With the death of the main figures in the primitive ancient world, the balance of victory began to tilt towards the foreign lands.

However, the war is still not over, although the main figures in the primitive ancient world have fallen, and even seven out of ten of the territory has fallen under the iron cavalry of the foreign land.

The remaining outstanding figures in the primitive ancient world were naturally unwilling to do anything, and their hometown was hit by the dirt roads of a foreign land.

So, under the leadership of some remaining true immortals and supreme beings, countless modifications in the human realm rushed towards the foreign army with the determination to die.

Even so, the battle was still extremely brutal. Blood gathered into rivers, corpses piled up into hills, and the ground was covered with broken soldiers and broken blades.

However, the war is still going on, and the last fighting force of the primitive ancient world is fighting against the foreign army in the nine heavens.

After all, during the war, Foreign Land also suffered heavy losses.

As the territory involved in the war became wider and wider, some masters from the primitive ancient world who had been silent for countless epochs appeared to rival the heroes from foreign lands.

The creatures in the forbidden area were born, joined the camp of the primitive ancient world, and participated in the battle with everyone in the primitive ancient world.

The addition of the creatures from the restricted area made up for the lack of immortal figures in the original ancient world and stabilized the situation for a time.

Originally, the creatures in the restricted areas were unwilling to participate in the war between the primitive ancient world and the foreign lands. However, with the advancement of the foreign army, some restricted areas of life were also affected and had to fight.

After all, no matter how you say it, they are not on the same road as the foreign land.

There are also some owners of restricted areas, because they are friends with several big figures in the primitive ancient world, and they have compassion for the primitive ancient world, and they do not want to see the primitive ancient world being massacred.

Moreover, among the owners of the restricted area, the weakest one is the Immortal King Youque, who has extraordinary combat power. Otherwise, why would the restricted area be opened in the primitive ancient world.

There are even some masters of restricted areas who are real Immortal Kings. Their strength is extraordinary and they can challenge the Immortal King head-on.

For example, Dao Yin, the owner of the Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone, is a giant Immortal King with astonishing combat power.

However, not all restricted areas are helping the primitive ancient world, and some restricted areas have enmity with some big figures in the primitive ancient world.

At this time, the great figures in the primitive ancient world had all fallen and been seriously injured due to the war, although it became the best time for them to settle their accounts.

The only consolation is that there are only a handful of such restricted areas.

In addition, the Immortal Realm also sent troops, but there were only a few Immortal Kings in the Immortal Realm who actually took action.

In the final analysis, most of the Immortal Kings who were willing to support the original ancient world in the Immortal Realm went to attack the foreign lands, hoping to let the foreign lands reclaim their homeland.

And several of the Immortal Kings sent to the primitive ancient world also took action.

Ao Sheng's best friend, a Tianfeng King who was inclined to the primitive ancient world, and the foreign immortal king Luomo started an earth-shattering showdown in Dachitian.

However, with the addition of many lords of restricted areas and kings of fairy realms, the main battlefield between the original ancient world and foreign lands has shifted to the greater world.

The fluctuations in the battle between Immortal King-level battles shocked the nine heavens and ten places. Even though the original ancient world is still a complete world, it began to collapse under the violent collision of the Immortal King.

Especially near the World Tree, it has become an important battlefield where immortal masters fight with all their might.

The importance of the World Tree is of unparalleled importance to any large world.

The kings of the foreign land want to completely destroy the primitive ancient world, and the World Tree standing in the center of the world has become their main target.

The importance of the original ancient world also knows the importance of the world tree. As long as the world tree still grows in this world, even if the original ancient world fails in this war, it can continue to repair the laws of the world with the help of the world tree.

In this case, there is still hope for the rise of the primitive ancient world in the future.

If the World Tree is destroyed, then the primitive ancient world will only sink in the future, and there will no longer be immortal figures.

Another world tree helps the primitive ancient world repair the incomplete laws between heaven and earth, making the world fuller.

However, it is really difficult for a strange thing like the World Tree to appear...

The great monks were fighting one after another in the sky. There were at least great monks who had escaped to the first realm and above. Among them, there were many supreme figures fighting against each other. With a casual blow, the whole world was shaking!

The fight between the immortal figures seems to be in another sky. After all, this is not a confrontation stage, but a period of all-out war. There is no one to protect the immortals, and even the energy fluctuations are not something ordinary monks can deal with.

The realm of humanity has always been the realm of humanity. Although there have been legends of extraordinary geniuses fighting against immortality in the realm of humanity throughout the ages, they only exist in legends.

