Chapter 435 The road to becoming a king

After more than half a year, Xu Yu finally found the right direction and could already see the dam on the other side of the boundary sea from a distance.

"Compared with Shi Hao's time and space, today's Boundary Sea is still much colder and quieter!"

Although Xu Yu also met many people in the Boundary Sea along the way, most of them were true immortals and quasi-immortal kings who were lost in the Boundary Sea.

There are still too few immortal king-level masters. Maybe it’s because the immortal kings are all trying to rush to the other side of the dark dam, but Xu Yu has returned to the primitive ancient world and missed each other!

Spirit world.

In a vast ancient world, there lives a group of ethnic groups known as the descendants of gods.

This clan has sacred blood flowing in their bodies. Like the Guardian clan, they are the descendants of the gods who came from the Immortal Realm to support the primitive ancient world.

The God Clan is one of the oldest ethnic groups in the Immortal Realm. With "God" as its surname, there has been more than one Immortal King who was extremely powerful.

Although the population of this tribe is not large, every one of them is a strong person. It can be said that there are countless talented people emerging one after another.

In addition, the clan's giant Immortal King, the God King, still exists in the world, so he is naturally extremely powerful.

The son of the God King, Shen Yu, is an Immortal King who is like the Ten Evils. During the darkness invasion in the last era, he led some members of the God Clan to rush to the aid of the primitive ancient world.

After repelling the darkness, they settled in the primitive ancient world, and the ancient world where Shen Yu led the people to live was called the God Realm.

The lineage of guardians with golden blood flowing in their bodies lives in the holy world not far from the divine world. It can be regarded as facing the guardians of the gods!

"Sure enough, the primitive ancient world that has not experienced the last battle is much vaster than the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!"

After coming to the God Realm, Xu Yu was extremely emotional about the primitive ancient world in its heyday.

Who would have thought that such a prosperous world would be shattered by a war in the near future!

For the original ancient world, Xu Yu is now a visitor from outside the world. The first time he entered the ancient world, World Tree noticed his arrival.

However, because he noticed the aura in him that was the same as the original ancient world, World Tree did not find any trouble.

Otherwise, World Tree will immediately warn several immortal kings in the ancient world.

Today's primitive ancient world is not the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths of later generations.

Not only are there many immortal kings sitting there, but there is also a world tree standing in the middle of the world.

"I didn't know that senior is here, but junior Yun Lan has met senior!"

Just when Xu Yu stepped into the divine realm, he happened to be discovered by the nearby quasi-immortal king Yunlan.

After Xu Yu heard Yun Lan's voice transmission, he also knew that the news about his coming to break the world had been discovered.

Xu Yu did not choose to refuse Yun Lan's invitation. After Chuanyin agreed, Xu Yu went to Yun Lan's residence.

Firstly, you can ask Yun Lan about the current situation in the primitive ancient world, and secondly, you can also find a place to stay.

You must know that the current primitive ancient world is not the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths of later generations, and there are no immortal masters in charge.

The famous mountains and rivers have long been occupied by immortal masters. In contrast, Yun Lan's proactive invitation can naturally avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

And the attitude of the kings of the primitive ancient world seems to make no difference to Xu Yu, a visitor from another world.

"Biyue, Haoyang, you two go out to meet a fellow Taoist!"

From a gorgeous palace, a cold voice came out, like the soft whisper of an oriole, soft and sweet.

It is conceivable that the owner of the voice must be a peerless beauty.

"Yes, my lord!"

After hearing the woman's voice, the two Taoist boys bowed respectfully to the main hall and left.

"What's going on? Hasn't the Lord been in seclusion for a long time? How come someone suddenly comes to the door!"

Haoyang, the male supreme among the Taoist boys, rushed to the palace gate with another female supreme after leaving the hall.

"I don't know either, but I guess it must be a senior expert who is familiar with the lady!"

Compared to Haoyang's doubts, Biyue is much more sensible.

"At the dusk of the era, I don't know where our world will go from here!"

After the two left, Yun Lan also looked melancholy.

Not long ago, many immortal masters in the primitive ancient world joined forces to deduce the secrets of heaven and discovered that in the future, the primitive ancient world will encounter a huge disaster.

Even the Immortal King is not optimistic about this disaster. Yun Lan still remembers that when the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Immortal King of Endlessness were deducing the secret of heaven, they also suffered the backlash of cause and effect.

