Xu Yu's pupils were sharp, emitting a dazzling beam of light that was extremely captivating as he looked at the soul of the Dark Immortal King.


Divine flames surged, and the soul of the Dark Immortal King, which was held in Xu Yu's hand, burned automatically. In order to prevent him from detecting the information, he was about to commit suicide.

"If you don't get my message, darkness will last forever. This is the fate of all worlds." The soul of the Dark Immortal King smiled miserably, as if mad, with surging black energy.

"Control life and death, annihilate reincarnation, your fate is up to me and not up to you!"

Xu Yu's face suddenly turned cold, and his eyes suddenly became filled with light. Threads shot out like divine chains of order, with runes intertwined and hitting the spontaneously igniting black fires.

Dazzling sparks flew everywhere, as if they were struck on the divine iron, making a sonorous sound, and a powerful sealing force filled the air, actually blocking the spread of the fire.

"You are delusional!" The Dark Immortal King was horrified. He didn't expect that the other party actually stopped the spontaneous combustion for a short period of time. He tried his best to fight and resist the divine power, but he was helpless.

In an instant, he couldn't even spontaneously ignite his soul!


Xu Yu scolded lightly, and the Yuan Shen Tao Sword was sacrificed, showing the terrifying method of the supreme immortal king, who wanted to forcibly search for his soul and explore its origin.

The self-immolation of the Dark Immortal King's soul is irreversible. He only stopped it for a short time. It won't take long for him to burn completely, so he must be searched for his soul quickly, otherwise he will eventually be destroyed!

The Yuan Shen Tao sword comes out!

Wisps of innate patterns swim around and wrap around the sword body, evolving into a supreme avenue. The entire chaotic world is trembling, and the boundless pressure is overwhelming in all directions.


The sword of Yuan Shen Dao was extremely sharp and penetrated directly into the Yuan Shen of the Dark Immortal King. At the same time, the Chaos Spell was activated, and a humanoid creature appeared to calm the chaos in all directions, and the divine light shone, obliterating those dark substances.

In an instant, he got a lot of information and memories, coming like a tide.

This Dark Immortal King himself doesn’t know where he comes from. He is the guardian of the Ancient World of Chaos, in order to protect... this corner of the Immortal Realm!

In his consciousness, through the altar, he received the instruction from a supreme being to exterminate creatures at the level of the Immortal King.

As long as an Immortal King is born in this ancient world, he will appear and kill him!

"Is this the seed to cut off all realms?"

Xu Yu's face was serious, and he thought quietly, and then he looked at the altar. According to the memory of the Dark Immortal King, there seemed to be a lot of history there.

He made up his mind to investigate later.

Then he received another message. Even if the ancient world of chaos had not been opened, if he stayed in the fairyland, it would only take tens of thousands of years for the dark fairy king to sense his aura and he would probably revive.

"Is this the reason why Ye Fan later encountered darkness in the original trajectory?" Xu Yu's face was a little solemn.

If an Immortal King is born in the Immortal Realm, will the Dark Immortal King take action?

In the original work, did the Dark Immortal King wait for Ye Fan and others to become Immortal Kings before he appeared? Later, Ye Fan and others followed Huang's footsteps.

Later, he received an even more shocking news. This Dark Immortal King was just the Precursor. In the future, there might be other Dark Immortal Kings who would appear.

Afterwards, he pondered for a moment, and the Yuanshen Tao Sword slashed vertically and horizontally, slashing at some of the dark thoughts he had received, retaining some key memories, otherwise the Yuanshen might be damaged.

Finally, he raised his hand gently, and a blazing fairy light rushed out. The Dark Immortal King's soul screamed, split inch by inch, and finally completely disappeared into ashes.

The body of the Dark Immortal King also collapsed to the ground. For just a moment, it seemed as if it had gone through endless years, been crushed by time, rotted, dried up and weathered, and finally completely disintegrated.

Xu Yu frowned slightly. He originally wanted to study the body of the Dark Immortal King, but he didn't expect this power to be so weird. He killed him directly without leaving any trace.

He continued to move forward, and there were still many dark creatures trembling in fear on the way, but wherever his eyes passed, all the dark creatures exploded, disappeared inch by inch, and their souls returned to heaven and earth, no longer existing.

Finally, he arrived at his destination, saw the altar, and also saw the huge ancient coffin. It was a broken altar, hanging in the air, very ancient and mysterious, with a huge coffin lying on it. , the previous Dark Immortal King came out of it.

"This altar..." The light in Xu Yu's eyes flickered, and when he stared carefully, his whole body exuded a terrifying edge, and he was slightly startled.

As he approached the altar, there seemed to be a sound that seemed to span endless time and space, and seemed to resound from the depths of the oldest devil's cave. The chaotic world, filled with black energy, was actually accompanied by the sound of indescribable and obscure chanting.

