyue led them into a vast fairy palace, which was the foundation they had built over the years.

Moreover, in these fairy palaces, there are not only a few of them, but also many followers, all locals of the fairyland, for them to drive.

They came to a palace, sat down each, drank wine, and began to talk freely.

Outside the palace, Luan birds are flying, as bright as a rainbow, spiritual birds are blooming with sesame seeds, and the auspicious aura is misty, and longevity apes are offering peaches, which are fragrant and fragrant.

In front of the Jade Palace, orchids are everywhere, mist is lingering, fish and dragons are diving in the lotus pond, and clouds are steaming in front of the clouds.

"I didn't expect that the pearl of the Ji family in the past would actually create such a big foundation in the fairyland." Xu Yu smiled slightly, raised his glass and drank the fairy wine in his hand. (End of chapter)

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