"This is also the reason why things have changed in the Immortal Realm and there is no strongest person!"

Through the conversation with Ji Ziyue, Xu Yu and the others learned that in the current Immortal Realm, a great war had led to the fall of the top masters in the Immortal Realm.

Moreover, according to the original people of the Fairyland, today's Fairyland is just a fragment of the past, far from being comparable to the Fairyland in its heyday.

According to what Ji Ziyue said, the Immortal Realm used to be vast and infinite, and there were countless Immortal Masters, but in that long past, an earth-shattering war took place.

As a result, the originally prosperous Immortal Realm was shattered into pieces. Those legendary Immortal-level figures fell and left because of that war.

As a result, there are no famous masters in the Immortal Realm today. Even the supreme figures in the Human Realm can be counted on one hand.

And because of the fragmentation of the Immortal Realm, it is difficult to gather together in these Supreme Suns.

What's more, he will never be able to explore the Immortal Realm in his entire life.

Everyone present was extremely surprised when they heard what Ji Ziyue said.

The immortal realm they pursued in their lives has undergone such changes, because in their past understanding, beings like "immortals" must have a strength that far exceeds that of the emperor, and they are immortal.

But I didn't expect that the "immortals" in the Immortal Realm today are not even supreme beings. They are just a group of humane monks who rely on immortality to survive.

Later, Ye Fan told Ji Ziyue some of the things that happened when they came to the strange world, including the things about the Immortal Emperor and Emperor Zun.

They still don't know that the Immortal Emperor is actually a creature from the fairy realm, but accidentally fell to the human world.

When they learned that the Immortal Emperor and Emperor Zun had both fallen, several people were very moved.

This man in myths and legends, the god respected by all races, the emperor worshiped by humans, gods, ghosts and immortals, fell like this.

Everyone sighed. The banquet was held for seven days and seven nights. The guests and hosts enjoyed themselves. Everyone was very interested in this fairyland and wanted to take a dip and experience this world.

Even Emperor Wu Shi, Wu Ren, Qing Emperor Gai Jiuyou and others were also very interested in this world, and they all traveled separately and traveled around.

With their current strength, they are enough to walk sideways in this broken fairyland, so there is nothing to worry about.

Ye Fan, Taichu, the Emperor and others also traveled. Now that they are emperors, this Immortal Realm may be able to bring them something different.

And Xu Yu also set off directly, he wanted to explore this broken fairyland!

His eyes were full of divine light, sweeping over the mountains and rivers, reflecting many scenes, overlooking the world. The mountains were vast, as high as the sky, and the rivers were surging, falling into the sky.

Many sacred vines and fairy trees grow, with ancient meanings, as if they have grown for tens or millions of years.

There are many fairy palaces, and there are many powerful forces dormant.

"It is worthy of being a fragment of the Immortal Realm. Every inch of the land can be called Immortal Land, much better than the Zhetian World." Xu Yu sighed slightly, with a moved expression, and carefully noticed the aura of this world.

Practicing in this environment, the emperor can easily live for millions of years. How can he be as miserable as the human world? For the short life span of hundreds or thousands of years, he has done almost all crazy things, but in the end it is all in vain.

However, it was also because of such an environment that the ancient and modern emperors of Hengtui could be born. This world lacked tempering, and to this day, no powerful immortals have been born.

All we can say is that the world is balanced.

Xu Yu stepped on the fairy light, with a brilliant brilliance in his eyes. He visited ancient places one after another and entered their secret realm, including the Sutra Pavilion.

With his current strength, they naturally couldn't find it, and he got a lot of information about it.

He witnessed information about many immortal forces, holy places, and some aristocratic families that had produced true immortals.

This world does have Shi Hao's arbitrariness for eternity, and many records of Huangtian Emperor are more comprehensive than those in the Zhetian world.

Ten years have passed in a hurry, and Xu Yu feels that he has gained a lot, but he has traveled to various places and has never seen a true immortal.

Surprisingly, he actually met the Immortal Emperor's family, which is now considered a considerable force in the Immortal Realm. People in this lineage are descendants of the Immortal Phoenix, but most of their bloodline is not pure.

Today's Broken Immortal Realm is still much stronger than the Zhetian World, because there is enough immortality material here. Just relying on time accumulation, a large number of masters can be born, but the masters of Immortal Dao. But not so successful.

"There are many forces, but most of them are those who have reached the supreme level of human cultivation and have not become immortals. Although there are some forces that claim to be immortal families and immortal dynasties whose ancestors have produced true immortals, they are still in decline today.

"The Immortal Realm is still too comfortable." Xu Yu shook his head. The long-lasting peace in the world is not a good thing after all.

What's interesting is that in this world, there are many different methods of practice. Some practice methods from the chaotic ancient times, and some practice the method of covering the sky. It can be said to be a hodgepodge of many systems.

