Under the leadership of Xu Yu, a group of emperors reappeared in the new Zhetian Realm.

"Mountains and rivers remain the same..." Emperor Wushi stood tall in the sky and spoke softly, his eyes filled with memories, filled with relief and sadness.

"Oh my god... that's Emperor Wu Shi!" Everyone in Zhetian trembled. Many people recognized Wu Shi. One of the most powerful human emperors in history was actually alive and was brought back by the Emperor of Heaven. This caused It caused quite a stir.

Everyone in Yaochi was very excited. They didn't expect that Emperor Wushi had not yet passed away and would live forever in the world, and all the elders came out to pay their respects.

"I've seen the Great Emperor!" Gu Tianshu, an old man in white clothes, appeared, trembling with excitement, almost kowtowing every step of the way. As we all know, Emperor Wu Shi was the great emperor of the human race that he admired most, and he had been looking up to him throughout his life.

"Old Gu, calm down..." The big black dog grinned from ear to ear, patted his shoulder with its big paws, and smiled lightly.

The emperors were speechless. This big black dog seemed to be even more exaggerated when he saw Wu Shi.

Today's Black Emperor has become an alternative form of enlightenment, almost worthy of the word "emperor" in its name.

But even so, the emperors were very reluctant to see it. This piece of shit was very powerful in relying on human power.

In the past, Ye Fan supported it, but now with Emperor Wushi by its side, its arrogance has become even more arrogant.


Another thousand years have passed.

The two worlds were basically integrated, but during this period, it was relatively peaceful, but something happened.

People from the strange world and people from the Zhetian world are somewhat repulsive to each other.

They were not adaptable, even hostile, and caused some wars.

Later, Emperor Wushi asked his former followers to come forward, and the situation was gradually stabilized. The conflicts between living beings eased and the conflicts were no longer so sharp.

Because those emperors are all emperors of the strange world, who have commanded all spirits and have a high reputation. They once followed Wu Shi and naturally obeyed his call.

At the same time, Xu Yu also used the methods of the Immortal King to build a portal, filled with immortal energy, connecting the two worlds.

The endless patterns are spreading, seemingly shining for eternity, eternal and immortal, and there is an aura of great avenue permeating the air.

Xu Yu directly established the Immortal Sect. From then on, the emperor could step into the Immortal Realm to practice without having to break down the barrier himself to move forward.

Of course, it is only limited to the emperor, and is not open to other living beings, and it is only accessible to the Zhetian Realm. For the time being, for the sake of unnecessary trouble, people from the Immortal Realm are restricted from coming to the mortal world.

Moreover, Xu Yu's penetration of it is also to a large extent to facilitate the cultivation of the emperors in heaven, to understand different world avenues, and to make it easier for the emperors to advance in cultivation.

In the following years, Xu Yu temporarily handed over the first spiritual root to ruthless people, allowing her to study, comprehend, and deduce the great path.

The ruthless man is amazingly talented. He once divided the nine wonderful elixirs into nine parts. Now he is beginning to understand the first spiritual root, and he may gain a lot.

And Xu Yu himself also began to think about the method of searching for the Sixth Secret Realm. Now he is already the ultimate Immortal King. If he wants to break into the Immortal King giant, he needs to open up the Sixth Secret Realm.

In the following years, the people in Heaven are working hard to practice and try to break through the barriers. Each of them is a genius of an era, with high aspirations. Naturally, they do not want to stop at the emperor, and hope to climb the leap again and embark on the path to immortality!

The Emperor is far from the end, there are infinite peaks to climb, which naturally inspires their fighting spirit.

Under such encouragement, those outstanding figures who were defeated by the imperial struggle regained their confidence and began further hard training.

Qingdi was very interested in the evolution of the immortal realm. He often observed the world inside the Nine Dragon Coffin, and from time to time entered the immortal realm to practice through the immortal gate built by Xu Yu.

The Wushi Emperor, on the other hand, traveled with the Black Emperor to the mountains and rivers of the past, temporarily putting aside his spiritual practice to experience the brilliance of the world of mortals.

The ruthless emperor was still practicing hard as if he were in the world of Zhetian. According to Xu Yu's observation, the opponent was very close to becoming an immortal.

Or maybe he will become the second person to become an immortal after Xu Yu.

