Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 439 The Immortal King’s Bloodshed

The war started, and Xu Yu's side was at an absolute disadvantage.

Opposite are seven fallen immortal kings, and Yun Lan and Dugu Jian are both imperfect immortal kings. How can they defeat so many powerful enemies?


With a roar, Dugu Jian fought with the fallen immortal king of the Cang Tian Ba ​​blood line until he went crazy, and countless dense wounds appeared on his body.

Because, more than one person took action against him, and there were two kings besieging him.

Shen Yu and Yun Lan were also blocked by the Fallen Immortal King. Although both of them had Immortal King-level combat power, there were also many dark creatures in this field. In addition, the two Fallen Immortal Kings led the team. Surrounding them and killing them made the situation of the two of them extremely bad.

Xu Yu is also trying his best to take action. The situation he faces is even more difficult. There are four dark kings besieging him, and the dark dragon headed by him is particularly troublesome.


A ball of blood bloomed like fireworks, and a tribesman brought by Dugu Jian, one of the two true immortals, was blown up.

Opposite him there were at least five immortals besieging him. Facing so many powerful enemies, he could not hold out for too long.


With one palm fall, Yun Lan shocked a fallen fairy king to death. This blow was considered her perfect blow, but it consumed a lot of her divine power. It can be seen that after she performed such an attack, her own state was also affected. Not comfortable.

If there wasn't a god who was about to become the Immortal King protecting her, she might have been swarmed by other dark creatures.

However, even this could not change the numerical difference between the enemy and ourselves. Although Shen Yu briefly repelled the fallen immortal king who attacked Yun Lan.

But he himself was targeted by other dark creatures. As the son of the God King, his strength was naturally extraordinary.

However, in such a melee, the more powerful a person is, the easier it is to be targeted by dark creatures.

Two more fallen immortal kings walked out from the depths of the Taichu ancient mine. They joined the battle and surrounded Yun Lan and Shen Yu together.

"Keng! Keng! Keng!"

Sharp weapons roared in waves as Xu Yu fought with the four kings, and soon wounds appeared one after another on his body.

He roared angrily, his whole body glowing, bursting out with powerful fighting power, and causing those kings to be constantly injured.

But there were four people on the other side, and their cooperation made Xu Yu's injuries particularly serious, especially one of the ancient beasts and the dark dragon. In childhood, the two people's realms were similar to Xu Yu's, and they were both only one step away from giants. exist.

Coupled with the other two fallen immortal kings who were at the top immortal king level, Xu Yu had no time to care about others.

If this continues, it is no surprise that Xu Yu will be killed.

The power in his roaring body burst out like a tide one after another, getting stronger each time.

At this juncture of the war, he was still considering a breakthrough. He wanted to take his Dao Fruit one step further, break through the last layer of obstacles, and push his power into a new world.

Only in this way can we restore the decline of this place, repel the darkness, and save the people we want to save.

"You still want to break through in front of us? How arrogant!"

The Dark Demonic Dragon understood Xu Yu's thoughts and gave a cold shout. At the same time, he cautiously called on the other three kings to attack Xu Yu desperately.


A pitch-black magic spear penetrated Xu Yu's shoulder blade, and then a heavenly sword slashed through, sending his lower body flying.

Blood light erupted all over his body, and he moved out to look at his body again, but then a fairy tower was coming, and the dark fairy light surged in, trying to suppress him.

The Immortal Golden Cauldron flew up and repeled the Dark Immortal Tower, but the magic spear and the Heavenly Sword swept over immediately.

Xu Yu used his strongest strength to block the two weapons, but in an instant, a black fist appeared in front of him.

This is the Dragon Fist. The true dragon magic has been brought to its extreme under the interpretation of this Immortal King. The Dragon Fist transcends time and space and cannot be evaded at all.

Xu Yu tried his best to tilt his head slightly to avoid the fate of being punched.

But even so, half of his head was immediately blown away, and this demonic dragon's attack was particularly sharp.

