Chapter 438 The war begins

There were not a few Supremes in the Immortal Ancient Period, far from the shabby twenty or thirty people in later generations.

Anyone who sees such a powerful fighting force will tremble, but when placed in front of a foreign land, it is still not enough.

It seems that the only thing the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths can rely on is the right location, and they can rely on the suppressive power of the world to compete with each other. Time passed quickly after the World Tree Xiang gathered together. Xu Yu went to the Immortal Realm and met some Immortal Kings who were close to Jiutian.

He stayed in the Immortal Realm for a period of time, met and discussed the Tao with several Immortal Kings.

Then, he went to the Boundary Sea again. This time he did not stop at the dam like in the previous life. He entered the Boundary Sea, walked for a while, and saw many strange and bizarre sights.

After that, Xu Yu returned to the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, visited many immortal kings, and discussed the Tao with them.

He gained a lot. During this period of time, the flaws in his soul gradually disappeared, and the Immortal King's Daoguo became more and more perfect.

"Alas, I still lack time after all. If I can have about a hundred thousand years, I can go one step further and push my strength to the point where I can compete with the Red King and others!"

Xu Yu was sighing, with some regrets. His years of cultivating Taoism were too short. Even if several worlds were added together, it would not exceed half a million years. In such a short period of time, it was too difficult to break through to the level of a giant Immortal King. Difficult.

Although his strength is now infinitely close to that of the Immortal King giant, there are still some gaps compared with the real Immortal King, making it impossible for him to overlook others in the Immortal King realm.

"Let alone a giant, I'm afraid even a few top immortal kings can suppress me together, and the supreme giant can even kill me!" Xu Yu evaluated his own combat power in his mind.

In the process of discussing Taoism with several immortal kings in the Immortal Realm and Jiutian, he probably got an understanding of his own combat power.

Stronger than the ultimate Immortal King, his combat power can compete with giants, but in the end it is not as good as it is. Such combat power can only protect himself in the future and cannot change the situation of the war.

As for Yun Lan, although he has the strength of the Immortal King level, he still has shortcomings compared with the real Immortal King. He may be able to compete with the ordinary Immortal King, but there is still a huge gap between the top Immortal King and even the giants.

"The general trend of history is hard to change. Perhaps some kind of cause and effect is restricting me, limiting the influence I can exert!" Xu Yu said to himself.

Time passed quickly, and another ten thousand years passed in the blink of an eye. There was not much time left for the war as originally estimated.

Over the past few years, the atmosphere in all parts of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands has become dramatically tense, and all races are taking action.

All the way, armies were driven to the borderlands and onto various roads. At the same time, the number of foreign armies in the borderlands was also increasing.

Immortals and quasi-immortal kings appeared one after another, and the number had reached fifty or sixty.

Even the Immortal King has appeared. In the past ten thousand years, many Immortal King-level masters from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have sat in the wilderness one after another.

Even Xu Yu went there once and had a brief battle with the Immortal King opposite.

The war is coming, and there is an iron-blooded atmosphere everywhere.

This era will eventually come to an end, and history will turn a colorful page.

A life-and-death struggle begins between the two camps.

The war was triggered suddenly. On a certain day, the Immortal King from a foreign land suddenly dispatched on a large scale.

Dozens of immortal kings came across the border at the same time. Some appeared in Bianhuangdi Pass, some appeared in Dachitian, and some appeared in Yuyutian...

They did not attack from one direction, but broke through from multiple passages, taking the places where the connection between Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and foreign lands was relatively weak.

This huge war has finally begun. The Immortal King-level war is about to come. Everyone is confused about what the future will be like.

On the World Tree, the top combat forces of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have gathered here, and everyone's expressions are solemn.

With the help of the World Tree, everyone can feel which places are being attacked by the Immortal King of the foreign land.

"Along the Jiutian and the three thousand Daozhou, there are ten attack directions in total. We will deal with them separately!" Wu Zhongxian King said.

"When will the reinforcements from the Immortal Realm arrive?"

"The Immortal Realm won't come in a short time. Everything depends on me!"

"There is no need to rely on the Immortal Realm, I will fight for a bright future by myself!"

"Follow me, be careful!" Xu Yu ordered Yun Lan beside him.

In such a battle, even he might not be able to survive, let alone protect Yun Lan.

Although he knew that she would be reincarnated in the future, Xu Yu still felt a little pain in her heart when she thought that she would probably die in this life.

"Report, there is a huge black blood rushing from the direction of the Taichu Ancient Mine!" Suddenly, a voice came quickly from under the World Tree.