However, Emperor Qing returned from the Immortal Realm and told Xu Yu a piece of news. There seemed to be changes in the Immortal Realm...

"I mistakenly entered a chaotic fairyland in the fairyland. There seemed to be something special there. I saw some kind of special substance." Qingdi said with a solemn expression.

According to Qingdi, when he traveled through the Immortal Realm and passed an ancient place, he accidentally encountered a gaping space crack. Driven by curiosity, he entered it and discovered some secrets, including some inexplicable black mist, which was very strange. It seems to be depressing.

Black fog!

Xu Yu's heart trembled, and she had a vague guess.

"Let's go and have a look..." Xu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, and his expression changed. He knew that he couldn't just sit back and watch, he wanted to enter the fairyland again.

When they stepped into the Immortal Gate, a strong Immortal Qi enveloped them, blooming with various rays of light, and they disappeared from the Zhetian Realm.

Today's Immortal Realm is a small fragment of the former Immortal Realm, scattered here and there. In addition to some continents, there are also some secret realms and some stars.


This is an ancient star in the Immortal Realm.

The mountains and rivers are magnificent, the scenery is beautiful, the divine light is steaming, the purple energy is vast, and there are flowers and trees. There are not many practitioners here. Compared to the center of the fairyland, it is not rich.

When Qing Emperor brought Xu Yu here along the coordinates, he found that the chaotic fairy land had disappeared without a trace.

"It's a pity that it's a step too late. Has the crack in the void closed?" Qingdi whispered.

The Chaos Realm, except for the occasional space cracks that appear, can only be seen by breaking through it. However, the Chaos Realm of the Immortal Realm is not something that ordinary people can break through and open up.

"Don't worry, let me investigate!" Xu Yu said.

"Go back in time!"

Xu Yu's pupils were dark, filled with endless mist, and mysterious energy emerged. It seemed that his eyes had become chaos, and the laws were intertwined into a sea.

Then, mysterious scriptures appeared in his eyes, arranged in the depths.

He was in harmony with the Tao of Heaven and Earth, and a wave of light appeared in front of his eyes, as if he saw a blurry shadow.

"Chaos Ancient World, open!"

Xu Yu's pupils were bright, and he shot out a beam of light that was like fairy light, shattering the barrier in front of him. He believed that even the Red Dust Immortal could not detect this area, and only the Immortal King could open it.

In the original Zhetian Realm, the Supreme Emperor could open up the Chaos Realm, because the rules of the avenue there were incomplete and the space barrier was weak and could be penetrated.

However, the great avenues of heaven and earth here in the Immortal Realm are extremely condensed and have many traces. If you want to open up chaos, you must at least have a strength close to that of a quasi-immortal king.

The realm of chaos manifests!

After a moment, the scene in front of them changed. This was a mountain range, the whole body was dark green, and there was actually a hint of horror in it.

Although it is a mountain range, it is vaster and majestic than the ancient stars.

Then, an extremely strange wave was transmitted, and then an ancient aura filled the air, filling the space between heaven and earth.

The forest is very dense, almost completely cut off from sunlight. You can see ancient trees with twists and turns and dark green leaves. The dark ancient forest is very eerie.

Xu Yu saw that the sky above this ancient mountain range was distorted. It seemed that there was yellow sand all over the sky, and the wind was whining. It seemed to be a dark place, which was extremely breathtaking.

"It's right here..." Qingdi's eyes sparkled and he spoke softly.

"It's really dark..."

Xu Yu's eyes were condensed with brilliance, and the captivating light exploded as he stared there.

This place was completely silent, and there was actually a band of black mist surrounding it. It was cold and lonely, and seemed to be shrouded in an ominous atmosphere.

That area was as dark as ink, with endless black mist rolling in. Even the afterglow of the setting sun would be swallowed up by it.

Dark matter!

"Did darkness appear so early?" Xu Yu's face was serious.

He remembered that if he followed some normal trajectories, it would be hundreds of thousands of years before the trio of Ye Fan, Wu Shi, and the Empress who arrived at the Immortal King would come into contact with darkness.

Unexpectedly, so early, there would be a place of darkness in the chaotic world of the Immortal Realm.

"Those substances are very scary. If I hadn't escaped into the copper coffin in time, I would have probably been contaminated." Qing Emperor was still frightened.