Xu Yu's place is full of dangers, but the situation on Dugujian's side is even worse. He was already seriously injured under the siege of the three Dark Immortal Kings.

The current situation can only be described as lingering. It seems that he can't hold on for much longer.


With a shrill roar, the last true immortal of the Guardian lineage was killed, and the golden blood was deeply infected by the power of darkness.

With a miserable laugh, Dugu Jian said with a helpless sigh: "I'm sorry, Brother Dao. I originally wanted to share more of the pressure with you, but now it seems I can't hold on anymore!"

He laughed twice, and suddenly roared, his whole body erupted with immeasurable bright light, and the vast golden light illuminated the entire universe.

Endless golden light burst out, and then condensed together into a point. That point contained infinite power.

Dugu Jian's arms tightly held the Immortal King of Cang Tian Ba ​​blood line, and terrifying power burst out from him.


There was an earth-shattering explosion, and the entire Jieyin Ancient Palace was filled with this golden light.

Dugujian burned himself, exhausted all his power, exploded, and took away the fallen quasi-immortal king.

An Immortal King-level expert fell, and the sky across the nine heavens and ten earths became extremely gloomy, with boundless blood raining and wine falling, and the heaven and earth wailed.

The sky cried and rained blood. Everyone who saw this scene understood what happened, and sighed with regret.

But then, the owners of these sighs stopped paying attention to this vision, because they themselves were facing the same difficult and dangerous situation, and it was hard to say whether they could survive.

"Brother Dugu!"

Xu Yu lamented and his eyes turned red. Such a fellow Taoist passed away and exploded alive in front of his eyes.

"Why be sad? Keep these emotions to yourself. Soon you will follow in his footsteps!" the dark dragon said coldly.

The other two fallen kings came around, and six people besieged Xu Yu.

Xu Yu looked back and saw that Yun Lan was already crumbling and she could not hold on any longer.

"I must break through!" Xu Yu roared in his heart, his will burning like boiling magma, and an unyielding fighting spirit echoed between heaven and earth, causing his strength to continuously rush upward.


His whole body burst out with extremely bright light for an instant, and a powerful force reverberated around him, as if he was about to enter the realm of a giant.

"Interrupt him!"

The dark dragon said coldly, and the six people took action at the same time to mercilessly interrupt the progress of Xu Yu's transformation.

They didn't want Xu Yu's combat power to reach a higher level, because the human Immortal King in front of them was already weird enough.

It was unbelievable that a supreme Immortal King could fight with them for such a long time, and he could not be allowed to continue.

If he breaks through again, what level will he reach?

I'm afraid it's comparable to those supreme beings in those realm seas, right?

He must not be allowed to transform. The Dark Demon Dragon and others had cold eyes and took action mercilessly.

Xu Yu's transformation process was interrupted. He had no anger and calmly fought against the six kings.

Of course, it is almost impossible to fight head-on. Only wandering combat can allow him to persist for a longer period of time.


A loud noise came, and Shenyu, the missing immortal king, came to an end under the siege of many fallen immortal kings.

"Fellow Taoist, if there is an afterlife, I hope that fellow Taoist can welcome me!"

After lamenting to Xu Yu, Shen Yu tore apart the space and left the battlefield wrapped in his own body.

No one would think that he still had a chance to survive, not to mention his extremely broken immortal body and incomplete soul.

The dark matter entangled in his body alone would not be able to keep him alive.

But his sacrifice was worth it. When he left, he not only took away the two fallen immortal kings who besieged him. He even blew himself up and took away the quasi-immortal king masters near him.

But even so, it still couldn't change the situation of the battle. After the fall of Shenyu, Yunlan's battle became extremely thrilling. She was besieged by several defective fallen immortal kings and a large group of quasi-immortal kings.


Yun Lan's eyebrows were pierced by a sword energy, and her soul was almost destroyed. At the critical moment, she used the chaos-fighting technique to transform into a sword embryo and flew out.


