Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 434 The Empress Becomes an Immortal, Another Perfect Chapter

Afterwards, Xu Yu began to lecture on the scriptures, discussed the methods of practice, and began to explain the true meaning of the Tao to everyone.

Xu Yu sat cross-legged on the platform and preached. The scriptures filled the sky and fell down, turning into large rains of light. Everyone was greatly touched and fell into the realm of enlightenment again.

He lectured on scriptures and Dharma, expounded the true meanings of various great ways that exist in heaven and earth, and explained many mysterious truths, giving many people enlightenment and thorough enlightenment.

For three whole months, he sat cross-legged on the Taoist platform, with a solemn treasure, like a Buddha, and also like a Taoist ancestor.

In the heavenly palace, golden lotuses bloomed one after another, crystal petals fell, and divine springs appeared out of thin air. The immortal energy was misty, and the heaven was like a kingdom of immortals.

Everyone who comes here to listen to the sutras will gain something. Those who benefit greatly will feel empty in their hearts and directly realize the Tao. Especially with the blessing of the previous enlightenment tea, they will gain indescribable benefits and will have a great influence on the future path of practice. role.

This is the Taoism of the Immortal King level, which makes many people so intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves. Especially Xu Yu simplifies the complex and expounds the true meaning of the Tao directly to the essence.

Both the great sage and the great emperor have realized something, and most of them have realized the true meaning of the great road in their own fields.

"Heavenly Emperor is really even a high-spirited man!"

"The ancient and modern Taoism is unparalleled by the Emperor of Heaven!" Many people sighed in their hearts, with infinite admiration in their hearts for the figure sitting cross-legged on the high platform.

Until the end of the lecture, many people did not come back to their senses for a long time, and were still silent in the wonderful realm of the Tao. The powerful people illuminated their hearts with the light of wisdom, understood the true meaning of the Tao, and tempered their soul bones. They all made great progress. progress.

After the lecture, Xu Yu still sat cross-legged on the Taoist platform, accepting some questions from the powerful Zhu Duo, and he answered them individually one by one.

"Dare you ask the Emperor of Heaven, what is the method of becoming an immortal!" Someone asked this question with blazing eyes.

Many people's eyes lit up and they immediately became interested. They were obviously very interested in this topic. The method of becoming an immortal is not a new topic. However, what is spread to the outside world is very general and there is no systematic explanation.

Now, with the real authority in front of them, everyone naturally wants to know.

However, everyone looked at the source of the sound and wondered why this guy looked so familiar.

"Great Sage Huntuo!" Many people exclaimed.

Xu Yu was also speechless. Unexpectedly, the first person to ask questions was Lao Huntuo.

Today's Huntuo is extremely extraordinary. He is already a powerful man who has achieved enlightenment in a different way. He can overlook many outstanding people.

But he doesn't have the aura of a strong man at all. Rather than being an ancient race, he looks like a normal human race, much like an old man in the village. His hair is white and his face is rosy, and he looks very energetic.

Many people were speechless. They didn't expect that this declining god, who kept silent, had already achieved enlightenment in a different way.

Talking about Hunduo, it made everyone laugh and laugh. When Huntuo entered Heaven, he met the Immortal Emperor of Heaven, and he was in the small fairyland of Heaven. It actually inspired his fighting spirit and the hope of immortality, which actually allowed him to pass the test all the way. , now they have achieved enlightenment in a different way, and it is not that long away from enlightenment.

Although Hun Tuo is said to be a declining god, those who know him know that Hun Tuo was actually very extraordinary back then, and his natural beauty was recognized by the Dou Sheng Emperor.

However, Huntuo is more Buddhist in terms of practice and does not have such a strong desire to strive for success.

However, this person has a very obvious characteristic, which is his desire for immortality.

In ancient times, he hoped to glimpse the immortal path and enjoy eternal life.

Otherwise, he would not have been sealed forever in the ancient times.