According to what he said, occasionally the space cracks opened wide, which aroused his curiosity, so he wanted to explore it.

Xu Yu was a little speechless. This Qing Emperor was as big-hearted as ever. He seemed to have forgotten the years when his soul was dismembered and trapped in the desolate tower.

If Xu Yu hadn't given the bronze coffin of the third generation to Qing Emperor, Qing Emperor would probably be in trouble.

"I'll go in and take a look," Xu Yu looked at Qingdi and thought silently. These dark substances are not a big problem for him for the time being.

Qingdi nodded and realized the seriousness of the matter.

Afterwards, Xu Yu stepped in directly.


A strange horse appeared. It was huge, comparable to a sacred mountain, with scales all over its body, its bloody mouth wide open, a fishy wind blowing from its nose, and a black substance entangling it.

On his back, there sat a knight, wearing black armor, shining brightly, and there was also a chilling, cold, and incomparably breathtaking look.

Dark creatures in the supreme realm!

His eyes were like torches, as if two platinum magic lamps were lit, piercing the dark fog and magic light in the sky.

Wisp after wisp of black mist was refined and burned. The ground was instantly covered with a thick layer of track ash.


Blood splashed, pieces of flesh flew, and the knight in the supreme realm shattered, his body disintegrating.

Xu Yu grabbed its soul to observe, but it was in chaos, without any memory, and seemed to be just a puppet.

With his pupils illuminated by the light, he looked at the sky and the earth, taking in endless scenery within a radius. Nothing could escape his eyes, and all falsehoods and evil beliefs were revealed.

This is a vast realm of chaos, which is usually impossible to manifest, but now it is wide open.

As he stepped forward, his blood surged into the sky, his forehead shone with divine light, and he transformed into a dragon, raising its head and roaring toward the sky. Xu Yu walked all the way and entered this polluted chaotic land. What he saw was black mist everywhere, and there were many dark creatures, including many Supreme Beings.

However, all the dark creatures that almost touched him instantly shattered and were unable to attack. They trembled and exploded under his breath.

This is the power of the Immortal King. As long as the blood is surging, all souls will tremble. If he releases his breath even slightly, those powerful dark creatures will collapse.

"A true immortal-level dark creature..." Xu Yu's eyes were bright, shooting out streams of immortal light, and looking into the distance.

Several dark creatures at the level of true immortals trembled and knelt down on the ground. Naturally, they did not do so sincerely, but because of the power of the Immortal King.


In the dark place, a big hand like a mountain pressed down, stirring up the rolling divine sound, an immortal phoenix swooped into the big hand, its feathers were brilliant, burning for nine days, covering it.


Several dark creatures coughed up blood. The terrifying majesty of their energy made it difficult for them to get up. Their bodies exploded instantly, and the black mist was burned away by the fire of the Immortal Phoenix. .

However, there is still no big gain in exploring the souls. The souls of these people are still confused and almost blank. There is only one thought, which is... to protect this place!

"What is there worth guarding by these dark creatures?" Xu Yu thought silently and burned the souls of several true immortal-level dark creatures that were contaminated with dark matter.

However, these dark substances are obviously richer, much richer than the previous Supreme. If it is an ordinary true immortal, it will definitely be contaminated, and the body and soul will disappear.


At this moment, Xu Yu saw an altar standing in a quiet place in the distance. The endless black matter outside seemed to have turned into the center of the storm. Moreover, on his altar, there was an ancient coffin quietly lying across the altar. Where is Chen...


The world is turned upside down and black mist overflows!

There was a sudden soft sound from the ancient coffin, and a peerless murderous intent overflowed, as if some ancient creature had awakened.

In this area, endless divine peaks stand side by side, and they are all shaking at the moment, as if a big earthquake has occurred, and huge rocks are rolling down.

If this ancient world of chaos had not been stabilized by a powerful law, it would have collapsed, and there was an inexplicable surge of energy.


The peerless gloomy evil energy rushed out, and the endless black mist billowed into the sky. Rolling upwards, completely submerging the place, the ancient coffin opened, and a figure soared into the sky.

In the crack in the void, which stretched to nearly ten thousand feet, a huge figure, surrounded by countless black mist, stepped out of it.

Boom boom boom!

He stepped slowly, and the dull sound was like the drum of hell being beaten, revealing a terrifying murderous intention.