"This is..." Xu Yu's mind quickly calmed down, and the light between his eyebrows shone. Various scriptures and mysteries were chanting in his heart, and he analyzed the meanings of those obscure chanting sounds. There is information in them!

He sat down cross-legged and realized it quietly. Infinite light bloomed all over his body. Soon, he captured two keywords: lead!

He took a deep breath, the light disappeared from the center of his eyebrows, the fairy light flowed outside his body, and his face was solemn.


What does this mean? Who is going to be invited to this altar? Was this how the Dark Immortal King was born?

After thinking about it in silence for a long time, I could no longer capture those obscure scriptures and could only guess at these two words.

Then, he looked at the huge coffin. The huge coffin was gloomy and wrapped in endless black energy.


He raised his hand and flicked his sleeves, and the huge ancient coffin lid flew up and was opened by him.

The billowing black mist swept across the sky and the earth, turning into a long dragon and rushing out, sweeping across all directions.


Xu Yu's eyes glowed, and his eyes exuded primitive energy. The patterns were intertwined to form an innate Dao map, blocking the front.

"It turns out that the Dark Immortal King is dormant here. One day, he may be able to transform again."

"You can't keep me here!"

Xu Yu's eyes were bright, and he turned into a fairy sword and rushed out. The simple blade burst out with bright brilliance. However, in mid-air, the terrifying magic sword that could reach more than a thousand feet in one mouth actually bloomed with infinite brilliance, like a divine sun. Fall down.


The jet-black air splashed for tens of thousands of miles, and the fairy sword slashed into the coffin and altar, as if breaking through a hard leather shell, revealing the dense black mist.

The ancient coffin exploded, and billowing black air filled every inch of space. Xu Yu recited the Immortal Sutra, his eyes bursting with brilliance, filling every inch of space and eliminating the darkness.

The altar also exploded, making a sound that shook the world. However, the moment the altar exploded, a drop of blood emerged!

This is...dark blood!

He was startled. The drop of blood had a strong dark aura. Even though there was no contact, it still made him very uncomfortable.

"Does the power of the altar and the weirdness of the ancient coffin all originate from here?" Xu Yu looked solemn.

"Is the introduction also based on this drop of black blood?" He could feel that the terrifying power of the altar came from this to a large extent.

The beam of his pupils split the sky, shining on the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles, clearing away the filth and changing the world. Staring at the drop of dark blood,

He could feel the horror of this drop of dark blood. Even if he was contaminated, it might be very troublesome and he might have to pay a high price.

The blood of darkness is difficult to remove, and only those at the immortal level must use immortal energy and immortal blood to remove it continuously to be effective.

"Could it be...the True Blood of Darkness?" Xu Yu suddenly thought and remembered some records. It is said that only seed-level creatures can breed True Blood of Darkness. This kind of True Blood is far better than ordinary Dark Blood. .

He sat down cross-legged on the spot and began to use the Xuan Gong. The scriptures in his body were roaring, and the innate divine eyes were moving, trying to explore the mystery.

This month, I don’t know how many times more powerful than those weird black mist, and even the Dark Immortal King is very likely to be nourished by him.

He sat down cross-legged. Although this dark blood was an evil thing, it was very precious to him, and he began to study it.

one year later.


Suddenly, the dark blood that had been silent for a long time suddenly moved and flew over with a chirping sound.

Xu Yu raised his eyebrows, and Huo Di stood up, like a sacred mountain rising from the ground. The light flashed on his fingertips, and the lightning struck the world, crushing the blood of darkness and flicking it away.

Xu Yu's expression was cold, and as his eyes opened and closed, countless talismans flashed, and a powerful suppressing force was released.

"Does it have self-awareness? It's still an instinctive reaction," Xu Yu thought, this drop of dark blood is so evil and powerful that it can take the initiative to attack. It's too weird.

"It's better to take it away first..."

Xu Yu pondered, for a moment, there was really no progress. He turned around directly, left the chaotic world, and saw Qing Emperor guarding the outside world again.

"What happened?" Qing Emperor asked, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief. Xu Yu, the Immortal King, disappeared for several years.

"It's a long story..." Xu Yu shook his head, then took the bronze coffin of the Third Generation from Qing Emperor and took away the black blood.

The bronze coffin of the third generation has an unimaginable origin. It was left by the owner of the bronze coffin. It is an existence that transcends the sacrificial path. The copper coffin is not afraid of the erosion of black blood.

If ordinary immortal king weapons accepted him, Xu Yu would be worried about being corrupted by him and falling into darkness. Boom!

Just when Xu Yu was about to leave, a big hand moved across the sky, rumbling and making a huge roar.

It was as if a silent war drum was being beaten, with Xu Yu's palm as the center, the chaotic ancient world, the air like a mirror, suddenly shattered.