Shortly after Xu Yu's sermon and the gate to the Immortal Realm was closed, he originally wanted to hibernate and seal it to wait for the next life. However, because of the opening of the Immortal Realm of Heaven, his consciousness was still awake and before he fell into a complete sleep, he directly broke through the source of the spirit. It happened again.

Later, during his days in heaven, he practiced for more than 10,000 years and finally became enlightened in a different way.

In the past, there was a joke in the world that if Hunduo finally made a leap and became an emperor, it might be possible to create the secret word "Guan" in the future.

Even though he was surprised by Huntuo's question, Xu Yu still answered.

"One, long years of transformation, the ultimate leap, turning into a flawless immortal body!

Second, fight for survival in the world of mortals, survive nine lifetimes, and become a mortal immortal!

Third, transform into a warrior immortal, condense the Dharma, and ask about eternity. "

Xu Yu proposed several directions, explained many mysteries, and told everyone the method of becoming an immortal.

He specifically elaborated on the fighting immortal method. Don't try it lightly. If it is too domineering, it will suffer strong backlash.

"So that's it..." Many great emperors looked awe-inspiring, and the heavens in their hearts seemed to have been opened. They had vaguely heard that Xu Yu had penetrated the path of the War Immortal, but it was very general. Now they finally got the orthodox answer, and the confusion in their hearts was finally over. Dispelled by a bright light, I have a way forward.

Immortality is not an illusion. Many outstanding people believe that given a long time, they will be able to take that step.

Xu Yu looked at everyone's reaction and closed his head slightly.

This group of people are all extraordinary in appearance, they can be called dragons and phoenixes among people, especially a group of great emperors, they are even more extraordinary. If they are given a long time, they will definitely make extraordinary progress.

Many great emperors almost all have the appearance of immortal kings, and perhaps at worst they will become true immortals in the future.

"I dare to ask the Emperor of Heaven if he can truly become immortal if he attains enlightenment and becomes an immortal."

"Even though the Immortal Realm of the past was extremely powerful, the true immortals and Immortal Kings all died in battle, and even the Immortal Realm collapsed."

Xu Yu shook his head, and then told how the current Immortal Realm is just a corner of the vast Immortal Realm back then. Many people were surprised by what kind of war it was that actually destroyed the Immortal Realm.

"Everyone, please see!"

Xu Yu did not answer, but just spoke like this. An ancient bronze coffin flew out and landed on the sky. He pointed gently, and the mysterious light intertwined, and the scene inside the coffin was reflected.

A drop of black blood emerged, emitting a faint cold light. He is entangled in the black mist, filled with an ominous aura, and is soul-stirring.

"This is……"

Everyone was shocked and couldn't help but tremble. What is this thing? Why is it so weird?

Even if he is an emperor, he can't help but feel palpitations in his heart, and he can deeply feel the horror of that thing.

"The destruction of the chaotic ancient era is related to this substance!"


Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect that there was such a saying. What did that drop of black blood represent?

"In the future, darkness will fall, and creatures possessing this unknown substance may manifest and wipe out the common people." Xu Yu said,

Everyone was silent. The black blood in it turned out to be from the body of a living being. If it were a real living being, how powerful it would be, which made everyone feel awe-struck.

Many people were puzzled, stunned, and shocked. They didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Even Wu Shi and the ruthless man looked slightly solemn. Qingdi also had a serious face. When he encountered the black mist in the chaotic world, it was extremely terrifying. This drop of black blood was even more unimaginable. It was far better than the black mist. If it were to happen to him, it would be unimaginable.

"The road is vast and boundless. Everyone, the world has been at peace for a long time. Although there is immortality now, there will still be enemies in the world in the future. You still need to be diligent."

Finally, when parting again, Xu Yu said such meaningful words.

What is immortality? Even if you are immortal, you will die one day. Who can live forever in the era of reincarnation, survive the darkness, and overlook the ups and downs of the years? Only detachment!

At this moment, many people suddenly realized that the place where Xu Yu was was seemed to be beyond the world, very aloof.

They naturally believed that Xu Yu would not deceive them. The Emperor of Heaven stood higher, perhaps expecting something.