Arrow feathers pierced the sky with the power of distorting space. Screams and sneers resounded on the battlefield. The blood rain never stopped in the sky. The world and the earth continued to mourn because of the death of some great monks. It was heartbreaking to hear it. It’s frustrating!

First, the real dragon fell, and then the highest figures in the Nine-Leaf Immortal Way, such as Nine-Leaf Sword Grass and Thunder Emperor, were besieged and killed. In this crisis, when Jiutian had not yet responded, the dark invasion was even more difficult to resist. Many immortal kings and true Xian was stabbed in the back, which caught Jiutian off guard.

Jiutian, who originally thought that he would be able to fight with the dispatch of troops from the Immortal Realm, was now even worse with the disappearance of the Immortal King Wu Ending and the fall of the Immortal King Samsara.

Although the war has not yet subsided, Jiutian's defeat seems to be doomed!

well……! The general trend is not there, the yellow sand is stained with blood, and the flames of war are always burning towards Jiutian! Life is ruined, inheritance is cut off, no matter what, no matter what! In the end, it all turned into a long sigh!

At this time, the monks on the Jiutian side of the field were almost facing twice as many enemies. After all, the foreign realm was a big realm that could compete with the fairy realm. There were no fewer than twenty or thirty immortal kings who could just be named.

Although the opponent is not fully mobilized this time, they still have a large number of troops. If there is no restricted area, I am afraid that there will not be double the number of enemies. They may have to face five or even six opponents. It is a disaster for the Nine Heavens of the practice!

It's really frustrating to be surrounded by people in a battle between monks. It's impossible to win if two people of equal strength are to fight, and now they can't even run away!

As a result, the number of people practicing in the primitive ancient world in the field is constantly decreasing. Although many people have died on the foreign side, it is nothing compared to the Jiutian side!

Now the rules of heaven and earth in the Nine Heavens are still relatively complete. Even if the opponent has learned many methods, he will not be unable to fight back! But after all, it is still difficult for two fists to defeat four hands!

On the other side, Xu Yu carried several fallen immortal kings and killed them into the boundary sea.

In this battle, Xu Yu used many tricks, and many taboo secret techniques in the world of Zhe Tian continued to emerge, fighting for several fallen immortal kings.


In the boundary sea, as a few people fought fiercely, the fragments of the originally broken world continued to collapse like the tides in the sea.

One after another, the rings of time hang on the bodies of several people.

At this moment, Xu Yu finally went upstream, broke through the shackles on his body, and entered the realm of giants.


His current situation is becoming more and more dangerous. Although he has become a giant among the Immortal Kings, his combat power has been greatly improved.

But there are also many terrible wounds left in his king's body. If they cannot be resolved, even if this battle is won, the only option waiting for him in the end is to conquer the world with troops.

Especially on his chest, there was a bloody wound. Even the former king's methods could not dispel the law that was constantly eroding his body.

That was a terrifying blow from the Dark True Dragon, which dealt full damage. If an ordinary Immortal King was attacked like this, his body would probably be torn to pieces immediately.

However, Xu Yu once systematically practiced the body-refining method, and his physical body was already close to the giants, and he could ignore the attacks from some immortal kings. However, the attack of the Dark True Dragon is not included in this list. It can only be said that it is worthy of being the true dragon magic among the ten evils. It is indeed extremely powerful. When Xu Yu was restrained by the other two fallen immortal kings just now, the Dark True Dragon found it. Taking the opportunity, he launched a terrifying one-shot kill.

"Just you? You want to kill me too!"

"If I hadn't been so eager to break through the realm of giants just now, how could I have been successfully attacked by you and others?"

Xu Yu, who has become a giant of the Immortal King, has greatly improved his combat power. In the following battle, he was no longer as strenuous as before, and gradually suppressed several fallen Immortal Kings.


A brilliant ball of divine fire appeared from Xu Yu's body, burning the body of the Immortal King. At the same time, the shadow of a phoenix slowly rose behind him, recovering from his injuries.

"True Phoenix Treasure Technique!"

"How brave!"

Seeing Xu Yu openly recovering from his injuries in front of them, several fallen immortal kings became furious and immediately launched a fierce attack on Xu Yu.

But Xu Yu no longer wants to tangle with them. Now he has an absolute advantage, and his combat power has soared with the use of the Secret and Forbidden Secret Techniques.

It would be better to cut off one of his fingers than to hurt ten of them!