"Report, there is a dark ancient palace appearing in the direction of Emperor Pass, and countless dark armies are pouring out of it!"


Several bad news came in succession, and the faces of all the powerful men in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths suddenly became ugly.

Black trouble has appeared!

This is what everyone is most worried about. If it is just an army from a foreign land, then the strong men of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will still have some confidence to resist.

However, now not only the foreign side has dispatched an army, but the most mysterious darkness has also appeared.

"No wonder these people in the Immortal Realm don't come down. It turns out they are afraid of the black disaster!" An Immortal King from Jiutian side angrily yelled.

"I'm afraid the Immortal Realm won't send out an army until the black disaster subsides. We can only rely on ourselves for everything!" The Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation sighed.

"Currently, the six immortal kings including Pu Demon King, Wu Shang, and Luo Mo are attacking the border of Da Chi Tian. Brother Wu Zhong and I are going to meet the enemy!" said the Immortal King of Six Paths of Samsara.

"Chi Wang, An Lan, Yu Tuo and more than ten people are attacking Sanqianzhou Imperial Pass. Please invite Taoist Brother Qiankun, Taoist Brother Yuyu, Taoist Brother Tianjiao... to go and meet the enemy!"


Several immortal kings headed by Jiutian quickly made arrangements, and the two immortal kings Wu Ending and Liudao Samsara went to meet the enemies at Dachitian Border Pass.

Although the number of enemies attacking there was not as high as that of the Three Thousand State Borderlands, it was the most important battlefield there.

Because the two giants from the foreign land, Wushang and Pu Demon King, both appeared in that direction.

There are many enemies in Sanqianzhou, but Jiutian's side can only send seven people: Immortal King Qiankun, Immortal King Yuyu, Number Two in the World, Immortal Gold Taoist, Sky Horned Ant, Kunpeng, and Thunder Emperor to face the enemy.

They faced not only a dozen immortal kings from a foreign land, but also an army coming out of the dark ancient palace.

The number of enemies each faced was more than three, and it was almost a certain death situation, but no one backed down.

The rest of the True Dragons, Da Shen Shi and others were also assigned the task of facing the enemy.

Xu Yu and Dugu Jian were assigned to go to the Taichu Ancient Mine to meet the dark army there. It can be said that this is probably a fatal mission.

"Report, Lord Nine-leaf Sword Grass was besieged by four immortal kings in Qingwei Tian!"

Another piece of news came to everyone. After hearing the news, everyone fell silent.

It was impossible for anyone to help the Nine-leaf Sword Grass. This mysterious master of the Ten Evils could only resign himself to his fate.

"Everyone, let's go. I hope we can meet again after this battle!" Wuji sighed. When the war breaks out, the fate of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths has been decided, and no one can change it.

At this time, even one or two more giants will not help, and will not change the overall situation at all.

Xu Yu took Yun Lan, Dugu Jian, a master of the Guardian lineage, and Youque Immortal King Shenyu of the God Clan to the Taichu Ancient Mine.

The strength of their group is very weak. Except for Xu Yu, who is the real Immortal King, the guardian lineage Dugujian, Yunlan and Shenyu, all three of them have the ability of the Immortal King. Combat strength.

There are four Immortal Kings in total, and the lineup seems to be relatively strong, but in fact, compared with those dark creatures, the top combat power is still unbalanced.

There are still two guardians and several quasi-immortal kings and true immortals from the gods. Apart from that, there is no one left.

Basically, the rest of the armies also have this kind of lineup. It seems that there are quite a lot of masters from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, but at this time, one division of the army seems to be extremely weak.

Outside the Taichu Ancient Mine, a group of people arrived here. At this moment, this restricted area that was usually unmanned was already filled with black blood.

This is a forbidden area of ​​life that exists forever in the nine heavens, but on this day, there is silence in the forbidden area, only black blood is filling the air.

"It seems that the Taichu Ancient Mine clan no longer exists!" Dugu Jian sighed.

Being able to silently destroy a clan of Immortal Kings shows just how powerful the enemy behind this black blood is.

"We need to find the source of this black blood and solve it, otherwise the whole nine heavens and ten places will be contaminated by it!" Xu Yu felt as if a big stone was weighing on his heart.

Black blood filled the sky, constantly rushing outwards, trying to submerge the entire infinite sky.

This is an extremely evil power, but no normal person would want to get even the slightest bit involved with it.

Once infected by black blood, it will lose itself, its soul will be polluted, and a new creature will be born from the body.

It is said that many immortal kings in foreign lands came from this way, born from black blood, and their nature is extremely evil and strange.