Immortal King!

A dark creature at the level of an Immortal King!

This is a humanoid creature. Outside his body, blazing symbols are densely covered with black markings.

He was holding a square-shaped painted halberd, which seemed a bit illusory. He stood proudly in the world, pointing at Xu Yu's dark pupils like two deep pools, pitch black and bottomless.

Behind him, there was a black ocean with rolling clouds and mist, which was extremely breathtaking. The blessing on his body seemed to provide him with boundless divine power.

"Disturbing my sleep, I will fall into darkness forever!" The Dark Immortal King said coldly, with a cold and faint air, and his whole body was filled with an ominous aura.

"Who are you and where are you from!"

Xu Yu spoke in a cold voice, the stars all over his body were shining brightly, guarding his body. Thousands of strands of immortal energy mixed with chaotic energy fell from his body, making the void scream and sparks fly everywhere.

He was also surprised. He did not expect that there would be a Dark Immortal King in this ancient world of chaos.

Soon, he judged that this Immortal King should have been disturbed by him, and he should be dormant in the ancient coffin.

Threads of black mist entangled, submerged into his body, and turned into nourishment. Blessing his body seemed to make him more terrifying.

"Did he transform in the ancient coffin? Where did the dark creatures in today's world come from?

Shi Hao's sword broke the eternal seal, but how did they come? What happened in the years when Shi Wu disappeared?

In an instant, many thoughts flashed through his mind, and he even wanted to return to Perfection immediately to take a look.

"We will eventually rule the world again, and eternal darkness will be the fate of all souls! The Dark Immortal King Leng Youyou said.

His words were calm, but there was a trace of fanaticism in his eyes, as if the darkness came from his bones.

"Are you the creatures of God?" Xu Yu asked in a deep voice, with a sonorous tone. He was full of doubts about the origin of the creatures in this world and wanted to find out.

Logically speaking, if the foreign land is destroyed, it should be useless. These people are the creatures of heaven, but that is not right. If they are descended from heaven, they should not stop at the Immortal King.

This creature is very special, like a super dark evolver. It seems to have a clearer consciousness, much more sober than those supremes and true immortals.

"Darkness shines all over the sky, reaching far and wide. All living creatures everywhere are subjects of darkness!" The man sneered, his voice cold and cold, like two iron pieces rubbing against each other, extremely harsh.

hold head high!

The Dark Immortal King took action, letting out an earth-shaking roar and a strong dark aura that caused the entire Chaos Barrier to shake violently.

In the void, Xu Yu's expression moved slightly, and his mind was concentrated, ready to capture him first.

He didn't dare to slack off, because this Immortal King was not the most terrifying. The most important thing was to beware of dark matter. If it came to him, it would be very troublesome.


The Dark Immortal King moved, and the simple and dark halberd body turned from illusion to solidity, and stabbed directly at him at an unspeakable speed.

Chaos collapsed, like rags, being torn apart violently, and the terrifying dark aura filled every inch of space.

"The level of the ultimate Immortal King!" Xu Yu's face changed in an instant, and he judged the strength of this Dark Immortal King.

This Dark Immortal King is in a similar realm to him!


There was a big explosion in the world of chaos, and the blazing black mist filled the void, crushing time and cutting off the past, present and future.

If this was not the depths of chaos, if it had affected the current Immortal Realm, it would have been a catastrophic disaster.


The Immortal Golden Cauldron spun and flew out, rapidly enlarging in the void. The chaotic energy circulated and fell on Xu Yu's head, guarding her body.

Today's Immortal Golden Cauldron has transformed into an Immortal King's weapon, becoming more and more terrifying. It seems to condense all the ways of heaven and earth, and has unparalleled protective power!


Xu Yu's battle blood surged like never before, like a sea of ​​stars boiling. This was his first confrontation with the Immortal King.

He made a seal with his left hand and struck across the air. An immortal phoenix spread its wings and flew high, bringing up the divine flames that moved the nine heavens, shattering the darkness and suppressing everything.

The right hand is wrapped with blazing electricity, endless electric light surges, and the runes are intertwined, evolving into high secrets, turning into the Thunder Emperor's seal, and striking away.


Amidst the clanging sound and the advance of the Immortal King's Law, the two of them shook violently, and every blow was enough to shake the heaven and the earth.