The ancient world of chaos collapsed!

The Qing Emperor was shocked. Even the ancient world that was difficult to open up in the Immortal City was directly wiped out by the Emperor of Heaven with just one lesson. The realm of the Immortal King was indeed so terrifying!

The two left Dongchen Star and returned to the central part of the Immortal Realm again, and finally came to the Heavenly Court of Zhetian Realm.

"Without darkness, there will be no peace in the sky!"

This time the darkness warned Xu Yu that no matter how long or short the darkness was, it would eventually come, and he had to be prepared in advance.

Nowadays, the world is quite peaceful. After the darkness and turmoil, the heavens have ushered in a long period of peace. Even many people's belief in forging ahead has faded a lot. It's time to wake them up.

Fighting the darkness will ultimately require the birth of a group of heroes. Even if the darkness is not eliminated, it will be useless no matter how many ancient worlds are integrated. He plans to gather the heroes of the new Zhetian Realm at once to plan for the future.

A year later, Xu Yu issued a decree, inviting the world's elite to gather in heaven to hold a brand new peach event!

The Peach Blossom Festival was originally a custom in Yaochi Holy Land. After the establishment of Heavenly Court, the Peach Blossom Festival has not been held again. Now it is finally started again.

"Oh my God, the Heavenly Court is about to start the Peach Festival!"

"Go, all emperors coexist. Not only can you see many legendary emperors, you can also see the mysterious Emperor of Heaven."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime event. Perhaps this is the most important event in history." Many people in Zhetian Realm were discussing.

There was an uproar in the universe, and many people were shocked. They did not expect that the Peach Festival would be broadcast in Heaven, and not only many great emperors, but also the Emperor of Heaven would appear.

In the heaven, the heroes from all sides gathered together. The heroes came out from the ancient stars and secret realms everywhere, and from time to time they turned into a stream of light that broke through the sky and landed in the heaven.

Many owners or descendants of immortal great religions, holy places, and ancient families in secret realms have come to Heaven. In these days, Heaven has been as lively as a mortal temple fair. Monk fans from all over the world have appeared one after another, coming from all over the world. There are all kinds of races.

Not only the human race, but also many monks from the ancient races came. Even Hun Zhan, who was once the enemy of Xu Yu, now has the Dacheng Hegemony.

What's even more surprising is that none of the people who come are weak, and at worst they are at the level of a great saint. Today's grand gathering is unparalleled.

On the white clouds in the sky, the mountains are majestic, the heavenly palace is majestic, and wisps of fairy mist are transpiring, which are transformed from immortal matter. This is the venue for the grand gathering.

"Heavenly Palace's foundation is truly amazing!" Someone exclaimed in surprise.

Many people nodded. This was their first time in Heaven. It was indeed a place where the Immortal Emperor of Heaven existed. The Immortal Qi was too strong and there were too many immortal substances.


In the center of the heaven, there was a big golden bell hanging. The sound of the impact reached all directions and resounded clearly throughout the world, shocking many people's hearts.

The big bell rang, and this grand event officially began, and strong men from all over the universe appeared one after another.

In the Heavenly Palace, there are many jade tables lined up in each jade room, and various spiritual birds bring all kinds of delicacies. Even, every jade table is covered with flat peaches, which are bright red and just smell, It made many people feel elated.

Of course, it is not the mother root of the ancient flat peach tree, because the mother plant cannot bear so many fruits.

It is some new tree bodies born from its evolution, but even so, it is almost extremely terrifying, and I don't know how much better than the flat peaches of the past.

The older generation of emperors, Wu Shi, Empress, Qing Emperor and others appeared, which made many people uproar, shocked in their hearts, and suddenly felt that the trip was worthwhile. These are legendary figures, and they all appeared one by one.

The new generation, such as Ye Fan, Ji Haoyue, Shen Zun and others, also attracted the attention of many people.

Taichu, Zhang Bairen, the Emperor, Huo Linzi and the Holy Prince were all outstanding figures sealed from ancient times. They also appeared one after another and came together.

The emperors gathered together, and the powerful aura penetrated Xiaohan. It was so spectacular that all the emperors gathered together.

In the heavenly palace, a Taoist platform rose up, and Xu Yu appeared, surging with fairy light.


Many people exclaimed, even those who were powerful at the level of the Great Emperor were in awe, knowing that this Heavenly Emperor was not only once invincible in the human realm, but now he is also unrivaled in the immortal realm.

"All the virtuous people are here, good!" Xu Yu's eyes were slightly closed, and the divine light in his eyes was flowing. His figure was majestic, like an immortal emperor, sitting cross-legged on the central Taoist platform, looking at everyone...

Xu Yu is sitting cross-legged on the Taoist platform, with misty aura, as if there are stars in the sky surrounding her, blessing her precious body. He looked around the fairy palace and everyone.

