Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 436 The Ultimate Realm of Immortality

Chapter 436 The Ultimate Realm of Immortality

This world, known as the Nine Great Ten Lands in later generations, is now in a prosperous period, with endless masters, and its strength is far less shabby than in later generations.

There are several immortal king-level masters, including the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Infinity, the Immortal Monk King, the Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit, one or two of the Nine Gods, the second best in the world, and the Immortal Gold Taoist.

Of course, the Ten Fierce are indispensable. Although some of them have not yet become Immortal Kings, they already have the fighting power of Immortal Kings.

Counting the reinforcements from the Immortal Realm, there can be about twenty Immortal King-level masters in this era of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

This can be regarded as an extremely powerful force. Even if it is shown on the surface in fairyland and foreign lands, the number of active kings may only be this number.

Of course, in fact, the number of immortal kings in these two realms is extremely terrifying. Whether it is the immortal realm or the foreign realm, they have the power to crush the nine heavens and ten earths.

Otherwise, Immortal Gu wouldn’t have fought so badly in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

It should be noted that in the battle in the last years of Immortal Ancient, the foreign land had not even used all its power, and no master like the owner of the Immortal Pot had taken action.

Since the Emperor's Fall Era, in the long years, the number of Immortal Kings born in these heavens is only a few hundred.

Most of them come from fairyland and foreign lands, and the strength of these two realms is much stronger than what appears on the surface.

The reason why the number of Immortal Kings in the heavens seems to be very small nowadays is because most of them have entered the Realm Sea.

The same goes for Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. In the endless era before Immortal Ancient, many king-level masters who were born went to the Boundary Sea.

Some of them are pursuing the illusory realm of the emperor, while others are ambitious and want to quell the dark turmoil.

The line of footprints on the embankment will always inspire the strong men in the world, allowing them to risk their lives to pursue a higher realm.

Today, there are nearly twenty king-level masters in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, but the real number is not that many.

Because some powerful people chose to enter the boundary sea, they never appeared in the battle at the end of Immortal Ancient.

For example, Zu Cha Ling, the number one combat force in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, was absent during the last years of the Immortal Ancient Period. He entered the Boundary Sea and could not return in time.

Of course, maybe even if she was in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, she would not be able to reverse the overall situation, because the number one master in the foreign land did not take action in the last years of Immortal Ancient.

Sitting cross-legged in Yun Lan's Immortal Mansion, Xu Yu listened carefully to Yun Lan's description of the current situation in this world.

"When the final battle comes, there may be more Immortal King-level experts on our side than quasi-Immortal Kings!"

Speaking of this, Yun Lan couldn't help but reveal a bitter smile on her face, because this sounded like a very unbelievable thing.

There have always been far more quasi-immortal kings than quasi-immortal kings. How could there be more immortal kings than quasi-immortal kings? But that might actually happen in the battle at the end of this era.

There are really not many quasi-immortal kings in this world at present, including a few of the Nine Heavenly Lords, the Seven Border Kings, several rulers of the Ten Lands, and a few reclusive strong men like Yun Lan.

"Are the seven borderland kings the ones guarding the Imperial Pass?" Xu Yu asked.

"Yes, they carry ancient glory. Endless years ago, their ancestors were crowned kings because of their glorious achievements. Now the seven of them have inherited this glory!"

"There were more than a dozen original royal clans, but they gradually withered away over the long years. Today, there are only seven clans left!" Yun Lan sighed, feeling quite regretful.

The royal clan established their clan in the Imperial Pass and have always stood at the forefront of the war with foreign lands. Only seven of the dozen powerful clans are left now. It can be seen that in the past epochs, the battles with foreign lands in the nine heavens and ten places have been How tragic.

It can make the Immortal King's family disappear completely. The intensity of this kind of battle is unimaginable to ordinary people.

Speaking of this, Yun Lan felt a trace of regret in her heart.

Because the group of kings represents the glory of this world, and only the ethnic groups born and raised in this world can be kings.

For example, even if the Ten Fierce Clan has always produced many strong men, it is difficult for them to be crowned kings because most of them are not from Jiutian's native ethnic group.

The kings represent the splendor and glory of this world. In that ancient era, strong men and kings were worshiped by all races. When they were alive, this world was at its most glorious.

But now, for countless epochs, there has never been a king-proclaimed king in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

And some of the original royal groups have not been able to give birth to a true immortal who can inherit the name of their ancestors for a long time.

Therefore, they gradually disappeared into history, and it is now difficult to see their bloodline.

"Some people say that this represents a trend. The decline of the royal clan also reflects the decline of our world!" Yun Lan sighed.

"Endless, Six Paths of Reincarnation, aren't they the immortal kings born and raised in this world?"

"They are, but if they want to be crowned kings at the Imperial Pass, they have to wait until they survive the war at the end of this era!" Yun Lan said.