After hundreds of moves, the Dark Immortal King coughed up a mouthful of blood. His body seemed to have been struck by lightning, and he must have been flying tens of thousands of feet away. The blood was black and emitted a strong mist.

"Sure enough, the Immortal Phoenix Technique and the Thunder Emperor Technique can vaguely restrain darkness!" Xu Yu's heart was slightly awe-inspiring, as if he had some realization.

"Dark Immortal King, I will let your blood splatter here today!" Xu Yu scolded coldly, with endless divine light in his eyes, shining brightly in Xuchang.

"You can't kill me! Darkness shines, and all souls perish!" He exuded such overwhelming domineering energy that the ancient world of chaos shook, and large cracks opened in the sky.

A huge roar shook the world, and he stood up again, holding the Fang Tian Painting Halberd, his eyes so cold that they could freeze thousands of miles.

His breath was surging, splitting the void, and the chaotic energy surged like Pangu opening up the world. He took one step forward and beheaded Xu Yu.


The Dark Immortal King swept down his halberd, shattering the vacuum and submerging Xu Yu in the turbulent flow of energy. His power was unparalleled in the world.

However, when everything calmed down, Xu Yu stood in the distance unscathed, with an inexplicable light flowing from his eyes, and was not hit immediately.

"Too slow..." Xu Yu stepped into the distance, looking down at the Dark Immortal King with crystal clear eyes.

Today's innate divine eyes, as he advanced to the Immortal King, became more and more terrifying. It can be said that the power of divine power is unparalleled. Even if he is an Immortal King, his speed has dropped a lot under his innate divine eyes.

Only now did he understand that no wonder Shi Yi in the original work could tear apart the giant Immortal King with his innate divine eyes and the supreme secret of his innate divine eyes.

Now, if Xu Yu pays a certain price, he can kill this person like that, but it will cost a certain amount, so it is not necessary.

Moreover, this is his first real battle to enter the realm of Immortal King, and he needs to understand it well.

Soon, he took the initiative to attack, and the two fought, colliding with brilliant rays of light. Light and darkness intertwined, resulting in a big collision.

His palm fingers were like fairy swords, and they collided with Fang Tian's painted halberd. The clanging sound was endless, sparks flew everywhere, and the terrifying combat power made even the Dark Immortal King couldn't help but tremble.

Xu Yu's Immortal Phoenix Seal in his left hand collided with him one after another, and he suddenly used the Thunder Emperor Seal in his right hand. After dozens of moves, he suddenly flew tens of thousands of feet away.


Then, the Thunder Emperor Seal was struck, and Fang Tianguozai collapsed directly, making a crisp sound, and turned into powder.

"This Thunder Emperor Technique is incredible." Xu Yu felt awe-struck.

This Thunder Emperor's treasure technique seems to be naturally capable of restraining darkness. It has boundless divine power and has a very good effect against dark creatures.

Thunder Emperor, the youngest of the Ten Evils, is known as the Taboo of Thunder. In the future, he may have the power to punish God on behalf of heaven.

"Could it be that he was afraid that the Thunder Emperor would grow up and truly threaten the darkness, so he desperately killed him?" A thought came to Xu Yu's mind.

Originally, the Dark Immortal King was at a disadvantage, and now he is losing ground.

He stepped on the fairy light and rushed over. His right hand turned into the Thunder Emperor's Seal, and he slapped it down like a big blazing wheel. It was densely covered with various runes, dense and terrifying.


The Dark Immortal King shouted, his body flew up again, black blood splattered everywhere!

Xu Yu's face was cold, and he stretched out a big hand and grabbed it, grabbing the Tianling Cap to search for the mark of his soul.


The Dark Immortal King roared, the dark aura surging all over his body, emitting a black light, and fighting fiercely.


Xu Yu's palms were like blades, and every finger was emitting divine light, obliterating many dark auras and trying to grab his soul mark directly.

"Darkness is eternal, you are just an Immortal King and you can't resist the general trend!" Although the Dark Immortal King was still coughing up blood, he still sneered.


Xu Yu's innate divine eyes burst out with ripples, which spread quickly, with a powerful spiritual power.

He was suppressed until he trembled and could not speak again.

"Let me see what all this is about!" Xu Yu was about to start searching for the soul of the Dark Immortal King! (End of chapter)

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