Her body was instantly beaten to dust by the violent force, not even a drop of blood or a single cell was left.

Her soul was escaping in the void, but the power kept coming, causing her soul to be continuously damaged and became extremely weak, and was about to be shattered.


Xu Yu roared angrily, and his whole body erupted with ten thousand feet of immortal light. He broke through the obstruction of the six kings and rushed to Yun Lan's side.


He went berserk, and with one palm he suppressed several quasi-kings who were chasing after him, and protected Yun Lan's soul in his hands.

"When you are about to die, do you still care about others?" The cold voice of the Fallen Immortal King sounded behind him.


Six terrifying powers struck, and Xu Yu was knocked away in an instant. Even though he had an immortal body cultivated by the Immortal Sutra, he could not withstand this kind of power. Although he was not broken, he was seriously injured.

"I'm going to die! You...have to...protect...yourself!"

Yun Lan's weak Yuan Shen said to Xu Yu with difficulty, and two tears flashed across her dim eyes.

Although this is an outcome that has been anticipated for a long time, how can we bear it when the separation of life and death actually comes?

Yun Lan's soul quickly dimmed, disintegrated, and then turned into a ball of fairy fire.

The fairy fire was composed of countless runes, carrying her Tao, and contained her soul light.

If there is reincarnation in the future, then this fairy fire will be the opportunity for her to awaken, and the soul light will allow her to obtain the Tao Fruit of the previous life.


Xu Yu roared, mad with grief, his eyes were red, he carefully hid Yun Lan's Tao Fire, turned around and killed the Dark Immortal King, and the Dark Army.

He no longer had any scruples. With one palm press, countless dark armies were wiped out. Even true immortals could not survive. They were nothing under his palm.

"Block him!"

The fallen immortal kings were roaring. The supreme and true immortals in the dark army were all precious seeds. If Xu Yu was allowed to be slaughtered like this, they would be extremely distressed.


This battle has reached a fever pitch, with Xu Yu fighting against six fallen kings. While fighting, he was still trying to break through, hoping to reach the realm of the Immortal King Giant.

Naturally, those fallen kings could not give him this opportunity, so they fought together and fought from the Taichu Ancient Mine to the Jieyin Ancient Palace, and from the Jieyin Ancient Palace to the Boundary Sea.

This fight was just a microcosm of the great war at the end of the era. Although it was so unusual, it still seemed less important than the other battlefields.

On the border of Sanqianzhou, more than thirty kings of the dark camp fought against several immortal kings from Jiutian. On the border of Dachitian, Wu Ending and Six Paths of Reincarnation fought against many giants from foreign lands and several immortal kings led by them.

The two of them were constantly hurt by the wheel battle. The battle between the giants was so terrifying that ordinary fairy kings had little room to intervene.

One after another, the Nine Heavenly Immortal King-level combat power fell. Dugu Jian died in the ancient mine of Taichu, and the Nine-leaf Sword Grass was surrounded and killed by four immortal kings.

In the wilderness, the Thunder Emperor fought to attract the fallen immortal king in the ancient palace. He dragged away the two of them, but he himself also fell because of it, and even his armor was eroded by darkness.

After the horned ants killed a fallen fairy king, they were severely wounded by immortal kings such as An Lan and Yu Tuo.

Although he escaped in the end, everyone knew that he would definitely die.

The Immortal King of Qiankun fights against the Red King. Obviously, he cannot be the opponent of this immortal king whose reputation has been passed down for a long time.

In the end, he was suppressed into the Red King's furnace and became another victim of the Red King's evil reputation.

Immortal King Yu Yu blew himself up and died, taking away the two fallen Immortal Kings. At the same time, a ball of immortal fire falling from his body broke through the obstruction of the dark side and disappeared into the nine heavens and ten earths.

Soon, the Nine Heavens Immortal King-level combat powers such as Immortal Monk King, World No. 2, Immortal Gold Taoist, and Divine Stone all fell one after another, or lost their ability to fight and fled.