No one can be crowned king in the Imperial Pass without great achievements. Wu Ending, Six Paths of Reincarnation and others can only be crowned kings in the Imperial Pass in the next era only if they make great achievements in the war at the end of this era.

Yun Lan explained to Xu Yu in detail the principle of the emperor's seal.

Being crowned a king is determined by this world, not by whoever wants to be crowned a king.

This is a ceremony presided over by the will of the world. The strong ones who can enjoy this glory will always be protected by this world.

Therefore, just having great strength is not enough to be crowned king. You also need to be a native of this world and have made great contributions to this world.

It is precisely for this reason that the decline of the King's group is considered to be a symptom of the decline of this world, because the protection of the world's will for the King's group is not as strong as before.

Xu Yu sighed and asked, "How long is it until the end of this era?"

"According to calculations, it's less than 30,000 years old!" Yun Lan also sighed.

When she mentioned the number thirty thousand years, she felt anxious and urgent in her heart.

Thirty thousand years is a long time, but it is also very short. For someone like her, it is too short.

This time is not enough for her to advance her cultivation to a higher level, and if she cannot go further, she is likely to die in this catastrophe.

"The ancient Immortal King predicts that there will be an unprecedented great reckoning in the next era!"

"In order to cope with this great liquidation, foreign lands are anxious and want to break into our world and take something away. Therefore, the war in this era will be unprecedented!"

Yun Lan said that in this war, the foreign lands may be mobilized in full force, and the battle will be unprecedentedly fierce.

"Perhaps I will also perish in this catastrophe!" Yun Lan said with a bit of loneliness in her expression.

In recent years, she has had a premonition that she would not be able to survive this war and would perish.

"No, even if you die, there is reincarnation in this world, and you will eventually reappear!" Xu Yu comforted.

"Who can say clearly about reincarnation? Even the Immortal King is not sure whether reincarnation really exists!" Yun Lan sighed quietly.

"If there is no reincarnation, then create one, and I will save you in the reincarnation in the future!" Xu Yu said categorically.

After hearing what he said, the sadness in Yun Lan's expression faded a bit, and she stared at Xu Yu for a moment, and she smiled.

During the time spent with Xu Yu, Yun Lan seemed to have let go of her obsession with the realm of the Immortal King.

But Xu Yu knew that the other party had never given up his pursuit of the Immortal King level, but he had never found the way to become a king.

"Fellow Taoist, do you still remember the method of holy sacrifice!"

Back to the topic, since Xu Yu promised Yun Lan, he must also fulfill his promise and provide him with a way to break through the Immortal King.

Practitioners in the Holy Sacrifice Realm need to master more powerful power through the power of Holy Sacrifice.

That is, sacrificing external power to help improve one's strength is equivalent to a method of compensation. For example, the nine transformations of the Soaring Snake in the world of Zhetian and the True Phoenix Treasure in this world will gain more powerful power after Nirvana.

The essence of this process is the transformation of living beings.

Quasi-immortal kings like Yun Lan did not cultivate their foundation to the extreme when they were young, so they are now facing many difficulties when preparing to break through to the immortal king, and they need to spend a lot of time to accumulate foundation.

If there is no special method that can help him overtake in corners, then the probability of him becoming the Immortal King in this life is very small.

In addition, in the near future, there will be an ultimate showdown between the primitive ancient world and the foreign world.

The impact of this war on the primitive ancient world was devastating. Not only would it cause the death of all the immortals in the primitive ancient world, but even annoying people would be persecuted to an extermination level.

"Fellow Taoist, I believe you should also know that the reason why you cannot break through the Immortal King is because you did not solidify your own foundation in your early practice, which resulted in your own Dao being deficient, so you cannot go further!"

"If you want to change this status quo, rise to the top, and become the Immortal King, you must go through your past practice again, but doing so will be very detrimental to your practice."

Xu Yu told Yunlan her current problems simply and clearly. He knew that it would be very difficult for Yunnan to make any decision at this juncture.

On the one hand, it is the realm of the Immortal King that he is pursuing, and on the other hand, the war between the primitive ancient world and the foreign realm is about to begin.

If she rebuilds at this time, she may not be able to rise before the final battle.

"Besides these two methods, are there any other options?"

As expected, Yun Lan hesitated in the end when faced with the two methods proposed by Xu Yu.

If you reincarnate and practice hard again, you may be able to find your own path to the Immortal King.

But the current situation facing the primitive ancient world does not allow him to make such a choice.

As a quasi-immortal king, Yun Lan also has an important fighting force in the primitive ancient world. It is impossible to practice hard all the time. She still needs to go to the frontier to guard.

They are the most primitive creatures in the ancient world. When the primitive ancient world faces danger, they must go to the borderlands to guard.

And on the other hand, if he wants to carry out his own transformation, according to Xu Yu, what he needs is at least the origin of a powerful person at the level of the Immortal King to help her transform.