Xu Yu did not attack the Dark True Dragon and another ancient beast, but instead killed two other ordinary fallen immortal kings.

In just one meeting, they defeated two ordinary fallen immortal kings.

Of course, it is difficult to kill enemies who reach the realm of the Immortal King. Xu Yu had no choice but to suppress the two broken souls in his Immortal Golden Cauldron and wait for them to be destroyed after the war.


Seeing Xu Yu killing two fallen immortal kings in front of them, the Dark True Dragon was furious and immediately joined forces with other fallen immortal kings to continue attacking Xu Yu.

They are all proud of being the Immortal King. Even if they have fallen into darkness, he will not allow Xu Yu to provoke them like this.

And in their eyes, even if Xu Yu has reached the realm of giants, he is still at the end of his strength. As long as they persist for a period of time, Xu Yu will definitely be defeated in the end.

Compared to them, Xu Yu knew her physical condition better.

Although he has been successfully promoted to the Immortal King Giant and his combat power has been greatly improved, he also knows that it is because he was forced to break through the level under the pressure of the war.

If the realm cannot be stabilized in time, the Tao injuries in his body will burst out immediately.

That's why he took advantage of this moment to use your own supreme combat power to kill several fallen immortal kings.

"It's now!"

Suddenly Xu Yu roared and extracted the original god of a fallen Prime Minister who had just been suppressed in the Immortal Golden Cauldron.

With supreme power, he ignited the spirit of the fallen immortal king and blasted it towards the dark dragon.


An explosion resounded throughout the boundary sea, causing the remaining worlds in the boundary sea to continue to be annihilated.

At the same time, the Immortal Golden Cauldron suspended above Xu Yu's head flew out fiercely and crashed into the Dark True Dragon.

In addition, Xu Yu also held the Fallen Immortal Seal in his hand to kill him, and the Immortal Platform also erupted with unscrupulous light. His soul turned into a pitch-black Dao sword and slashed towards the dark dragon.

The Dark True Dragon is the most powerful person among the fallen immortal kings. If he wants to completely change the situation of the war, the only way is to defeat the Dark True Dragon.

"Do not……"

Under Xu Yu's all-out attack, the unwilling voice of the Dark True Dragon also came from the depths of the explosion.

Regarding the ending of the Dark True Dragon, Xu Yu showed a happy smile on her face.

The Immortal King's Yuanshen self-destructed, which was equivalent to a full blow from the Immortal King, not to mention that Xu Yu's combat power at this moment was far higher than that of the Dark True Dragon.

Under his control, what was originally an ordinary Immortal King's attack was sublimated in the explosion, and exploded into an attack equivalent to that of the Immortal King's giant.

Not to mention the finishing blow of Immortal Golden Cauldron and the ultimate kill of Chaos Jue.

After the Dark True Dragon was eliminated, the remaining fallen immortal kings were all suppressed in the Immortal Golden Cauldron under Xu Yu's constant attacks.

Later, Xu Yu used the Immortal Golden Cauldron to collect the remains of several fallen immortal kings and refined them with the Immortal Golden Cauldron.

Now, he urgently needs to replenish his vitality, and the elixir refined by the Immortal King Dao Body is the best choice.

At the same time, Xu Yu is also absorbing the remaining spiritual energy in the world sea to replenish himself.

After a full day, Xu Yu refined the remains of several fallen immortal kings into elixirs and drank them.

Although this move may be tainted with the dark atmosphere, Xu Yu can no longer care about that much.

Moreover, these dark auras can still be removed in the future.

"I wonder what the war situation is like now in Jiutian?"

After regaining his strength, Xu Yu looked at the sky and could clearly see that the entire ancient world was in a state of turmoil.

"It seems that the war has reached its most tragic moment!"

The primitive ancient world is crumbling under the constant attacks of many Immortal King-level masters, and is about to disintegrate and become the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in later generations.

“This is also a rare opportunity!”

For Xu Yu, the outcome of the primitive ancient world has long been doomed. Even if he now becomes a giant of the Immortal King, he may not be able to change the ending of the primitive ancient world's defeat.

But this is a great opportunity for him to hone himself. You must know that in the time and space he lives in, the Supreme is already a strong man standing at the top of the universe.

As for the immortal figures, only a handful of them became immortals after entering the immortal realm, let alone the immortal king.

At this moment, competing with the kings of foreign lands will be a great opportunity to prove that he has no way of God.

(End of this chapter)

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