However, there are still a small number of people who practice the method of covering the sky, and most of them choose to practice the method of the chaotic ancient era. After all, in comparison, the method of the chaotic ancient era is much easier to practice in the early stage. As long as the resources are sufficient, you can continue to advance.

The method of covering the sky is more demanding, requiring practitioners to constantly open up the door of the human body and understand the great ways of heaven and earth. The level of entry is much higher than that of the ancient method.

However, many big forces still left behind immortal magic. If they are sorted out carefully, they may also gain extraordinary gains.

"Shi Hao cut off all eternity with one sword. I don't know what the situation is like now."

Suddenly, Xu Yu's mind moved and she suddenly thought of Jie Hai.

If we can find the Boundary Sea, we may be able to find many broken ancient realms and integrate them into the Zhetian Realm to improve their level.

If it follows the original trajectory, Shi Hao will split the eternal sky and cut off the boundary sea.

He visited many ancient places and some forces that were trying to make up for the immortality, and finally he found many clues, including the coordinates of the Boundary Sea.

Afterwards, he rushed over directly. For others, it might be an unimaginable distance, but for him who was already the Immortal King, it was not that difficult.

When he rushed to the boundary sea, it was just as recorded. The former boundary sea was now cut off, and there was only chaos there. Even a true immortal could not see through the chaos.


Xu Yu's pupils opened and closed, and his eyes suddenly became profound. Wisps of fairy light shot out, and along with the mist, he saw some amazing sights through the chaos.

The waves rise and fall, the sea is boundless!

There are one broken ancient world after another rising and falling there, looming among the waves, some are broken, some are withered and become nothing.

The sea is boundless, some are calm, some are moving, and every time many ancient worlds are disillusioned.

Xu Yu looked moved and wanted to cross over, but there seemed to be an invisible barrier stopping him, preventing him from taking steps. That direction seemed very close, but it was extremely far away!

"Chaos separates the two worlds?" Xu Yu's eyes were condensed, thinking quietly.

The aura of that kind of law is so powerful that not even the Immortal King himself can do anything about it.

"It has been arbitrary for eternity, but there will be no change in the future?"

Xu Yu frowned slightly. It seemed that the idea of ​​going to the Boundary Sea to salvage the ancient world was not feasible for the time being.

Then, he sat cross-legged on the edge of chaos and began to meditate. The breath of those laws touched him, and it lasted a hundred years.

"What an amazing power of law..." Xu Yu realized it silently, the scriptures in his heart were running, and his whole body was hazy and he felt it quietly. He could vaguely capture some of the secrets, but they were still very obscure.

This involves the change of time. The passage of time does have a powerful force to block the town, which makes him very emotional.

"It's better to merge the two worlds first,"

Xu Yu made the decision to first integrate the strange world into the Zhetian Realm. Perhaps after this integration, he will soon be on the road again...

He wants to merge the strange world and the Zhetian world. As for the Immortal Realm, he doesn't want to repair it so quickly now. The top priority is to upgrade the Zhetian World to a higher level.

Suddenly, Xu Yu glanced at the sea of ​​​​boundaries again. The sea was immeasurable, deep and endless, with rolling waves, and one world after another was disillusioned like a bubble.

After stopping for a moment, Xu Yu turned into a ray of fairy light and disappeared.

Xu Yu returned to the Immortal Realm again and met the Wushi Emperor, the Ruthless Emperor and the others.

Some of the emperors who went out to practice before have returned, but most of them are still traveling in the fairyland.

This is a brand new world, which is many times larger than the human world they know. It also has immortal scriptures, which naturally makes them very interested.

Later, many people were surprised to hear that Xu Yu was going to merge the two realms, and they returned from traveling to various parts of the Immortal Realm to witness it all.

At Xu Yu's level, it is easy to travel back and forth to the Zhetian Realm, the strange world, and the Immortal Realm. Naturally, he can easily open the barrier again.

Soon, they came to the junction of the Zhetian Realm and the Strange World, where fairy light overflowed and laws surged.

Next, Xu Yu started to get busy. He first explored this ancient world based on some of Emperor Zun's memories, climbed out of many avenues in this world, and gained a deeper understanding of this world.

"This is... the world built based on the scriptures left by Shi Hao, in order to make up for the fairyland." Xu Yu understood clearly.

Xu Yu wants to integrate the strange world into the Zhetian Realm, improve the quality of the Zhetian Realm, and let it transform.

During this fusion process, all the important figures in Heaven are watching, including Wu Shi Ruren and others. This is not a small world, but a real fusion world, which is worthy of observation and understanding by all emperors.

Xu Yu's magical power surges, evolves life and death, opens up the beginning, determines the universe, and recreates the stars. The methods he displays are impressive.

In the strange world, the sky-covering world, the sky is rumbling and moving, and fairy light is overflowing. Many people can't help but raise their heads and look at the sky in shock, and they are shocked.