But before they exit, most of them will choose to take away one or two opponents. Some are immortal kings from foreign lands, but most of them are fallen fairy kings in the darkness.

The Immortal Kings of Jiutian are deliberately dragging the Fallen Immortal King to die. This is their choice.

This choice was made because if the Fallen Immortal King and Jieyin Ancient Palace did not disappear, the Immortal Realm would probably not send troops to reinforce it.

The kings of the fairyland are afraid of this dark substance. They don't want to be contaminated. This kind of thing scares them.

Therefore, as long as the Fallen Immortal King is still in Jiutian, they will not appear. They will only appear after the dark power recedes.

Therefore, the Immortal Kings of Jiutian have no choice but to create an environment that allows the Immortal Domain to send troops.

They are not afraid of their own death, but if they still cannot save the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths after they die, then their death will probably be in vain.

So they want to clear out the dark power and let the Immortal Realm send troops to rescue this world.


On the border of Dachitian, an extremely terrible war broke out. The so-called wheel war agreement lost its effectiveness, and a melee finally broke out.

The Immortal King of the Six Paths of Reincarnation fell, and soon after, the Immortal King of the Endless also fell. The two bodies were wrapped in the ancient battle flag of the Immortal and returned to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

But they did not fall in vain. Several immortal kings from foreign lands died in battle. What was even more shocking was that the supreme master, Demon King Pu, was also killed.

This battle ended with the complete defeat of Jiutian's side, and with the dying counterattack of the Jiutian Immortal Kings, the dark army that invaded Jiutian was basically eliminated.

In the Immortal Realm, the eternal hometown of immortals, a tense atmosphere pervades.

There are many immortal kings confronting each other, and they are divided into two factions with different opinions. One faction hopes to send troops to support Jiutian immediately.

The other faction refused and demanded that they wait until all the dark forces of Jiutian have receded before sending out troops.

In this tense atmosphere, the two parties faced off for a long time, and the entire fairyland almost split apart.

Until the end, a giant with enough weight stepped forward to mediate and made the decision to support Jiutian.

At this time, the Jiutian side was completely defeated, and almost all the masters were killed or injured!


The Immortal Gate opened, and the endless Immortal Realm army rushed in, led by five Immortal Kings, who immediately met the foreign army.

Immediately afterwards, the Xitian Gate of the Immortal Realm opened, and a dozen Immortal Kings walked out and directly attacked the foreign realm, forcing the Immortal King of the foreign realm to return to defense.

This war gradually came to an end, and the high-level combat power of the Jiutian side was completely wiped out after the battle.

However, the dark power in the Taichu ancient mine did not emerge in the end. The ancient palace, the six fallen immortal kings, and the endless army of darkness all disappeared.

In the end, a catastrophe did not happen. The black blood in the sky faded away. The Taichu ancient mine was buried by people, and the deepest things were almost no longer visible.

No one knows what happened here in the end. They only know that all the guardians died here, and the weirdness did not happen in the end.

After the troops were dispatched to the Immortal Realm, some incidents also broke out in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. For example, Kunpeng was ambushed, and Ao Sheng's confidante killed Luo Mo, the immortal king of the foreign land, but he was also almost dead.

Several Immortal King-level figures in the Immortal Realm were eventually contaminated with dark matter and fell into darkness. They were suppressed by the supreme figure in the Immortal Realm and sealed in a cage.

The souls of the No. 2 Taoist in the World and Xianjin Taoist became the guardians of this cage. After a long time, they were called Lord Bird and Uncle Jingbi.

There were also one or two Immortal King-level figures in the Immortal Realm who were contaminated with dark matter. Although they were not completely corrupted, they were no longer allowed to return to the Immortal Realm, so they established their own restricted area above the Nine Heavens.

All this is what happened later, the Immortal Ancient Era ended, and then the world ushered in the most terrifying era. (End of chapter)

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