You know, those are the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Immortal King of Endlessness, one of the most powerful people in the primitive ancient world.

Moreover, I don’t know when the war situation in the primitive ancient world in the borderlands was gradually suppressed by foreign lands.

Especially the creatures under the immortal path are often at a disadvantage in combat when facing strong men from foreign lands.

This is not a good phenomenon for people in the primitive ancient world. You must know that the people who came first in the primitive ancient world lag behind in foreign lands.

If no one among the younger generation can break through the field, then in future wars, patients will cause a further imbalance in the combat power of the two worlds.


While Yun Lan was still thinking, a golden light quickly penetrated from the sky to the gate of the Taoist tradition where she was.

Yunlan Mountain!

Xu Yu looked at the stone tablet erected in front of the mountain gate with a strange look on his face.

This reminded him of a certain second-rate protagonist who said, "Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty."

"See senior!"

While Xu Yu was still lost in thought, Biyue and Haoyang had already arrived in front of him and saluted him.

"No need to be polite!"

When the two of them could still use their hands to bow, Xu Yu stopped them.

The primitive ancient world is not as hierarchical as the foreign world. After Xu Yu stopped the gift between the two, Biyue said to Xu Yu.

"Miss, we have been waiting for you for a long time, and we ask senior to follow us into the palace!"

After saying that, Biyue immediately started to lead the way.

As the palace door opened, Xu Yu also saw the owner of the room.

"Junior Yun Lan, I have met my senior!"

When Xu Yu stepped into the king's realm, his cultivation was unfathomable, like a vast abyss. If it weren't for other kings, he would definitely not be able to explore his realm.

It was also because Yun Lan had reached the realm of the quasi-immortal king, and because the supreme aura exuding from Xu Yu was similar to what she had seen in the past few days, she was sure that Xu Yu was a master who had set foot in the king realm. . Xu Yu could tell at a glance that the beauty in front of her was far along in the realm of true immortals, and was even about to reach the realm of kings.

But this last step has stumped many talented people.

In the primitive ancient world, there are not a few true immortals. Even the quasi-immortal kings have more than two hands. But in the realm of immortal kings, you have very few people.

"I've met fellow Taoist!" Xu Yu also returned the gift to the Quasi-Immortal King Yunlan.


Yun Lan immediately turned sideways with one hand and invited Xu Yu.

"Fellow Taoist has come from across the realm. Could it be that he is a sage from our realm!"

After the two parties sat down, Yun Lan said straight to the point.

"Strictly speaking, I am not a member of this world, but this world is inseparable from the ancient world where I live!"

Today's primitive ancient world will not have any impact on him like the chaotic ancient times.

Now that the laws of the primitive ancient world are complete, it is natural to find out his information.

"Fellow Taoist, are you from the Immortal Realm?"

After hearing Xu Yu's answer, Yun Lan continued.

"That's not true. The ancient world where I live has long since withered away and cannot be compared with the world like the Immortal Realm!"

For Xu Yu, the primitive ancient world is just a stop in his journey of time and space.

"Other ancient worlds?"

At this moment, Yun Lan was like a curious baby. After learning the news about other worlds from Xu Yu, her eyes glowed with strange light, as if she wanted to see through Xu Yu.

"With your level, you should naturally know that besides foreign lands and the primitive ancient world, there are other great worlds!"

Today, among the heavens, the four most prosperous realms are the Immortal Realm, the Foreign Realm, the Burial Land, and the Primitive Ancient Realm.

Among them, the Immortal Realm is the strongest, followed by the Foreign Realm, and the Burial Realm has many masters accumulated over countless eras.

Needless to say, the primitive ancient world had a glorious past, but now it is beginning to show signs of decline, so among the four strike worlds, its rankings fluctuate high and low.

As for other ancient worlds, immortal masters like Yun Lan have naturally heard of them, but they have never explored them.

"Have fellow Taoists set foot in the King's Realm?" Although he had doubts, Xu Yu did not reveal his identity.

In Yun Lan's exploration, Xu Yu was not one of those old monsters, but rather young, exuding a vigorous spirit.

This is undoubtedly something only young monks can possess, so Yun Lan is very curious about Xu Yu's true identity.