Dugu Jian stretched out his hand and threw out a few large flags, throwing them at the periphery of the Taichu Ancient Mine. He used the supreme magic circle to temporarily suppress the black blood and prevent it from spreading outside.

"Let's go, I can already feel a lot of powerful aura inside. This may be our last battle!" He said calmly, striding forward.

The other two true immortals of the Guardian lineage also moved forward without hesitation. They did not belong to this world, but now they died calmly for this world.

Not to be outdone, Shenyu led his tribe into the Taichu Ancient Mine.

Although they are not from this world, they have not forgotten their mission, and they have not left the primitive ancient world untouched like those strong men in the restricted area of ​​life.

Xu Yu turned to look at Yun Lan, feeling that there were thousands of words she wanted to tell in her heart.

He really wanted to send Yun Lan away from here so that she could avoid this battle. This was selfish.

Seeing the surging light in his eyes, Yun Lan understood what he was thinking. She stretched out her fingers and put them against Xu Yu's lips, stopping what he wanted to say.

"In this battle, I have no reason to retreat, and I don't want to retreat. Let us face the darkness ahead together!"

There seemed to be a lot of tenderness in her eyes, and her lips moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something.

But in the end, she still didn't say it!

"Okay, let's face the darkness together. Remember what I once said, even if you die, I will find you out of reincarnation!"

Hearing Xu Yu's words, Yun Lan smiled on her face.

The two of them turned around and walked towards the Taichu Ancient Mine, stepping into the long black blood and feeling the powerful power in front of them.

Deep in the Taichu Ancient Mine, there is a door connected to a passage, which leads to the depths of the Boundary Sea.

This is a path left by a certain master in the Boundary Sea to guide him, hoping that he can use this road to return from the Boundary Sea in the future.

But now, this road has been occupied by the dark side, and a dark ancient palace appears behind the door.

Jie Yin Ancient Palace!

It can be said that this is one of the most terrifying things in the world. Even the Immortal King may die because of it.

The black blood emerged from that ancient palace, and accompanying the black blood were powerful dark creatures one after another.

Some of them are strong and some are weak, and the weak ones are nothing more than monks who have escaped to the first realm. The strong one is the Fallen Immortal King.

The appearance of such a large army here is enough to cause a serious impact on the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

At this moment, Dugu Jian and the two true immortals from his clan had already fought against the dark army ahead. They killed many dark creatures, but they were immediately targeted by the masters in the darkness.

"Darkness is the destination of all spirits, and the Immortal King is no exception!" A black wolf jumped out of the ancient palace and roared.

This is a fallen fairy king. It meets Dugu Jian, and the two fight together.

Immediately afterwards, a Nine-Headed Crow and a Dark Demonic Dragon also jumped out and besieged Dugu Jian.

"Take care of yourself!"

Xu Yu's thousands of words finally turned into these two words. He felt a pain in his heart, then turned around and rushed towards Dugu Jian.

“Take care of yourself too!

Behind her, Yun Lan whispered, knowing that this was probably the last time the two of them would see each other, she turned around to face the dark army and her enemy.

There were more than three fallen immortal kings in the ancient palace. In an instant, three more creatures jumped out, all of them were various terrifying ancient beasts.

"As a true dragon, why did you fall to the dark side? The Gods looked at the dark dragon with wide eyes and shouted angrily.

This is a real dragon from an unknown number of epochs ago. It should be a sage who stepped into the Realm Sea. Perhaps he still harbored the ideal of quelling the black disaster in his heart, but in the end he fell into darkness.

"Darkness is the eternal destination, what do you know?" the dark dragon said indifferently.

"There is no need to be angry, you will be one of us soon, and today I am here to welcome you!" Another humanoid creature came out of the dark ancient palace and said.

It can be seen that he should be a human race, wearing purple clothes, and an occasional purple light flashes in his eyes.

"It's you?"

The moment he saw him, Dugu Jian's expression turned cold.

"When you fell into darkness, it was rumored that the Immortal King of the Tyrant Bloodline killed you. I didn't expect you to still be alive!" He said coldly.

"Hey, how can that old guy be my opponent? Everything is just their whitewash!" said the fallen king.

He was actually an Immortal King from the Cangtian Hegemony lineage. Xu Yu had heard about an Immortal King from the Cangtian Hegemony lineage who had fallen into darkness in his previous life, but he didn't expect to see it now.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Kill them!" An ancient beast said coldly, approaching step by step.

Seven fallen kings surrounded Xu Yu, Dugu Jian and the others!

(End of this chapter)

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