"That's...the Emperor of Heaven!" The people in the Zhetian Realm vaguely saw a majestic figure, standing on the ten thousand roads, with his hands evolving immeasurable divine power.

People in the strange world felt a little uneasy and horrified, wondering what a powerful man he was and why his aura was so terrifying, like an emperor among immortals.

An ancient scroll crossed the two realms, lighting up the earth, and the light was psychic, as if it illuminated the past, present and future!

It seems to be made of gold, the whole body is bright and dazzling.

This is a miracle that seems to traverse the three thousand realms and even the nine heavens. It exudes immortal divinity and seems to exist forever with the heaven and earth, competing with the sun and the moon for glory.

"Don't worry about the creatures in the two realms. Today the two ancient realms merge." Xu Yu issued the decree of the Emperor of Heaven and manifested it in all realms, shocking the world.

"A shocking miracle, is this the Immortal Emperor manifesting?" In the strange world, many people were trembling, kowtowing and worshiping.

Xu Yu had not stayed in the strange world for long before, so naturally no one knew about him.

"The Emperor of Heaven wants to merge the two worlds. Where is the other world? Is it the fairyland? What a bold move!"

Many people in Zhetian Realm were amazed. They did not expect Xu Yu to merge with another realm. Although they were still a little confused, they noticed that the atmosphere was a little unusual.

All the heavens and all the ways are manifested, at the junction of the strange world and the Zhetian Realm, where the laws are like the sea, the order of heaven and earth emerges, and the great avenues manifest tangible traces.

"Tianxin Seal, Rong!"

Xu Yu scolded lightly, recited the Immortal Sutra of the Emperor of Heaven, and his whole body bloomed with infinite light, and he was about to begin.

The first step is to fuse the Tianxin imprints of the two worlds together without rejecting them, so that a big world can be created.


Xu Yu raised his hand, his palms glowed, and the beam of light shot into the sky, running through the sky and the earth, passing through the sea of ​​stars, and grabbed the Tianxin mark of the strange world.

Then, he grabbed the Tianxin Seal that covered the world, held it in his palm, stared at it carefully, opened and closed his divine eyes, and analyzed the principles of Tao.

At this moment, Xu Yu's academic spirit seemed to have become the carrier of the great road, and the rules of the heavens were falling down towards him, wrapping him up, and boundless divine light boiled.

The two Tianxin marks trembled, exuding a terrifying aura, and collided with each other, seeming to have a strong sense of repulsion.


Xu Yu's divine eyes opened and closed, endless runes were densely covered, the fairy light was blazing, and the power of life and death emerged, entering the two marks, strong

Let's suppress them!

Then, the two Tianxin marks collided with each other and were compatible, just like a real dragon cruising, and turned into a Tai Chi diagram, with the mysterious aura flowing and constantly changing in his palm.

In the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram, there are thousands of galaxies, boundless, and they turn into a pair of huge yin-yang fish entangled. At this moment, the universe seems to be repeating itself.

The creatures in both worlds felt a vast and boundless aura. The immortal energy was boiling and rushed hundreds of millions of miles away, making the sea of ​​stars tremble.

A thousand years later,


At a certain moment, the universe roared, the heaven and the earth seemed to be opening for the first time, everything was shattered, chaos and mist filled the air, there was divine glory everywhere, and there were turbulent flows of fairy light everywhere.

"Finally integrated!" Xu Yu smiled. The two Tianxin marks have initially merged and become one. The mysterious fairy light is vast, and the aura has almost condensed into one.

Subsequently, in the next thousand years, the world continued to change. Although the avenue was still lofty, the laws were actually being completed, evolved, and repaired.

The two worlds were rumbling, all the stars were moving, earth-shaking changes had taken place, Xu Yu's expression moved slightly while sitting in the starry sky, the world was about to change.

All the stars, ancient lands, secret realms and small worlds are moving, outlining vast territories that are gradually merging into one.

Wu Shi, Qing Emperor, Hen Ren and others were also observing and observing the evolution of heaven and earth and the evolution of the birth and death of all things, which greatly touched them.

Moreover, a lot of immortality substances appeared one after another between heaven and earth, and many dying people took this opportunity to extend their lifespan.

"The Emperor of Heaven is really defying heaven!"

Many people marveled that even the Great Emperor could not achieve this method of merging the two worlds with each other. Only the Emperor of Heaven had such an amazing method.

The two realms have initially merged. Today's Zhetian Realm is several times larger than before. It is too vast, and the rules of the great avenue are gradually condensing.

In this world, the environment of the world has undergone great changes, and the spirit flow is flowing, which is extremely suitable for cultivation. Outstanding people have emerged in large numbers, and a golden age has unexpectedly reappeared.

Xu Yu stood up and stood up from the void, initially fused, and then allowed them to evolve on their own.

Later, Xu Yu reappeared in the world with Wu Shi, Qing Emperor, Ruthless Emperor and others...

(End of this chapter)

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