You must know that she has been in the realm of quasi-immortal king for a long time. If there is no special situation, the possibility of her breaking through to the immortal king in this life is almost very small.

Didn't Yun Lan ask several kings in the primitive ancient world for advice on how to break through the king's path?

But the final answer is that if you want to break through the king's path and become the Immortal King, you can only rely on yourself.

That's why Yun Lan has been in seclusion for many years, hoping to find the way to become a king, but unfortunately, maybe there is some destiny.

Yun Lan has been in retreat many times and still sees the throne in front of her, but cannot step into it. This is a very regrettable thing for a quasi-immortal king like her.

Now that he learned from Xu Yu that Xu Yu was a monk from other ancient worlds, and that he had reached the Lin King Realm at a young age, he couldn't help but become curious.

Although Xu Yu did not reveal it deliberately, Yun Lan still noticed from him that the cultivation system was completely different from today's primitive ancient world, and then he saw another possibility from Xu Yu.

Compared with the new method of cultivation in the original ancient world, Yun Lan is still very optimistic about Xu Yu's cultivation system.

You must know that many geniuses have tried the idea of ​​using one's body to breed seeds proposed in the primitive ancient world, and without exception, it has been proved that using one's body to breed seeds is currently a dead end.

That's why Yun Lan set her sights on Xu Yu. After all, Xu Yu's system is already very mature. Otherwise, he would not be able to support his cultivation to the realm of the Immortal King.

"It's true. There is a huge difference between the practice method in our world and the method of practice in this world!"

Hearing Yun Lan's words, Xu Yu didn't know that his idea was just to use the practice system he controlled to help her break through her current state and become an immortal king.

But the Dharma should not be taught lightly, and Xu Yu’s practice method does not belong to this era.

Strictly speaking, the secret realm system that Xu Yu is currently practicing was developed by Emperor Huangtian in the chaotic ancient era an era later.

If Xu Yu stepped in at this time and passed on the secret cultivation system to the monks in the primitive ancient world in advance, it would inevitably trigger a riot in the long river of time.

You know, in the entire perfect world, the biggest cause and effect is the Emperor of Desolate Heaven, Shi Hao himself.

Because his importance is indispensable in the entire ancient history, and at the same time, Shi Hao also relied on this secret realm cultivation system to reach the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

"Fellow Taoist, my method of cultivation is probably not suitable for you!"

"Strictly speaking, the practice method I borrowed has many similarities with the current practice of body cultivation. The great road of this world currently does not allow such a practice system to appear."

"Because there are countless words in this world, the imprints of one Immortal King after another are condensed in the sky above this world. They do not agree with the cultivation system. If you want to practice, the new cultivation system must break through this avenue. blockade."

As early as when I was watching A Perfect World, I had always had a question. Since the 10th is here, and he can speak in various time and space through the ages, why doesn't he pass on the practice system he created to those who passed it on to the Immortal Era?

Later, Xu Yu learned that each method of cultivation has great significance when it is practiced.

The people who have developed the cultivation system in the past are not the most outstanding in an era. In other words, the people who have developed the cultivation system are all children of luck.

You can have concepts, but you can't lead to the early emergence of a practice method that you didn't originally create.

Just like in today's primitive ancient world, there are only a few people who propose and try to "use the body to breed".

From the ancestor of the Immortal King, who has the fighting power, to the younger generation of unparalleled geniuses, they have all explored the new cultivation method of "using one's body to breed".

These people are no less than Shi Hao in terms of origin and strength, but due to various reasons, they are still unable to appear in this world in advance.

Seeing the disappointment on Yun Lan's face, Xu Yu then said to her: "But fellow Taoist, I can provide another way of thinking!"

The Immortal King, in addition to needing an invincible Taoist heart, also needs to cultivate each of his foundations to perfection in order to make a breakthrough.

As Yun Lan is now a quasi-immortal king, it is naturally impossible to go back and rebuild, so Xu Yu thought of the immortal king Cang Li who was fighting fiercely with him in the boundary sea.

Using the monk origin of a higher realm to help him transform, only in this way can a quasi-immortal king like Yun Lan be able to break through the king realm.

After providing Yun Lan with some ideas, Xu Yu stayed on Yun Lan Mountain for the next period of time to preach to him.

At the same time, Xu Yu also learned about the current situation in the primitive ancient world through Yun Lan.

(End of this chapter)

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