At this time, many people finally came to their senses. Perhaps the real purpose of the Heavenly Emperor's convening of the Peach Blossom Meeting was to warn them.

They all sighed in their hearts that the Emperor of Heaven was far-sighted and always stood at the highest point, looking at the road that the world could not see.


Xu Yu directly put away the bronze coffin of the Third Generation. In the end, everyone left, and in the following time, the atmosphere between heaven and earth changed somewhat.

The trend of spiritual practice is becoming more and more prosperous, and many great emperors are rising up to enter the realm of immortality and strive to break through. Thousands of years have passed, and another ten thousand years have passed. Today, there are more and more masters in Zhetian Realm, and Xu Yu is also practicing without slacking off.

He would sometimes sit cross-legged in the Immortal Palace to practice, observe the drop of black blood, analyze its secrets, and explore the source of darkness.

Sometimes he would discuss the beginningless and endless way with Wu Shi, and he gave Wu Shi the Fairy Bell, the Bell of No Ending, to allow him to make further breakthroughs.

He would also talk to ruthless people about the great path of the first spiritual root, and they would support each other.

Moreover, he has been thinking hard about another secret realm, which is the sixth secret realm after the five secret realms.

In this way, time passed by, and another thirty thousand years passed.

However, he was always close to breaking through the sixth secret realm, and he seemed to have just a chance.

"Return to perfection, maybe the opportunity is not in this world." Xu Yu made plans to return to the era of the perfect world again!

At present, Zhetian Time and Space has entered a healthy development. As long as it continues to accumulate, it will regain the glory of the Immortal Ancient Era.

Xu Yu, on the other hand, needs to explore the darkness. After Emperor Huang Tian ruled for eternity, some kind of change must have occurred in the Immortal Realm.

The perfect trip seems to be inevitable!

Moreover, even if he doesn't break the barrier, he still has to go there. After all, he still has to explore the dark secret of the future.

He had killed the Dark Immortal King in the Immortal Realm and the Ancient World of Chaos before, but he felt something was wrong. How and how the darkness in the future would sweep through the heavens again.

The truth of the past is shrouded in layers of fog. We need to explore it, get a glimpse of it, and trace its source.

Today's fairyland is just a corner, and there is a dark fairy king and those altars. Whether it can attract many darkness to return in the future, everything is full of mystery.

Think about it again, if it is a fragment of other fairy realms, is it possible that dark forces also exist? All this needs him to uncover.

"Darkness..." Xu Yu whispered, his eyes burning.

The darkness seems to be eternal and endless, which is why Xu Yu merges the strange world and the world of covering the sky.

Because, even though the Immortal Realm is broken, it is still at the center of the storm and is the focus of the dark forces.

In comparison, Zhetian Realm may be safer.

Moreover, the important reason for going to Perfection is that he is planning to salvage some ancient worlds in the Boundary Sea and once again perfect the current Zhetian Realm.

The former Immortal Realm was also formed by the fusion of ancient worlds. It was protected by many Immortal Kings. The interweaving of Tao patterns made it so powerful that it could cover the sky and the world also had the potential to become an Immortal Realm.


At this moment, a powerful aura penetrated the sky, the stars and rivers were shattered, the sun, moon, heaven and earth were rotating, and the fairy light boiled.

A ray of fairy light shines in the sky and on the earth!

Heavenly Court, the Empress’ retreat.

A slim figure stood in the sky with flying hair.

The ruthless emperor breaks through!

The light of immortality shines!

The ruthless emperor's clothes are fluttering, and her temperament is otherworldly. She does not belong to this world. She has an aura that is not terrestrial, and she will become an immortal at any time, transcending the world.

"The light of immortality!"

Many people in the heaven were shocked, staring at this amazingly talented and mysterious empress without blinking an eye.

Her hair is fluttering gently, her moon-white dress sets off her graceful and proud fairy posture, and her skin is crystal white, as if carved from mutton-fat jade.

Many people were in awe of this stunning empress, and even some emperors did not dare to take advantage of her in front of her.