Today, there are too many people coming to the Peach Festival. From the great sage to the great emperor, they are all famous people from all over the world. Now they are all gathered here. The atmosphere is surging. At this moment, the heavens are trembling, and the great scriptures are one after another.

Xu Yu was slightly surprised. Apart from Heaven, there were so many powerful people in the outside world, which was somewhat beyond his expectation.

In addition to the Heavenly Court, there are still many powerful people in this world. Although there are no real enlightened people, there are many outstanding people in the Nine Heavens of Quasi-Emperor and even those who have achieved enlightenment in another way.

For example, many outstanding figures from Earth also came. He saw Ge Xuan, Ge Hong and other Qi practitioners. They were all dormant in the divine source of Feixian Star, but in this life, they all awakened.

Many people in this universe of Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons only appeared recently, because when Xu Yu became emperor, many people felt that there was no hope for the throne and chose to proclaim themselves the first time. Only now do they really appear.

In particular, the strange world has also merged into the Zhetian Realm, giving birth to many outstanding people, like clouds of masters.

Xu Yu looked at the crowd and waved his hand gently. Immortal light overflowed, and thousands of leaves flew over, each one glittering and translucent. Each leaf was different, flowing with the brilliance of the avenue.

All kinds of leaves, with strange shapes, all have unique Taoist charms.

The small tripod, immortals, divine bells, mountains and rivers, clouds, gossip, lifelike and swaying dreamy colors are amazing.


Xu Yu pointed, and a simple cauldron appeared in the sky. The water inside was rippling, and all the tea leaves were submerged into the cauldron. Immediately afterwards, the Taoist fire under the cauldron was lit.

The Emperor of Heaven makes tea!

Many people's expressions were slightly condensed, looking at the Emperor's technique. Although he was making tea, it was almost Taoist, and they all observed it carefully.

Xu Yu remained calm and continued to control the Dao fire to make tea. He was also showing the Immortal King's methods. How much everyone can understand depends entirely on their understanding.

"Chi, chi, chi!"

Soon, several streams of light burst out, and the essence of Enlightenment Tea fell accurately into everyone's wine glass, emitting hazy brilliance and creating ripples.

Every cup of tea revealed wisps of fairy mist, misting in the tea cup.

On those tea leaves, there is a thread of mist floating, primitive and hazy, but containing an extraordinary power.

Xu Yu's face was calm, but he was thinking about it in his heart.

In ancient times, the Enlightenment tea tree was ranked among the top three ancestors and was one of the most famous elixirs. Immortal kings would have some insights after drinking the Enlightenment tea, which is of immeasurable value. Of course, today's Enlightenment tea tree is far from the It was comparable back then, but it hadn't evolved to that point yet.

"Thank you, Emperor Tian!"

Many people were excited. Even if the Enlightenment Tea brewed by the Emperor himself had no effect at all, after drinking it, he would have something to brag to future generations.

In particular, this tea has an astonishing charm. How could it be ordinary? It must be a priceless treasure.

Only Wu Shi, Wu Ren, and Qing Emperor were relatively calm. People of their level could naturally deal with it calmly.

"Enlightenment tea..." Wu Shi sighed, then laughed, remembering some past events, and touched the huge head of the Black Emperor next to him, who had a contented look on his face.

At first, he wanted to move the Enlightenment Tea Tree from the Immortal Mountain, but the Enlightenment Tea could not survive after leaving the Immortal Mountain. As a last resort, he replanted the old tree in the Immortal Mountain, which was quite a torture for the old tree. .

After everyone drank the Enlightenment Tea, for just a moment, the sky and the earth were hazy, and auspicious energy spurted out from all directions, and many people suddenly fell into the state of Enlightenment.

Even many emperors had expressions of emotion and a little surprise. This enlightenment tea seemed to be a little different and more mysterious. Even they had some enlightenment. It was indeed the tea brewed by the Immortal King.

In fact, few people know that over the past 20,000 years, this enlightenment tea tree has undergone further transformation due to Xu Yu's cultivation and the great changes in the world, and its effectiveness has been greatly improved, far more than in the past.

After drinking the Enlightenment Tea, many people's bodies glowed, they closed their eyes and meditated, and fell into a strange Taoist rhythm.

Soon, some talented people made breakthroughs on the spot and reached a higher level.

The tea brewed by the Supreme Immortal King himself, if in the chaotic ancient and immortal ancient times, even the true immortals would not have this treatment, but today, they have this treatment.

A full seven days have passed, and many people have come back to their senses, greatly inspired, their eyes have become much deeper, and they have obviously gained a lot of benefits.

Even ruthless people, Wu Shi, Qing Emperor, Ye Fan and others also benefited a lot, and their eyes showed thinking. (End of chapter)

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