This is undoubtedly a very difficult thing for him. Although he can survive one or two moves at the hands of the former king, facing a strong man in the realm of the Immortal King, he will only end up being ruthlessly beaten by the Immortal King. Kill.

He can seize the origin of the Immortal King. This method is also very difficult for him. Unless there is an Immortal King who is willing to help him kill another Immortal King and seize the origin of the Immortal King regardless of cause and effect.

After hearing Xu Yu's words, Yunnan left with full of sorrow. Xu Yu also knows that Yunnan is very entangled now.

But it was also from this day that Yun Lan began to practice hard.

Especially under the guidance of an immortal king, Yun Lan's foundation was constantly being consolidated.

Although he did not reach the ultimate breakthrough, he could still be regarded as the Immortal King in the shortest possible time.

The conversation between the two gradually faded away, and soon after, Yun Lan stood up and walked towards the direction of her palace.

This was just an ordinary day that the two of them got along over the years. Many times they would talk about the past and present of heaven and earth, or discuss the practice of Taoism.

Time gradually passed in such days. It didn't take too long for Xu Yu to break into Yun Lan's life suddenly and completely integrate into it.

Now, neither Yun Lan nor his Taoist would feel the slight discomfort they felt at the beginning when they saw him.

In their feelings, Xu Yu became an indispensable part of this place, as if he had been spending time here for nearly a million years.

He is obviously an outsider who has only been here a few years, but he is extremely harmonious with the atmosphere here.

Even Biyue now gradually feels that Xu Yu seems to be the male host here, let alone Yun Lan.

She had a different attitude towards Xu Yu from the beginning, and as time passed, her heart also changed subtly under Xu Yu's long-term company.

Yun Lan relies more and more on Xu Yu's existence. If Xu Yu suddenly disappears now, she will definitely feel a strong sense of loss.

Sometimes, she even felt that she could no longer accept Xu Yu leaving here. Once Xu Yu left, she would be at a loss.

A change occurred in her heart that even she found incredible, and she became extremely eager to get close to Xu Yu.

Many times, she would take the initiative to chat with Xu Yu like this day.

Even if there is no topic, she must create one. What she pursues is not only to gain some insights by talking to Xu Yu, an Immortal King, but also to find out how to become an Immortal King from Xu Yu's practice. Methods.

Moreover, she enjoyed the time she spent with this man. Sitting next to him, Yun Lan felt an unusual sense of warmth and security.

She is very attached to this feeling, and sometimes this attachment makes her feel incredible.

When she first had this impulse in her heart, Yun Lan was frightened. Her first reaction was to escape, and tried to avoid contact with Xu Yu through seclusion and other methods.

However, later on, her protagonist couldn't contain this emotion and wanted to get closer to Xu Yu more and more.

As a result, her escape gradually became ineffective, as if she had been poisoned. She knew that approaching the other person would make her fall into an emotion, but she still couldn't help but want to get closer.

There is no use in escaping, and Yunlan's character dictates that she will not be someone who can only escape.

Therefore, later on, she gradually accepted the emotion in her heart, began to no longer suppress herself, and took the initiative to approach Xu Yu.

As a result, the two people's lives slowly passed in this fairy mansion, and many things quietly changed that were difficult for people to perceive.

The pinnacle of immortality is one who is stronger than the mortal immortal, but has not yet reached the realm of the Immortal King.

As the name suggests, this is the pinnacle of true immortals. Standing in this realm, you can have the strength to compete with the immortal king.

From the perspective of combat power, Immortal's Extreme Peak is at a similar level to those of the Ten Evils who have not yet become Immortal Kings. Another six thousand thousand years later, Yun Lan set foot in the realm of immortality.

Tens of thousands of years later, Yun Lan survived the tribulation of the Immortal King's physical body, and tempered his soul during the tribulation. This vast catastrophe affected all the monks in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. No one could ignore this terrible catastrophe.

Powerful spiritual thoughts exchanged rapidly, and many powerful beings focused their attention here.

"Who is going through the Immortal King Tribulation?"

"When did our world have such a powerful junior again?"

"Great, the war is coming, and our combat power has increased again!"

"Old Jinwu, you have been on duty in the sky, have you ever seen clearly the details of the person who has overcome the Immortal King's Tribulation?" Someone sent a message and asked about the scorching sun in the sky.

The sun in this world is formed by a true immortal-level Golden Crow. In addition to performing the task of reincarnation of the sun and the moon, he is also responsible for monitoring the nine heavens and ten places to prevent foreign enemies from sneaking in.

"I don't know, he seems to have come out from the direction where Yun Lanxian lives in seclusion!"

"Could it be Immortal Yunlan!"

"Our world is so big, it is understandable that there are some unknown strong men who live in seclusion!"

As one of the few female immortal quasi-immortal kings in the primitive ancient world, naturally some people know Yun Lan.


(End of this chapter)

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