Even if the Empress enters the Heavenly Court, she has very little exposure. She spends most of her time in seclusion and enlightenment, and is extremely mysterious. The ruthless man left the heaven, came to the chaos, and experienced the tribulation of immortality!

The sky is filled with thunder and lightning, blazing electric light is flying all over the sky, squeezing every inch of space, and immeasurable immortal tribulations are overwhelming the universe.

The empress, after Xu Yu, is the first powerful person to achieve the throne of immortality!

The immeasurable catastrophe is intertwined with the terrifying ripples of the avenue, crushing it, shocking the hearts of the people,

The empress's face was calm, her hands were folded, and she was collaborating with the seals. She was like a fairy in the lower realm. The wind was moving in all directions, and a small fuzzy tree appeared in her palms. There was a wave that overwhelmed the universe.

That's...the appearance of the first spiritual root! He hung above his head, and the terrifying beam of light surged, overwhelming the heaven and earth, as if he was creating the world.

Xu Yu's expression moved slightly. After all, the ruthless emperor was still amazingly talented. He actually deduced an attack method based on the first spiritual root to resist the natural disaster.

The small tree quickly enlarged, covering the sky and the earth, like a world tree, with countless rays of light flashing, branches hanging down, rippling with sacred aura, like chain after chain of order, rushing towards the sky and slashing towards the sea of ​​thunder.

He stared at the magic, observed carefully, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. A powerful empress, known as the most beautiful in ancient times. She once created the nine great immortal arts on her own, fought against the nine secrets of Taoism, and single-handedly fought against the Nine Heavenly Lord, and Today is the secret of evolving the first spiritual root to fight against the immortal calamity!

She really figured out a lot of secrets about that first spiritual root, and it actually evolved such mysterious magic.

But speaking of it, it's not surprising. She has always been the most talented and talented person in ancient and modern times. Now the world's environment has changed again, and with the immortal Xu Yu

It is not surprising that Wang, and the obsession in her heart, have reached this point.


The empress scolded lightly, and the branches flying all over the sky were like blazing vine whips, or like war spears piercing the sea of ​​thunder. Every branch was shining, with various patterns emerging on it, turning into The rotation of the symbols is actually absorbing the secrets of the heavenly tribulation.

"Copy the Great Dao of the Heavens..." Xu Yu was slightly surprised, but he didn't expect that she would use this method.

Copying the avenue, which is the secret of the first spiritual root, has now become her method!

soon. The empress destroyed all realms, successfully survived the catastrophe, and entered the realm of immortality.

Everyone in the heaven once again saw the peerless elegance of this empress, and they were all impressed by her grace and deeply admired her. Then, it spread to the world.

Shocked the world!

After the Emperor of Heaven, the ruthless emperor also entered the fairyland.

These news are so shocking that many strong people in the universe are trembling, and the noise from the outside world is deafening.

Many people are silent, but many are inspired. They are not alone in the road. They also hope to reach the top and have a goal to move forward.

In the past, the great emperors prayed for the gates of heaven and knocked on the avenue just to confirm whether there were immortals. Now, the immortal way is no longer illusory, and it naturally inspires people to forge ahead.

"The Great Emperor Wu Shi will soon achieve immortality. It shouldn't be too far away."

Xu Yu thought silently, looking towards another part of the heaven.

The majestic Emperor Wushi is sitting cross-legged on the Taoist platform, with chaotic energy surging, and the infinite end above his head creating ripples, and he is comprehending the supreme meaning.

The way of Emperor Wushi is very special!

The Tao without beginning or end is mysterious and impermanent, and it is also an amazing Tao and fruit. Now that he has understood the Bell without End, he is equivalent to standing on the shoulders of giants.

Compared with ruthless people, he is getting younger and younger, and now he has reached this point, which is extremely extraordinary. He still needs some time to accumulate before he can finally make the leap and achieve immortality.

"It's time to leave!"

Immediately, after Xu Yu explained some things, he announced the retreat again.


The gate to the world appeared, and the light flowed. Xu Yu stepped over in one step and disappeared into the Zhetian Realm... (End of this chapter)

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